Victoria Gallagher – Attract Love and Relationships with bonuses

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Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $13.00.


Victoria Gallagher – Attract Love and Relationships with bonuses
Victoria Gallagher – Attract Love and Relationships with bonuses

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $13.00.


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Victoria Gallagher – Attract Love and Relationships with bonuses

Victoria Gallagher - Attract Love and Relationships with bonuses



“I Attract to My Life Whatever I Give My Attention, Energy, or Focus to.”


“The Bypassing of the Critical Factor thereby Increasing Suggestibility within the Subconscious Mind”

What do you get when you combine the forces of Hypnosis AND The Law of Attraction?

A most powerful and revolutionary Visualization Tool for Law of Attraction!

Introducing the new “Hypno-Audio-Visual” Law of Attraction Downloadable MP4 Series – on Attracting Love and Relationships.

~A 23-minute Powerful Hypnosis Session lead by Victoria Gallagher
~Over 100 Whispered Hypnotic Affirmations
~Over 100 Moving Pictures and Videos
~Over 100 On Screen Hypnotic Affirmations

This MP4 is so inspiring! You’ll want to watch it twice a day for the next 90-days. Watch what you can create in your life by watching this short MP4 each day.

What do you already know about the Law of Attraction? What makes it work? It’s Positive Feelings.

Whatever you are feeling, THAT is the quality of what you are attracting into your life right now! How are you feeling right now? Would you like to feel better? Have BETTER RELATIONSHIP? Have MORE LOVE?

This Law of Attraction Hypnosis Downloadable MP4 on Attracting Love and Relationships helps you to get into a very powerful attracting state every day, by showing you visual images of loving relationships that are designed to make you feel good quadrupled with: Powerful Onscreen Affirmations, Underlying Hypnosis Audio, and Whispered Background Affirmations.

Did you know that Images are the fastest way to speak to your subconscious mind?

Images evoke Positive Feelings and FEELINGS are the fuel the makes the Law of Attraction work.

In this Hypnosis Video, you get not only the images, but affirmations that flash on screen, as well as spoken affirmations, and a guided hypnosis session which is going to Multiply the Effectiveness of each of these powerful tools.

Can you Speed up the Process of the Law of Attraction working in your life by watching this movie and letting it help you to create Positive Feelings toward Love and Relationships every day? Spend 23 minutes a day and find out. You don’t have to know how it works or understand it even to allow the powerful effects take place. Just feel good.  That is what the DVD does is simply help you feel good about Attracting Love and Relationships!

Get Victoria Gallagher – Attract Love and Relationships with bonuses download

Would You like to Improve the Relationship you’re already in?
How Would You like to Meet your Soulmate?
Would you like to finally get Married?
Would You like to find Someone who truly knows You’re The One?
Are you looking for The Relationship of a Lifetime?

I am so excited about this new program!

Here’s My True Love Story:

I have been in a relationship for the past 10 years now. It wasn’t always an easy relationship for me. (Get your tissue box handy)
We started dating, where we met in Las Vegas, in November 2004
We moved to the East Coast together; Virginia, in July 2005
We got engaged, while still living in Virginia, in April 2006
Here’s when things started to take a DOWNTURN
We got Unengaged while making our plans to move to Florida, in July 2006
We moved to Florida TO SEPARATE APARTMENTS in September 2006
We continued dating through March 2007 and then we BROKE UP!

Before the breakup, beginning in January 2007, having been on this relationship rollercoaster long enough, I began applying The Law of Attraction to get engaged again and finally married. My goal was to get engaged by the End of May 2007. I NEVER SHARED ANY OF THIS WITH HIM. Of course, he did know that I would like to be engaged again and eventually married. But, I did not talk about my deadline or mention anything to him about wanting to be engaged again.

Every day, I allowed myself about 10 – 20 minutes to get into a good vibration and present images to myself in my mind.

Well, as it turned out, March 5th, 2007, seemingly out of the blue, he shared with me that he did NOT think our relationship would ever lead to a second engagement, nor marriage and so we actually BROKE UP!

Although it crushed me, I still had NO doubt that the Law of Attraction WAS working in my life. I took this dramatic event to mean that maybe he was in the way of my goal of my ever getting married and perhaps my timeline would take a little longer but I had to get the road blocks out of my way.
I accepted what was happening and I trusted that the powers were working in my life.

I continued visualizing and feeling every day, but I took him out of the mental picture and just continued to believe that my soulmate would find me. I steered completely clear of any communication with my ex, and focused 100% on my own personal growth.

Here’s when things finally started to take a turn for the better!

May 19th, we accidently ran into each other and spoke for the first time since the breakup on March 5th. He asked if he could call me sometime.
May 20th, we ran into each other again, in the morning and AGAIN later that afternoon.
May 21st, he called me and asked if we could get together and talk. We got together that evening and he told me what a big mistake he made and that he knew I was the one and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.
May 24th, 2007, he proposed to me.
Sept 1, 2007, we moved back in together
May 24th, 2008, we got married.

Do you Remember what my original timeline was? Go back and read it again if you don’t remember.

This is only one of my many manifesting stories.

I love to manifest things … money, love, running a marathon, making my cat well, etc.

There were some key lessons in this story that I hope you picked up on:

I stayed committed to my goal, even when it looked like everything was turning out exactly the OPPOSITE of what I was hoping for, even two months into my process, it LOOKED like I was failing!

I kept the faith that my desires ARE manifesting and the HOW may not always look the same as you think it should.

Sometimes things HAVE TO GET WORSE before they can get BETTER.

I let go of the outcome being the way I wanted it. And trust me, that was so hard for me. Down deep inside, I FELT he would come back, but I had to keep letting go of that “fairytale.”

I accepted the moment. I made myself put a positive light on it. “Something even better is going to happen.

And something even better DID happen.

My relationship with my now husband would have never come to this point if I wasn’t absolutely clear in my mind that I wanted someone who valued me enough to marry me at this point in our relationship. Once I was TESTED and I TRULY saw the value in marrying me, so did he. He came back to me caningly, he is more committed to our relationship now than he ever was in the past, and he is the best husband I could ever ask for.

I see so many people settling for:
~Not having a good relationship
~Staying single
~Not going for the type of relationship you really want
~Settling for abusive relationships
~Settling for sex, when love is what you really want
~Settling for men and women who wont commit
~Staying in the dating rat race

You don’t have to. Listen! I was there. Even before this relationship, my relationships SUCKED. I was in a lifeless passionless relationship for 8 years. Then I was in a relationship for another 4 years with someone who only gave me breadcrumbs and wouldn’t commit. Then I was single for another 4 years.
I used one of my own hypnosis CDs to attract the relationship into my life that I have now. But, then I went through this rollercoaster I just shared with you. And that lead me to the relationship that this story is about. It wasn’t until I got very clear about what I REALLY wanted with this relationship and started applying the Law of Attraction and as you can see, it REALLY DOES WORK!

Now, it’s your turn to get out of your dead end, passionless relationship or single life, or the dating cycle you’ve been on and find the love of your life, just like I did.

Bonus #1 – Advanced Attraction
Utilizing the Laws of Attraction

Inside this inspirational e-book you’ll find incredible wisdom distilled from numerous people who understand the principles of inside-out creation metaphysical authors, life coaches and spiritual mentors who have a thing or two to share about tapping into the greater (unseen and, sometimes, undiscovered) Laws of the Universe.

This book can show you how the world’s wealthy people have gained their wealth by using the Law of Attraction (whether knowing or unknowingly) or indeed how the world s most unsuccessful people have blighted their success by utilizing the Law Of Attraction.
You see just knowing about the existence of the Law of Attraction is not your ticket to everything in life you can ever imagine, however understanding, allowing and using it is.

Understanding, Allowing and Using The Law of Attraction is your ticket to everything in life you can ever imagine
What can you discover about The Law of Attraction? You can discover…….
The principles that define the Law.
The tools to use the Law.
And the understanding to make Attraction work for you.
You can literally manifest anything you can imagine into your life and indeed, it is your destiny to do so.
It is time to unlock your hidden potential, as never before.
Advanced Attraction is your guide to The Law of Attraction.

Bonus #2 – The Law of Attraction: Getting Everything You Want Out of Life Through the Power of Your Own Mind. And Let Your Thoughts Determine Your Destiny

Imagine for a moment that you have in your possession a source of complete and total power. You alone can command the warmth of the sun, the fall of the rain, the turn of the tides and the direction of the winds. What would you do with this kind of power?
Would you abuse it causing the world to fall into utter chaos? Would you be benevolent and merciful, using your power to help the people of your planet achieve their ultimate potential?

Unfortunately (or fortunately, as the case may be) there is no way for a person to have that much power. Mother Nature controls the planetary systems according to her own rules and her own designs. You can never be able to have utter control over the environment you inhabit.
What if you could, however, have the power to determine the course of your own Life? What if you could accomplish great things and acquire great riches just by using the power of your own mind? What if I told you that this does not have to be a what if? ”
What if I told you that you possess in your psyche the power to chart the course of the rest of your life on whatever path you see fit!

Bonus #3 – THOUGHT VIBRATION – William Walker Atkinson

The Universe is governed by one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from the Ultimate there is but one Law. We are familiar with some of manifestations but are almost totally ignorant of certain others. Still we are learning a little more every day – the veil is being gradually lifted. We have passed through the age of physical force on to the age of intellectual supremacy and are now entering a new and almost unknown field that of psychic power. This book makes plain to you the great underlying principles of this new field of energy which is opening up before us that you may be able to make use of this great power and apply it for legitimate and worthy purposes.

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