The Warrior Heart Practice With HeatherAsh Amara

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The Warrior Heart Practice With HeatherAsh Amara
The Warrior Heart Practice With HeatherAsh Amara

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.


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The Warrior Heart Practice With HeatherAsh AmaraThe Warrior Heart Practice With HeatherAsh Amara

Release limiting beliefs and painful emotions through the 4 chambers of your heart — feeling, story, truth, and intent — to rearrange your ‘personal puzzle’ into soul-aligned wholeness.
Master proven practices to allow the power of your intention to move through you as a trusted guide to authenticity, integrity, and inner peace.

Do you ever sense the life you’re living is a version of a story you’ve been telling yourself for way too long… maybe one of scarcity, self-doubt, and fear?

Perhaps this story is revealed through a self-critical, repetitive inner voice… or an underlying idea that you’re not quite enough… or that your dreams are outrageous and out of reach…

In fact, if you’re like many of us, your stories and your truth may be so tangled up with one another, they’ve become embedded in who you are… or at least, who you think you are.

Yet, if you remain tangled up in this way for too long, you can lose your way — no longer recognizing the ever-present heart wisdom within you that lovingly connects all of who you are.

We’re all amazing, creative, and powerful beings, whose inner vitality could help us solve world problems, bring people together in wondrous ways, and celebrate this rich gift of life…

… instead of being drained by our inner drama and conflict.

The way forward is to untangle your emotions from your stories, and your stories from your truth… and then connect your truth with your intent…

This is how you can put an end to the misery of personal suffering and self-limitation — and start to creatively live your best life.

It’s time to harness the power of your intent — and allow Life to move through you.

Whether you feel slightly dissatisfied or completely lost and confused, there is a light illuminating your way — if you’ll only look for it with new eyes and consciously become a Warrior of the Heart.

The Power of The Warrior Heart Practice
According to bestselling author and spiritual teacher HeatherAsh Amara, a Warrior of the Heart is willing to lean into discomfort and unravel emotions tangled in the stories of her inner dialogue — to tell herself the truth and get back on the path to peace and freedom.

A Warrior of the Heart embraces failures, mistakes, and mishaps as transformative learning experiences.

During this powerful new online training, healer HeatherAsh Amara will introduce you to Toltec wisdom, walking you through each of the four chambers of the warrior heart — feeling, story, truth, and intent.

The 4 Chambers of Your Warrior Heart

The Feeling Chamber. Suffering is created when we get stuck in a repetitive cycle of emotions. Bringing healing to this chamber empowers you to be with your full range of emotions consciously — without judgment or trying to fix or change what you’re experiencing, even if it’s painful or uncomfortable emotions.

The Story Chamber. Uncover powerful information on the noisy layers of your internal dialogue. By following the threads of old storylines — deeper into where hurtful words, hatred, and longing are hiding — you learn to stay curious, witnessing each story as it unfolds from past and present… so it won’t harm your future.

The Truth Chamber. Most people enter the Truth Chamber dragging their story with them like a familiar blanket they can’t let go of. In the Truth Chamber, you explore the difference between ultimate truth and subjective truth — and move toward the simplicity of what’s real in this moment.

The Intent Chamber. Without intent, you’re at the mercy of outside forces. Now that you’re armed with the truth, you can step into the Intent Chamber to get clear about what you really want in every situation you encounter.

Each chamber opens you to questions that can help you access your emotional and mental states, reframe your perceptions, and land more deeply in your truth — to see and experience yourself and your life in an exciting, new, and healing way…

Just like the physical chambers of the heart, no one warrior heart chamber is more important than another. They all work together, and as you work through the chambers, there’s a continual flow that happens in your heart… one you’ll feel within and experience as the powerful shifts that can occur in your outer life.

Throughout this transformative new course with HeatherAsh, you’ll discover how to rekindle the power of deep intimacy within yourself — releasing self-judgment, guilt, and shame, and claiming the path of the aware, transformative Warrior of the Heart.

In this new online training with HeatherAsh, you’ll explore:

  • Elements you’ve always assumed are part of your story — but actually aren’t (you might be surprised!)
  • The 7 new agreements of your Warrior Heart
  • What a “tangled story” really is, and how it’s causing you pain in your emotions, health, and relationships
  • The Feeling Chamber of your heart, where you accept the emotions you’re currently experiencing — without fighting or judging them
  • How you can witness the story YOU are telling yourself in your heart’s Story Chamber
  • The Truth Chamber, where you’ll thoughtfully and objectively evaluate the reality of a situation
  • The process of getting to truth — 4 steps to release your story, suffering, and fear
  • How to separate out the feeling from your story — and why this is absolutely critical
  • An awareness practice called stalking yourself — witnessing your thoughts, energy, emotions, and physical body without judgment — to set you up for the week
  • How to move toward what is real in THIS moment
  • How to play and find humor in your story
  • The life-changing principles of Toltec cosmology’s path of personal freedom — and how you can create the inner and outer worlds you desire most…

You’ll learn to use the powerful lens of Toltec wisdom and your emotional body as a starting point…

Toltec means “artist of the spirit,” and the Toltec path is one of personal freedom — the freedom to choose how you want to create your inner and outer world — based on the power of your perceptions and intent.

Accessing this ancient tradition illuminates a clear path to releasing personal suffering and reclaiming your natural state of happiness…

Toltec practices leave you feeling more centered, confident, and grounded — because whatever arises, you’re dedicated to your inner truth, rather than an outdated story of who you are.

You’ll discover that your freedom comes from courageously facing your challenges as opportunities so you can clean out the false beliefs and old, heavy emotions you’ve become tangled in.

Join us and blend ancient Toltec wisdom and your modern sensibilities — as you transform this deep inner work into a wise plan of action for your life.

What You’ll Discover in These 8 Modules
In this 8-part transformational intensive, HeatherAsh will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to access Toltec wisdom and practices to clear false beliefs, release old stories, and realign with your true purpose.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with HeatherAsh. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to release old stories and realign with your truth.

Module 1: Introduction — Foundations of the Warrior Heart Practice

In this opening session, you’ll discover the foundations of the Warrior Heart Practice — and exactly how you’ll apply it to your daily life, bringing more clarity, creativity, and courage to your messy or challenging situations.

You’ll discover how it takes both the courage of a warrior and the vulnerability of an open heart to step into each of the “rooms” of your heart and witness all of yourself.

You’ll get clear on:

What it truly means to be a warrior of the heart
The power of unconditional (vs. conditional) living and loving
Your map of inner healing — your big soul and your little soul
What a “tangled story” really is, and how it’s causing you pain in your emotions, health, and relationships
The process of getting to truth — 4 steps to release your story, suffering, and fear
An overview of HeatherAsh’s powerful method, “The Four Chambers”
A powerful closing sequence that includes a 10-minute visualization, 10-minute trio sharing circle/writing exercise, 20-minute Q&A, and an optional final share of action steps

Module 2: Discovering the Feeling Chamber

In this session, you’ll enter into the Warrior Heart practice by learning to gently sit with emotional triggers, fears, or pain that arises within you…

As you’ll discover, these reactions are often completely separate from the story you believe is causing the emotion.

In the Feeling Chamber, you learn to be present with discomfort and become curious about what is actually happening in your physical and emotional body rather than just thinking about the upset, trying to repress emotions, or cycling stories endlessly.

In the Feeling Chamber, the goal is not to fix, understand, or explain emotions but to simply be with them consciously.

In this session, you’ll discover:

How to put down the weight of your past to reclaim your present
How to courageously face your emotions — and free up energy and joy
The art of moving beyond repressing, cycling, or exiting your emotions
How to separate out the feeling from your story — and why this is absolutely critical
How to explain YOUR feelings, describe your Feeling Chamber, and what it means to exit your feelings
The power of discussing your relationship with feelings — before and after your Warrior Heart practice
Five healing ways to be with your emotions
A powerful closing visualization to help you embody a feeling

Module 3: Exploring the Story Chamber

In this session, you’ll discover the all-important Story Chamber.

It’s a deep dive into where you got your stories from — and how you can quickly clear out many of your stories by realizing which ones aren’t yours, which stories you are responsible for… and how to clean those stories up.

HeatherAsh will guide you to investigate and explore:

The reasons why everyone tells themselves stories
How your stories become tangled together
How to begin the process of being more honest with yourself about your stories
The details of your stories from key parts of your life: what HeatherAsh calls your domestication, your culture, from the dream that you’re in that may have gotten tangled up
Elements you’ve always assumed are part of your story — but actually aren’t (you might be surprised!)
An awareness practice that HeatherAsh calls stalking yourself — witnessing your thoughts, energy, emotions, and physical body without judgment

Module 4: Unlocking the Truth Chamber

The Story Chamber gave you new information on the multifaceted, noisy layers of your internal dialogue…

In this session, the Truth Chamber will open up space for stillness.

You’ll focus on crossing a threshold between Story and Truth, where you must leave behind being right, being wrong, being understood, or any other desire….

In this session, you’ll explore:

Why, as Heather Ash says, most people enter the Truth Chamber dragging their story with them like a familiar blanket
How to name the truth — and identify how it feels as the truth lands in YOUR body
The real definition of what truth is and how it’s different from story
The difference between ultimate truth and subjective truth
The beauty of the Truth Chamber in all its simplicity — HeatherAsh will share plenty of powerful examples of how it plays out in real life
How to move toward what is real in THIS moment
A powerful practice to sit in stillness to prepare yourself for what’s to come

Module 5: Discovering the Intent Chamber

Your study of the Truth Chamber opened up space for you to step into the Intent Chamber…

In this session, you’ll discover how the Intent Chamber helps you get clear on what you truly want in any given situation.

Your intent is reflected in your focus and commitment — without it, you’re at the mercy of outside forces, even when you’re clear about the truth.

You’ll discover why having clarity about your truth is like patching the holes in your sails after they’ve been torn in the storm of a story; your intent is your steady hand on the ropes, allowing you to catch the wind and consciously navigate where you want to go.

In this session, you’ll discover how to:

Get clear on YOUR inner intent — and exactly how it guides the actions you haven’t taken yet
Link your intent with your desire — and explore what you want to put your energy into
Tap into the larger force of how intent works within the Universe
Meld your personal intent with Universal intent
Go back through ALL the chambers and apply them to your life, now that you’ve studied each one
Engage in a ritual that keeps you connected to the truth and your intent

Module 6: Exploring the Art of Stalking Yourself

In this session, HeatherAsh will walk you through the practice of stalking yourself — and connecting it to the Toltec practice of self-intimacy.

To help you get to know yourself, HeatherAsh will give you a number of tools around how to break habits and patterns in your life in a playful way. She’ll show you how to witness yourself, your feelings, your story, and your reactions so that you can transform them as a warrior rather than being buried by them.

As you first started exploring back in Module Three, stalking is an awareness practice of witnessing your thoughts, energy, emotions, and physical body — without judgment, comparison, repulsion, or fear.

And when you stalk yourself, you cultivate the qualities of a hunter: perseverance, patience, and presence.

HeatherAsh will guide you to:

Discover that, once you set your intent in the Warrior Heart practice, you must stalk how you will bring it into your day
Patiently, actively, and openly watch where you’re able to stay in line with your intent — and where you get knocked out of it
Name where you can hold your intent and where you struggle — so you can creatively support yourself as you take new actions based on your intent
Create solid, small, doable steps for yourself
Build your own moral code — 3 (or more) agreements you commit to following in your own life
Deeply understand the 7 new agreements of your Warrior Heart
Come from a place of love and non-judgment when working with yourself and others

Module 7: Integrating Your New Practice With HeatherAsh’s Senior Students

Sometimes absorbing the perspective of somebody else who’s also working through these practices can help inspire and catalyze change within YOU…

In this pivotal integration, HeatherAsh will feature two of her top students, who’ve been teaching the Warrior Heart practice.

These facilitators will lead you through some powerful questions and experiential exercises to help examine your life and story with fresh eyes.

In this session, you’ll review your story, truth, and intent as you discover:

How to play and find humor in your story
Ways to creatively bring more intent to your story
Whether you’re still quietly wishing someone in your life would change — and how you can let go of this limiting belief
A more empowering and healing way to look at your story
How your choice of intent affects your perception of your story
How the tone of your emotional body feels when you step back into your Feeling Chamber
Powerful practices to illuminate your journey — including Integrating the Chambers and a Journaling Freewrite exercise

Sarina Harz, LMSW, is a Professor of Social Work in Fort Worth, Texas. She has spent the last decade serving clients with chronic medical conditions, facilitating trauma-informed care, and assisting her people in getting free in their lives. Sarina works as a therapist and is currently studying wilderness behavioral health modalities with the Rites of Passage Council so she can facilitate therapy in the wilderness. Sarina, who’s been studying with HeatherAsh Amara for the last five years, is a Warrior Heart Facilitator and a member of the Warrior Goddess Leadership Team.

Mary Nicosia is an acupuncturist and energetic coach in Austin, Texas. She earned a Bachelor of Social Work in 2004, then spent the next five years as a case manager and supervisor of volunteers at the Court Appointed Special Advocates in Austin. Mary completed a Masters Program at AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, receiving her Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Degree in 2013. Following her years as a social worker and during her studies in Oriental Medicine, Mary began to deepen her studies into spirituality after reading the book The Four Agreements. Mary founded The Toltec Center of Creative Intent with HeatherAsh Amara in 2009, becoming a student of the Mysteries and an apprentice to HeatherAsh. Mary has gone on to incorporate Tarot and Astrology into her Toltec training, and into understanding the human nervous and energy systems through energetic coaching sessions and natal chart readings. She is passionate about helping others become free.

Module 8: Discovering the 3 Attentions

In this final session, HeatherAsh will share why, going forward, you must stalk yourself continuously — to ensure you’re using your full potential to connect with the world around you..

She’ll also walk you through the power of the Three Attentions as a framework for relating to your stories throughout your life.

As you’ll discover, the first attention is where you create your reality — your foundational perception of the world.

The second attention is when you start to capture your own energy and find yourself saying, “I want to see the world in this way!”

And the third attention is when you’re experiencing life directly.

In this closing module, you’ll explore:

Hidden pitfalls of these 3 Attentions — if not implemented carefully, you can create a lot of harm for yourself and others by “redoing the story”
How to avoid slanting your stories in favor of personal importance or self-effacement (not claiming the attention you deserve)
Why the transformations you’ll experience aren’t all-at-once processes, but instead are spiral, back-and-forth practices, unique to each of us
Why some stories will be easy to dislodge from your psyche simply by bringing your attention to them — while others are, as HeatherAsh puts it, tenacious as a barnacle on a boat
What happens when what HeatherAsh calls your Little Soul feels threatened or afraid, and why it often grips even more tightly to what it knows

The Warrior Heart Practice Bonus Collection

In addition to HeatherAsh’s transformative 8-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Extended Warrior Heart Visualization
Audio Meditation From HeatherAsh Amara

In this unique guided practice, HeatherAsh will walk you, chamber by chamber, through the Warrior Heart process. First, you’ll create your own powerful visualization of each of the four chambers. Then you’ll go through your now personalized inner Warrior Heart space with a specific issue or problem that you’re working with. You can use this visualization over and over again to deepen your relationship with your Warrior courage and your Heart’s compassion as you untangle old stories, release hurtful emotions, and claim your truth and intent.

Being a Warrior of the Heart: Using All Your Challenges to get Free
Video Dialogue With HeatherAsh Amara and Michael Stone

The Toltec shamans of south and central Mexico have profound teachings around what they call “petty tyrants.” This term was coined when the Spanish invaded Mexico; at that time a petty tyrant was someone who had life or death power over you. Today our petty tyrants are the people who severely trigger or challenge us. Learn how as a warrior of the heart you can use the petty tyrants in your life as your best guides to inner freedom and happiness.

In this session, youi’ll:

Cultivate your warrior patience and power
Open your heart in difficult situations
Keep your energetic field clear and bright

Warrior Heart Practice
Ebook Excerpt by HeatherAsh Amara

As a very special bonus, HeatherAsh is pleased to share two chapters of her newest book, The Warrior Heart Practice. The Warrior Heart Practice is a revolutionary system based on the four-chambered structure of the human heart. Walking through each of the four chambers ― Feeling, Story, Truth, and Intent ― readers learn to take stock of their current emotional and mental state, and reframe their situation in a new healing light.

Be Brave: Owning Your Warrior Goddess Fire
4-Part Video Series From HeatherAsh Amara

In this 4-part video series with HeatherAsh, you’ll learn how to free yourself from negativity and self-sabotage, claim your voice and power through self-awareness, and stop comparing yourself to others. You’ll deepen your relationship with what you want — and have the courage to go for it!

Be inspired to celebrate your freedom! With this illuminating series, you’ll:

Learn how to free yourself from negativity and self-sabotage
Discover 3 simple ways to trust yourself again
Understand the 4 strategies that keep you stuck
Know how to recognize what is healthy and unhealthy in a relationship
Claim your voice and power through self-awareness
Stop comparing yourself to others and embrace all of you

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Eight 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With HeatherAsh Amara

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from bestselling author and spiritual teacher HeatherAsh Amara — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover the specific skills you’ll need to release limiting and painful beliefs by working through the four chambers of your heart.

Eight PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Warrior Heart Practice Bonus Collection

Extended Warrior Heart Visualization
Audio Meditation From HeatherAsh Amara
Being a Warrior of the Heart: Using All Your Challenges to get Free
Video Dialogue With HeatherAsh Amara and Michael Stone
Warrior Heart Practice
Ebook Excerpt by HeatherAsh Amara
Be Brave: Owning Your Warrior Goddess Fire
4-Part Video Series From HeatherAsh Amara

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the The Warrior Heart Practice Virtual Training
If you’re serious about uncovering wisdom to release old stories and realign with your truth, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

About HeatherAsh Amara

A leader in mindfulness and empowerment, HeatherAsh Amara is the author of the bestselling book Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be… The Seven Secrets to Happy and Healthy Relationships with don Miguel Ruiz… and the newly released The Warrior Heart Practice: A Simple Process to Transform Confusion into Clarity and Pain into Peace.

The heart of HeatherAsh’s teachings stems from her long Toltec apprenticeship and teaching partnership with don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and her teaching partnership with the Ruiz family.

In 2001, after studying under Ruiz, HeatherAsh founded Toci — The Toltec Center of Creative Intent, a non-denominational religious organization based on the wisdom of the Toltec and The Four Agreements.

Over the past 30 years, she’s taught workshops and apprenticeships and trained teachers. She now travels the world working with people to integrate the wisdom of the ancients into their modern lives.

Since the publication of Warrior Goddess Training in September 2014, sales of this series have exceeded 100,000 copies and the books have been translated into 15 languages.

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