StoryTelling Golden Keys – Michael Breen

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Original price was: $247.00.Current price is: $35.00.


StoryTelling Golden Keys – Michael Breen Download. Because I am about to show you a fool proof way to plan and think through your stories and deliver stori…

StoryTelling Golden Keys – Michael Breen
StoryTelling Golden Keys – Michael Breen

Original price was: $247.00.Current price is: $35.00.


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NLP Master Trainer Perfects The Story Telling Formula!

Proven to create spellbinding stories for meetings, trainings, change work and everyday conversations.

You will know exactly how to mesmerize your audience by…

  • Planning and selecting The Right Story for your specific situation and your specific audience.
  • Structuring your stories so that you can communicate your message with Maximum Impact!
  • And delivering your stories using Michael Breen’s easy to implement Personal Framework.
No Other Story Telling Course Is As Simple… Or As Effective!

From the desk of Tom O’Connor, NLP Times

The secret to masterful story telling is not in the words.

It’s not in the stories…

It’s not even in the content of the stories!

The ability to tell a story that will mesmerize your listener…

Have them following your every word (with their mouths wide open) is found in something very different…

Something I have never seen taught in any other storytelling course or book. 

And, while it may seem obvious, I can guarantee you that no one is teaching this.


It is only by knowing and understanding this ‘secret hidden in plain sight’ that you will become the type of person that can read a phone book…and still have a crowd cheering you on!

Empty your mind of everything you have learnt about story telling…

Because I am about to show you a fool proof way to plan and think through your stories and deliver stories on the spur of the moment. 

Stories that will hold your audience’s attention and deliver your message in an interesting, fun and impactful manner!

Discover The Most Simple, Elegant Storytelling Tool Ever Devised

A while back I attended a seminar run by Michael Breen. I was there to film the live 2 day event for NLP Times.

However, what I heard changed the way I think about storytelling forever.

It was so sophisticated…

That I cancelled all my plans and spent my weekend writing this letter to tell you all about it!

This training was unique in every way! 

First of all, Michael spends the whole first day working on you!

Not in a NLP therapy type of way.

He spent the day making the audience confident story tellers that can command the story telling resources of their unconscious mind at will!

He showed the audience exactly how to remove fear, uncertainty and doubt around their story telling abilities. You will be able to easily and confidently deliver your message and package it in the form of a memorable story!

And it doesn’t require any mind movies or NLP submodality techniques.

(In fact, manipulating a forced state change…and using large exaggerated pictures to make you feel powerful, is exactly the wrong way.)

There is no mind manipulation involved.

And as Michael always does, he simplified the entire process into a very simple 3 step formula – the storytelling triad!

3 steps will guide you on how to think through and plan your stories… AND, that will put you in a peak story telling state.

The exact same state that allows top NLP trainers to keep their audiences attention for 10 days at a time.

A state so powerful you will be able to deliver your message even if you are not ready!

But that’s not all he covered on the weekend…

Revealed: The Two Laws To Becoming Larger Than Life

Michael then went on to reveal the secret to being larger than life when communicating with your audience. 

He summarised this into the two key laws of storytelling. 

Understand this and you are on your well on your way to becoming a more interesting and more excitingstoryteller.

  1. The Law Of Requisite Variety (also known as plus 1)

The law states that the person with the most congruent and powerful state will determine how the rest of the group will respond.

Michael demonstrates and shows you how to do this in great detail including;

  • How to use commitment and energy to suck peoples into your stories!
  • What it really means when Richard Bandler says “you will change or die while I’m trying!” … and how you can apply this level of commitment to your storytelling!

  • How to master the art of charisma and energy management so that you literally create a mini theatre in your body capable of enchanting an audience for hours at a time!
  • The 5% technique to becoming a magnetic communicator (this works in any area of your life).
  • And how to tell a spellbinding story sitting down in a meeting but with the energy of someone entertaining an audience of hundreds.
  1. The Law Of Response Attentiveness

This law is based on the core principal that it doesn’t matter what you say if you don’t have your listener’s attention!

It doesn’t matter if the listener is your spouse, a team meeting or an audience of thousands. 

Michael shows you;

  • Exactly how you can use the art of listening to intensify your audiences state.
  • What you need to do to amplify the response to your stories and create the state changes that you want in your audience – you can even do this while you’re telling the stories!
  • And how you can ensure and confirm that your story has connected with your audience before you move on to the next part of your message.

Together, this ability to manage your own energy and hold (and amplify) your audience’s attention… is what leads to people whispering behind your back â€œI wonder how they do that”!

It will make you larger than life… more charismatic… and more influential in your communication than you could imagine.

But it doesn’t end there…

Straight Forward Storytelling Frameworks

Michael has spent some more time in hissimplification laboratory. 

This is where he goes to create novel and powerfulNLP tools that work. 

It isonlyafter he has spent time in his white lab coat and mind magnification goggles that he teaches what he has found.

And, based on my attendance at the two day seminar – I can tell you that yet again, Michael has managed to simplify thereal patterns and techniquesunderlying the most successful story tellers.

Patterns that he has fitted into a simple 3 step formula that anyone can easily implement.

So, once you have gone through day 1 you will have…

  • mastered the ability to command your unconscious storytelling resources,
  • know how to select, plan and structure your story using the triad,
  • have the ability to manage the state of the room and
  • Know exaclty when you have connected with the audience so you can move on to the next part of your story…

Then and only then does Michael start looking at the narrative aspect.

Michael uses the second day to explain and demonstrate these with simple easy to follow directions.

But he doesn’t just hand you the story telling structures on a sheet of paper to memorise…

No, no… that would be what old school story telling courses would do!

What Michael does is show you how to use the information in the world around you toidentify and create your own story telling structures.

This is how you can become a truestorytelling wizard– plucking powerful, change inducing and enchanting stories from everyday occurrences!

Being able to make even the most mundane event into a fun and memorable story!

He also gives youthe most powerful structureshe knows of and uses on a daily basis like…

StoryTelling’s Golden Keys


  • The storytelling triad – the single most important tool a storyteller needs. More important than frameworks, language skills and even the stories themselves.
  • How to use hobnosszedofogication to become a master story teller … and the secrets to making people listen by using less predictable language.
  • How to use image language to make your listeners brain sparkle, glisten and glow!
  • Metaphor, Analogy and Anecdotes hidden in normal everyday conversation.
  • How to tell stories so that peoples brains will hold and remember your content.
  • How Brain Markers work and how you can use them in your stories to ensure your listener remembers what you said.
  • Structure your stories to manage, direct and change people’s states.
  • The tarot card approach to storytelling, fortune telling and any other narrative story telling structure you can think of!
  • Understanding how and WHEN to use Time, Space and Sensory predicates in your stories and when not to!
  • How to create drama in your stories by using modal operators of desirability.
  • Understanding submodalities and language.
  • Changing the font of your story
  • And Much More

Get StoryTelling Golden Keys – Michael Breen, Only Price 54$

2 Days of Expert Story Telling Training From Michael’s ‘Golden Keys’ Workshop

Gives you the structures, tools and skills to make your story telling more powerful and more effective. Unlocks the doors to the real treasure that is helping people to change… without getting in their way.

But the real key to becoming a masterful, persuasive and captivating story teller is not in techniques and structures.

The real key is that story telling is about people.

It’s about relationships.

It’s about intention!

It is this dance of intentional communication that makes story telling magical.

And this is where Michael’s 2 day seminar really excels because Michael reveals…

What You Need To Know And Do Before You Tell A Story

You see, there is no one size fits all approach to storytelling!

You can’t just take a storytelling structure and apply it to your situation…that’s what average storytellers do!

Exceptional story tellers realise that they need something more.

They understand that the story you chose and the words you use all depend on the interaction you are having at that point in time with that specific person!

They understand that your story depends on your relationship with the listener and your intention behind telling the story!

It is this aspect that allother story telling courses miss out onand what Michael delves into head first!

This is the secret hidden in plain sight!

Or as Michael put it

“As I get older, the secrets that I was told were secrets when I was younger are actually almost always right there on the surface. They are hidden in plain sight. They are the elusive obvious. They were always there. We just didn’t know what we were looking at.”

See, the ability to tell stories is not in the words or the memorised structures.

It’s not about what you say …it’s about how you tell the story… this is the information Michael reveals in his Storytelling triad.

It is this Storytelling triad that results in you becoming amore powerful and interesting communicator.It is this information that allows you to tell stories that hold people’s attention and stories that they remember.

It is by understanding this 3 step framework that you master the skill used by only the best storytellers…

It is by using and applying the information Michael teaches on day 1 – information that works on YOU that willmake YOU a story teller.

It is this framework that will allow you to command yourunconscious to deliver the stories you need as and when you need them!

It is by thinking through and planning your stories in the way Michael shows – that you are able to master the 2 laws of storytelling success –the law of requisite variety and the law of response attentiveness.

The two laws that make you larger than life

Most people worry that they don’t have enough stories and they want techniques to create and build stories –or worse– they memorise pre-written stories and patronisingmetaphors!

Listen, it’s not that you don’t have enough stories, or that you don’t have enough experiences…

There are stories, analogies and metaphors all around you every day!

It’s that, up until now, you haven’t been given the framework to find, plan and think through the storybeforeyou tell it!

This course gives you that information!

This is the ultimate golden key to storytelling – a powerful framework that will allow you toplan, think through, identify and tell memorable stories at will!

That’s what this training gave its audience.And that’s what it can give you!

The Ultimate StoryTeller’s Toolbox

If you want to be a magical storyteller, an influential and elegant communicator, a larger than life weaver of words or…just a hell of a lot more interesting– you need to get this package.

Because, here is what I have done for you…

I went through all the NLP Times products and put together what I think is the storytellersdream come true!

I built the Ultimate Story Telling Package

This package consists of 3 parts…

StoryTelling’s Golden Keys

2 Day Video Training – Digital Download

VALUE USD $397.00

Video recordings of the two day live training where Michael goesbeyond the structure of your stories.

He reveals how to get that ‘something extra’that makes the difference between competent delivery and telling memorable stories.

You will learn:

  • How to master the storytelling triad so that you can easily plan, structure and think through your stories
  • How to wipe all traces of fear, uncertainty and doubt from your mind allowing you to elegantly and confidently communicate your message through the art of stories!
  • How to use the laws of requisite variety to manage the state of your audience
  • How to make your unconscious mind work for you and provide you with the stories, metaphors and analogies.
  • How to easily manage, amplify and change you listener’s state at will.
  • What you need to do and say to connect with your audience and how you can tell when you have made that connection.
  • And how to use the storytelling golden keys to create memorable high definition movies in your listeners minds – planting images, thoughts and ideas through your stories.

You get the full downloadable 33 Video Module recording of Michael’s most up to date training on Storytelling – information delivered in a 2 day live seminar.

The modules are all labeled for easy reference.

You will also get the downloadable audios of the program so you can listen to them in your car or while traveling.

In addition, you will get a 214 page transcript of the entire seminar and the 27 page training manual given to the participants.

But that’s not all

To really fire up your storytelling skills and take you well beyond techniques…

To actually make YOU a storyteller…. Not just someone who tells stories (there is a subtle difference but this shift in identity is what makes all the difference!)

I am also going to add in two Storytelling NLP Master Classes

Get StoryTelling Golden Keys – Michael Breen, Only Price 54$

StoryTelling Secrets – StoryTelling Fundamentals – Become A Brilliant StoryTeller

VALUE USD $49.00

This is a 90 minute recording of a live teleseminar where Michael teaches you the art of the storyteller – the ability to tell stories that will make your listener laugh, cry, or be inspired? How to effortlessly change their states and lead them into new worlds.

Story Telling Secrets – Become a Brilliant StoryTeller is your introduction into the practical and time tested skills required to become a persuasive and masterful story teller. 

This is our fundamental story telling course to ensure you have the basics mastered. 

You will learn:

  • The eight key concepts for masterful story telling
  • Learn Master Trainer, Michael Breen’s way for organising story design
  • Discover the 14 point strategy tocreating magical storytelling experiences.
  • Proven exercises, that you can do anywhere, to make you a powerful story teller
  • How to build and collect a wide array of stories that you can tag and pick and choose from as and when needed.
  • Mastering the fundamental story format core to all stories… beginning, middle and ending.
  • The art of tonal anchoring and nested loops.
  • And much more

Story Telling Secrets Volume 1, consists of two audio tracks, specifically converted to MP3 format so you download and listen to them instantly.

In addition you will also receive a ten page accompanying PDF guide that summarises the key points from this content rich and highly popular story telling training product.

Story Telling Secrets – Get Magical With Metaphors

VALUE USD $49.00

This is a 2 hour recording of a live telseseminar where Michael teaches you the magic of metaphor – not only is this a pre-requisite skill for great storytelling it is also the tool of choice for powerful change work. This is how Milton Erickson and Richard Bandler are covertly able to create such powerful changes.

Story Telling Secrets Volume 2 is a master class designed to demystify the magic of metaphor. 

Michael will take you through an intense training designed to make you a metaphor machine.

You will learn:

  • How to use metaphors to bypass someone’s critical mind and seed ideas in their unconscious – this is the key to delivering covert instructions wrapped up in a story
  • Learn a step-by-step framework to help you generate metaphors that create change
  • How to help others conversationally, without resorting to “here’s a technique I know, now let me do some NLP on you”
  • The exact strategy that Michael uses in business to deliver conversational metaphors this one strategy will give you endless ways to use “stories” to influence your boss, team-mates, prospects and customers in any business context.
  • Finally get a “real picture” on the unconscious mind and what being â€œartfully vague” is all about
  • Learn the two main ways of arranging metaphors, what homomorphic and isomorphic metaphors are, and when to use one vs. the other

Story Telling Secrets Volume 2, consists of a two hour MP3 that you can download and listen to instantly.

In addition you will also receive a 34 page transcript, a 12 page assignment workbook and a 67 page training flash card PDF that highlight the key processes discussed.

That’s a total of THREE story telling programs, each designed to teach you a key aspect of storytelling!

33 Module Video recordings of the two day live story telling workshop that will ensure you understand the overarching framework required to become a story teller. As well as specific guidance on how to plan, think through and deliver your stories.

A storytelling master classes covering the fundamentals of story, become skilled at the beginning middle ending frameworks core to all stories, building your own library of stories and understanding how to work with states.

And a master class on the magic of metaphor covering the covert change tool used by Milton Erickson and Richard Bandler.Truly understanding how the unconscious mind works and what you need to do to become a metaphor machine.

All delivered by NLP Master trainer and Storytelling Wizard; Michael Breen

You Can Get Started In Just Minutes

I can tell you that people who attended the live 2 day seminar paid over £300.00, circa USD $500.00 per seat.

And I currently sell the two story telling master classes for USD $49 each on NLP times.

That’s a total value of USD $598!

But that’s not what I’m going to charge you.

For a limited time only you can get…

The Ultimate Story Telling Package for

… just USD $247.00

Buy today and you get the entire course plus bonuses for less than 50% off what the product is valued at!


I’m going to make it even easier for you to buy The Ultimate Storytelling Package!

When you get your copy of The Ultimate Story Telling Package you will have a choice of paying USD $247.00


You can split the payment into three installments… and pay me just USD $99 today to get started!

This really is your chance to become a storytelling wizard. 

To be able to communicate with skill and elegance. Be it in meetings, relationships, training rooms or coaching!

You can become more fascinating to your listener. Deliver impactful messages packaged in a story and even covertly influence and change your audience’s state!

Storytelling is a key skill that works on kids, adults, and sui

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