Soul power formula course – Jennifer McLean

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The emotional physical and mental, healing that comes from these Energy Medicine Techniques are here to ensure that all systems are moving into connected Soul Power.

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Soul power formula course - Jennifer McLean

10 Sacred & Potent Transformational Sessions Experiencing the Advanced Version of the Soul Power Formula

This home-study course of 10 recorded sessions delivers a sacred set of proprietary healing journeys, Spontaneous Transformation Sessions, Attunements, sound vibration healings, Soul Laser Treatments, and many other advanced Energy Medicine tools. All here to help you claim a new stance as a quantum soul-connected powerhouse in today’s world of extremes. These transformational tools lead to renewal, standing in confidence in your capacities and gifts, having faith in the possibilities of your soul’s journey, and able to claim your power in any situation. WOW!

Dozens of Specific Energy Medicine Techniques – a Potent Toolbox of Change for Use in ANY Life Circumstance

The intention of this program is to focus on the Soul Power Formula and the many Soul Power Energy Medicine techniques that can be used with The Formula. Designed for the empath/Highly sensitive, these processes ensure you are in your power, in love and in your joy, in ANY situation. You’ll now have the wherewithal to be in good shape no matter what is occurring in your life or in the world. This establishes a cohesive vibration that positively alters circumstance, as it also shifts others approach toward you. And you are about to deftly and consistently manifest prosperity, health and wholeness. YES!

Powerful Extended 


Q&A Session 3 FULL HOURS of Healing & Transformation.

After the 10 recorded sessions are complete you are invited to an extended 3-hour event. You will be able to receive from all the questions asked. Yep, you’ll experience powerful new insights that come from the remarkable healing answers delivered to others. And it happens EVERY TIME, it’s like magic… your questions will be answered, just by listening. This 3 hour Q&A Session puts the exclamation mark of transformation on this amazing program. Just this one session could be the whole course it is THAT important!

From The Desk Of Jennifer McLean:

The soul powered beings of light, and highly sensitive beings like you, are waking up to your GREAT power on this planet at this time.

You are now being asked to stand in your sensitivity as a superpower, and claim your abilities as something that can actually change the world, as you change your life.

That clarity of your power helps you to know that you are not alone, and that there is a global community of soul empowered individuals that are making the difference.

There are no accidents that you found your way to this page, you are here because you are ready for the profound and sacred shift you are about to undergo.

You have been nudged by spirit to this exact moment as your soul prepares you to embody a new state of “beingness” in your absolute power.

Through the material in this powerful course, I am here to support you with the life changing Soul Power Formula.

You’ll receive soul-fueled techniques and processes to provide a deeper understanding of how to use your soul connection to enhance your life right now…

And ultimately bring the power of heaven to earth and your life.

I am here to help YOU discover a new place of potency and trust in your truest nature of being, in your Soul Power as well as deeply trusting your highly sensitive nature.

Here is the challenge with being a human at this time…

The mind wants to use your will power to change.

It uses guilt, shame and power-over to “MAKE” change happen.

Yet what is actually created is more guilt and shame, and now resentment chimes in.

This then fuels more of the old dysfunctional behaviors and unhealthy habits, creating a loop of no-change and old addictions and continuing upsetting circumstances.

There is however a potent tool that you have within you to completely bypass this will power loop.

It is your connection to your soul.

This connection when turned on, and then practiced daily, can completely detour the old routes of will-over and power-over, instead into a soul fueled and power enhanced life.

Applying the Soul Power Formula and using the soul power techniques and processes you’re about to experience, will allow you to access the, insight, impulses and inspirations of your soul.


Now what I have personally experienced working with hundreds of thousands of souls over my 30+ years as a healer is, there are missing ingredients to real true and permanent transformation.

What’ missing are the following…

  • Shifting the repressed emotions that are held in the unconscious from past traumas.
  • Releasing the cellular memory of ancestral challenges, DNA dysfunction, as well as childhood upsets.
  • Becoming aware of, and releasing, the unconscious limiting beliefs that influence flow of energy and overall and power, health and prosperity.
  • ​Understanding and unwinding the coping mechanisms that are used for survival, but slow down the energy, the immune system and flow in life, and can also block manifestation.

As I have researched and played with the many different solutions to empowerment, very few of them address the bullet points found above.

These are is so key to PERMANENTLY transmuting dis-ease, old dysfunctional patterns, limiting beliefs, and what’s keeping you stuck or in self-sabotage.

These profoundly important steps to transformation come from, moving into the internal, and exploring and shifting the vibrational energy.

Deep soul-oriented healing must come from the perspective of overcoming; childhood trauma, past lives, ancestry and DNA cellular memory, as well as the emotional impact on neural pathways.

AND these are beautifully and gently addressed with ease using energy medicine techniques that you’l be experiencing in this program (and learning to do for yourself).

THEN addressing these deep-seated issues with grace, love and gentleness create accelerated connection and shifts.

Without deep energy medicine exploration and change, you are simply glossing the surface in a one-dimensional perspective, as if you are moving the chess pieces of your life over and over again in the same plane without real change.

When you go deeper, through the practices you’ll experience in this program, you free your energy, your mind, and your power to access the grace of your soul’s intention.

So this 10 session program offered here, is solely focused on deep yet gentle emotional release, vibrational healing and creating new neural pathways of soul-truths that finally shift the old held energies…

And help you to claim and sustain your power over anything in your life!

It’s worth mentioning, that even through you may have done a ton of energy medicine or vibrational and spiritual healing…

Having your full attention and intention completely focused on your Soul Power, makes THE difference in the outcome.

And then ultimately moves you into alignment with the prosperity, love, peace, calm, trust and faith, and in turn establishes real manifestation abilities.

What You’ll Receive in This 10 Session Program (Plus Soul-a-thon)…

For 10 powerful recorded sessions (plus the already recorded extended Soul-a-thon Q&A Session, and the 45+ days of remote frequency transmissions) you will experience a powerful momentum of deep internal changes to establish a habit of sustainable soul-fueled creation and manifestation.

Be Prepared to Shift At the Soul Level…

  • You are about to stand in a new confidence in your life and circumstances when you understand and claim your connected soul power
  • Prepare to realize true potent transformation as you experience healing after healing and are now able to you stand in your TRUE power and gifts
  • Watch your relationships shift around you and change to match your higher frequencies as an empowered soul light
  • ​Notice your health improves because you no longer require illness to drive your soul’s path
  • ​Witness your prosperity and financial wellbeing shift into abundance with the vibrational shifts taking place within, and the new Soul Power Techniques and tools at your daily disposal

Unwind Old Unconscious Core Beliefs & Behaviors That’s Keep You Stuck

You will experience my renowned and popular global healing phenomenon that is the Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT) through the Program.

This special healing process will help you shift to establish new neural pathways of possibility, as it releases the old held subconscious beliefs and patterns.

This special healing technique is proven to gently access to the core issues, beliefs and resulting coping mechanisms and behaviors, and heals and clears them permanently.

It creates a whole new energy and vibrational matrix, which ensures deep release establishing permanent change and a deeper connection to your soul.

When we experience difficulties in life that lead to painful emotions, if we don’t acknowledge or process them, they can become trapped over time.

These unfelt, unacknowledged, and unreleased emotions can turn into chronic illness, long-term depression, anxiety, or soul loss.

These old emotions — and how we respond to them — are held in our subconscious…

… and once we learn to release them, we can heal not only our emotional pain, but much of our physical pain as well.

To help resolve these underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances, I created the The Spontaneous Transformation Technique® an Energy Medicine healing approach to wellness that releases trapped emotions and subconscious patterns and coping mechanisms.

The results are truly remarkable, and you are about to not only experience this healing system but learn how to do it yourself!

 Attunements – Unlocking Dormant Soul Powers

My attunements are internationally renowned to create the deepest and purest core vibrational shifts, and in this course you will receive more than one.

If you know about Reiki, Reiki practitioners are “initiated,” which is kind of like they are turned on and tuned into the Reiki energy, my attunements initiate as well…

I have developed this powerful attunement technique to activate specific intended yet dormant frequencies in your field.

Think of it like an energetic key that will unlock a series of Soul Powers, establishing a permanent foundation that your can forever access. You’ll receive several Attunements through the course.

 Sound Vibration Transformation

I have been using my sound vibration gifts for several decades with remarkable results.

The way I do sound vibration is through voice, flute, and sometimes other instruments.

The sound is programmed with healing intentions that delivers real transformation deep into the structure of the emotional, physical and mental bodies.

It also moves into your field and tightens the weave of the new patterns established through the other energy medicine techniques and processes you’ll experience in this course.

This sound healing moves past any emotional or mind-oriented obstacles, and go to the core of healing, creating instant shifts as it breaks up old energies.

A Little More About Sound Vibration:

Sound vibration is a potent modality of healing that directly targets the areas most needing to transform.

Sound vibration goes directly through any obstacle (whether it’s matter or mind) to “defrag” and unwind dysfunctional energies.

It has the power to transmute and transform just about any disease, illness or upset.

Watch the video below for a simple demonstration of how powerful sound is…

If mandalas are forming in salt on a plate, imagine what is happening in your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual bodies?

Sound vibration delivers powerful straight-to-the-core vibration transformation and activation that is profound in its potency.

NOW imagine experiencing healing encoded sound vibration acoustical anchoring healing that is programed to deliver access and connection to the superpower of your soul?

PLUS, you can use these sound vibration healing songs and tones over and over again, layering in the activation.

Pretty cool, huh?

 Enhanced Consciousness

“Shining the light of consciousness” is a powerful practice that creates a true awakening of whatever you are paying attention to, resulting in deep transformation

During this series you will be activated into consistently shining the light on the old ways of being, resulting in instant new behaviors effortlessly occurring.

You will clearly see the old patterns that have been held in place and are now easily shifted through this subtle but powerful energetic happening.

 Advanced Energy Medicine

You are about to experience a set of profound and important healings that supports the cells, the spirit, and the emotions.

The emotional physical and mental, healing that comes from these Energy Medicine Techniques are here to ensure that all systems are moving into connected Soul Power.

Your energy medicine practices will include, Energy Attunements, sound vibration therapies, the Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT), healing shamanic journeys, Soul Laser Techniques, quieting the mind, enhancing the zero point in your field, breathing exercises and much more!

 Ancestral Healing, Emotional Unwinding, Establishing New Neural Pathways

Through the Soul Power Formula and the new soul-fueled energy medicine techniques and process, you will establish new neural pathways and energetic foundations, moving from stuck and old energetic patterns enabling you to manifest a new kind of life.

You’ll also be shifting the DNA and turning on the “good” genes while turning off the “bad genes, clearing ancestral patterns, releasing old beliefs, unwinding old trauma and healing the coping mechanisms that have kept you stuck or not moving fast enough.

Remember, you will be addressing emotional release which is the culprit behind any and all dis-ease. So you will be releasing and unwinding the old patterns with mother and father, past life and karma, ancestral, childhood trauma, all of which may be contributing to any upset in the physical emotional and mental bodies.

All of these will in turn support the powerful and real creation of new neural pathways of possibility, flow, allowing, self compassion, self healing, self care and ultimately releasing.

Your 10 Modules Will ALSO Include…

Each session will address an aspect of activating your Soul Superpower Connection.

Plus there will be genuine healing transformation that will be noticeable in the moment and in the days, weeks and years that follow.

And for each new technique offered you will learn how to do it for yourself!! Yep I will teach the step by steps of each process so you can have your own practice with it.

Modules will include:

  • Clearing Ancestral & Past Life Blocks: You are about to clear the cellular memories that may have been unknowingly holding you back. Get ready to be crystal clear.
  • Understanding & Releasing Soul Karma: This is the most life-changing understanding of Karma you’ll receive. This is energy encoded and vibrational based to further clear karma.
  • Gently Unwinding Childhood Trauma (Even if you Don’t Remember it!): My globally celebrated trauma healing modality of healing; The Spontaneous Transformation Technique is here for you delivering a deep and comprehensive experiential release of those subconscious upsets that set your default coping mechanisms of self sabotage to this day.
  • The Powerful 4-Step Soul Power Formula: You will take the remarkable Soul Power Formula to the absolute next level of personal transformation as you apply to many additional techniques to this life changing process. This is guaranteed to shift every aspect of your life
  • Activating Your “Heart Soul Manifestation” Energy: You are about to take down the walls around your heart (the heart pain barrier) and live in your perfect authentic soul energy. This automatically activates soul superpower for prosperity.
  • ​Igniting Trust for Soul-Oriented Inspiration (Vs. Mind-Oriented): When you ignite your connection to your soul you can now “hear” the whisper of divinity itself, clearly guiding you to soul driven actions (Vs. the slowed down, low vibe, mind-oriented “to-do’s”). This one alone is worth the whole course.
  • Receive (AND LEARN) Dozens of Special Healing Techniques & Processes: You’ll to not only experience profound techniques and processes as part of the Soul Power Formula, but you will learn how to use them yourself and apply whenever you need it long after this program is complete.
  • Know the Role of The Soul: Prepare to have a cognitive and conscious understand of the role of your soul, the understanding of which can change everything. Through this, you’ll also activate the superpower of your soul connection, creating a much different life.
  • Activating the NEW “Holy Trinity”: By deeply understanding the various roles and interactions between different aspects of you, such as; the mind, heart/consciousness and soul in your life adventure, you will actually no be bringing heaven to earth in your life.
  • Healing Relationships From Your Soul Superpower: One of the most potent and transformational healing protocols for relationship is Ho’oponopono. In this course you’ll learn a new version that overlaps with the Spontaneous Transformation Technique as well as other unique soul powered relationship healing techniques.
  • ​Supporting the Physical body: You are about to experience a proprietary technique of healing the physical body that is sacred, profound and powerfully works. These are called; Soul Light Laser Treatments, and they implant your soul frequencies into the physical body.
  • Somatic Emotional Healing: Healing the emotional wounds out of the body opens up new and potent energies to heal physically any chronic illness or acute disease.
  • Turning Your “Over Sensitivity” Into Your Superpower: If you have been regularly called “over sensitive” and this is confusing to you, know that this is actually your superpower, it is your connection to soul power intuition that has you assess and know situations more clearly than others seeing the same thing. Now you’ll use this important sensitivity with confidence.

WOW, right?

This is one of the most advanced programs on the planet at this time.

It is my seminal works collecting all I’ve learners working with hundreds of thousands of souls.

AND it pulls together decades of teaching into a succinct program creating changing results.

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Soul power formula course  – Jennifer McLean
Soul power formula course – Jennifer McLean

Original price was: $427.00.Current price is: $105.00.

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