Raja Choudhury – Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Program

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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $127.00.


Raja Choudhury – Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Program
Raja Choudhury – Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Program

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $127.00.


Raja Choudhury – Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Program

Raja Choudhury - Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Program

Now that you’ve tasted its power, discover how to live and
work with Kundalini Shakti to bring about even more
healing, vitality, success, and true inner bliss and happiness.

Receive ancient, experiential practices and sacred tools
for activating, expanding, and aligning the most powerful
spiritual energy in your body in a gentle, grounded way.

Discover the secret Dance of Shiva Shakti as it
takes place in your chakras and awaken to the
ultimate nature of the Vast Mind behind everything.

Did you experience and taste the power and potential of awakening your Kundalini energy with Raja Choudhury, but haven’t had time to practice and go deep enough to fully harness its promise?

Are you interested in becoming an advanced practitioner at working with Shakti and the sacred mysteries of Kundalini, Sri Kula, Kali Kula, and Shiva with Raja?

Would you like to spend the next seven months in Satsang with Raja going deeper into these teachings and exploring and awakening your own potential?

As you discovered in his 7-part introductory course, this energy is not just a force within you; it’s a map of your consciousness. When activated in the right way with the help of an experienced guide, there are few things that can accelerate your spiritual awakening faster than tapping into this divine force.

As you awaken your Kundalini, you begin to liberate more energy not only for your spiritual life but for your career, your creativity, and your service in the world.

The Importance of an Experienced Guide

In the Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Program, spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will give you step-by-step instructions to awaken the evolutionary force of divine power within you — elevating every aspect of your life.

Now is the time to dive deep and discover the true potential of this Shakti energy inside you and discover how to be an alchemical magician and musician, using Kundalini energy to compose the ideal harmonies of your life.

Raja, who’s been initiated in many lineages and received various transmissions that empowered him as a spiritual teacher, has also lived a full life in the world as a filmmaker, media producer, and family man. He’s thus skilled at teaching how to work with profound spiritual practices and energies while also honoring your daily commitments and being firmly grounded in the world.

As Raja explains, Kundalini can clear channels in your body, emotions, mind, and soul to receive the divine energy pouring through your very cells. You can access a more boundless field of love, since accessing Kundalini connects you more deeply with the love-energy of the universe.

Kundalini can help you develop new capacities of intuition, clairsentience, or healing, and help you awaken to a more reverential and sacred relationship with the world around you.

During this 21-week online live video program, you’ll:

  • Discover how to live and work with Kundalini — the evolutionary force of divine power within you — to bring about healing, vitality, success, and true inner bliss and happiness
  • Receive ancient, experiential practices and sacred tools for activating, expanding, and aligning the most powerful spiritual energy in your body in a gentle, grounded way
  • Discover the secrets of prana, ojas, and tejas — and how to use energy in an alchemical way through your body
  • Trace the sacred map of letters and sounds that make up your 7 chakras and 50 lotus petals within the body and 1,000 petals above your head
  • Explore the sacred architecture of your body and become a living Temple, or Meru
  • Discover the secret esoteric meaning of Kundalini Shakti, Shiva, Kali, and Lalitha Tripura Sundari
  • Become a Sky Walker, explore Brahma’s Cave, and the magic and grace of Lalitha
  • Be taught the sacred and secret dance of Shiva and Shakti — and how you can become the perfect pillar of light between these two energies within you and around you in the cosmos

Greater Connection Through Live Streaming Video

So you can better connect with Raja and his teachings, all of his sessions will be live streamed on video using Zoom Meeting. This video connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Raja’s teaching. Or, you can easily connect via audio, either through the Internet or your phone. You’ll aso be able to actively participate via video during the Q&A if you wish to.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Months

Course sessions are on Thursdays at 10:00am Pacific.

In this 21-week transformational intensive, Raja will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to gently and safely awaken the Kundalini energy within you while remaining firmly grounded.

And so you can better connect with Raja and his teachings, his sessions will be delivered via easy-to-use live stream video. Or if you prefer, you can join him via audio through your internet or telephone connection.

Over the next seven months, Raja will guide you through seven modules of three sessions each. These 21 sessions — each of which features LIVE teachings and Q&A, followed by a 15-minute meditation with Raja — are designed to take you deep into the Sri Kula, Kali Kula, Kriya, and Shiva Shakti traditions of Kundalini awakening and nurturing with deepening practices and exercises.

In each module month, you’ll be asked to keep a journal, which you’ll be able to share with Raja and his team of experienced moderators who will guide you in your evolution. At the end of seven months, you’ll have a clear sense of the milestones you’ve reached along with a map of your experiences.

Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to experience the bliss of inner awakening.

In Raja’s introductory 7-week course, Awakening Your Kundalini, he’s guided more than 900 students in awakening their Kundalini Shakti, with the majority also actively participating in the course Facebook community. Now he wants to take you into the deeper aspects of Shakti and Shiva.

When you enroll in the Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Program, you’ll be lovingly supported by this vibrant community of spiritual seekers. Raja himself regularly joins the Facebook discussion, answers questions, and offers additional insights, guidance, and support. You’ll also be able to contact Raja directly with more personal questions and issues.

Note: If you have NOT experienced Raja’s Kundalini teachings before, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask that you begin the foundational 7-module program, Awakening Your Kundalini, on your own as a prerequisite, which will be included in your registration at no extra cost.

Raja highly encourages all participants to complete the 7-module course prior to beginning the advanced program; otherwise, it may be difficult to keep pace with the more advanced teachings. Please click here to find out more and to register.

Introductory Session: Three Types of Kundalini
 Prana, Chit & Para (June 6)

In this introductory live session, Raja will lay out the path of the next seven months and give you a deepening set of ideas and practices to help you prepare for your journey. He will guide you through the history of Shaktism and Tantra and teach you the key concepts of Kundalini awakening. Raja will review the materials taught in the initial 7-week course, introduce you to the 7-stage process he’ll be taking you through over the next seven months, and describe the outcomes, experiences, and transformation you can expect. He’ll also provide many of the tools you’ll need for the journey and tell you where and how to acquire any physical tools needed.

Module 1: The Secrets of Prana (June 13 & 20)

Energy is everywhere, and we must learn how to tap into it and use it. There are over 72,000 nadis in the body coming out of the heart, and prana flows through them to every cell in the body. The main nadis are the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna, but there are five types of prana as well as many subtle channels and other forms of energy in the body, including ojas, tejas, and other subtle forces. Raja will guide you through this universe of energy and teach you advanced techniques for raising your prana and inner vibrations, including simple practices or hacks to rapidly summon the energy of Kundalini Shakti during the day and at the start of your meditations.

In this 2-session module, you’ll:

  • Be given detailed energization techniques for activating prana within your body and especially in the First Sun
  • Discover how the nadis work and how to allow energy to flow throughout your body and into others for healing
  • Be given simple hacks to manage this energy in your everyday life — and tools to overcome fear, anxiety, hunger, and negative energies
  • Examine the nature of food and glands, and how the nadis, prana, ojas, and tejas work with the digestive system, the parasympathetic nervous system, and the cerebrospinal fluid
  • Discover how to live harmoniously with this energy on a day-to-day basis and use it in everything to manage your life and be able to truly relax
  • Discover the true nature and meaning of Ganesh, Kartik, Chamundaya, the Mantras and Mudras, and how Kundalini Shakti works through these archetypes to free you up for higher consciousness

Module 2: The Garland of Letters (July 11, 18 & 25)

The Word Kula or Kaula literally means Petals. In the Kundalini system, the chakras are perceived as lotuses with petals and this map of your being is comprised of 50 petals and 7 chakras. The garland is made up of 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet and 8 seed sounds. We loop around the letters twice and then rise up the chakras through the Sushumna nadi and that forms the 108 sounds. These 108 sounds are the Shaktis or the key Goddesses inside your being. The drawing of this journey is called the Garland of Letters — you will discover the sacred sounds of 108 different parts of your body and learn how to tune in these Shaktis to transform your life.

In this 3-session module, you’ll:

  • Be shown how to identify and feel the 50 lotus petals, 6 beej sounds, and 2 high sounds that make up your chakras and allow Kundalini to come alive
  • Find out how to draw a garland of letters through these petals to awaken the 108 Shaktis in your body, travel through the 3 Suns, and emerge up to the Thousand Suns
  • Study each Shakti and each chakra and understand the archetypes as they relate to our bodies, minds, and higher consciousness
  • Fully experience the power of each chakra as we travel up from Muladhara to Sahasrara, one at a time
  • Learn the song of the Shat Chakra Japa and become a mystical musician and magician, bridging heaven and earth

Module 3: The Sri Chakra & the Sacred
Geometry of Your Being
 (August 8, 15 & 22)

Your body is a living temple, and if you understand how to navigate around it you will discover sacred geometries mapped into every part of your being. In this module, you’ll discover how to become a living temple or a Sri Chakra Meru so that you can call upon Shakti in your daily life. The Sri Chakra Yantra is a map of your consciousness and cosmology that goes from the center of your highest being to living in the world of elements and planets. It is a map to navigate through consciousness and to take you from earth consciousness to the heavenly realms of your divine nature.

In this 3-session module, you’ll:

  • Be shown how to draw and navigate a Sri Chakra Yantra and discover how it’s a map of your consciousness
  • Meet the Devis, Devas, and Yogis/Yoginis that make up the nodes of the Sri Yantra
  • Find out how to create and energize a 3-D Sri Chakra Meru and see it as a model of your body reaching up towards super consciousness of Lalitha
  • Discover how the 3 Suns in your body correlate to the levels we rise through in the Meru to reach the bindu
  • Discover how to use the mantras and Beej sounds to meditate on your Sri Chakra Yantra or Meru every day
  • Explore how to become one with your Sri Yantra or Meru and allow it to guide your life and attract power and the blessings of the Devis (Shaktis) into your life; the Meru is a communication and transmission portal between dimensions and between you and your highest self

Module 4: The Manifestation and Healing
Power of Sri & Shakti
 (September 5, 12 & 19)

The Heart Center, aka the Second Sun, is the place where you can manifest everything you desire, including health, wellbeing, abundance, love, dreams, and visionary states. By learning how the heart transmits prana and intention through the 72,000 nadis or channels in the body and by mastering the art of surrender and devotion, you will become an advanced practitioner of manifestation and healing — as well as become better at serving humanity. You’ll also discover how to connect the Third Eye to the heart so whatever you visualize can become a reality.You’ll also be shown how to transmit this Shakti to others as healing, love, and empathy.

In this 3-session module, you’ll:

  • Discover how to activate your heart chakra in advanced ways
  • Discover how to send energy to any part of your body for healing and wellbeing
  • Explore the power of Shakti and send it to anyone anywhere instantaneously as communication, healing, or love
  • Be shown how to manifest anything you want by visualizing it in your Third Eye and surrendering it at your heart
  • Explore the magic of SHREEM and the Maha Lakshmi energies and how to attract golden energies, prosperity, success, wellbeing, and happiness into your life
  • Be taught how to protect yourself and others at the heart through devotion and surrender to Lakshmi, Kali, and Krishna
  • Experience the love and beauty of Krishna at the heart
  • Meet Shyama, the Mahavidya of Heart Opening, Beauty, Grace, Creativity, and Love

Module 5: The Maha Vidyas Kali & the Removers
of All Obstacles
 (September 26; October 24 & 31)

There is no light without darkness. Inside each of our bodies are 10 energies called the Maha Vidyas that address the nature of pain, suffering, death, time, negative emotions, and obstacles. They help us reconcile the golden energies of Sri Vidya with the reality that wherever there is light, there must be darkness as well. They also guard our nine sensory entry points in the body, and protect the tenth gate at the top of our heads in the Sahasrara that gives us access to the divine realms. These energies, which all come under the umbrella of Maha Kali, represent the overcoming of all our fears — from death to the simplest darkness that stops us from seeing the light.

In this 3-session module, you’ll:

  • Meet Kali, the 10 Mahavidyas, and their individual stories, powers, mantras, and rituals
  • Discover their symbolism and esoteric meaning and how each one affects our lives
  • Be shown how to work with them so that the darkness of life comes under your understanding and partial control, enabling you to see things as they really are
  • Awaken your consciousness to live in the middle pillar flute between dark and light
  • Discover how to navigate the Kundalini from the darkness of earth to the vast darkness of deep consciousness without fear

Module 6: The Sky Walker & the Grace of Lalitha (November 7, 21 & 28)

As we cross the throat and enter the higher regions we meet many interesting energies, beings, intelligences, light, sounds, and a vast inner space that is well worth exploring. As Kundalini cracks through into Brahma’s Cave and we discover the pineal gland, we meet Shiva, Varahi, and the land of Khechari.

In this 3-session module, you’ll:

  • Find out how to really listen to your inner indriyas or sounds and discover the 3 ways in which you experience sound — as vibration, as vision, and as feelings
  • Be shown how to move your Kundalini energy into your brain and open the route to Brahma’s Cave
  • Find out how to fully open your Third Eye by sun gazing, mudras, and breath control
  • Discover how to become a real Sky Walker and navigate Brahma’s Cave, from the crystal within to the white light that comes from above
  • Be shown how to see inside these realms and navigate them through the sounds of the Agya, Ham, Sham, and Om
  • Meditate upon Lalitha and understand the power of Shakti as your body comes into being through the sacred descent of shakti and grace
  • Discover how to tune in to this grace and let it provide guidance in your life

Module 7: The Dance of Shiva & Shakti (December 5, 12 & 19)

A new conversation begins when Kundalini reaches the Third Eye, between Shiva and Shakti, and you prepare to to plunge into the superconscious realms beyond the body. Raja will introduce you to the classic teachings of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, a set of dialogues between Shiva and Shakti in which consciousness teaches the body and mind 112 different meditations to awaken to superconsciousness. These 112 teachings encompass every meditation technique known to Eastern minds and is quite a revelation as it dates back to the Tantras of early Shaivism and Buddhism in the 10th century. It is the greatest compendium of meditation ever written.

Get Raja Choudhury – Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Program download

In this 3-session module, you’ll:

  • Explore the teachings of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra and what happens after Kundalini reaches up to the Third Eye and goes beyond Lalitha
  • Discover how to meditate beyond mantra, form, vision, and sound
  • Explore the art of open-eyed meditation and meditation on the black void, aka the Kaal Bhairav, that removes all ignorance and opens the path to true enlightenment
  • Examine how you are living Shiva and Shakti in yourself
  • Discover how the dance of Kundalini is the first step in the journey towards a cosmic dance between Shiva and Shakti and is happening inside you all the time
  • Explore the beginnings of the vast superconscious realms beyond and taste them wit

The Awakening Your Kundalini
Advanced Program
 Bonus Collection

In addition to Raja’s transformative 21-week live video course, you’ll receive these illuminating bonuses. These bonus materials complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Yoga: Aligning to the Source Video From Raja Choudhury

This documentary by Raja Choudhury for Indian Public Diplomacy explores the origin, mythology, and purpose of yoga through the eyes of scholars, experts, and teachers who have spent years studying and practicing it devotedly.

Drawing on extremely valuable insight from Guruji B.K.S. Iyengar as well as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, this film casts light on the discipline, philosophy, culture, and spirituality of yoga from a native perspective that succeeds at being objective, educational, and enlightening, all at the same time.

The Garland of Letters: Creating a Sacred Geometry
in Your Body
 Video Teaching From Raja Choudhury

In this guided video meditation, Raja will take you through 108 points along the chakras in your body to activate different energies and awaken your full consciousness using the Sanskrit alphabet as your mantra tool.

Guruji Amritananda Video From Raja Choudhury

Award-winning filmmaker Raja Choudhury takes us on an exploration into a man, his life, and the building of his dream. Guruji Amritananda, a most unusual man, was a nuclear physicist and atheist who at the age of 48 discovered Devi, the Goddess, and became a Guru to millions of people. He built Devipuram, India’s only ashram-city, which is dedicated to the sacred feminine Shakti and is run mostly by women. This is an extended version of the short version that was a bonus for the 7-week introductory course.

Collapsing Into the Void Audio Recording
and Ebook From Raja Choudhury

This audio recording and ebook offer Raja’s interpretation of the 112 Short Meditations of the  Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. This text, originally composed in the 10th century in Kashmir, is a beautiful syncretic guide to navigating the void and learning how to transform your life in every breath and in every moment of every day. This bonus will be released in December to correspond with the teachings you’ll receive in Module 7.

Read more: http://archive.is/Xroh6

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