Neil Fiore – Productivity Engineering

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Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $33.00.


Neil Fiore – Productivity Engineering
Neil Fiore – Productivity Engineering

Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $33.00.


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Neil Fiore - Productivity Engineering Neil Fiore – Productivity Engineering

The Most Productive Years of Your
Life Are Less Than 3 Weeks Away!”
Just 20 Minutes a Day For 21 Days Is All It Takes

It’s a big claim, but it’s true: the most productive years of your life are right around the corner. In fact, they can begin just 21 days from now. And if you read on I will show you how.

May I make a bold assertion?

If you’ve ever struggled with procrastination…
If you’ve ever felt like your “productivity potential” was trapped inside…
If you’ve ever wished you could accomplish even more in the limited time you have…

Then I have to tell you – You’re in the right place!

Because in a moment I’m going to reveal a proven and practically painless way you can eliminate procrastination, multiply your productivity, and start achieving all that you want in life.

Just a few minutes from now, you will feel more powerful. You will feel in control. And you will feel hope that you can become a productive person with initiative, energy, and motivation to get things done.

But before I reveal the secret to becoming a consistently productive person, I have to debunk a myth about productivity. It’s a myth that’s so often repeated that many people still cling to it-even though it’s rarely if ever effective.

You see, a lot of books and information products are packed with productivity techniques…as if the techniques, by themselves, could transform you into a top producer. But this simply isn’t true. The fact is…
Techniques Alone Are Not Enough
to Unlock Your Full “Productivity Potential”

Sure, techniques can help. But they’re really not addressing the underlying issues.

The trick is not to fill your head with more techniques — it’s to reprogram your mind so that work is no longer “hard”…but interesting and easy. So that you have fun getting things done. So that you stop causing self-induced stress…and begin working smoothly in the “flow” state.
Get Neil Fiore – Productivity Engineering download
The bottom line is, you must get rid of the limiting attitudes and beliefs you have stored in your subconscious mind and replace them with productive thoughts and habits.

This is why you cannot rely on traditional productivity techniques alone. You might make some progress, but you won’t experience rapid transformation.

You don’t need a new technique; you need a total “productivity makeover” to quickly transform you into the productive person you want to be. You need a shortcut.

The secret is to eliminate subconscious blocks, create new thought patterns, and harmonize your conscious and subconscious mind.

If all this sounds complicated, don’t worry. It’s actually far easier than you may think. Anybody can do it if they meet this one requirement…

Can spare 10-20 minutes a day for a period of 21 days

I Have Dropped a Couple of Bad Habits…

“In reviewing these CDs, I systematically went through the program and used each CD for my own personal and professional development. Through the use of Dr. Fiore’s CDs I became aware of how I have been subtly ‘hypnotized’ over time into unproductive patterns of behavior that detract from leading a more full and productive life. Since using these CDs I have been able to get into ‘the Zone of my optimal performance’ both professionally and personally. I have succeeded in losing a couple of bad habits that I wasn’t even aware of having. I have patients for whom�prescribing these CDs will greatly accelerate our work of deconstructing their self-defeating patterns. I whole-heartedly recommend Dr. Fiore’s CDs for anyone interested in improving their productivity.”
– Michael Gray, Ph.D. – Developmental and Clinical Psychologist – Albany, California

Leverage the Power Of Hypnosis to
Completely Eliminate Your Productivity Problems

When my team and I set out to help people overcome procrastination and lead highly productive lives, we knew an audio program that used hypnosis would be one of the most effective transformation tools we could develop.

You see, hypnosis is one of the most misunderstood (and effective!) tools for self-change available in the world today.

When you say “hypnosis,” most people think of magic shows, silly stage acts, and possibly even witchcraft.

Frankly, nothing could be further from the truth.

Hypnosis is simply this: a relaxed state of mind in which you are more receptive to suggestions.

The use of hypnosis to treat disease (also called “hypnotherapy”) has been around for more than half a century. In fact, the British Medical Association approved the use of hypnotherapy in 1955. The American Medical Association approved its use in 1958.

As you might imagine, if major medical associations have approved the use of hypnosis to treat disease, imagine how powerful it is when treating thought patterns that stand in the way of your productivity!

Furthermore, popular news sources have recently gone on the record in support of hypnosis:

CBS News says, “Hypnosis is very effective.”
The Wall Street Journal reports, “Numerous scientific studies have emerged in recent years showing that the hypnotized mind can exert a real and powerful effect on the body.”
Newsweek writes, “The easiest way to break bad habits is through hypnosis.”

There’s a reason why the media is getting behind hypnosis: it’s because it really works!

But here’s the most exciting part. When you combine hypnosis with new productive thought patterns you have the perfect recipe for consistent productivty!

Like Software for Your Brain!

“Neil Fiore’s Productivity Engineering CD’s upgrade your work performance and mental attitude. They’re full of tips and techniques for working in the flow state, dealing with complex projects, and coping with your own perfectionism and other self-sabotaging behavior. Neil’s program helps you achieve balance, decrease stress, enjoy life more, and produce more than ever.”
– Kelly Imamura – JD, CPA, CFP – New York, NY

Introducing The World’s Leading
Productivity Expert, Dr. Neil Fiore

Here’s what my team and I did: we conducted an in-depth search to find the world’s leading productivity expert who could create the kind of hypnosis program we envisioned.

During our search, we investigated scores of people and interviewed 8 different professionals who met our strict qualifications.

Finally, we discovered Dr. Neil Fiore. As you’ll see, there’s nobody in the world as qualified as he is to help you increase your productivity. Nobody can even come close.

Less Procrastination, More Fulfillment!

“Neil’s THE authority on using hypnosis to reprogram your thinking so you experience far less procrastination and stress, and much more productive peace and fulfillment. I’m doing great, thanks to Neil’s CDs!”
– Suzanne Falter-Barns
– Founder –

Not only does Dr. Neil Fiore have his doctorate degree in counseling and psychology from the University of Maryland, he’s also a published author, productivity coach, and certified hypnotherapist.

His book The Now Habit: Overcoming Procrastination While Enjoying Guilt-Free Play has been in print since 1989 and has sold tens of thousands of copies worldwide.

His one-on-one clients include famous business people, politicians, and athletes. (I just can’t mention them here because of confidentiality agreements — but you would recognize their names!)

Some of his many corporate clients include Bechtel Power Corporation, Levi-Strauss, Kaiser-Permanente, and AT&T.

Dr. Fiore has even created a successful audio program for Nightingale-Conant, the world’s largest distributor of personal development programs. And he was recently named one of the “Top 10 Self-Help Gurus” by Boardroom Reports, the publisher of Bottomline Personal and Bottomline Health magazines.

Because of his enormous recognition and success, Dr. Fiore is in high demand these days. Between client work, speaking engagements, and writing, his schedule is packed.

To tell you the truth, when we approached him with our idea, we were worried that he was going to turn us down. But once he caught the vision, he was eager to help.
Real People, Real Results

Wow – wasn’t at all what I expected

“�Dr. Fiore leads you on a journey down to the inner blocks and attitudes that keep you not just from being more productive. Then he effortlessly guides you past those blocks and helps you develop more productive attitudes. I recommend them to anyone who wants to be more productive and live life more fully.”
– David Deutsch – A-List Direct Response Copywriter – Author, Think Inside the Box!

The Results Have Been Incredible

“I’ve struggled for years with paralyzing procrastination. I didn’t think it was possible to fix my bad habits just by listening to a few CDs…but the results have been incredible. Thanks to this simple system I’m able to sit down and get to work right away. Thank you so much.”
– Chris Haddad – Copywriter – Seattle, WA

I’ve Been Using the Tools Regularly

“I am deeply enjoying your Productivity Engineering CDs. I just started a new challenging job the same week I received them, so I have been using the tools in your sessions with some regularity! The safety net is a fantastic image for me.”
– Martha Garvey – Author of My Fat Dog and My Fat Cat

Are these folks any different than you? No, they are not. They simply put aside their doubts and gave Productivity Engineering a try. As a result, they are now living more productive lives than they ever have before. They are more accomplished, more fulfilled, and more satisfied with life.

I’m confident the same thing can happen for you.

How can I say that?

First, the feedback. It’s resoundingly positive.

Second, we have extremely low return rates. In fact, if we see more than 4% of any single program returned for a refund, we stop carrying it.
Here’s What’s Included on Dr. Fiore’s
Groundbreaking Productivity Program

Dr. Fiore has created a truly marvelous program — and you can tell the moment you start listening. There is the soft sound of violins, Dr. Fiore’s soothing voice, the positive suggestions. Not to mention the content itself is some of the most life-changing material you’ll ever hear.

In each session, Dr. Fiore uses hypnosis techniques to put you into a relaxed state — a trance, if you will — so that both your conscious and subconscious mind are working together to learn as fast and effectively as possible.

You are still totally in control. You can stand up and walk away at any time. In fact, a telephone call can break the trance, which is why it’s important to be in a quiet environment.

As you enter this relaxed “learning” state, Dr. Fiore walks you through exercises specific to your stage of the journey. These exercises are simple and effective. As you follow his instructions, you will be creating lasting change in your life-so that you become a more productive and fulfilled person.

In fact, this “interactivity” is one of the things that makes the program so unique. Other hypnosis programs are just a bunch of random trances. But Dr. Fiore brings 30 years of clinical experience to the trance state, which means you’re going to experience results much more quickly.

A Lot Less Wasted Time

“Although it has only been a week, I have already noticed a difference in my attitude towards goals – I’m now working on several home business projects that I had stalled on earlier. I’m ordinarily an anxious person and a profound procrastinator in my freelance writing business – which was going nowhere – so I definitely needed to curb my self-sabotage tendencies. I first heard you on a sample recording at The Hypnosis Network and instantly liked and trusted your voice and manner of speaking. Your credentials are also reassuring. Thanks again!”
– Pam Mueller – Kirkwood Community College – Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Some of the things you’ll learn include:

How to use two fingers and a thumb to keep you focused and on track-even in the most stressful situations.
Why the word “struggle” is not a part of the top producer’s vocabulary (and what you can do to eliminate it).
How to turn fear into motivation. (This is the same way top athletes transform their fears into a competitive advantage.)
A simple mantra that will get rid of toxic influences in your life-and pave the way for greater productivity.
How to create new neural pathways that empower you to replace unhealthy habits with productive habits.
How to go from worry to wonder in just a few seconds-so you get more done faster!
Simple breathing techniques that banish stress-and prepare you to tackle any project you’ve been dreading.
How to create an emotional “safety net” that automatically reduces your resistance to getting things done. (Create this safety net and you’ll be amazed at your new eagerness to do things now!)
And much, much more…

The recorded sessions you’ll be listening to are so packed with information and exercises-and the audio is so crisp and so clear…
It’s Like Having a Private Session
With Dr. Fiore Himself!

Don’t be surprised if you reach the end of a session and forget you’re still at home. That’s how relaxed and “in the moment” you’ll be.

Since each session builds on the one before, you will notice more and more positive change the deeper you go.

And best of all, you can repeat the program as often as you like, to make sure your new productive thoughts are embedded into your subconscious mind.

As Dr. Fiore mentioned in a recent interview, it is not uncommon for people to “slip up” two or three months down the road. They forget about what they learned…or they just get too comfortable…and start letting old unproductive thought patterns sneak back in.

That’s why it’s so helpful to have the program right at your fingertips. If you experience a “hiccup” like this, it will be simple to fix. Simply spend a few minutes each day going back through the program. You’ll find yourself back on track in no time.
After a Few Months of Passionate Work,
Productivity Engineering Was Born!

Productivity Engineering is an 11-session program that uses hypnosis to help you become the most productive person you can possibly be.

The feedback of the program has been astounding. To encourage you a bit, listen to what people like you are saying about the Productivity Engineering program:
Look Who’s Using Productivity Engineering

The Hypnosis Network audio programs can help you

“Being consistently productive and fearless in your prospecting is absolutely a function of a well-honed mindset. The Hypnosis Network audio programs can help you to create a winning mindset so that you can become a success and reach your full potential.”
– Brian Tracy – CEO of Brian Tracy Intl. – The Psychology Of Selling

They Work!

“So often peak performance programs only engage the conscious or subconscious mind, the right brain or the left brain. But this program taps into them all, which is why it is so effective. The ‘six breath’ technique is invaluable. I am amazed at how I can instantly get into a peak performance state anytime I want and get positive results.”
– Vicki Kunkel – Vicki Kunkel International – Chicago, IL

This Program is Extremely Effective

“As the editor of, I have reviewed a lot of products designed to eliminate procrastination. If I could choose only one product to help with procrastination issues, it would be Productivity Engineering by Dr. Neil Fiore. This program is down-to-earth, easy to follow, and extremely effective.”
– Tomas Drakou – Founder and Editor –

One of the Best Programs I’ve Ever Been Introduced To

“Investing in programs that help me get and keep the edge in life is something I do regularly. Having been exposed to hundreds of programs, I can tell you that Productivity Engineering is one of the best programs I’ve ever been introduced to. I HIGHLY recommend you get Productivity Engineering�The results will speak for themselves.”
– Stephen Pierce – Business Optimization Strategist – President of Innovation Marketers

This is just a small taste of the kind of feedback we’ve been getting. We’ve got many more personal stories and testimonials on file here at our Texas office.
Plus a Complimentary Copy of Mental Toughness
a $39 Value — Absolutely FREE!

1 CD $39.00 FREE
Limited Time Offer

In Mental Toughness, Dr. Neil Fiore will show you how to overcome setbacks in your life, how to finish difficult projects, and how to stick to your goals when the going gets tough.

Like Productivity Engineering, Dr. Fiore uses his 30 years of clinical experience combined with hypnosis to quickly produce dramatic, positive results.

Plus, Mental Toughness is the perfect companion to Productivity Engineering, and it’s yours free simply for taking action today.

WARNING: Because the number of bonus programs available is limited, this special incentive is only guaranteed until they run out. We reserve the right to remove this offer at any time.

If you have any interest in improving your ability to get things done, what are you waiting for?

Try This Program Risk-Free For One Year

It sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. We will give you one full year to try this program. If at any time you feel that this is not helping you, just send it back for a full refund of the purchase price. If you have any questions along the way, we answer our phone and open our emails personally. Just contact us.

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