John Ruskan – Emotional Clearing – Six-Week Guided Training

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Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $37.00.


John Ruskan – Emotional Clearing – Six-Week Guided Training
John Ruskan – Emotional Clearing – Six-Week Guided Training

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $37.00.


John Ruskan - Emotional Clearing - Six-Week Guided TrainingJohn Ruskan – Emotional Clearing – Six-Week Guided Training

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy John Ruskan – Emotional Clearing – Six-Week Guided TrainingCourse at NLPlib. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …


Are you ready for the most exciting adventure of your life?
If so, then get ready to meet . . . . yourself!

The 12 CD collection is intended to teach the Emotional Clearing Process experientially, in as effective a setting as possible, short of working with a skilled Emotional Clearing Facilitator. In some ways, it may exceed or compliment the benefits of a personal facilitator, with the various elements that have been combined. These elements include:

• A carefully-conceived spoken dialogue designed to take you through a moving, significant, right-brain guided process, and to provide an energetic ‘anchor’ and companion for you as you work with feelings.

• Embedded binaural beats to induce the relaxed Alpha brainwave state and lower.

• Repetitive, ambient, non-intrusive music carefully designed to induce deep relaxation.

• A guided breath count with alternating left-right beats to stimulate left-right brain integration.

A Six-Week Program

My recommendation is that the first 6 disks be experienced in 6 weeks. Listen to one disc per week, in the suggested order. Listen to that disc 3 times during the week to embed the information into the subconscious.

Each disc increasingly hones your skills in the Emotional Clearing Process, creating new neural pathways with which you will begin to automatically process experiences as they happen, while giving you an experiential opportunity to release feelings.

The remaining 4 disks cover other important aspects of the work that you can use anytime, in any order, after the 6 week course.

Each disk is approximately 40 minutes long.


If you have any stress or anxiety from the day, from ongoing issues, or even about this work, you’ll be taken to a place where negativity vanishes.BODY LEVEL: To say this program gets you deeply relaxed is an understatement.

You’ll find yourself floating on an energy wave, deep into the dreamy, soft, right-brain, transcending the negative left-brain lower-self, supported and soothed by my voice, the music, and the entrainment technology.

If feelings from the subconscious do emerge, don’t be afraid of them or try to make them go away. Just watch in a detached, relaxed manner, maintaining a smooth, easy breath.

This is a very powerful program, but you shouldn’t listen to it more than once a day, to avoid overexposure to the entrainment technology, which ranges from 8 to 4 cps. Be sure to use stereo headphones.


This program guides you with concise, easy to understand verbal directions so you can confidently apply the Emotional Clearing Process to release feelings.The complete Emotional Clearing Process, so you can get an overview and start to release feelings.

You gently open the door to the subconscious, under the guidance of your unconscious Higher-Self or any other non-physical guidance you may call upon, however you may conceive of it.

Trust that just the right amount of feeling will be presented to you. You will not get more than you can easily handle. You take this feeling through the steps, releasing it.

All the time, you are safely and comfortably witnessing. You are established first in Deep Relaxation and witnessing before feelings are accessed.

Negative feelings start to drop away as you feel the levels of your being aligning and supporting the spontaneous release process.

You can go back to this disc at any time and use it as your companion for emotional processing.

In this and all remaining programs, the binaural entrainment stays around the Alpha-Theta border (8 cps).

Programs 3-6 provide in-depth training in each of the steps of the process, as well as giving you additional opportunities to process feelings, emphasizing that step.


The Emotional Clearing schematic of feelings is linked to the 10 chakras that we use. This disc starts by taking you on a guided tour of your chakra system, giving you a short experiential glimpse of all the feeling potentials that are hard-wired into a human being.INTELLECTUAL LEVEL: You can’t really start to work on yourself until you are aware of your feelings! And many times we are not aware of the core feeling behind our reactionary emotional response.

You will likely be jolted into the realization “Yes, that’s a feeling I have!” – something that’s been in the background but now can be released since you’ve become aware of it.

The other part of awareness is owning or taking responsibility for the feeling. Contrary to being an burdensome task, owning is empowering.

When you own, you reclaim and withdraw the power you have unconsciously given to others when you buy into your projections, thinking they are responsible for making you feel a certain way.

When you reclaim feelings and own them you immediately feel the surge of power coming back to you that you have been allowing the other person to steal from you.

You do feel good – not because you have pushed negative feelings away – but because you have taken control of yourself, your energy, your experience, and your destiny. The program leads you through a sequence that instills owning deep into subconscious neural pathways.


But do you know exactly how you resist your feelings?MENTAL LEVEL:
 Resistance of feelings takes place on the mental level. We are in a constant state of unconsciously resisting our feelings. Resistance of feelings causes them to become suppressed – to accumulate in the subconscious, forming the Pain Body. As we replace resistance with acceptance, we reverse suppression.

It starts with an unconscious negative mental attitude about your feelings, and extends from there into certain kinds of negative behaviors. Many of the behaviors you assume are justified, logical, or appropriate are actually unenlightened habits that keep you shooting yourself in the foot.

It’s not enough to simply verbally affirm that you accept yourself in order to have success with releasing feelings. You must become aware of how you continue to resist your feelings through mental stonewalling and unconscious behavioral acting out.

In this disc, I coach you from resistance to acceptance of yourself and your feelings, embedding an attitude of acceptance deep into your subconscious, utilizing the suggestibility of the Alpha-State right-brain and the principle of repetition. Acceptance becomes part of your being, not just an intellectual concept you may not have fully integrated.

You will start to feel the vitality that may have been missing from your life, as it is redirected from dissipating self-resistance and self-rejection into vitalizing self-acceptance and self-approval.

Note that it is not our circumstances that we accept, but our feelings relative to them.


FEELING LEVEL: Here, we finally allow ourselves to experience the feelings that we have been resisting and avoiding. But the big thing to understand here is that the feelings are not painful like they were when they first occurred.

First, you’re already in the right-brain Witness – you’re watching, detached (which is different from clinical disassociation.) You’re in the Higher-Self, watching the lower-self. And this is not just empty talk – you will have the experience of being in the Higher-Self. The negative feelings don’t really seem to touch you even though you are not avoiding them.

Then, the most amazing thing happens –

The feelings are no longer feelings but just energy patterns in your body!

You’re noticing pressures and currents, positive and negative. It’s actually quite interesting. You’re in an altered state. You’re on your way to a place where only a very small percentage of people go. And yes, there is some constriction and holding, blocking and dark areas, but that’s what we are in the process of addressing.

Just by being fully in the moment with the left-brain on hold, the emotions and feelings become energy patterns, and start to dissipate and release.

This disc emphasizes experientially bringing you into the moment, stopping the mind, shifting your perception to a Direct Experience energetic reality.


Witnessing is, in itself, a traditional spiritual practice; but here, we apply witness consciousness specifically to feelings, something I have not found particularly emphasized in traditional spiritual teachings. As you practice witnessing feelings, you are shifting your consciousness to an actual, tangible experience of the Higher-Self.SPIRITUAL LEVEL:
 Witnessing is one of the key elements in the Emotional Clearing Process. It is the sense of stepping back, detaching, “witnessing” your inner experience without being enmeshed in it.

In order to jump-start witness consciousness, we use the ancient Yoga technique of activating the Third Eye. This is an advanced Yoga technique, something you will have to go deep into esoteric teachings to find.

Activating the Third Eye transports you into higher consciousness and the Witness, and also brings you into contact with a transpersonal intelligence that guides your process, resulting in internal catharsis and unexpected creative external change.

This means that when you witness feelings, turning their resolution over to the transpersonal intelligence of the Higher-Self, change will happen that you couldn’t conceive of from your limited left-brain viewpoint.

Creative adjustment occurs spontaneously, without conscious control. This unexpected, creative balancing of internal and external is a pure joy to experience.

Whenever I see this in myself or my clients I am awed by the power of this process. This is what you are aiming for. But it doesn’t come about by you visualizing what you think you need. It comes about by surrender – letting go, going beyond the mind, and letting the higher power make the adjustment.

Activating the Third Eye results, in modern terms, in what is known as bi-lateral stimulation. This means that left- and right-brains are being stimulated into communicating, and this is a very potent mechanism for emotional releasing. Lack of integration of the brain hemispheres can be directly correlated to the resistance of experience.

You may have heard of “eye-movement” therapies. They work the same way. But there is no need to laboriously move your eyes from side to side; just looking into the Third Eye works even more efficiently. If shifting your eyes from side to side was more effective, you can bet the ancient yogis would have noticed it and included it in their practice.

With Third Eye activation, Emotional Clearing offers you a streamlined, innovative application of an ancient technique. We use it before we start to process feelings, and then go back to it throughout the process to apply maximum integrative power to the feelings coming up.

This disc guides you step by step through the activation of the TRANSCENDENTAL WITNESS.


discs (7-10) focus on more specific guidance:

This disc trains you in – doesn’t just explain to you – a three-step emergency intervention to stop you from getting swept away by strong emotions that come up in stressful situations.

• Stop reacting, acting out, and responding with negativity to the negativity you perceive being directed at you – you’re only creating more negative Karma for yourself.

• Maintain positive composure in the midst of stress.

• Contain your feelings for processing and releasing at some later time.

As you get into doing this work, you will become more aware of how you are at the mercy of your projections. You are unconsciously projecting all the time, especially when strong negative situations and emotions come up. It’s vital that you learn how to not react to your projections, but to withdraw projections and recognize – when it’s happening – that feelings are coming up from the subconscious to be released.

This program trains and empowers you to be non-reactive and to maintain equanimity in the face of turmoil.


Relationships of all types are a primary arena where feelings are played out, but this program focuses on romantic attachments.

• Get free from pain that comes from dependent attachments.

• Learn how to use your relationship as a pathway to growth instead of as a battleground.

Pain arises in relationship because we are attached. This attachment is a reflection of where we need to work on ourselves. We experience pain when these attachments are threatened.

Emotional Clearing provides you with a method to gradually release dependencies and build self-reliance, enabling you to enter and enjoy relationships with less and less stress.


Although Emotional Clearing tends to focus on present-day experience, you may spontaneously recall memories of childhood experience as you enter the deep Alpha-State process. This program tenderly speaks to the child, facilitating release of painful traumatic memories.


• Be courageous enough to admit that you are addicted to possessions, people, children, status, activity, work, chemical stimulates, food, sex, TV, and so on.
Addictions are rampant in modern society. Recognizing and eliminating addictions of all types is vital in any program of self-work.

• Release addictions effectively, safely, and gradually by recognizing that they are attempts to compensate for negative feelings.

As you release the feeling behind the addiction, the addiction falls away easily and naturally.

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy John Ruskan – Emotional Clearing – Six-Week Guided TrainingCourse at NLPlib. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …


BONUS DISK 1: Music 1 (40 min.) From disc 1 with 4 min. breath count and binaural alpha to theta stimulation.

BONUS DISK 2: Music 2 (60 min.) Compilation from all discs with binaural alpha stimulation.

These music discs are the same as the original but without the voice so you can lead yourself through the process, still taking advantage of the binaural technology and the music.

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Review by NLP

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