Jamie Smart – Salad – Getting Clients Congruently

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Jamie Smart – Salad – Getting Clients Congruently
Jamie Smart – Salad – Getting Clients Congruently

Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $37.00.


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Jamie Smart - Salad - Getting Clients Congruently

Jamie Smart – Salad – Getting Clients Congruently

Get Jamie Smart – Salad – Getting Clients Congruently at the CourseAvai

What’s The Invisible Factor SABOTAGING Your Ability To Attract And Retain Clients Again and Again and Again… And Why It Took Me A Room Full of 200 People To Show ME What It Is!

(Ill let you into a secret – the impact of this distinction lead me to re-write all my sales processes for 2011!)

At the end of February, we made a high-quality video (a three-camera shoot to cover all the angles) of our sold-out “Getting Clients Congruently” workshop. I’m delighted to say it was a huge success! I’m even more delighted to tell you that those DVD’s of the live recordings are finally available!

The exclusive DVD recordings of the first big event of 2011 a must for all NLP-ers, Coaches Trainers and Consultants…

Read on to discover how you can get access to 4 Masters of Influence that have helped ME make tens of thousands of pounds in a very short time…

Its no disgrace to admit you screwed up!

And those of you who were with me on my November big event got to see the impact the Invisible Factor had on my own client-attraction section…

Now don’t get me wrong the event itself was superb. There was a great response from the people who attended, and I really enjoyed myself.But when it came to the bit where I offered places on my 10,000 retreats and year-long Inner Circle programmes, something went wrong, and we only had HALF the usual number of signups…

WOW! I screwed up BIG TIME!!

Well I got it (and those of you who were there know I apologised to the audience and cleared it up with them so their overall enjoyment of the event wasnt disturbed)

But, hey if I can get it SOOOO wrong, who else out there will admit to not feeling 100% comfortable with the client-attraction process?

And you know what, the vast majority of client-getting programmes don’t just downplay this essential factor… THEY COMPLETELY OVERLOOK IT!
First, let’s just make sure we’re on the same page…

Do you want to make a BIG difference in the world, helping people & doing work you love, with a real sense of purpose? I’m talking about waking up each day KNOWING that you’re on the right track, at peace with yourself & living the life you were meant to live.

Do you want clients you LOVE? Clients who are SO in love with you & how you serve them that they’ll shower you with money, RAVE about you to their friends & keep coming back for more? It’s a great feeling when you get a call or email from someone saying A close friend told me you’re amazing & I’ve GOT to talk to you; when can you fit me in?

Do you want to earn a fantastic 6 or 7-figure income, & feel great about it, doing what you love? Let’s face it if you REALLY want to give your gifts to the world, then you’re going to need the time, money & energy to do it. How good would you feel, looking at your bank account each month & seeing 4 or even 5-figure sums paid in by people who are LOVING what you do & the value they get from you?

Do you want 100% resilience when it comes to the economy? So many people get BATTERED when they see the headlines & listen to reports about the credit crunch. They lose sleep worrying about their financial situation, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Imagine knowing to the very heart of your being that you’re going to be OK no matter what!

Do you want freedom from self-doubt, & UNBREAKABLE confidence in yourself & your skills, knowing you have something of REAL value to give to your clients? Seeing the tears of gratitude in their eyes, & reading the words of thanks in their texts & emails is one of the greatest rewards you can get.

Do you want to feel great about every aspect of the process of getting visible, getting clients & getting the BIG results you want? You know that feeling of elation you get when you’re giving the perfect gift to a close friend; what happens when you imagine feeling the same way about getting clients? That’s the kind of comfort with client-getting I’m talking about.

What if the process of getting clients & delighting them is actually MEANT to be effortless & enjoyable, not a struggle or a strain?!?

Think about it if you’re doing heart-centred work, it’s because you’re inspired to serve others. Are you open to the possibility that you can do this in a way that you LOVE, a perfect match to who you are, & a congruent expression of the gifts you’re giving?

I know youll be saying yes, yes, yes to all those questions, so we need to explore whats blocking your true path to giving your love to the world….

But before I reveal what this Invisible Factor is, I want to show you some of the ways it shows up, in the 5 different guises known as….

**The FIVE Biggest Client-Getting MIND-VIRUSES**

So often I see one, or all, of these viruses plaguing Coaches, Consultants, NLPers and Trainers despite their genuine desire to help people, live on-purpose & make a real difference in the world…

NB. Each one of the Client-Attraction Mind-Viruses you’re about to read about are caused by the same Invisible Factor…

So here we go….

Client-Attraction Mind-Virus #1: Silver-bullet Syndrome & Tactic-itis
Everywhere you look, there are people offering Silver-bullets to help people get rich quick, grow their businesses & get clients fast.


Because people CRAVE tactics. We live in a quick-fix society, & we’ve come to expect a pill that will solve our problems & give us what we want. And we want it NOW!

But there are a couple of problems with this, ESPECIALLY when it comes to heart-centred businesses. You see, if you’re an NLPer, a coach, a trainer or a consultant (or if you aspire to be one)…

YOU are your product.

If you’re in the hamburger business, then you can buy an off-the-shelf turnkey system that you can use to generate money in exchange for hard work.

But if you want to make a great living doing what you love, your approach needs to fit your product…


The reality is, tactics are ten-a-penny. There are books, videos & workshops FULL of tactics. Chances are you’ve got notebooks full of tactics that you’ve written down from other programmes. In fact…

If tactics were the answer, you’d probably already HAVE a full, high-paying client-load & a steady stream of passive income.

But the reality is that tactics on their own are like the leaves of a tree; without a trunk & branches, rooted in fertile soil, the leaves aren’t much use. Trying to use tactics on their own is like trying to decorate a house before the walls have been put up.

The craving for tactics & silver-bullets is a symptom of the Invisible Factor.

Question: Do you secretly believe that if you just knew the right thing to do, you would do it & massively increase your success? Have you frantically scribbled tactical notes & silver-bullet ideas, just to leave them languishing in your notebook?

I’ve cracked this one, & so can you, but not before we get to…

Client-Getting Mind-Virus #2: Spraying Yourself with Client Repellant

There’s a saying in Hollywood – Desperation stinks! Desperation & neediness are the most UN-attractive qualities there are when it comes to getting clients. Human beings have a neediness detector – everyone can smell it.

Neediness is the equivalent of spraying yourself with client repellent. Here are some examples of the kind of insecure, outside-in thinking that results in neediness:

I need this client in order to pay my mortgage this month

If I don’t get this client, my business will fail

I’ll feel a sense of security once I’ve got a full client-list

I’ll feel validated in my work if I get a good result with this client

I need this person’s approval otherwise they won’t want to be my client

Neediness makes the process of Client-Getting feel creepy & uncomfortable for everyone involved.

And neediness is a symptom of the Invisible Factor.

Question: Have you ever been in a situation where you could feel that sense of neediness, the situation felt awkward & uncomfortable, & it didn’t go the way you wanted it to?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been on BOTH sides of that situation, especially when it comes to getting or becoming a client, & it’s about as much fun as a dose of FOOD poisoning!

The good news is, there’s a solution, but first I want to introduce…

Client-Getting Mind-Virus #3: Wearing The Cloak of Invisibility

You could be the best coach, trainer, film-maker or writer in the world, but if no-one is aware of you, it’s going to be tough to attract clients. Many people who start their own businesses fail to get clients because they’re effectively INVISIBLE. And why are they wearing a cloak of invisibility?

Because they’re afraid of being CRITICISED!

But here’s the thing: if you’re successful, you’ll be criticised. In fact, the more successful you are, the MORE you’ll be criticised!

Fear of criticism keeps people invisible, & stops them from giving their gifts to the world.

And you guessed it – fear of criticism is a symptom of the Invisible Factor.

Question: Do you ever feel like you’re playing small, or worry that if you really get out there, someone will criticise you or shame you?

This is one of the things I had to overcome, & it still messes with me from time to time. But the difference is, it’s no big deal because now I know what’s going on & what to do about it. Here’s another one…

Client-Getting Mind-Virus #4: The Money-Martyr Mindset

The Money-Martyr Mindset is my name for a pair of the most limiting beliefs when it comes to attracting clients & getting well-paid for what you do:

Limiting Belief Number 1
It’s OK to get well-paid for doing something I don’t like (eg. a job I’ve outgrown, or that I’m just doing for the money), but it’s NOT OK to get well-paid for doing something I love.

Limiting Belief Number 2
It’s OK to get well-paid for selling my time (Eg. having a job, getting paid a salary or an hourly wage) but it’s NOT OK to get paid over & over again for something I’ve created (Eg. a product, a business etc). Here are some of the ways this shows up for people:

Feeling uncomfortable about selling your services to people

Not wanting to charge people (or keeping your prices too low)

Not creating passive income

Putting lots of time & energy into a job you don’t like, but putting minimal effort into creating work you love

Only making your services available to people who can’t afford much

Not charging what you’re really worth (or doubting you’re worth it)

Feeling reluctant to ask someone to sign up as a client

These limiting beliefs are a symptom of the Invisible Factor.

Question: Would you like to charge more (or anything) for your services, but don’t feel like you can? Do you ever do work you don’t enjoy just for the money? Do you struggle to earn passive income, or to earn at the level you desire?

This is typical, & it’s also soluble. Finally…

[/b]Client-Getting Mind-Virus #5: Not-Enoughness[/b]

This one is perhaps the worst of all. Most NLPers, coaches, trainers & consultants that I meet have a niggling fear that they are just not enough. Secretly, they worry that…

Their skills aren’t good enough

They haven’t done enough training, or read enough books

They don’t have enough experience, or the right experience

They don’t have what it takes to operate at the highest levels

Worse than that, many of them feel that THEY are not enough, that there’s something wrong with them, or something they lack. One of the most destructive ways this shows up is that when they’re deeply inspired to live their purpose, what often comes up is an anxiety about being a FRAUD!

This can be compounded for people who are new to the field, & genuinely DON’T have the same level as skill & experience as some of their more seasoned colleagues.

Get Jamie Smart – Salad – Getting Clients Congruently at the CourseAvai

So they put off doing the very things that will GET them the experience, skills & insights that will raise them to the kind of level they desire.

This is a CLASSIC double-bind; a Catch-22 of the worst sort. And it’s a symptom of the Invisible Factor.

Question: Have you ever felt like you don’t know enough, aren’t experienced enough, or just aren’t enough, period? Have you ever had a sense of something you’re inspired to do, be or have, only to have a sinking feeling as you hear that little voice asking Who do you think you are? or What makes you think you can do that?

Welcome to the club I even know of people who are at the top of their game, yet are STILL haunted by this one. But there’s a solution…

In a moment, I’m about to reveal the Invisible Factor, show you how it relates to these Mind-Viruses, & more importantly…

I’m going to show you how you can get the Invisible Factor working FOR you rather than AGAINST you…

Getting Clients Congruently

So what’s the Invisible Factor that underpins every single Client-Getting Mind-Virus? More importantly, how can you get it working FOR you to deliver the things you really want, rather than working against you?
The Invisible Factor is this (drum roll please…)

Your Quality of Mind

The Invisible Factor is your Quality of Mind.

Get Jamie Smart – Salad – Getting Clients Congruently at the CourseAvai

By quality of mind, I’m not just talking about state. I’m talking about the QUALITY of your state of mind. Here are the 7 characteristics of a High Quality of Mind (HQoM) I’ll show you how these relate to the mind-viruses in just a sec…

HQoM #1 – A clear mind, uncluttered by thoughts & concerns. You may have experienced this when you’re on holiday, enjoying yourself & relaxing, with nowhere you have to be & nothing you have to do.

HQoM #2 – A nourishing depth & richness of feeling. We’ve all had moments like this, maybe looking up at the stars shining in a clear night sky, or watching waves washing rhythmically against the shore. For some people, these moments are few & far between, but we’ve all had them.

HQoM #3 – A state of relaxed alertness, being fully present & in the moment. This is the kind of flow state athletes search for – you experience this when you’re deeply involved in doing something you love.

HQoM #4 – Warm, genuine connections with other people. I’m talking about the kind of deep, beautiful sense of felt connection you get when you’re talking to someone you truly love, when it’s almost like you’re thinking each other’s thoughts, & hours can pass like minutes.

HQoM #5 – A deep sense of security & trust in yourself & your world. Imagine how you’d feel if you looked at your bank statement & saw that you had 100 million pounds in the bank. While not all multimillionaires feel secure, that 100 million feeling is at least in the BALLPARK of the kind of depth of security you have when you’re in a High Quality of Mind.

HQoM #6 – Access to your inner wisdom & intuition. Believe it or not, you have access to the same source of wisdom & brilliance as the world’s most brilliant coaches, successful entrepreneurs & greatest visionaries. This PERFECT COMPASS is the most valuable guidance system you have when it comes to creating the business & the life you desires, & it’s a function of High Quality of Mind.

HQoM #7 – A reliable source of creativity, insight & good ideas. Research shows that many of the most successful people have their best ideas when they’re doing things like driving, having a shower or relaxing on holiday. Why? Because these are times when their Quality of Mind is often NATURALLY high!

People literally pick-up your Quality of Mind. These mind-viruses take the appearance of a number of different problems, but they’re really just symptoms of ONE problem:

A Low Quality of Mind!

As you can see, in a High Quality of Mind, the mind-viruses don’t even EXIST! They’re only EVER a symptom of Low Quality of Mind.

(By the way, ALL human beings experience high AND low Qualities of Mind at different times & in different situations. But once you get a grip on the principles that influence your Quality of Mind, the whole game changes…)

Most business-building, marketing & influence programmes try to teach people to imitate many of the indicators of a High Quality of Mind experience, for instance:

They teach you to imitate body language to get rapport, but EVERYBODY knows the difference between body language tactics & feeling a deep sense of genuine connection.

They teach you to identify your target market, but there’s a HUGE difference between trying to figure that out like a MATH problem, and feeling authentically inspired to serve a group who you have a real feeling for.

They teach you to manage your state, but if you’re busy thinking What state am I in & how can I change it?, you’re not fully in the moment, being present & aware.

They teach you guaranteed step-by-step processes. Processes & procedures can be useful, but they’re no substitute for the wisdom, resourcefulness & creativity you have when you’re in a High Quality of Mind.

They teach you what questions to ask. High-quality questions are great, but if you’re in your head, trying to figure out what to ask, then you’re not being alive to the moment, responding to your wisdom & intuition.

Affirmations, techniques & procedures are well-meaning, but when you put the imitations aside & really experience the sense of security, clarity & connection that flow from a High Quality of Mind, there’s no contest!

*** NB. when I say that most programmes teach people to try & imitate the indicators of High Quality of Mind, I want to point out that they do that INNOCENTLY. Most people don’t even KNOW about the Invisible Factor, & there are only a handful of people on the PLANET who can teach you how to experience it more & more reliably. I’m NOT talking about NLP anchoring & state control, but about something that operates at a much deeper level. ***

Here’s just some of what you’re going to be getting:

You’re going to experience a very High Quality of Mind for yourself, probably more deeply than ever before. Many people say they experience an unprecedented depth of peace, wellbeing & mental clarity from these programmes; the kind of clarity that can literally transform your life in a moment.

Just as importantly, you’re going to learn where Quality of Mind comes from, & how it works. The more deeply you understand High Quality of Mind, the more of it you get to experience.

In the process, you’re going to learn more & more about Inside-Out, the new paradigm for human psychology. I’m talking about the future of Human Evolution. You may have heard me talk about Inside-Out before, but it’s not enough to have an Intellectual Understanding of it. Every time you’re exposed to it, you’ll get powerful new insights & realisations (I’ve been exploring this for some time, but my learnings just keep getting deeper & deeper).

Your deepening understanding of High Quality of Mind & how it works will also give you access to the 7 Characteristics of High Quality of Mind, as mentioned earlier:

A clear mind, uncluttered by thoughts & concerns.

A nourishing depth & richness of feeling.

A state of relaxed alertness, being fully present & in the moment.

Warm, genuine connections with other people.

A deep sense of security & trust in yourself & your world.

Access to your inner wisdom & intuition.

A reliable source of creativity, insight & good ideas.

NB. By the way, I’m NOT saying that you’re going to experience these all the time once you’ve finished this programme (not if you’re anything like me, anyway). But your insightful understanding of how High Quality of Mind works will allow you to be grateful for the highs & graceful with the lows. You’ll also find that your highs will be higher, last longer, & that the lows will tend to be less troubling & disappear more quickly.

The great news is, High Quality of Mind isn’t just great for GETTING clients. It’s one of the most profound gifts you can GIVE to your clients. Whether you work in the business world or with private individuals, EVERYONE wants to work with people who have a High Quality of Mind.

As you continue deepening your grounding in HQoM, you’ll find it giving benefits like

Increased presence

Acceptance of self & others

Real fearlessness

Deep inner security

Increasing authenticity

Greater connection to your wisdom & intuition

Following your path / life’s purpose

Tactics & techniques are like the Apps on a mobile phone. High Quality of Mind is the operating system these Apps run on. Without the operating system, the apps don’t work. High Quality of Mind really is the Unsuspected Inner Resource that underpins all the aspects of client-attraction, high-quality delivery & a High Quality of LIFE in general.

So many people get confused about using Social Media tools like Facebook & Twitter, without actually getting clear on their Tribe: the people they’re here to serve. They’re putting the cart before the horse! Who are you here to serve? Who are you most inspired to work with? Who are you best placed to support? You may have tried to answer these questions in the past, but the difference is now you’re going to be exploring from a High Quality of Mind.

What are the unique gifts you’re here to give? What’s the transformation you offer your clients? The answers to these questions relate to your unique abilities & life experience, so even if you’re not clear on it yet… It’s in there! Even if you don’t get 100% clear on all these things during the programme, you’re going to be armed with the tools to keep making progress in the days, weeks & months that follow.

You’re going to eliminate the obstacles to visibility (relax, you’re going to enjoy it!) One of the keys to visibility is to do it in a way that fits with who you are. One person is perfect for video, someone else is great for radio, writing or public speaking. There are so many ways to get visible, it’s about finding what works for you, & fits with your values & unique abilities.

You’re going to knock the legs out from under that fear of criticism. I’m not saying it won’t come back from time to time, but in the future, you’ll know what it is & how you can respond to it, allowing you to keep going, keep making progress.

We’re going to BLOW-AWAY the 5 Mind-viruses (plus a few more I haven’t mentioned), by going to where they don’t exist. High Quality of Mind isn’t a technique or anchored state – HQoM is an emergent property of a deeply embodied understanding of the nature of reality. The more familiar you get with it, the more persistently you experience it.

As I reflected on that programme (Secrets of the Superstar NLPers, Coaches, Trainers & Consultants), I suddenly realised what had happened. During the early sessions of the workshop, the group of 220 people were in an INCREDIBLY High Quality of Mind. There was a beautiful, rich feeling in the room, & people were having powerful insights, left, right & centre. I was delighted with the way the audience were responding.

As is my style, I used only one or two slides per session, each with a couple of bullet points, & spoke off the top of my head, weaving stories & metaphors together with practical, nuts & bolts information.

On the first afternoon, when it came time to tell people about my high-end Retreats & Inner Circle Programmes, everything changed. I started using lots of slides & working quickly through the information.

Instead of having a High Quality of Mind, my attention was on getting through the Sales Process effectively! My Quality of Mind EVAPORATED & the quality of the Customer Experience went with it!

As Homer Simpson would say… Doh!

I fell into the oldest trap in the book. I let task take priority over relationship. I let the PROCESS get in the way of my CONNECTION with the audience. My Quality of Mind suffered & our sales followed suit.

The moment I realised this, I made a decision…

I would rather get NO bookings on my high-end programmes than let the process get in the way of my connection with the audience again. So here’s what’s going to happen…

I’m going to run the whole programme with 100% of my focus on giving you the best experience possible. I’ve redesigned the way I offer my high-end programmes so that I can retain the kind of deep connection with my audience that we love. I’m putting Quality of Mind & the Customer Experience (Yours) FIRST & everything else second.

You can be the judge! This is going to allow me to do 3 important things:

Give everyone in the room a valuable enjoyable experience
Demonstrate in real time that it’s possible to Get Clients Congruently
Inspire you with the realisation that you can do it too, & the skills to make it a reality!

After all, if the programme’s called Getting Clients Congruently I want to put my money where my mouth is.

And there’s a fourth thing…

Before I even offer anyone the chance to book on my high-end programmes, I’m going to unpack EVERYTHING I’ve been doing…

I’m going to share all the influence tactics I use so you can…

Use them yourself, and
Generalise them into other contexts

And you get to experience all this in the DVD, as we fast forward to February 2011 what a contrast! This time when it came to inviting people to join my Inner Circle, it was a completely different experience for all of us.

Not to put too finer point on it I ROCKED everyone got it and we had the best response EVER it was truly AWESOME.

Even those who didnt wish to take up the offer came up to me and said Wow, and one delegate described it as a piece of art

I had a blast , and enjoyed whole new freedom around attracting clie

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