Igor – Advanced Mind Bending Language Hypnotherapy

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Igor – Advanced Mind Bending Language Hypnotherapy
Igor – Advanced Mind Bending Language Hypnotherapy

Original price was: $241.00.Current price is: $52.00.


Igor – Advanced Mind Bending Language Hypnotherapy

Igor - Advanced Mind Bending Language Hypnotherapy

Archive: https://archive.li/WAUwZ

It’s Not Entirely Your Fault
See fact is:
Mind bending language IS the most powerful covert conversational hypnosis “technology” that exists.
When used right (and introduced into your conversation in the right context) it can unlace the “mental bindings” from someone’s unconscious mind in a matter of minutes.
Doesn’t really matter what the issue being “worked” on is, either.
Nor does it matter that the issue has been a “thorn in the side” of someone’s life for 20-years or more.
Mind bending language is the BEST covert “psychological and emotional thorn remover” there is for conversational-type hypnosis.
I’ve Seen Proof Of That Too Many Times.
Take for example the lady who couldn’t even think about snakes without feeling like she was going to pass out. It was an issue that had plagued here for most of her life.
Within 20-minutes of a session where mind bending language was used she couldn’t understand how she had ever felt any fear or phobia around snakes. She even went out to a zoo and held a snake for the first time in her life.
Then there was the man who was all jumbled up over work issues. He was extremely good at his work. But at the same time felt it was not fulfilling all his needs.
Again after a few minutes of mind bending language he felt like a “new man” who had suddenly got clarity and zest for his work again.

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In other words:
Mind Bending Language Really Is
All It’s Cracked Up To Be!
That’s why I applaud you for studying it.
And I want to reassure you all the mind bending language training you’ve taken so far has been a very necessary part of your learning journey.
More and more though, I’ve realized it’s very hard to fully transfer the skill of using mind bending language NATURALLY and INSTINCTIVELY via traditional style teaching.
My licensed trainer’s first made me aware of that.
See, all my licensed trainer’s have received the very best of my training, have attended ongoing multiple teaching events I’ve put on, and understand all the mechanics of using mind bending language better than most.
And yet:
When they have attempted to use mind bending language in real life situations — they have still, at times, found it difficult to use it in a fluid, natural-sounding way.
As such, they have reported to me that using mind bending language…
Sometimes Feels Clunky And Clumsy
And, as you can imagine, that has tripped them up on occasions.
Maybe you’ve experienced the same kind of thing. And know exactly what I’m talking about.
Or, if (like a few of my licensed trainers) you feel you’ve fully mastered smoothly integrating mind bending language into a normal-sounding conversation (so it doesn’t feel clunky or clumsy), you might have run into the other problem that has been reported to me, which is…
Not Always Knowing How To Lead The Conversation In The Right Direction When It Gets Off Track Or There’s A “Dead Spot” In The Interaction
So, based on that feedback from my licensed trainers I did something about it.
What happened is this:
I recently held a private (and very exclusive) 3-day mentoring program in Dublin, Ireland.
That mentoring program was not in the format of a traditional from-the-stage type seminar.
It was more like a very intimate “fire-side” gathering — with a heavy emphasis on role-playing and interactive coaching of mind bending language (MBL).
I mention that because it’s highly doubtful you will have heard anything about that Dublin mentoring program.
That’s because it was never promoted.
It Was By Strict Invite Only
Under a dozen people who had paid $10,000 to take my Licensed Trainer’s Training Program (and subsequently passed a rigorous certification exam) were invited.
The important point for now though is this:
The entire “theme” of the 3-day mentoring program was on how to instinctively use MBL…
So It NEVER Feels Clunky Or Clumsy
Over and above that:
It showed the attendees (through interactive point-by-point coaching and feedback) how to evolve from doing MBL to…
Simply BEING With Someone In
A Mind Bending Way
So, whatever is spoken (or not spoken!), the subject experiences fast and profound mind bending moments that completely reconfigure their conscious thinking AND unconscious responses to the issue being “worked” on.
Altogether, I SHOWED attendees (through “hypnotherapy sessions” and individual coaching) how to take the emphasis off the what to say and, instead, put the main emphasis on simply BEING with someone in a mind bending way.
That resulted in my licensed trainers finally “getting” MBL at its DEEPER more intuitive level.
And because of that they started reporting to me that… all of a sudden… they felt the pressure taken off of them and the entire MBL thing became…

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Module #1: How to Create Spontaneous, Natural Mind Bending Language
This starts off with a live coaching session – where 2 students come up – one to be the hypnotist and the other the subject.
I then provide point-by-point coaching and feedback as they go along to DEMONSTRATE how to make MBL authentically natural; rather than an exercise that relies on clunky “language patterns”.
You’ll see how to make MBL as natural as the rest of your conversation (so you are completely covert).
Module 1 ends with a philosophical discussion of the 3 stages of learning: mechanical (you don’t know why it works, just what to do), principles based (where you figure out how it works) and finally intuitive (it all becomes easy and natural now).
Module #2: MBL Philosophy and Expanding Your Subject’s Consciousness
In module 2 the focus is on the importance of “not trying so hard” and letting mind bending moments happen naturally.
The coaching (captured in module 2) focuses on NOT trying to solve the client’s problem – which leads to giving advice – and instead expanding your subject’s point-of-view so that they find their own solutions.
You’ll see how in doing so MBL starts to have a strange and compelling logic (it evolves past the “random crazy stuff” that people usually throw out there!)
Then there is a discussion about the general strategies we try to use in MBL – so that we can be confident that the subject will change without us having to force our advice on them!
Module #3: “Unconscious Moments” And Creating Powerful Healing Trances
Module 3 starts with a recap of the key principle of SLOWING DOWN and taking the pressure off so internal unconscious change in your subject emerges naturally.
This module also focuses on the idea of spotting “Unconscious Moments” that are the best opportunities for a powerful healing trance.
Then there’s a great segment where I walk around the room and interrupt people mid exercise to coach them live in the moment. You can hear a bunch of these impromptu coaching sessions for your own insights.
Module #4: Mining the Subconscious
Mind for Answers
Module 4 focuses on the main themes for the training: slow down, stop giving advice, stop trying to force the change, pay attention to Unconscious moments, etc.
There is advice given on how you go from mechanical clumsiness to magical artistry.
The coaching session then focuses on a relationship issue. One of the things you’ll get from this module is how NOT to get sucked into the client’s problem reality – and learning how to separate what their conscious mind THINKS is going on and what is really happening at an UNCONSCIOUS level. Very important!
Module #5: “Smart” Mind Bending Language & Using MBL Formulas in Public
In module 5 my MBL cards are used to stretch the students’ range a bit.
There is a Q&A segment on how to make my MBL Cards work in public, even though they are not particularly designed for that context.
Then there’s another live coaching session. Afterwards there is a LONG discussion on how to “get” the clever language patterns – you’ll see Randy who is fixated on an unhelpful approach and how, using MBL, I slowly bring him around to seeing how to be more effective.
NOTE: The Amateur Videos for this module are poor but the audio quality is very good.
Module #6: Taking the Pressure Off with
Natural Covert Communication
The theme for module 6 is “less is more” – when to shut up, when to simplify your suggestions etc., to make the whole process of “working” with a subject more natural and easy.
You’ll see how by saying less, MBL actually becomes more natural, covert as well as effective.
You’ll also see how by adopting the mind set of NOT trying to resolve someone else’s problem – your mind will stay open enough for you to spot the unconscious moments where the right MBL phrase will speed up and deepen the transformation process.
Module #7: Handling Resistance Demonstration: A Blend of Ericksonian Hypnosis & Mind Bending Language

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Module 7 focuses on the power of strategic pausing – rather than rambling on and ruining good suggestions by moving ahead to quickly.
By pausing (at strategic points) it gives your subject critical processing time.
You’ll also see how to clearly create a distinction between states (trance vs waking.)
The bulk of the module, however, is me doing a demo with Randy on how to resolve resistance. Randy keeps trying to intellectualize the experience – and interferes with the hypnotic process as a result.
However you’ll see how (using a combination of Ericksonian hypnosis and MBL) I create a strong conscious / unconscious dissociation in Randy so that even though he doubts anything is happening – and keeps trying to interfere – he unconsciously resolves his issue of resistance to the concepts being taught.
Module #8: The Power of the
“Hypnotic Philosopher”
Module 8 starts off with a general debrief and Q&A / discussion session where we address a lot of the stuff covered so far.
The coaching session then challenges the hypnotist to have a “normal chat” while allowing unconscious moments to occur which can be captured and leveraged with MBL.
I introduce the idea of a “hypnotic philosopher” — someone who just has seemingly interesting chats with people about life that end up bending their minds so their whole perception around an idea changes.
Module #9: Blending Covert Mind Bending Language, Conversational Hypnosis &
Ericksonian Hypnosis
Module 9 starts off with discussion about the unconscious mind and its true role in everyday life, hypnosis & therapy.
Then the nuances of the “less is more” principle are covered and the important difference between doing LESS and doing NOTHING!
The coaching session on this Module focuses on a weightless session and blends conversational MBL with conversational hypnosis. It seems like an “earnest discussion” is going on, but the subject keeps falling into trance.
The module concludes with a classic Ericksonian trance – thereby showing the “3 ranges” of trance: covert MBL, covert hypnosis & Ericksonian hypnosis.
Module #10: MBL Strategies & Non-Verbal
Covert Communications
In module 10 the all-important strategy behind using MBL and hypnosis in general is covered.
By being aware of the overall strategy you won’t get stuck at the level of techniques (and overwhelmed by the 1000s of techniques that are out there!)
The coaching session on this module focuses on unconscious communication – especially looking at the non-verbal.
Module #11: A Classic Example of Executive Coaching, How to Hypnotically Develop Niche
Skills & Conclusions
The coaching session on module 11 is with a student who “flip-flops” between being on track and falling off track again. You’ll see how I give feedback to the student and help get him “back on track” when he misses an unconscious moment or tries too hard to change the subject. It’s a classic example of how to “salvage” MBL when it seems like it’s not going anywhere with the subject.
The coaching session is also a classic example of executive coaching (the way I used to work with my executive clients). You’ll see how minimal advice is offered as a solution and, instead, how to unlock your subjects unconscious mind so they tap into their own resources for the best solution for themselves.
Then there is a short session where there’s a discussion on how to use MBL in any training, coaching, teaching environment (outside traditional or therapeutic hypnotherapy) and get better results from all the people you work with.
EXTRA BONUS: Full Transcripts Of All 11 Modules
TranscriptsI’ve also had the entire program professionally transcribed for you in a searchable PDF so you can ‘zero in’ on any particular section.
I like to read written materials on my ipad or kindle. And I also like to print out the sections I want to actively practice on paper. If you’re like me, having access to written transcripts is an invaluable part of the learning process!

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