Fabienne Fredrickson – The Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat

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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $92.00.


Fabienne Fredrickson – The Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat
Fabienne Fredrickson – The Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $92.00.


Fabienne Fredrickson – The Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat

Fabienne Fredrickson - The Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat

NOTE: Reading this letter will change your life. If you’ve been wondering why your income hasn’t grown as fast as you’ve wanted, I will detail for you every single reason, and then give you the keys to multiplying your income dramatically, no matter how successful you are in your business while being more authentic and feeling more blissful than you’ve ever felt. Interested? Then print this letter and read every single word below…

From: Fabienne L. Fredrickson
Stamford CT, USA

Print This Page Now

Dear Friend:

In case you’ve been following my business over the past 3 years, you probably know that my income has skyrocketed dramatically. (I hope it’s OK to share numbers with you…)

I’ve gone from making into the low 6-figures 3 years ago, to now being well on my way to owning a multi-million dollar business, helping people I care about, being able to see my children during the day, and feeling freer and more authentic than ever before.

In fact, my business is doing so well that my husband quit his corporate job two years ago, and he now runs it.

What’s the secret to this meteoric rise in my income? It’s probably not what you think…

Yes, you do know that I’m an expert in marketing and Client Attraction. And that’s gotten me pretty far along in the last 10 years. But while I’d like to say that marketing is the only reason for this massive business growth in the last two years, I’d be misleading you.

You see, it’s my ‘Inner Game’ and my mindset that’s brought me to this level…

Yes, my MINDSET.

You see, I’ve gotten crystal clear that without a clear mindset, you CANNOT achieve what you want, at least not quickly.

So, how did I go from making low 6-figures to pushing the 7-figure mark SO quickly? That’s EXACTLY what I’d like to share with you.

And I’d like to start this with a story, something that happened just recently. It will help reveal the exact obstacle holding you back from making a lot more money than you’re making now.

The details of the story may not be the same as your own story, and that part doesn’t matter because, most probably, the core of the obstacle is.

The story is about a phone call that I had with a client of mine. Now, obviously, for purposes of anonymity, I will change this client’s name and all recognizable details.

The point though is that the story is universal. It is hers, it was mine and it probably is yours too. And you will receive great insights about your own journey from reading it. Here goes…

One of my clients, “Jane” called. She was feeling frustrated, confused, beaten down, practically desperate, ready to give up on her business and get a “real” job-job.

Despite great successes in the recent past, she was in an uneasy place. Yes, she’d applied lots of solid marketing techniques and strategies, including 7 new clients in a short amount of time, a flood of new exciting joint venture opportunities and other successes.

But then she talked to me about the price of gas, the cost of food, clients canceling last minute, and just the FEAR of what would happen to her and her family. This kind of thinking was affecting her every day decisions in her business and in her finances. She was tightening up the belt and praying she would not lose everything.

She SAID she wanted to make a lot of money. But when we dove deeper, I realized she actually did NOT want to make money.

Oh, on the surface yes, she said she did. But when I gently asked more and more questions, I showed her exactly how, deep down in her subconscious, she really DID NOT want to make a lot of money. In fact, she was sabotaging herself at every turn, just so she wouldn’t actually make money.

Does that seem totally crazy to you?

Thing is, you’re probably doing the very same thing, right now, each and every day, not even knowing that you’re doing this. I’ll demonstrate that to you in a moment. But for now, more about Jane…

Growing up, Jane’s family had nice clothes, a nice home, and a new car. But things were not as they appeared to the outside world.

You see, as we peeled away the layers of the onion, Jane revealed to me so many different things about her childhood as it relates to money. For her, money was always an issue in her family. In fact, her childhood had NOT been an abundant one and her parents worked many jobs to pay for the luxuries she had, but on the outside, the neighbors never saw this lack of money.

The truth is, there was no money. Having as much money as her neighbors was an illusion that was perpetuated by her family at every turn. And Jane felt like a fraud growing up. She always felt inadequate, like she didn’t belong and didn’t deserve what she had. That it was all on loan somehow.

Today, she associates making or having money with being a fraud.

Deep down, beyond her consciousness, she believes that once you make money, you become greedy, you stop sharing with others, you change, and essentially, become a “bad” person.

In fact, I used to think similar things a few years ago. Until I really got clear on how this thinking was keeping me and my income way down.

Because of assumptions like this, Jane was creating the very same living situation for her own children as she’s experienced in childhood herself.
Reserve Your Seatarrow right

“Within ONE month of the Mindset Retreat, Sandy signed on her very first $25,000 client!”

“I went to Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat in Miami with the intention of getting my mindset cleaned up. I know that I have big work to do in this world and I knew I was keeping myself stuck and miserable. After spending 3 days with Fabienne and the amazing people in attendance, I got some BIG shifts in my thinking! I realized how fear had paralyzed me AND I learned how to change it.

Needless to say, I went home with a ROCKIN’ new attitude and outlook! Within a month after the event, I signed on my very first $25,000 client! Thank you Fabienne!!!”

Sandy Rees

“Jamie’s business has gone from “concept” to 3 high-paying clients in less than 90 days since discovering Fabienne’s Mindset Techniques”

“As a serial entrepreneur with strong tendencies toward under-earning and under-achieving, I knew that my “mindset” was the #1 barrier to realizing my full potential, personally and in business. Honestly, I was desperate for answers and tired of living life with trepidation.

Now, less than 90 days after attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat, my business has gone from “concept” to 3 high-paying clients. The right systems are in place and I’ve hired 2 virtual assistants to help me get out there in a “BIG WAY”.

Most importantly however, I left the Retreat a very different businesswoman than the one who arrived that first day. Fabienne attracts amazing men and women from all over the world and it was truly a pleasure sharing and stretching with them in a safe and nurturing environment. To say that the retreat was “life and business altering” is an understatement. Thank you Fabienne and fellow mindset attendees!”

Jamie K. Brown

“Within a few weeks after the Mindset Retreat, Elona went from “being at death’s door” making LESS than $1,000 per month to enrolling 12 new clients and is on track to earn 7-10K per month in 2011.”

“Before I connected with Fabienne, I was stuck, literally immobilized, not doing anything with my business. It was like I was frozen in time for a period of three years. As an entrepreneur, I was at death’s door, I was bringing in less than $1,000 per month.

I knew something was wrong, something was stopping me from moving forward. I was going through all the motions but I was only doing busy work and not taking care of business. I needed to know the truth. I prayed for truth! And then the answer came. I signed up to be on the preview call for the Mindset Retreat and that is when the BIG BREAKTHROUGH began. The insight and information that was shared on the preview call was so powerful. It was as if someone split me wide open and exposed everything that was hidden, blocking me from moving forward.

I knew I had to be at the mindset retreat. I knew there were going to be things shared that would continue the “change reaction” taking place in me. Through the information that Fabienne shared, I have received inner healing that has exposed the incongruencies in my life. I am now up and moving in my divine purpose using my unique abilities. Within a few weeks after the mindset retreat, I enrolled 12 new clients in my very first group coaching program and I am on track to earn 7-10K per month in 2011.”

Elona Sanders

“Fonda is now attracting the type of clients she’s always wanted, with clients booking her in advance!tuned into her heart’s desire for her business, which has helped with her partnership and even her marriage.”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat, I never made the connection that my spirituality and my business had anything to do with one another. I kept everything compartmentalized and was very wary about the direction of my business. At the retreat I received information that has been floating around in my head for years that didn’t resonate with how I ‘worked’ my business.

I am able to see areas of neglect or ‘goofing off’ and get laser clear about how to attract clients through a know-like-and-trust factor through the energy I exude. I noticed how my feelings of lack or not having enough were causing a lack of clientele. But now as a result of attending the Mindset Retreat, I am now attracting the type of clients I have always wanted in my business ON PURPOSE and WITH PURPOSE.

Clients book with me in advance. They are thinking outside the box to help propel me to the next level. The Mindset Retreat not only allowed me the opportunity to tune into my heart’s desire for my business, it has helped my partnership and thus my marriage.

My advice for those thinking of getting this information…do not hesitate! It is still changing my life. EVERY time I re-read my personal notes about the retreat or listen to the Workshop-in-a-Box, I have constant ah-ha moments. With practice and a light heart, I will be able to not only work my business for years to come, but also dream up bigger and better things, so that I may cause a big, big ripple effect in the world. Thanks Fabienne!”

Fonda Clayton

“Anna increased her sales by 20% and expects to increase that to 50% very shortly.”

“Before working with Fabienne on my Mindset, I wasn’t sure of how to shed the limiting beliefs that were holding me back. I was spending too much time in a place of fear, which was literally sabotaging all the positive things I was doing to grow my business. Fabienne believed in me and gave me the tools I needed to let go of my sabotaging beliefs. I still have times that I go into that place of fear, as all entrepreneurs do, but I am now able to recognize it for what it is and can immediately shift my focus!

I love that everything Fabienne teaches at her Mindset Retreat is from her own personal experience. Every word is AUTHENTIC and REAL. She has this amazing way of making you feel like you’ve been friends forever (the kind of friend you would trust with your life). Fabienne is the best mentor and coach you could ever hope for. She laughs with you, she cries with you and she gives you that extra push just when you need it!

Just in the last couple of months since the Mindset Retreat, I’ve been able to increase my sales by 20% and expect to turn that 20% into 50% very shortly. This in an industry where all I hear is how business is down due to the economy! Fabienne doesn’t allow you to use such crutches…

I would highly URGE anyone looking to grow, either personally or professionally, to let your guard down and just go for IT!!! You will not be disappointed in this Mindset Retreat content, I promise you that!”

Anna Linnehan

“After shifting her own mindset, Nel brought in over $7,500—in just one week.”

“I absolutely love love loved Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat this last September. Before I arrived, I was really feeling down in the dumps, judging myself, others, complaining not actually being ME at all. Thanks goodness I made the effort to go to Miami and be with Fabienne for 3 whole days.

I saw that I have spent so much time cleaning up all these stories I tell myself about my past, but I am not changing the stories I tell myself NOW. Like, for example, “I will never make the money I want”, “I am not smart enough to be an entrepreneur”, “nobody has enough money to pay for my services” and the list goes on. When Fabienne really got deep down to the core of what is holding me back from really booming I realized that is it, I needed to just CHANGE my story. And Fabienne gave me the tools to make that happen.

Mindset, in my business, is 100% responsible for my income and I am constantly inspired by Fabienne to keep working at it. I have seen major shifts in myself and my business. Just last week I brought in over $7,500—in just ONE WEEK. I typically bring in $10K in a whole month and I did way over half in just one week. This is just one example of what the Mindset shifts can do when you learn from Fabienne.”

Nel Shelby


Now, before you think that this type of situation only happens to people who did NOT grow up with money, think again.

One of my past clients, another wonderful person, was in the opposite situation.

“Susan” actually grew up in an upper middle class family, possibly even wealthy. But when I met her, she was having a very difficult time making a go of her private coaching practice.

She had everything it took to truly succeed and yet she struggled with building her business, dragged her feet on putting my marketing recommendations in action, was challenged with money, and it seemed for a long time that she was really struggling, for no apparent reason.

Until one day, when I decided to take the great leap of faith and asked her one simple question.

“Susan, what would happen if you actually became successful and made a lot of money by applying these recommendations I’ve been giving you? How would you feel about the windfall of money?”

There was a silence on the line. For a minute, I thought we’d been disconnected. I asked if she was there. And then I could have sworn she was quietly crying, tears rolling down her face.

At first, she hesitantly shared with me that she would feel overwhelmed with all the clients, wouldn’t be able to handle them all, that she would lose her freedom, that she would lose herself in the process.

Although this was an invalid fear that many solo-entrepreneurs use to keep themselves back, I intuitively knew there was more. I’d actually heard this before in my 8 years of business coaching, a lot.

And so I asked her again…

“Susan, what would happen if you actually made a lot of money in your small business?”

That’s when it all came out.

Susan had grown up with a lot of money. And her parents had always tried to hide it. It was as if they were ashamed of it. And so they never got the new car, Susan wore hand-me-downs rather than new clothes, and their rather humble lifestyle was all a big farce.

What would people think if they knew her family had money?

She was taught that money wasn’t good to have. That it was a source of shame. In fact, having money was almost a curse in her family.

And now, in her present situation, those beliefs were driving Susan in her every decision, especially around her business. She sabotaged her success DAILY because of an underlying, deeply ingrained fear of having money.

She was SHOCKED that this was holding her back. In fact, she had a PHD in Psychology and never put the two together.

But once we got clear on what was holding her back, and worked through them together, she very quickly filled her private practice with clients, and started making a lot more money, with a lot more ease in her life. She’d broken through her gunk and started attracting the abundance she deserved.

At the same time, she started feeling a LOT freer (hey, it takes an enormous amount of energy to carry our limiting beliefs and fears on a daily basis!).

You CANNOT expect money or a certain lifestyle and actually get it if, inside, your subconscious thoughts and feelings dictate something different.

At every turn, these deeply ingrained beliefs and unhealed “emotional wounds” around money and deserving from our childhood experiences hold us back, keep us from playing bigger and sabotage our successes.

Problem is, we don’t know what we don’t know about our fears, thoughts, feelings and self sabotaging beliefs.

These examples may seem like they are extremes, but I’ve actually heard much worse.

I will even bet that you probably don’t know your own inner barriers.

So, how are YOU sabotaging your own success on a daily basis?
Here’s a sample list:

You often use excuses, usually about money and time, for not taking advantage of opportunities that are right in front of you

You sometimes come from a fear mentality

You regularly focus on what’s lacking in your life, rather than on what you want

You most always stop yourself in the ‘belief’ process

You allow fear of rejection and failure to get in the way of taking action

You look at your existing situation, rather than focusing on your dream

Deep down, you may feel you don’t deserve abundance and success on a grand scale (whether you know this consciously or not)

Sometimes, if you’re really honest with yourself, you may feel you are not “enough” as a person

You resent rich people (even though you don’t really mean to)

You have a very limited idea of how much you can really make

You may be putting too much focus on the negative influence in your surroundings, especially the news media or what others around you are saying

You aren’t willing to do what it takes to change your income

You look at what others around you are doing to set your own benchmarks

You don’t listen to your intuition as much as you could

You sometimes back away from uncomfortable situations that represent opportunities for growth

You aim way too low

You aren’t willing to speak the truth about your hidden behaviors

You numb yourself or stay too busy or scattered to fully receive your inner guidance

You don’t realize how your beliefs are really creating your reality

You are afraid to take big risks

You aren’t clear enough on your life purpose

You don’t always have enough confidence in yourself

You don’t take enough personal responsibility for your results, sometimes blaming certain circumstances or situations for what you don’t have yet

You’re afraid to invest in yourself, for fear of losing money

You don’t always trust yourself to make the right decision, so no decision often feels like the better option

You get frozen in your fears and stop taking action, even when the reward is right around the corner

You may be embarrassed or have shame about certain aspects of yourself or your life and that stops you from seeing yourself as being worthy of having it all

You don’t believe in miracles, at least not long enough to let them into your life

You don’t fully believe you can actually achieve the massive success that others have

You believe in metaphysics but somehow have trouble manifesting the clients or money you say you want

You underestimate or don’t understand the true value you bring to others

You procrastinate and use other self-sabotage to keep yourself away from success

You get in your own way from getting what you want, repeatedly, because of the negative things you tell yourself and the invisible fears that get in your way, the self-doubt and gremlins that keep you from doing what it takes to have a full practice

Somehow, you wonder whether you deserve (or can handle) having it all

Your inner critic is very, very loud

You are afraid of what people will think of you if you do begin to succeed

A part of you doesn’t believe you can REALLY make a lot of money

The thing is, all of these beliefs and fears are completely untrue. In fact, the thing you seek is right beyond the struggle

Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat ™ Workshop-in-a-Box (incuding all the DVD’s and CD’s of the live event)!

Reserve Your Seatarrow right

“Since attending the Mindset Retreat, Gail’s new business brought in over $7,000 in monthly continuity income and over $42,000 in new contracts!”

“What can I say about Fabienne’s Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat? Wow! Wow! And Whoo Hoo! Before attending the Mindset Retreat I was studying mindset, law of attraction and principles of abundance on my own. I found myself “thirsty” for the mindset information even more so than marketing and business information.

I really wanted to identify and break through the barriers that have been holding me back for 50 some years. I wanted to discover what my life purpose is and what I should be doing to work in that direction. I knew that if I could come closer to answering my most daunting questions about the inner “me”, all other aspects of my life would begin to come together.

At the Mindset Retreat I was completely blown away. I became a human sponge and soaked everything in. I began to totally recognize where my work needed to be. Fabienne gave amazing exercises to discover inner blocks and solutions to rid those blocks, tools to kick the bad habits and stay tuned into thoughts and feelings, how to recognize what your gut or intuition is telling you and so much more. One of the most powerful lessons for me was how I’ve been sabotaging myself by saying “no”. I’m quickly realizing to just say “yes” and the details (how) of the yes will be shown to me.

Since the Mindset Retreat, opportunity seems to fall out of the sky and I’m saying, “yes” if it serves my business and me. My income has dramatically increased as my partner and I brought in 5 new clients, 3 new high level marketing clients, an opportunity to partner in a live event and live speaking gigs. This new business resulted in an additional $7,000 per month in continuity income and over $42,000 in contracted services.

If you’re thinking of connecting with Client Attraction and Fabienne, don’t think – just do. You were brought here in this moment for a reason. Say “yes” and experience the results as I have and continue to do. Fabienne is authentic, so very relatable and the real deal. I am so happy and grateful to call her my friend and mentor!”

Gail Saseen

“Pauline earned $36,000 just from the shifts she made after the Mindset Retreat”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat I knew that it was my health mindset that was holding back my business potential. I knew I HAD to attend the retreat. I totally moved my schedule around to make it happen.

At the Mindset Retreat I received incredible insights as to what my blocks have been. I realized my playing small the last few years has resulted in my turning my health into a project so that I would have something to focus on. I experienced profound breakdowns before my breakthroughs (and I continue to have breakthroughs in rapid succession).

As a result of attending the Mindset Retreat, I am having instant manifestations, while amazing opportunities, connections and contacts are landing in my life. Each time they do, my email inbox also comes with a business opportunity or a “low-hanging-fruit” prospect signs up. Each of these is valued at over $12,000. There have been at least 3 of these that I can directly relate to my mindset shifts. That is a minimum of $36,000 just from the Mindset Retreat shifts.

Having coached sports for 15 years, I observed how 90% of winning was due to the player’s mindset. Business is no different. You can do all the marketing, sales calls and actions you want, but until your mindset is aligned, you will be swimming upstream. I HIGHLY recommend you choose flowing with the river and check out your mindset–even those who specialize in training mindsets will benefit from having something just for their own self-care. You are SOOOO worth it.”

Pauline Fleming

“Within a month, Deb had 2 new clients, got her book ready to be published, hired an assistant, and was invited to do 2 teleseminars!”

“Before attending Fabienne’s mindset retreat, I was having a difficult time staying focused. I wasn’t staying true to myself and bouncing all over the place looking for answers outside of myself.

I know realize that your mindset has everything to do with your success. You don’t make any money if you “go to work” second guessing everything you do. The retreat made me realize that what I am doing for women is quite unique and powerful. I just wasn’t sure how to do it. Fabienne’s content helped me realize how close I was to making this a success. I had so many ah-ha’s about my journey.

If you follow her system, it works. I attended less than one month ago – and have 2 new clients, my book is ready to be published by the end of November, I hired a part-time assistant, my website is on track to be finished in 2 weeks, and I’ve been invited to do 2 teleseminars.”

Deb Schmitz

What I discovered over the last 10 years of doing pretty intense personal growth and development work on my “self”, is that all of these fears and thoughts and beliefs are all invalid.

And yet, they are THE reason why you aren’t making the money you want to be making right now. And the longer you believe in these false ideas, on a subconscious level, the longer it will take to create the life you really want.

You may be wondering where all this GUNK came from, anyway…

The creepy self-sabotaging beliefs and fears that sabotage you from reaching success come from a variety of different places:

Hand-me-down beliefs from parents
What we witnessed as a child
Widely-held social or cultural beliefs
Experiences gone wrong
Beliefs and small-thinking that our friends and acquaintances hold as ‘truth’
The media (movies, the news, TV, magazines, etc.)

This stuff is all around you and, I hate to say it, it’s really difficult to escape. Especially as a child, when we form most of our ideas around life.

And yet, I’ll tell you one thing…

Removing these fears and negative beliefs is crucial if you want to finally move to the next level of your success and income level.

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”
– Thomas Jefferson

Listen, I know that you “know” that by now because you’ve probably watched the movie The Secret a hundred times. But have you noticed how many people watch that movie over and over, and STILL don’t manifest what they want in their lives?

The reason is, they believe that if they just THINK about what they want, it will arrive. What they’re not clear about, is that their underlying thoughts and feelings, those they don’t know that they HAVE, are really dictating their results.

Problem is, most people don’t even know about the self-sabotaging thoughts, deeply-ingrained feelings and destructive behaviors they have, and even if they DID know about them, they wouldn’t know where to begin eliminating them!

THAT is the crazy part.

Most people don’t even KNOW all this stuff is holding them back (even you). You may just think something’s wrong with you for not being to move up to the next level in their income.

You may feel that, somehow, you aren’t really meant to succeed, and then you probably create nice little excuses as to why you don’t really have all the beauty and richness you deserve:

“I’m not as educated as she is, so I can’t create the same results.”

“My industry doesn’t make a lot of money. Therefore I can’t make money doing what I do.”

“My clients would NEVER pay that much.”

“I’m fine with what I’ve got. Who needs THAT much money, anyway?”

The thing is, if you knew how EASY it is to clear out those cobwebs and eliminate the icky, sludgy gunk that’s holding you back from what’s rightfully yours, you’d be shocked.

Here’s how it works, in a very simplistic way:

The thoughts pattern

Every thought you have creates a feeling within you that dictates each of your actions. Then, each action creates a particular result in your life. So, a limiting thought, even just one, creates a negative feeling, which prevents you from taking action on an opportunity, which then dictates your results.

Now, when you heal the emotional wounds and limiting beliefs, you can expect amazing results.

“In just once week after the Mindset Retreat, Trisha signed on 7 new clients, and expects to increase her monthly income by $40%!”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat I had been struggling with my business and felt like I didn’t have anywhere to turn. I was literally beating my head against the wall trying to figure out how best to get new clients. I knew that I had an amazing service to offer but I had zero resources to help me market my business and myself effectively.

At the Mindset Retreat I experienced a total transformation. I had studied and read all sorts of different self-help and law of attraction books over the years and desperately wanted to build my business and change some of my “stuck” behavior patterns. I was beyond frustrated. The information Fabienne shared at the Mindset Retreat was the secret key that really unlocked my feeling stuck and helped me finally “get it” around mindset and manifesting.

In addition to the mindset transformation, I also received some wonderful marketing tools, which I really needed! The thing I realized is you need both marketing and the mindset! You can have the most brilliant marketing plan in place but without the mindset piece, it is more difficult to grow your business and change your life to match what you really want.

I experienced visible shifts in my business during the Mindset Retreat! On day two of the retreat, I was offered two speaking engagements and got two new clients. In the week after I arrived home, I attracted another five new clients, which generated a thousand dollars, in just four days!!

I have continued to experience amazing results in my business and I expect to increase my monthly income by 40% by the end of this year. I had always kept my business in a very limited, predictable box. I used to envision a nice little part-time business, maybe make enough to pay the bills and go on a vacation once a year. Thanks to Fabienne and the information I received from the Mindset Retreat my vision for my business and myself has expanded dramatically! I now see myself helping to change thousands of people’s lives in a big, big way! I finally feel excited about my future and it feels great!

I know this may sound a little crazy, but it is absolutely true – this retreat has completely changed my life! Fabienne shares tons of amazing information in a very candid, clear and most importantly in a genuine and authentic way! It has given me the shift I have been waiting for. My self-confidence has increased and I feel like I finally have what I need to succeed.”

Trisha Moore

“Adam is THRILLED to report that in one month, he closed $9,285 in new projects, his most successful month in business (if a 20 year-old student entrepreneur can get these kind of results from working on his mindset, he says anyone can!)”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat, I was already experiencing success in my client attraction and marketing efforts, but no matter how good business was going – I couldn’t help but feel worried about how much revenue I was bringing in each month, and incessantly kept playing the “calculator game” in my mind trying to juggle expenses, profits, and savings in my mind…which as you might imagine, was enough to send this entrepreneur into a tail-spin of stress and sometimes even panic! I’d keep struggling to envision myself owning a six-figure business, a goal that at the time seemed miles and bounds away from where I actually was!

Enter the Mindset Retreat! Not only did I learn exactly why I was thinking from a place of scarcity, but I learned exactly how to turn it around and get past the illusion of fear stopping me from making leaps as an entrepreneur. I’ll admit that while I first thought that mindset and how I was thinking about my business seemed a little bit “wishy washy” to me, when I put what I learned from Fabienne into action; the results I got were nothing short of incredible. One month after the Mindset Retreat, I closed $9,285 in new client projects…by far my most successful month in business; and the most exciting part is that this is only the beginning!

My advice to those thinking of getting this information would be to take bold and decisive action to work on what’s at the very core of your success as an entrepreneur. Truth is, your mindset is what underlies your results in marketing, sales, and productivity; and you can’t afford to be in the dark about such a crucial aspect of your life, both in and out of business. Let me tell you – if a 20 year-old student entrepreneur can get these kind of results from working on my mindset; I have no doubt that anyone else can. You’re the best asset you have – so invest into yourself and realize that the costliest opportunities are the ones you miss!”

Fabienne, you guys are awesome – thanks again and again for all you do, you’re changing lives with your information!

Adam Haroun

“Sheri walked away with a renewed purpose and vision for her business, but a renewed marriage as well! She’s on her way to replacing a former full time income from her part-time business!”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat, I knew that I had big dreams and visions for my business, but was constantly frustrated because I didn’t know how I was going to get there. I was afraid that my success or failure could destroy the one thing that was most important to me — my marriage. I often felt frustrated and alone in my goal to become a full time entrepreneur.

At the Retreat I received great insight into the unproductive rules that I had created for myself that were keeping me from following my dreams and taking my business out there in a big way. In addition, because my spouse was with me, we were able to work on some commonly held “rules” that were stopping our success and in agreement move past them. An awesome aside from this retreat was that we walked away with not only a renewed purpose and vision for my business and life, but a renewed marriage (almost literally). As a result, I came to the realization that I had the tools and the mindset to make my part-time business my full-time business. Since the Mindset Retreat, I have had the confidence to grow and market my business to replace the income I was making in my full time job.

My advice for those thinking of getting this information is that this Retreat is a MUST for anyone trying to take their business to the next level. If possible, it is recommend that you study this with your spouse. This will allow you to be on the same page and remind each other when you slip into your old way of thinking. Fabienne’s content and presentation helps you get real with yourself and understand all the false beliefs you use to keep you in your current situation. Once you deal with these, you can get to work and say “no” to fear and other excuses that use to hold you back, You have the skills you need to start taking your business to where you know it needs to go. For me the event was truly life changing and will be known as one of those defining moments in my life.”

Sheri Chaney Jones

“Jayne’s first day back from the retreat, she was booked on a on an international television program reaching 80 million homes! She expects to double her income over the next six months!”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat I was full of information, great ideas, and all sorts of ways to do business in a more effective and exciting manner. I had often listened to and trained with other experts and business coaches but found myself getting to a certain point and then BAM! I was stuck and found it difficult to move forward.

I quite often found myself in a cycle of ups and downs with no consistency and very few sustainable. I knew that this was hindering my ability to serve the world around me in a big way, but I was unsure of how to overcome this obstacle. To be honest, I was not sure exactly WHAT the obstacle was. I remember at times feeling “if I only knew why… then I could fix it and move on”.

Throughout my time at the retreat I gained more than what I could have EVER imagined possible. Not only did I gain specific insight to what my barriers to progress were, I was given practical easily applicable solutions that I could implement right away for change. I walked away feeling empowered, but more than my feeling good, I walked away equipped to forge ahead. As a result of this massive breakthrough in my thinking, I have seen tremendous opportunities arise in my business. My first day back from the retreat I booked a television appearance on a international program that reaches 80 million homes! And that is only the tip of the iceberg, I expect to see my income double over the next six months!

My advice for those thinking of getting this information is simple GET IT! Your business, no your LIFE depends on it. My life, not just my business changed as a result of my time at the Mindset Retreat. Unlike anything I have ever attended, this was not just a warm and fuzzy event that leaves you feeling good only to return home and back to “business as usual”. It is impossible to return home the same, it just doesn’t feel right. Now that I KNOW what the real issue is and HOW to fix it! What a tremendous blessing! Thanks Fabienne!

I knew that my mindset was probably holding me back a little. I’ve done lots of work on the mindset before so I thought that the 3 days would be just re enforcing a few ideas. Well how wrong could I be…. I was totally blown away by what I learnt in those 3 days and I’ll never think the same again.

Since the mindset retreat my business has finally taken off. I knew I was putting the brakes on my business but I didn’t realise how strongly I was affecting my success by making so many excuses. This year we expect to go into 6 figures and that is all thanks to Fabienne and her amazing way of showing you the way.

If you’re serious about growing your business with authenticity and passion then I can’t recommend Fabienne enough. You must take a no excuses approach and get this information for yourself. You will NOT regret it. Thank you Fabienne you are awesome!”

Jayne Wells

How do I know this?

Because I’ve been teaching this for close to 10 years to thousands of solo-entrepreneurs. They SAY they want something, but each time, they are the one responsible for not attracting it into their lives.

And I’ll give you a BIG HINT here: It’s not about “The Secret” or simply the “Law of Attraction.” It’s about all the emotional baggage, the deep wounds you still carry around, and all the unresolved resentments and feelings that hold you back.

That’s what’s stopping you.

And you know how I know this about you? Because you and I are the same.

But most importantly, I’ve been there myself. But before I tell you more, let me share a success story with you…

Now before you think I’m speaking from any sort of pedestal, please know this about me: Prior to multiplying my income several times over, I had the SAME self-sabotaging issues:

I used to resent rich and successful people, even close friends of mine who’d “made it” before I did (I’m not proud to admit it, but it’s true)

I made sure to keep myself in a place of mediocrity, to not be seen, to not stand out too much, so people wouldn’t discover all my faults and shortcomings

I used to think that having money made you inauthentic

I used to believe that people who’d succeeded would lose their connection to spirit, that they somehow had “sold their soul”

I was convinced that I didn’t have “what it takes” to make a lot of money, that I wasn’t special enough, or simply, that I wasn’t “enough”

I was crippled by the thought of what people would think of me

I used to think that making very good money in my business would mean that I would have little time for anything else in my life (and I didn’t want to sacrifice my husband and my children for this type of success)

I used to believe that it was almost necessary to take advantage of other people to make a lot of money

When I thought about it, I feared that money could cause a lot of additional, unwelcome problems in my life

I would think, “I don’t really want to have money because I don’t want to be “stuck up”

I thought that rich people were excessive, and at that this was arrogant and wasteful

I believed that I couldn’t charge “that much” or that what I say or do isn’t worth “that much”

I also feared that I wouldn’t know what to DO with the money once I made it (I’m not particularly good at math and all that financial info sometimes confuses me)

I would look around at certain people who were successful and would find a way to prove to myself that they weren’t really happy, that being less than successful somehow made you happier

I would think, “I’m already comfortable enough, why should I ask for even more?”

I would say to myself, “I can’t afford that; that’s too much money”

I didn’t feel “good enough” as a person to be wealthy

It almost makes you want to throw in the towel and not even bother, right?

It’s depressing! Unless, you know what to do to change it all, and at the same time, create a delicious life, the one you’ve always dreamed about, like I have…

The good news is, if you take my story as an example, and remember, I’m just like you, then you know you can turn this whole thing around very quickly.

Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat ™ Workshop-in-a-Box (incuding all the DVD’s and CD’s of the live event)!

Reserve Your Seatarrow right

Now, the Mindset that created my business success has made my ‘Dream Life’ possible

Fast forward to my life now…

I’ve made more than ever before in my business, working less than I’ve ever worked before. Just by running my practice and information-marketing business helping people I care about. (I’ll teach you the exact steps to triple your income too, using my advanced mindset and manifestation techniques.)

Just for the record, I know it doesn’t matter to you how much my personal income is, but I share this with you because it’s a measure of how “attractive” I’ve become since working on my mindset.

This has allowed my family and I to move to a dream house at the beach in a “Norman Rockwell” area where we spend time with our neighbors every weekend and have frequent guests (that becomes inevitable when you live at the beach).

Our kids have play-dates with the neighbors’ kids every day and I know that I’m living the life I was meant to live.

I knew one day I’d achieve some sort of success, slowly but surely, but I didn’t know it would happen so quickly. What I realized is that the right MINDSET created this “speed”. And I’m so grateful for it.

I now have even more time to spend with my husband and watching my three young kids grow up (I can’t wait to teach you how to do the same.) We go away many weekends, and take several vacations per year.

I close my office at 5:15 pm most every day to play with my kids, which is something I could never have done before accelerating my income due to strengthening my mindset.

I never had thought, even 3 or 4 years ago that life could be like this. It’s honestly a dream come true and I know for a fact that it’s possible for you too.

Believe me, I tell you this NOT because I want to impress you (I’ve gotten past caring what people think about me) but rather to tell you that it’s POSSIBLE for you too, by being of service and adding value in a bigger way.

If you’d asked me years ago if I could achieve such a dream business and such good income, while helping so many people and giving back, I wouldn’t have believed you.

But I’m living proof that you can absolutely create the income you want, and that it’s within your reach, if you approach it by working on your INSIDE, rather than working really hard on the outside.

Wait… Don’t misunderstand me!

Monetary wealth is not necessarily success! Being authentic and following your true path is. Through this way of being, abundance always follows. Always, and this is what I want to teach you.

Success is being surrounded by those I love, and having the freedom to do WHAT we want, WHEN we want and WITH WHOM we want to do them.

Yes, I like nice things, but don’t get me wrong. My one and only objective in doing well is that I get to create wonderful experiences in my life, with my family and friends. It’s not about acquiring “stuff”.

It’s the good times I’m able to have that I’ll remember when I look back on it all and that’s what drives me more than anything.

I am sharing this with you to inspire you to create the equivalent in your own life. I want you to see that this IS absolutely doable (I’ve learned the system to do it) and YOU can do this too.

In fact, ANYONE can do this if they’re shown how. ANYONE.

And it helps when someone shows you the way, instead of you sifting through all the information that’s out there. When someone lays the path for you, in a step-by-step manner, you can forget the teeny, tiny steps, and expect quantum leaps.
Why struggle when you can just be shown exactly how to do it in much less time than you would do it on your own?

My Platinum Mastermind Group

It’s life-changing to set up your life so that work doesn’t feel like work! And I want to teach you to do the same.

Derek, Claire, Fabienne and Luc

Spending quality time with family. It’s wonderful to not have to worry about finances or where the next client will come from, because there are systems for everything.

Fabienne reading

Time to spend with our close friends, doing fun things and traveling together.

Fabienne’s dream car

Teaching My Workshops to a SOLD-OUT audience of solo-preneurs from around the world.

Fabienne, Luc and Derek

After all, it’s never about the ‘stuff’ we accumulate, is it? For me, it’s always about the memories we create with those we love.

And you too can create your version of the ideal life. It’s actually pretty simple once you are shown the magic formula.

If you read nothing else, READ THIS

Here’s something very few people will tell you:

Your success is not as much about how hard you work, as it is about the state of your MINDSET. If you want to stop taking teeny tiny incremental steps and really start taking Quantum Leaps into your own success, you MUST get rid of this GUNK and SLUDGE inside! There’s no other way around it.

The minute you begin clearing these self-sabotaging, deeply-ingrained fears and beliefs, you’ll start becoming successful and making a lot more money.

You will begin to upgrade your life, upgrade who you are as a person, and your life becomes easier, more graceful, and you will feel more free than you’ve ever felt.

This is a FACT.

I’ve proven it over and over again in my own life.

And then, my students have proven it to themselves time and time again.

In fact, here’s a perfect example. Let me share a recent success story with you:

“In 60 days since the Retreat, Doug launched a new website, created new client offers, wrote (and completed) his book and started a high-level Mastermind group program for his clients!”

“Before I attended Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat I thought I was getting things done, moving forward and thinking big. Boy was I wrong!! I realized that I was creating way too many excuses for not moving my business to the next level. At the Retreat I received the information and more importantly the insight to step away from my fears, think much bigger and execute my plans.

Since the Mindset Retreat, I launched a new website, developed a new free offer for prospects, started a new Mastermind group program for my clients and have written my own book. The Retreat woke me up. I am totally committed to the success of my business and will not let doubt or fear stop me from my goals.

My advice to anyone considering purchasing Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat Workshop in a Box is an absolute “YES!”. The Mindset Retreat was a game changer for me and I cannot say enough about the impact it had on my business.”

Doug Hecker

“Jodi experienced life-changing results after participating in the Mindset Retreat: within days, she attracted an ideal new client, a JV opportunity AND a speaking engagement.”

“I had been struggling because my conscious thoughts and my subconscious thoughts were not congruent. I thought they were, but with Fabienne’s guidance I realized that I was holding myself back. And then, I participated in the Mindset Retreat and my world shifted. Fabienne changed my life.

As a wellness practitioner, someone who supports others to look and feel their best through nutrition and lifestyle transformation, I was afraid to tell my “secret”. Though I thought I had worked past my perfectionism, it showed up again because I realized I didn’t want my clients to know I had once struggled with an eating disorder; I thought if they knew this they would see I wasn’t perfect. This secret and limiting belief was holding me back from attracting more clients. Fabienne enabled me to see that, in fact, having battled and overcome an eating disorder is EXACTLY what makes me uniquely qualified to support someone in a similar situation.

I left the retreat with a new client and a new JV partner. I returned home and received a call that my proposal for a speaking engagement was accepted. Everyday new opportunities present themselves because I am being 100% authentic and I now believe in myself and my abilities 100%. And the most wonderful benefit of all is that I am serving more and more people and guiding them to look and feel their best and be their best self, which is such a gift.

The information Fabienne shares is life-changing. I will watch the Mindset Retreat workshop-in-a-box and listen again and again so that my conscious and subconscious thoughts stay congruent. I will not allow any limiting beliefs to hold me back. Do you want to stop holding yourself back too? Then this product is for you.”

Jodi Krizer Graber

“As a result of the Mindset Retreat, Loren has 5 new ideal clients and has brought in more than $25,000 in new business, including making $10,000 in just one month!”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat my practice was growing steadily, but I knew there were significant, strategic steps I was overlooking. In several parts of my business I was stuck and unsure how to break through. On some important projects I had completed 85% of the work and was stuck on completing the last 15%. A lot of energy was being spent avoiding completion.

At the Retreat I received the mindset tools to help me get out of my own way. An important one revolved around intentional goal setting. This one tool changed my energy, getting me out of the struggle. As a result, I have five new ideal clients. I brought in more than $25,000 in new business and more is on the way.

My advice for those thinking of getting their hands on this Mindset program is to take inspired action now. This is the most valuable event I have attended. I chose to purchase the CD’s of the event and now continue to listen to them regularly. Invest in yourself and get ready to change the way you do business.”

Loren Fogelman

“Csilla went from scarcity mentality to abundance mentality. She immediately raised her rates, hired help for my personal life, a VA, and a website designer. She is now offering her own retreat and is now attracting her perfect clients!”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat I knew I wanted to get my business to the next level but I felt overwhelmed, stuck and frustrated. I was spinning my wheels and felt I was not getting ahead. I now realize that I was experiencing obstacles that were totally fear-based.

Since I came back from the mindset retreat I was able to accomplish tasks that I had on my to do list and was reluctant to do in the last year and a half. Not only it was easy to do but had so much fun in the process.

The reason? My mindset has completely shifted. I went from scarcity mentality to abundance mentality. I went from “I am not sure if I can afford this” to “I cannot afford not to make this step if I want to grow my business” mentality. From old beliefs and a negative mindset to creating new beliefs and a mindset that is 100% positive. I was able to eliminate the things and circumstances that used to drain my energy on a daily basis.

I hired help for my personal life, a VA, a designer to create a brand new website and brand for my practice and got crystal clear on who I am serving. All this in the matter of two months. I have also raised my rates and in the midst of creating a big and brand new package and a retreat for the spring. I am attracting the perfect clients and having more fun that ever.

Now I finally get to do what I am best at and enjoy the most. I am more productive, confident and 100% sure where I am going.

My advice for those thinking of getting this information is to stop thinking and make a decision and go for it. Go for it now. You will see the ripple effect throughout every area your life.”

Csilla Bischoff

This type of success is just the beginning and it will happen to you too, once you clear the gunk.

Let me ask you this…

If you could dramatically upgrade the quality of
your life, be more authentic and self-confident, shower the people you love with more of your grace and abundance, without hurting a soul or becoming something that you’re not, would YOU want to discover how to heal these internal barriers you
carry around?

If your answer is “Yes”, then you’ve found the solution you’ve been looking for.

For years, I tried many, many different things to help me unearth the things that were holding me back.

What I noticed, as always in my experience, is that not everything I needed was in ONE place.

And so I searched high and low for the answer.

I’ve taken countless classes, seminars, weekend workshops. I’ve read innumerable books on the topic of self-improvement, personal growth, abundance, prosperity, mindset, manifesting, Law of Attraction, spirituality, life purpose. You name it, I probably read it.

I also spent more than $150,000.00 working with coaches and gurus to help me figure out the formula that would finally allow me to get out of my own way and live the life I wanted, freely.

And along the way, after years of putting the pieces together, taking information from here, from there, trying everything… I began noticing that there WAS a formula for getting rid of all this. And it worked!

The more I applied these advanced mindset techniques, the more money I made effortlessly. The more I cleared out the junk, the more things flowed easily into my life.

At first, I must admit that I was a little skeptical. I thought it was all a big coincidence. My husband Derek thought so too.

But after a while, there was not denying it… there was a DIRECT correlation between working on my mindset and allowing in a LOT of money. It was cause and effect.

WOOHOO! I have cracked my own code to personal growth and manifesting!

I found THE SHORTCUT to income acceleration:
‘The INNER GAME of Abundance’

This ‘Inner Game of Abundance’ formula is both a very powerful AND a very graceful process… And it’s time I shared all my findings and personal formula with others wanting similar results.

So, I’m so excited and honored to share this simple and yet very profound formula with you, in my ‘Inner Game of Abundance’ Mindset Retreat Workshop-in-a-Box!

Once You Discover The Internal Mindset Barriers Sabotaging You, And How To Clear Them For Good, You Too Can Be Prosperous And Multiply Your Income Over And Over Again, With Ease.

This life-changing program will help you get more clients, make a LOT more money, working much LESS (enjoying every moment!). Here’s what you’ll get when you make the commitment to purchasing The ‘Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat Workshop-in-Box’.

We’re going to upgrade your Properity Mindset.

You’ll understand what stops you from making more money (your subconscious gunk, fears and beliefs about yourself)

You’ll get really clear on what money is really about

We’ll pinpoint your incongruencies around money (what you say you want, and what you really feel) and then resolve these

We’re going to show you exactly how to upgrade your life

You’ll learn how to upgrade your image, on the outside, but most importantly, the image you have of YOURSELF

While we’re at it, we’ll upgrade the view you have of what you do in the world, to expand your vision of your purpose beyond what you’re currently doing

We’ll seriously up-level your money consciousness

You’ll discover that everything you want to achieve or manifest already exists. All the tools you need are already inside you. Now it’s about accessing them

I’ll show you how to release control and have faith

We’ll shift the way you think about money

We’ll shift the way you think about being aligned with your purpose

You’ll discover how to remove your own self-imposed obstacles and live the life you have always dreamed about

You’ll begin to release resentments and judgments (of yourself and others)

You’ll free yourself from what others think of you

You’ll begin to truly honor and love yourself

You’ll realize very quickly that you ARE enough and that you ARE deserving of all the greatness that is at your fingertips

You will gain the courage to heal

And many, many more things… including loving every facet of your self unconditionally, without struggle. THAT is when the faucet of abundance gets turned on and flows effortlessly for you.

No need to spend $150,000.00+ on different books, programs, seminars and coaching, like I did. We’ll do it all together, with this Workshop-in-a-Box.

This ‘Inner Game of Abundance’ formula is both a very powerful AND a very graceful process…

It is about clearing our internal blocks that get in the way of our connection to spirit and the abundance that is waiting for us.
Oh, and there’s one more thing you should know…

“Yes, this workshop was originally geared to established business owners… BUT, you don’t need an existing business to get started. Beginners will also benefit immensely!”

As you can see from the success stories on this page, all types of solo-entrepreneurs benefited enormously from the information gained from my Mindset Retreat Workshop. Some of these people already had long-standing business. And then all some had was a dream! That’s fine with me.

You see, if you’re a beginner, you’re in a great place! It’s actually BETTER that you learn this information BEFORE you launch your business and marketing materials. This way you don’t waste money or time on strategies that won’t work, you will learn from someone who has a PROVEN system you can model, and you will discover the SIMPLE and FAST ways to do things.

But, if you’re still “on the fence”…
Here’s what you get!

Your Own Personal Mindeset Retreat Binder

I don’t want you to get cramps from all the notes you take during this event, so I’ve already done most of the work for you! At the workshop, you’ll receive a THICK 3-ring binder that you’ll use to create your own Mindset Retreat! It will contain all the notes, samples and examples that we’ll use as we go through all the sessions live. It will also contain all my million-dollar resources, the ones you will use to create phenomenal results in your OWN business.

Value: $1,497

DVD’s of the ENTIRE 3 days of the event
We spared no expense with an outstanding video package at the event to sure you have a great quality (both video and sound) DVD set of the workshop. 14 DVD’s with multi-camera footage so you literally feel you were there at the event with me! Includes embedded powerpoint slides of the content so you can follow along minute by minute. Top of the line quality and sound ensure you won’t miss a moment of this life changing experience. Professionally edited and produced in a separate DVD binder with sleeves so you can keep this IGAR experience with you for years to come.

Value $997 rooms


CD’s of the ENTIRE 3 days of the event
Breakfast is served! Again, we spared no expense with an outstanding audio package at the event to sure you have a great quality CD set of the workshop. 24 CD’s that allow you to listen at your own pace at home, on your computer or even in the car. And, you can add these to your iPod or MP3 player so you can take the whole IGAR experience with you wherever you go! As with the video, top of the line quality and sound ensure you won’t miss a moment of this life changing experience. Professionally edited and produced in a separate CD binder with sleeves so you can keep this IGAR experience with you for years to come.

Value $597


Bonus: Client Attraction Bootcamp

For anyone ready to buy this important product, I’m going to GIVE YOU access to the Client Attraction Bootcamp that sells for $297 and includes 10 weeks of recorded content calls, worksheets, online forum access, plus written transcripts of each and every class. People are getting results like crazy with this and I’m willing to throw it iin for free for you!

Value: $297

Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat ™ Workshop-in-a-Box (incuding all the DVD’s and CD’s of the live event)!

Reserve Your Seatarrow right
“Dawn has DOUBLED her monthly income since the Mindset Retreat!”

“Before working with Fabienne, I couldn’t make sense of why so many things seemed to fall apart or simply did not get off the ground. Deep in my heart, I had such a desire to be of service and to share my gifts. I would even put all the right pieces in place, invest in myself and take action. But every time, something stopped me short. And every time that happened, I told myself to try harder, invest more, make it work. Until recently.

The Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat lifted a veil for me. I saw clearly for the first time how tiny thoughts formed decades ago were influencing my feelings and actions. I saw that my results were simply a reflection of beliefs I had refused to acknowledge or fully heal. It wasn’t even about my outer game and what I was doing. It was my inner game and who I was being, mostly by default. Fabienne gave me the practical tools to change that! By seeing through that veil to what is possible, I have already doubled my monthly income from my existing marketing business (in less than two months!)

Opportunities are showing up everywhere, and I know it is because I am not cutting off the flow in ways I used to. I am even more excited to finally be stepping out in faith to create something new. Before the Mindset Retreat, I doubted that anybody would want what I really had to offer. Thoughts of being labeled or rejected kept me stuffing my true calling in a box under the bed. Now, staying small and “being stingy with my brownies” is simply not an option.

When she talks about mindset, Fabienne comes alive. You can feel a shift in yourself. It is as real as real can get. But what’s even more beautiful and transformative is the way she can allow for the truth to emerge from within you. Fabienne helps you dream bigger and reach higher. She holds up a mirror that allows you to see for yourself who you really are. And it’s so much more than what you have allowed yourself to see.

Fabienne doesn’t just talk about mindset. She lives it. Her authenticity, generosity and amazing ability to connect on a deep level set her apart. If you are struggling for no apparent reason, spinning your wheels in business and never getting off the start line — or if you’re simply tired of fear, frustration and failure, I urge you to get this Mindset Retreat information and let Fabienne “share her brownies” with you.”

Dawn Richerson

“Shirley is experiencing a 72% increase in sales since attending the Mindset Retreat!”

“My business was in chaos before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat. It had great bones, but few were connected. At the Retreat I received guidance to organize my action plan and clarity to eliminate the chaos. As a result, this is what I’m accomplishing in my business:

*600 percent increase (yes, 600 percent) in teleseminar enrollments; *72 percent increase in sales; *48 percent increase in new visitors to my websites; *More confidence in identifying and pursuing business opportunities

My advice for those who wish to achieve the same or better results is to immediately invest in this program so you too can create a rewarding and profitable business at a pace that’s much faster than is possible by going it alone.”

Shirley George Frazier

“Just after the Mindset Retreat, Kachelle made $1,000 in just 24 hours and signed on 3 new clients”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat, I knew I had a great vision that I wanted to get out to the world but I didn’t understand what was wrong with me that I couldn’t get it out effectively. At the Retreat I received the mental reprogramming that I didn’t even know I needed! I received clarity, a concise plan of action and found my niche for success through Fabienne’s brilliant exercises.

This retreat literally changed my personal and professional life. After I returned, I acquired 3 new clients, $1000 in 24 hours and am preparing to launch my own programs and services that will definitely help me get my “brownies” out there in a big way!

If you are truly ready to take your thinking and business to the next level, this program is for you! But be careful, you will open Pandora’s box & be held accountable to yourself to be all you can be and do all that you can for your ultimate success. 🙂 Thank you Fabienne & Derek!”

Kachelle Kelly

VERY POWERFUL STUFF. And the miraculous thing is, when you begin to implement this Inner Game of Abundance Formula, your WHOLE LIFE changes.

You begin to allow in the good stuff. You no longer repel the abundance you’ve been asking for (and receiving) but not letting in.

I used these same personal growth and advanced mindset techniques to dramatically upgrade the quality of my life and spend more time with Derek and the kids while multiplying my own annual income every year. (Hint: it’s not about working harder; it’s about healing the internal gunk that stops you, changing your mindset around money and releasing mediocrity – without this, you cannot succeed, but I’m here to show you that it’s actually very simple)

Just ONE AHA-moment is all it takes to get to that
million-dollar breakthrough you want.

Imagine what having DOZENS of aha moments will do to your freedom and income. And it happens within a matter of DAYS, and sometimes HOURS, not weeks or months or years.

But without a breakthrough, you’ll stay stuck, taking only small, teeny tiny incremental steps in your income. The fears and unfounded beliefs will continue to get in the way.

Let me ask you this:

If you were to break through your fears, the ones holding you back, what would it be possible for you to create in your life?
If you eliminated procrastination and self-sabotage, what would you be able to accomplish?
If you discovered the formula to create a freedom-based lifestyle, what would you finally be capable of doing with your life?
If you had infinitely more confidence in yourself and your skills, what would become possible for you?

Those who will benefit from this information are high-achieving go-getters looking to create a freedom-based lifestyle and want to help lots of other people in the process, starting NOW. Their soul is ready to discover all this at once and begin the journey in a VERY big way, surrounded by authentic, spiritually-open people who are up to BIG things in their life.

If you’re one of these individuals whose soul is ready for the next big level of evolution, I’m so excited and honored to share this simple and yet very profound formula with you, in my‘Inner Game of Abundance’ Mindset Retreat Workshop-in-a-Box!

Once you discover the internal mindset barriers sabotaging you, and how to clear them for good, you too can be prosperous and multiply your income over and over again, with ease

Knowing that your INNER GAME has such influence over your income, are you willing to improve your mindset once and for all?

If so, join me and discover the SECRET formula for achieving the Inner Game of Abundance:

Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat ™ Workshop-in-a-Box (incuding all the DVD’s and CD’s of the live event)!

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What this will not be

Before you start thinking this is like every other workshop, think again.

This is NOT another workshop where you pay thousands of dollars to hear dozens of speakers covering unrelated topics, barely scratching the surface, and then selling the heck out of you. Not my style.

It’s not a drawn-out workshop that lasts into the wee-hours of the night, just because the organizers feel like it. (I’ll get you in, teach you the techniques you need, and won’t keep you a minute longer than you have to.)

This will NOT be a whole bunch of THEORY. Personally, if I’m going to be away from my own family for 3 days for a workshop, I want to walk out with whatever I need most. I want meaningful BREAKTHROUGHS, how-to’s, examples to model as soon as I get back. Most of all, I want to have done the work WHILE I’m there, so that I don’t have to work too hard when I do get back home. I know you want that too, so that’s what you’re getting with this retreat.
This is NOT a hype-y workshop on making millions on the Internet. There are plenty of seminars already offering you that, so I’ll leave that to them. I know you want a down-to-earth event that offers regular folks just like you ways to quickly build a solid income. It’s all tangible, it’s all feasible and it’s just what’s going to move you forward.

Here’s what I promise you it will be

This is going to be a very different kind of product than you may be accustomed to. It’s going to be “all Fabienne, all the time.” There will NOT be a parade of people trying to sell you piles of stuff. This is NOT a case where the workshop is just a “come on” so you’ll buy something else. It’s going to be high-content, focused content. You will get everything you need to get out of your own way. It’s just me, and you looking to create results as we go about your own journey.

This is a true HANDS-ON PRODUCT . During this workshop, I will help you create breakthrough, upon breakthrough, upon breakthrough and teach how you can attract more money, and have more time off to enjoy it all.

Because isn’t that what this is all about? Isn’t that WHY you are in business for yourself? If you don’t have money, time, and freedom right now, you may as well go back and get a job-job.

One thing though: no whiners, no chronic
complainers, or cranky skeptics allowed

Here’s the deal. In my life, I really only like working with FUN, caring, open, spiritually-oriented people, who are ready to make changes in their lives. With this workshop-in-a-box, I am creating a safe space so we can learn together, experience info-rich content, experience camaraderie and support, and create amazing relationships for growth and support.

So, I want to make sure I’m really clear that this workshop is only for people VERY SERIOUS about getting their mindset clear, making more money, and being open, authentic and very efficient business owners.

It is NOT for people who make excuses and resist or question every proven suggestion I will give them, just because that’s how they operate in their own lives. No thanks!

If you are a negative person, then I promise you, this workshop would be a waste of time for you, because we will be taking a no-excuses approach to getting what we want in business and in life. 🙂

“Okay Fabienne, sounds great! What’s my minimal investment for your ‘Inner Game of Abundance’ Mindset Retreat with you?”

When sitting down to figure out what to charge for this new and expanded, LIFE CHANGING advice and content, I asked a group of seasoned entrepreneurs for advice on what my live content would be worth.

When I told them exactly what I was offering, how much time I’d taken to distill all the information into this step-by-step system, and how many of my own secrets I was giving away, they said I could get away with charging as much as $5,000.00 – $10,000 for a private, hands-on product like this, if not more.

But I knew that would price-out many of the people who actually NEED and WANT my help the most. So admission to my LIVE ‘Inner Game of Abundance’ Mindset Retreat was $2,995.00. And for people like YOU, who couldn’t be there and desperately deserve to get your hands on this information, I was advised to charge at least $1,997.00 for the home study version.

(After all, you’re getting the exact same information that the live attendees got! And that’s what you’re paying for of course. Not the binder, paper, DVDs, CDs, cheat sheets and plastic wrap — it’s the information inside that can change your life.)

But again, I know that would out-price many people from getting their hands on this LIFE-CHANGING information. I KNOW where you are right now, and I WANT you to have this information right now.

Yes, I know. I’m not charging enough for this program but I wanted you to have no reason NOT to get it.

So, I’m even letting you make *EASY AND AFFORDABLE INSTALLMENTS* to help get this into your hands! (See below for details.)

Remember, when you are considering an opportunity to choose between where you’ve been and SUCCESS, don’t look at what an opportunity costs, look at what that opportunity is WORTH. (That’s what I do and it’s one of the tactics that has brought me to where I am today, so that’s why I recommend it to you)

I can tell you the strategies you’ll discover in this program are the EXACT same ones that I consistently use to generate a minimum of $85,000.00.00 – $165,000.00 a month.

What is THAT type of information worth to YOU
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The strategies you’ll learn at this workshop-in-a-box are the EXACT same ones that I consistently use to generate more than I’ve ever imagined making before in a single month.

What is THAT type of information worth to YOU?

Well, Check Out MORE Raving Fan SUCCESS STORIES:

“Since the Mindset Retreat, Pat stretched her goals, created a bigger vision— and earned $11,000.00 in just ONE day using what she learned!”

“At the retreat I put aside the ‘I already know this’ mindset and attitude. Knowing Fabienne’s work as I do, having been coached by her for a year in the area of marketing specifically (that’s where I knew I needed help), I figured the Mindset Retreat was just an added bonus on the journey to creating a million dollar business.

Fabienne is a true inspiration when it comes to ‘walking the talk’. I haven’t been this inspired in many years. Fabienne is the real deal! To feel her energy, her passion and her sincerity in person is contagious. She taught intellectually – she shared lovingly and openly – she is the epitome of what is possible…and it’s all in the way you think. It’s all about perspective, in many ways, and she brings a fresh, open, real, tangible perspective when it comes to combining her teachings in the area of marketing and mindset.

I came back to my business, after the September Mindset Retreat, with a renewed energy and bigger vision of what is possible. I shifted my thinking, stretched my goals, challenged my beliefs about what is possible in MY business and had the BEST MONTH ever in October… I had an $11,000.00 day! I expect the momentum to continue…because being with Fabienne, and learning from her, reinforces what is truly possible.

My advice for those thinking of getting this information… Write down all the reasons/excuses as to why you AREN’T ready for this information, ready for the growth that is possible – and then rip up that piece of paper – because it’s all just in your mind anyway! Get this information now – learn it – apply it on a daily and consistent basis and you will be amazed at how powerful your thoughts and dreams are – and what you can actually bring about. Get out of your own way – this information will help you do that!”

Pat Mussieux

“The floodgates have opened since the Retreat! Diane has new clients, a new business partnership, and DOUBLED her income in 2 months since the retreat!”

“I have to admit, I was a little hesitant about going to the Mindset Retreat because I didn’t want to sit in a room for 3 days listening to a lot of “whoo, whoo” and “positive thinking” type stuff with people who seem to hang out in la la land. Since I’d been working with Fabienne one-on-one, I knew how powerful her stuff was, so I decided to take the plunge and wow, was I pleasantly surprised and glad I made the commitment. Not only were the 3 days transformational for my life and business, but the most amazing part has been seeing the results since then.

First, I have seen some amazing shifts in myself. In how I handle things and how I respond to things – it’s so different than before the event. Where before there was worry and fear, I now just somehow “know” that things are going to work out. There is a calmness in my life that I’ve never felt before. (Don’t read this as life is perfect, it’s not, but I’m different and that’s the part that matters most).

From purely a business perspective, now it’s as if the floodgates have opened up to all the right opportunities. I’m only attracting people I truly am excited to work with and clients who appreciate what we do for them in a really big way: new clients, a new business partnership, and we’ve DOUBLED our income, in just a matter of 2 months since the retreat. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it myself. I’m so glad I committed the time to do this.

I think the best part about the Mindset Retreat is that unlike some others who talk about this topic, Fabienne has a real gift for talking about this in a way the average person who isn’t as studied or who doesn’t have as much of a background with all this can really apply and understand, while the more experienced person experiences in on a greater level too.

Studying with Fabienne is one of the best things I’ve ever committed to and I’m sure it will be for you too. Jump right in and feel the love and commitment you get when Fabienne gets you in her HeartSet!”

Diane Conklin

Yes, I know. I’m not charging enough for this product (and I will most likely raise the price in the future.) But I wanted you to have no reason NOT to be able to purchase this product.

So, I’m even letting you make *EASY AND AFFORDABLE INSTALLMENTS* to help get there! (See below for details.)
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Remember, when you are considering an opportunity to choose between where you’ve been and SUCCESS, don’t look at what an opportunity costs, look at what that opportunity is WORTH. (That’s what I do and it’s one of the tactics that has brought me to where I am today, so that’s why I recommend it to you.)

What is THAT type of information worth to YOU?

Look what it was worth to this entrepreneur…
“Sarah in on track to earn a multiple six-figure income within the next few months since attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat”

“Before attending Fabienne’s Mindset Retreat, I couldn’t see all the self-sabotaging language and beliefs that were limiting my success and not allowing me to step into my BIG vision. As a professional image consultant I also could correlate how these poor self-image messages were preventing entrepreneurs from creating a professional branded image. Prior to the workshop I found myself limiting my income beliefs to matching my former income as a senior level executive for Macy’s. I now understand that as an entrepreneur I can achieve an even greater income, wealth and personal freedom ­ far beyond my corporate position.

At the retreat I received so much valuable information that I now incorporate into my daily coaching practice. I found myself instantly resonating with Fabienne’s communication and presentation style, which was engaging, insightful and authentic. As a result of attending this Mindset Retreat I have positively shifted my mindset and I am on track to earn a multiple six-figure income within the next few months.

My advice for those considering these materials is that this is an “Entrepreneur’s Must-Have Business Tool” and it belongs in every entrepreneurs’ professional library. If you want to learn from the top expert on how she struggled in her early years as a solo-preneur and then overcame all the obstacles, mindset, and roadblocks to achieve a multi-millionaire dollar empire, this program is for YOU! Take the leap and stand on the shoulders of a powerful woman to learn her easy step-by-step shortcuts to bring you greater success and wealth in record time. Thanks Fabienne, for a very inspiring and empowering retreat!”

Sarah Hathorn

“Sandy brought in $50,000 in profit in ONE day as a result of a big breakthrough she had at the Mindset Retreat”

“At the Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat, I received 3 major breakthroughs that have produced massive results! I rewrote my intention to sell our house, which had been on the market for 8 months. Within 3 hours of writing down my intention according to Fabienne’s formula, we had 10 inquiries to rent AND 6 hours later, it was rented!

And the last breakthrough—which since working on it brought me $50,0000 in profit in one day—is that I need to speak my truth. I realized that not forgiving and forgetting comes from my past when I was living in war torn Zimbabwe and that speaking my own truth allows me to step past my fears and play BIG in my life and my business.”

(This is Sandy’s second time attending the Mindset Retreat. The first event changed her life and brought her business to over a million dollars in sales this year, for the first time.)

Sandy Salle

Can You Tell How PASSIONATE and INVESTED I Am Into Getting You To Invest In This System And Into Success?

Then, purchase this product now below…
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My Personal “Make-You-Happy, More-Than-Your-Money-Back, All-the-Risk-Is-On-ME” Guarantee

You get 12 full months to test-drive my entire Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat Workshop-in-a-Box!

Go ahead, and purchase the Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Retreat Workshop-in-a-Box at NO RISK whatsoever. If for any reason, by the end of the first 12 months, you honestly feel I did not deliver on the information promised, just quietly turn in your materials to my event manager, and ask for a full 100% refund. We’ll happily oblige.

It’s got to be the best, step-by-step system you’ve ever seen for getting rid of your inner barriers and into success

…or I’ll pay you your money back.

I’m 100% confident that my Inner Game of Abundance Retreat Workshop-in-a-Box will be the most targeted, most complete, most fun, and most useful product you’ve ever purchased.

You see, I’m THAT confident that nothing out there comes CLOSE to teaching these breakthroughs and the amazing, step-by-step information you’re going to discover.

Fabienne(Yes, really!)

No reason needed.

That’s my promise.

Total, the product AND bonus value equals much more than the stated price. So, it’s clear that for just $997 (or 5 installments of $277), this is a no-brainer. But if you’re still undecided about making this investment in yourself, I understand.

That’s why I’m putting everything on the line by offering an OUTRAGEOUS personal guarantee…

I hope you can see I’ve compiled this information in such detail and a foolproof step-by-step format that it’s SUPER EASY TO IMPLEMENT. There is really NOTHING else out there like my Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat Workshop-in-a-Box !

But if you’re still skeptical, I understand. After all, this may be the first time you’ve really heard of me or heard about this program. So, to make you feel as confident as I am, I’m putting my money where my mouth is, by offering you…

Get Fabienne Fredrickson – The Client Attraction Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat download

“Yes Fabienne, I’m ready to FINALLY learn how to use the attract LOTS more clients, make more money and have systems for EVERYTHING in my business. It’s time for me to SUCCEED.”

I understand I get your BINDER for turning my business and marketing materials into a Client Attraction machine! This is the exact same binder that all workshop attendees received, to create my own Marketing and Mindset Breakthroughs.
I also get the complete, LIVE VIDEO RECORDINGS of the entire workshop on DVD that will play in my computer, or in any DVD player. I’ll feel as if I was right there with you at the event!
I will also receive the entire set of DVD’s from the event, at absolutely no charge!
In the binder, I also get dozens of samples and examples that I’ll use and refer to as I go through all the audio sessions, and other materials the workshop attendees received.
The binder also includes your personal resources and VENDORS section, giving me inside referrals to the people and tools that you use and that DO work, which can save me hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars a year.
The implementation checklist alone will be priceless for me as I begin to implement like crazy!
I understand that I’m investing in your “Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat Workshop -in-a-Box” at NO RISK whatsoever, because it comes with a full money back guarantee, which I can request anytime up to an entire YEAR from purchase!

In my daily work, I come across hundreds of people
who struggle for no reason

They struggle either by not making enough money, by not being able to multiply their income even further, or by not doing what it takes to get the results they say they want.

And so I wonder, “There are lots of solutions in the marketplace, lots of wealth building tools, and yet they’re not doing it.” If they know it will work, why not take the next step and get the help they need, once and for all.

And I know it comes down to their beliefs about what’s possible for them, and what they tell themselves. Otherwise, they’d take action.

I’m looking forward to working with you, and giving YOU the keys to making more money and having more time off to enjoy it all. (And having a ton of FUN together, too!)

Big hugs to you!

Fabienne Fredrickson
“Your Mindset Breakthroughs Mentor”

PS: If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to keep getting what you’ve always gotten. BREAK OUT OF YOUR CYCLE.

PPS: I understand that I’m investing in your “Inner Game of Abundace Mindset Retreat Workshop-in-a-Box” at NO RISK whatsoever, because it comes with a full money back guarantee, which I can request anytime up to an entire YEAR from purchase!

Readmore: http://archive.is/tqDwN

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