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[Download Now] RSD Jeffy – Voice Activated Attraction – Level 1: Resonator
[Download Now] RSD Jeffy – Voice Activated Attraction – Level 1: Resonator

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $36.00.


[Download Now] RSD Jeffy – Voice Activated Attraction – Level 1: Resonator


RSD Jeffy - Voice Activated Attraction - Level 1: Resonator

RSD Jeffy – Voice Activated Attraction – Level 1: Resonator

Price: $197
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Get RSD Jeffy – Voice Activated Attraction – Level 1: Resonator right now!


The Closest Thing to Magic Pill Attraction You’ll Ever Find From RSD And In Game

Yo, it’s ya boy Jeffy.

Has this ever happened to you?

You approach a group of women and attempt to strike up a conversation… only to have them COMPLETELY IGNORE YOU.

Maybe they didn’t hear, you think. You repeat your opening line again, this time in what you think is a louder voice.

They continue their conversation as though you weren’t even there. Literally, you have failed to even enter into their consciousness as a being worthy of recognition.

Without skipping a beat the girl you addressed turns her back to you and keeps talking to her friend, leaving you standing there with your dick in your hand.


Meanwhile, other guys (that maybe aren’t even as good looking) roll up, yell idiotic nonsense and the girls swoon. It’s really not fair, because you’ve actually put in WORK at this whole “picking up girls” thing. You’ve seen other guys apply pick up material and be successful, so you know it’s possible… but for some reason, you can’t even get past the HOOK POINT.

You know the techniques. Hell, you’ve seen every RSD video, but for some reason you just can’t seem to get past the opener with anything resembling consistency.

At this point, even a “fuck off” would be a good reaction, because at least then they’d be acknowledging you as an actual human being. Right now, they’re reacting to you as they would a potted plant or a piece of furniture. At best you’re a fly that they swat away in annoyance. For all intents and purposes, you’re invisible.

After so much rejection, you begin to walk through the club in fear. In a LITERAL state of terror and anxiety.

You shuffle around, intermittently struggling up enough courage to do another half-assed approach that you don’t even expect to work. This time the girl asks you to repeat yourself twice, and it’s all downhill from there. She says “Nice to meet you” and excuses herself to the restroom. And this is the cycle. The downward spiral, stifling you more and more.

It’s not just at the club either. At work, you’re an easy target, someone to be steamrolled and talked over during meetings. Or maybe you find yourself in the room with the right person to help your business and you can’t give your pitcth without cringing at the sound of your own voice. Even at family gatherings or nights out with the boys you just can’t seem to get a word in edgewise, and your opinions are just kind of dismissed.

You might as well be MUTE.

You’re filled with creativity and personality but something is in the way of you being able to share that with the world. Your desire to engage, to connect, to express yourself, all of that is somehow being blocked and shoved down and twisted into a grotesque lump of shame and fear. You’re locked in some kind of abstract prison of your mind, alone in solitary confinement and it’s driving you slowly insane.

I know the pain. It was exactly how I used to feel back when I first started out.



That pill is RESONATOR.

Imagine Multiplying Your Results With Women 10X.

Can you imagine what your life would be if you could get 10X better results than what you are getting right now? Regardless of how “beginner” or ” advanced” you are? How fulfilled you would be? How relaxed you would be? How happy would you be?

It’s simple mathematics: if you get 10X more attention, you get 10X more chances to get better, and 10X more shots on the goal.

Well now imagine if that number went up to 20, or 30!

When I perfected this elusively obvious part of my game, I experienced these massive jumps in progress. A whole new world opened up where all the pickup techniques in my arsenal finally started RESONATING.

Girls were not only looking at me differently, they were only looking at me…

It’s THAT COMMON of a thing to happen.

And with Resonator, you can experience CRAZY leaps in skill rapidly… I see it in my students ALL THE TIME.

I have packaged this program to be turn-key, instant, easy and effortless… all you have to do is engage with a series of exercises, and BOOM, it is fixed.

It is literally, the closest thing to “magic pill attraction” that you are going to find from Real Social Dynamics, EVER!


  • You’re somebody who can’t hook the set when you approach…
  • You routinely get girls turning away from you off the open…
  • You regularly get the crinkled “bitch face” and an accompanying “WHAT?” off your open…
  • You’re having problems with your voice…
  • You want to learn humor…
  • You want to learn storytelling…

If You’re A Beginner Resonator Will…

  • Build a rock-solid pickup foundation for you to grow from.
  • Accelerate your learning curve into WARP DRIVE because more sets will be hooking and engaging with you.
  • Hone your focus in on what MATTERS! (forget about the crazy routines and advanced jargon for now, let’s ingrain the powerful fundamentals that 80% of your results will come from).

If You’re Intermediate Resonator Will…

  • Be a MASTERCLASS in SUB COMMUNICATION, teaching you how to pair your pickup knowledge with potent underlying delivery dynamics.
  • Tighten up your sloppy execution and shine a light on the last few sticking points that are holding you back from becoming ADVANCED.
  • Give you a fighting chance on your “off nights”. By implementing Resonator principles your baseline attractiveness will rise and ensure you always have a chance to turn a crap night into glory IF YOU HANG IN THERE!

If You’re Advanced Resonator Will…

  • Give you the EDGE you need to outshine every other guy with good game at the bar. Own the space with your projection and volume and you will own every girl in it.
  • Put the finishing touches on your near flawless game, giving you the chops to step up to the hottest of the hot and instantly smash through their bitch shields and hot girl blasé.
  • Open doors to new levels of attraction you may have never experienced. Insta-makeouts, bathroom pulls and threesomes are now well within your new reality!

So Why Am I The Man For The Job?

I’ve been public speaking since 2002. When I go on stage, I want to create a powerful experience that gets people engaged in our material so they leave feeling absolutely inspired and motivated.

When I’m speaking, I take you to another state of consciousness with just with my VOICE.

I use the same techniques when I’m picking up women, sometimes I’m loud, other times I speak quietly. When I approach a girl and say “GOOD EVENING,” she immediately looks me in the eyes – she’s locked in. She’s intrigued, waiting to see what I’m going to say next. She can’t get enough of my stories. She’s laughing her ASS OFF, feeling all the good emotions that come with that laughter and associating those feelings with ME.

It’s on… and you know what comes next. (Hint: it’s rated M for “Mature”)

Thing is, I didn’t always have this verbal firepower. When I first started doing pickup, I’d blurt out these meek little openers and the girls would look at me like I was a fucking LOSER.

And frankly, I WAS.

Even when I started getting success, I’d often find myself unable to battle the loud music, the lights and the alcohol for her attention.

Now my energy cuts through that shit like a hot katana through warm butter…

Bottom line: I learned how to project the hard way – in the trenches. And even after I learned to speak confidently and be engaging, it took years to learn the SCIENCE behind the art. I added these professional secrets to my own “vocal street smarts” to take things to the next level, and the results have been insane.

The point is, I GET IT. Through years of picking up hotties and coaching my clients to do the same, I now have a complete understanding of tonality, sub communication and projecting an energy that RESONATES.


Often, my students say the exact same things I say VERBATIM, but it just doesn’t work. That’s because 93% of communication is nonverbal. It’s not just the words you say – your tonality and physiology play MASSIVE parts in your communication. This program gives you full access to that 93%.
Stop focusing on the words. Your RESULTS will come from your tone, energy and vibe!

Now, when I first began talking about Resonator, I noticed guys making comments like, “This is a JOKE, sure Jeffy’s got good vocal projection, but how the hell is he qualified to actually TEACH this stuff?!”

The truth is, I’m NOT.

That’s why I partnered with Susan Nance, a professional, classically trained Vocal Coach with over 40 years of experience, to develop the vocal projection section. I wanted to bring the best of both worlds: the raw pickup game experience as well as the academic knowledge when it came to perfecting vocal projection.

With this dynamic duo, you have IT ALL… the science and the streets. The Protested Pickup Artist and the Polished Pro Vocalist. We come together to deliver these lessons through a unique lens that NO ONE has ever explored.

So, let’s get down to brass fucking tacks. Resonator is divided into three main parts stacked on top of each other like a pyramid:


The foundation of the program centers on how to develop POWERFUL and HEALTHY vocal projection. Getting this area handled will accelerate your progress in every area of the pyramid and your game.

Over the course of this section, Susan runs me through a comprehensive examination of the topic complete with interactive exercises that address every angle and minute detail of what goes into having a powerful voice. In turn, I bring my own experience to the table as we discuss the ramifications each new discovery has for pickup, and share that with a live audience, bringing folks up to run them through each exercise until we’ve addressed their internal issues. You see it all happen live and you’re right there with us.

Everything about your communication starts with POSTURE and ALIGNMENT.

If you’ve followed pickup for a while, you might have heard of the Alexander Technique. Most people think of this as a way to fix their POSTURE, but don’t realize it was developed to fix a VOCAL problem.

Using the Alexander Technique, you’ll learn to achieve a confident neutral posture (both sitting and standing) that projects freedom, strength, awareness and choice, and sets you up PHYSIOLOGICALLY to project your voice.

As we go through this section we pinpoint and learn to avoid low-consciousness states that result in unattractive and unhealthy posture.

You will learn how to systematically release holding patterns of fear and anxiety that cause stiff, locked posture that telegraphs all the wrong things to women.

Once you grasp these keys, your breath will be freer, your voice louder and fuller, you’ll feel open, confident and even taller.

If Posture is the Foundation of Vocal Projection, Your BREATH is the Fuel.

So as we move through section 1, you’ll learn foundational breath management techniques to give you clarity of intent and keep you grounded in the present moment, even after a bad rejection.

Most people have no idea why their voice is hoarse and damaged by the end of the night. In this section you’ll find out why this happens, and learn how to prevent it from ever happening again. No more laryngitis and scratchy voice.

You’ve probably heard the conventional wisdom about vocal projection that says “speak from the diaphragm” – I’m going to show you what this ACTUALLY MEANS, and how to train yourself to do it without even thinking.

Once those are dialed, we get into the nitty gritty of the actual TONE PRODUCTION

Here, Susan and I will teach you the SCIENCE of your vocal anatomy so you know EXACTLY what’s going on when you speak and how to train each part of your vocal apparatus.

I’m going to show you how to find your perfect speaking range that’s both powerful and effortless. The aim here is to expand your toolbox and give you different OPTIONS in your approach. The environments we meet and interact with people in are dynamic so you need those options, and you’ll get them all in SECTION I.

We’re going to identify different voice types and find which one is best for you – which are you currently using and which one you SHOULD BE using.

Uncover how to use melodic tonality to achieve a hypnotic, charismatic effect, as opposed to a FLAT and BORING one that turns girls off and makes them BLOW YOUR ASS OUT.

Next comes the almost magical phenomenon called RESONANCE.

Once we know how to actually PRODUCE the sound, we can start to play with different tools to MODULATE it in order to generate a more compelling, charismatic, and just generally pleasing tone.

You’ll learn secrets of voice amplification that essentially turn your mouth into a BULLHORN and let you GRAB her attention right off the bat.

Here, you will discover how to find your optimal vocal resonance and eliminate nasal tonality that rubs people the wrong way – BOUNCE the sound so it’s not only LOUD, but, again, pleasant to the ear and actually ATTRACTIVE.

Furthermore, I’m gonna show you how different sounds are produced in different parts of the mouth and how to manipulate them for maximum effect. Basically, you’ll learn how to COLOR in the auditory space with your voice.

And finally, at the end of this section I’ll give you several exercises to improve the CLARITY of your speech through articulation.

Then, I reveal the “secret sauce” that allows opera singers to be heard over instruments without using a microphone – it’s called RING.

Mastery of this technique gives you a very distinctive, brilliant, ringing quality to the timbre of your voice.

I’ll show you how to alter the shape and position of the larynx to create this LASER-like effect.

A small voice without ring simply won’t be heard over the music at your average bar or club. A small voice WITH ring will. So even if you don’t have a loud voice naturally, with this you can become loud enough to be heard and actually communicate your intent.

Once you’ve got this down, it adds a brilliance to your voice and opens the door to other important qualities like “spin” and “sparkle.” You’ll learn how to play with different variables to manipulate the sexual energy in your communication

Finally, we’re gonna bring it all together and learn how nonverbals contribute to the perfect communication style. We will be exploring TONALITY, EMOTION AND CONVICTION.

Gestures, facial expressions, pauses and tempo are all different variables – I’ll show you how use these to shape and create the exact EMOTIONAL nuance you want for your message.

How to get out of your head, stop being so LOGICAL and allow your natural charisma to come out.

I’ll show you the power of FREE FLOWING, and why needing things to “make sense” is incredibly counterproductive to picking up girls.

Beyond all of this, you get a broad suite of vocal exercises on mp3 that you can engage with daily, any time and anywhere, to give your mind, body and voice the power you need to get maximum results with women. You can listen to them on your phone, and these techniques are easy to understand and immediately beneficial.

A top athlete would never run a race without warming up first, it’s the same for your voice – using these exercises as you head to the club will ensure you’re operating at the highest level possible.

These segments alone would be more than enough to solve most guys’ issues almost immediately. However…


When I first came up with the idea for Resonator, it was focused solely on voice. However my good friend Owen came to me and said, “Jeff, why not add even more value and take this thing to the next level? You’ve always been phenomenal at storytelling and using humor in your game, it’s what you’re known for, why not add those topics in as well?”

I realized he was right. I’m known in the pickup community for having solid VERBAL GAME, it’s sort of my “thing.”

Well, that and having sex in an old, dilapidated van… but I digress.

It struck me that I had never really explored those concepts in depth before, and so I got down to business and created some new content specifically for Resonator:


The ability to weave a compelling tale out of seemingly NOTHING is one of the most powerful tools I have in my arsenal when I’m picking up women. You might have heard this described as the “Million Dollar Mouthpiece”; the ability to just talk talk talk and never run out of interesting things to say.

If you struggle with this, it’s because you’re looking at things the WRONG WAY. And in this segment, I’m going to change the way you view this part of the game forever.

Look, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: the number one rule of game is “change their mood not their mind.” When I’m picking a girl up, I move her emotionally, not logically. People make decisions from an emotional space.

I’m a very average guy, in almost every way. There are a million guys that look like me on attractiveness level. Hell, there are a million guys that look FAR BETTER than me. Yet I’m still able to get results that are light years beyond the vast majority. And this is why…

You might have a strong, clear intent, the girl knows that you want her to leave with you, she understands, but if she isn’t emotionally engaged she just WON’T DO IT.

When you get them to share an emotional experience, it makes all the difference in the world.

Most people are in a BOX that constrains them from emoting properly. In this section I give you the key to break out of that box so you never JUDGE YOURSELF again.

Once you know this, your entitlement will come in line and you’ll stop feeling stifled when you approach highly attractive women.

I’ll show you how to become RELATABLE to the girl, regardless of your background or your current situation.

You’ll learn how to trigger an ATTUNEMENT in the listener so she can’t help but engage with the things you’re saying to her.

Powerful stories are always waiting to be born, but they also have to be perfected. After you watch this section, you’ll understand that process, and be able to spin gold out of even the most boring material.

I talk about leveraging the power of vulnerability, and share a very deep and personal story from my past that illustrates this power in a huge way.

Ultimately, you’ll learn how to LET GO and share your emotional truth in a way that is completely irresistible.

And of course, it wouldn’t really be a Jeffy program without a solid dose of the funny funny ha ha. That’s why the next section of Resonator is:


Every woman says it: “I want a man who makes me laugh”

It’s a universal fact.

Humor is at the top of the Resonator pyramid, because it is the SPICE that makes all the vocal training and the storytelling just POP.

They say laughter is the best medicine, but I can tell you from personal experience, it’s also the best aphrodisiac.

You might be thinking, “Well Jeff you’re a funny guy, I’m personally not like that. When I try to crack jokes, people don’t find them funny, or worse, they get OFFENDED.”

Lemme tell you something: I CERTAINLY did not start out with the ability to make women laugh.

Well, they were laughing AT ME, I guess. Lol

This was something I had to cultivate over time. And along the way, I discovered that there are RULES that govern comedy, and with practice, anybody can learn to dramatically improve their sense of humor. Comedy is a CRAFT.

If you’re not skilled at this, even the best joke can be ruined with poor delivery. In this section, I show you all the pitfalls to avoid.

You also get a variety of exercises that will help you to not only train your sense of humor, but also help you to LOOSEN UP AND LET GO in the club when you go out at night.

We’ll also talk about the absolutely crucial element of TIMING and how to master it.

I go through and list all of the different categories and types of humor, so you can find which one resonates most with your own personal style and hone it to a razor’s edge.


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