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Apartment Cash Flow / Real Estate Private Money 101 – Dennis Fassett [Videos(mp4)Audios(mp3) Manuals/Documents(pdf,xls,doc)]
Apartment Cash Flow / Real Estate Private Money 101 – Dennis Fassett
Dear friend,

Be honest. You’ve always been intrigued at the idea of owning your own apartment building, haven’t you? I can’t blame you. Who would? After all, the benefits are rather exceptional, and speak for themselves…

Maybe it’s a desire to increase your reliable flow of cash income each month…

Or maybe you’re drawn to the thought of giving your net worth a notable infusion…

Maybe you know you need to take the raging retirement bull by the horns to ensure you’re able to sustain the lifestyle you enjoy and deserve…

Or maybe you simply realize the ridiculously rare opportunity today’s market is serving up on a silver platter is just too good to let it pass by…

Whatever your motivation, if you want to discover what it takes to invest in your first apartment building, then congratulations…



You want to buy your first apartment building? I’m here to help make that a reality. I want to show you how you can do it in only 90 days. And the best part is, you get to benefit from my real life experiences, which happen right here in the trenches of this very real estate market. The good, the bad and the ugly…I’ve seen it all, done it all, and now I’m baring it all to you. So you get to slash a huge chunk off your learning curve.

Briefly: Who I Am, and Why You Should Care…

Hi, I’m Dennis. I first got started in real estate investing out of necessity and fear more than anything else.

I’m a corporate guy — former investment banker with an MBA in finance — moved into the automotive industry in Detroit, until it tanked, slapping me in the face with just how “unsafe” I really was. I got scared, and suddenly realized I had good reason to be.

Taking matters into my own hands, I looked into an array of different businesses, from franchises to MLM and everything in between. Eventually I came to realize that rental real estate — and especially small-to-mid size apartment building — was by far the best, safest, surest way to build the financial safety net I know my family deserves.

Once I set my mind to it and learned the ropes (just enough), it took me just 90 days to buy my first medium-sized cash flow apartment building. The experience was a huge learning process for me, and not without mistakes. But I still own that building, and it still does very well for me.

I’ve picked up a few others too. I now have over $3 million in rental real estate, manage most of it myself, and do it all while I still enjoy a full time day job I truly love.

The fact is, I’ve cracked the code on how to do both worlds well… That is 1) how to buy a really great, first-time real estate cash cow, and 2) How to do it all (and manage it) while keeping the full time job I really love.

I get asked all the time about what it takes and how to go about doing it. And it’s an adventure, let me tell you…but the rewards are handsome and so worthwhile.


I took a step back and challenged myself to tack two very big, very important questions:

QUESTION #1: What does the whole process look like from start to finish?From the steps you take, to who you talk to and when…from the criteria I use to the specific type of apartment I’d choose (and the one’s I wouldn’t)…soup-to-nuts…A-to-Z…

QUESTION #2: If I could do it all over again, what would I do differently?This is about learning from my mistakes. Helping others (like you) slash your learning curve way shorter than mine was (even though I did pretty darn well)
Answering these two questions well — I mean really doing them justice — well, frankly it became my obsession for a few months. I became fiercely dedicated to seeing the whole thing to be systemized, so that anyone could follow the steps, do exactly what I say, and end up wisely investing in your first cash flow apartment, and doing quite well at it.

After many months of heartfelt labor, I’m happy to report that the end result is even better than I originally envisioned it would be. Truly one of my proudest achievements. It’s a little something I like to call “Apartment Cash Flow 101″.

So let’s take a look and see…


Module 1: First Things First

I believe in keeping things as simple as possible. So we start at the beginning, with a mile-high view that sets the stage for everything else. You’ll learn…

……Exactly where you’re going (what’s ahead in the training)

……What you’ll be learning every step of the way

……How to best consume and digest it

……How to get the most out of it possible

……A little more about me, and my experiences

……A look at the specific type of apartments I target (size/price range) and why

When you walk into a new shopping mall for the first time with no concept of how it’s laid out, what’s the first thing you want to do? Find the mall map!

That’s what this module is. It’s your “mall map” for the rest of the course. A starting point, that’ll show you exactly where we’re going and what’s in store.

Module 2: Why Apartment Buildings?
Before you understand the “how”, you really should start by wrapping your mind around the “why”…and maybe even more importantly, the “why now“…

……What’s the situation with commercial real estate in today’s market?

……Apartment buildings vs. other commercial real estate

……Do the Work ONCE: Cash flow now and cash flow later

……Tax Benefits NOW: Why do you think the rich buy real estate?

……1995 vs. 2006 vs. today

……Where do apartment building fundamentals stand today?

……The coming commercial foreclosure tidal wave

……Why apartment buildings are the right vehicle

This module sets the stage for others ahead of it. If you don’t understand the “why” then the “how” doesn’t really matter that much, does it?

Module 3: The 8 People You Must Talk To While Getting Started (and Why)

Get APARTMENT CASH FLOW REAL ESTATE PRIVATE MONEY 101 denis fasset  at the CourseAvai

Anyone can see that buying your first cash flow apartment can be an intimidating, confusing and complicated process. But it certainly doesn’t have to be for you. Besides learning from my experiences in this course, there are exactly 8 other people that it’s essential for you to find and get to know. I call them “The Great Eight” and this module is all about how to find and approach them, so you can…

……Protect yourself from buying a lemon

……Connect you with the best financing options for your unique situation

……Help you understand the true value of any apartment building you’re considering

……Protect your investment in all the right ways

……Manage your property and your tenants, without taking over your life

……Protect yourself from liability, during and after your acquisition
Module 4: Your 7 Essential First Steps

In addition to connecting with the “Great Eight” (see module 3), I’ve also found there’s a handful of other important items you’d do well to process in advance of buying your first cash flow apartment building. I’ve boiled it all down to seven key steps I definitely recommend you take first.

These seven important steps are all about helping you…

……Eliminate your knowledge gap

……Set up your base of operation for your first apartment endeavor

……Protect yourself from personal liability as much as possible

……Create your business entity

……Get yourself setup and ready to “do business”

……Assess the resources you have available to you (i.e. cash, time, family support, etc.)

Basically this is all about setting yourself up for success right from the get-go.

Module 5: Reality Check
Have you ever noticed how many of our popular industry “gurus” seem hell-bent on painting the rosiest, most unrealistically easy picture possible of apartment investing? They do that because, frankly, sizzle sells.

It’s sad but true. And leads far to many of us down a primrose path we’re certain is lined with rainbows and puppy dogs…until we actually walk it, and get a dose of how things work in the real world. Maybe you can relate?

Don’t get me wrong – I wholeheartedly believe the fruit has never been riper – the opportunity never hotter – than right now for buying your first cash flow apartment building. But it’s only right, in my view, to give you as accurate a picture possible of what that really looks like in the real world. And that’s exactly why I’ve dedicated an entire session to it. This is my opportunity to set the record straight, dispel common myths and hype I hear around apartment investing, and give you a healthy dose of reality.

“First and Foremost I’d like to personally thank Dennis Fassett for providing such great content. I am too analytical at times, and I’m glad this program showed me Step by Step on what I need to do in order acquire my first apartment building. Unlike other programs, leaving me wondering what to do next, Dennis really lays out a treasure map for all of us to use.”

Christopher NiekraRestaurant Manager and Certified Personal Trainer

Module 6: What Should You Buy?

This is where we get down to brass tacks. In this module you’ll discover…

……What are my overall goals in buying an apartment?

……What’s the #1 most important criteria you should be looking for?

……What’s my 2nd most important criteria for a new apartment acquisition?

……How many units do I recommend if you’re self-managing?

……How many units if you’re hiring a management company?

……What type of buildings specifically do I prefer, and why?

……Roofs: pitched or flat?

……Construction: Brick or frame?

……The huge importance of consistent rental demand

……Plus a lot more.

Module 7: Where Should You Buy?

Location, location, location. We’ve all heard it, right? It’s a timeless real estate truism, but it’s actual application can be a bit more challenging. Sure, location matters…but which location? This module is all about answering that question as it relates to your first apartment investment.

We’ll discuss your goals, and why they make a big difference in your choice of location. Should you explore higher-end, lower-end, or somewhere in between? City, burbs or country? How much do transportation and shopping matter?

Basically my goal here is to share my personal location criteria and help you understand my thinking behind them, then help you think through how to select the ideal target locations for your focus, based on your locale and what you really want to to. Don’t miss this – it’s a paramount decision to think through.

Module 8: Where Do You Find Great Deals?
Here we go into how and where to effectively find the best deals apartment deals available in your marketplace. It has much less to do with location, and more with tactical methodology – how to actually zero in on the apartment deals you’ll want to seriously consider buying.

We talk about commercial brokers (old school and new), the internet, the MLS, Loopnet, Craigslist, Realtor websites, etc.

Basically I’ll cover my personally preferred methods, how I found my apartment deals personally, and my opinion of how much weight and time you should give each of them.

Module 9a: Deal Evaluation-Terms You Must Know

The fact is, buying your first cash flow apartment is not rocket science. But you do need to understand the lingo, the formulas and how to use them. So this is where you wrap your mind around concepts like…

……Net Operating Income (NOI)

……Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate)

……Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR or DSCR)

……Cash-on-Cash Return

……Cost Per Door / Cost Per Unit

And I’m not just defining them for you. We actually work through examples of how to calculate them together. These concepts are critical, and by the time we’re through this session together, you not only understand how to work them, but why they matter so much in your due diligence assessment.

Module 9b: Deal Evaluation-Practice!

This is where you get in the game!…sort of.

Get APARTMENT CASH FLOW REAL ESTATE PRIVATE MONEY 101 denis fasset  at the CourseAvai

The goal of this session is to prime you up, and send you out to make practice calls and high-level deal evaluation on junk leads. Just to get your feet wet, get you used to the process, and help you work out the kinks on deals that probably won’t matter that much to you.

Look, I know this is a whole new world to many of you. And it can certainly seem intimidating at first. But practice makes perfect! And that’s exactly why I dedicated a whole module to it.

I’ll tell you what questions you should be asking and what information you need to be gathering from the sellers, then I’ll set you loose to give it a go yourself.


Module 9c: Deal Evaluation-Let’s Make It Practical

“So It Is A Good Deal?” It’s a question I get asked all the time. Unfortunately, I can’t answer it fully for you. I can tell you whether or not, based on my criteria, I would pursue a deal further. But ultimately only you can make that call for yourself. My job is to arm you to do just that.

So in this session we break down an example deal together, and I help you walk through the decision making process…

……Is it a good fit with your resources & constraints?

……Does it meet your personal ROI criteria?

……What do the exterior tell you?

……What does the rent roll tell you? Cap rate? Cost per door? ROI? Financing?

When we’re done with this session, you’ll be much more comfortable with deal evaluation on your own terms.

Module 10: Making Your Offer

Here’s where we walk though how to actually make your offer, from start to finish. Do this wrong, and you’ll look dumb at best and probably won’t even be considered a viable candidate. Do it right, and you’ve got every step covered brilliantly.

Together we’ll uncover…

……What’s the first step of the formal purchase process?

……Letter of Intent vs. Purchase Agreement – Which to use when

……What’s included in a good letter of intent?

……What are the essential contingencies to be sure and include?

……How long of an inspection period should I reasonably ask for?

……When does the click start ticking?

……An example of an actual timeline

“This course is like having a personal coach walk you through the entire apartment buying process. The information provided is an inside look into the detailed steps of apartment buying. Dennis’ team is first rate and I am confident that I could sign my name on a deed this year by following his program.”

Andy Nemeckay3rd Party Logistics Planner
Real Estate Investor

Module 11a: So Your Offer’s Accepted…Now What??? (Part 1)

So you’ve got a contract. Time to sit back and relax? Hardly! This is where the real heavy lifting is done. It’s time for your real due diligence process…time to gather…verify…gather more…and verify again…

……What should your due diligence ABSOLUTELY encompass?

……Which items are optional, but should be considered?

……Why does the order of your due diligence process matter so much?

……How to save money and hugely reduce your financial risk during this time

……Which FOUR Operating Statement numbers should you end up reviewing?

……What operating data should you look for?

……How do you verify the actual operating data the seller gives you?

Module 11b: So Your Offer’s Accepted…Now What??? (Part 2)

A continuation of the previous session, because it’s too much to squeeze into just one lesson! In this session we cover together…

……How should you handle any material differences you uncover?

……Solvable problems vs. deal breakers

……How and when should you renegotiate?

……What is “Phase One Environmental” (and how much does it matter?)

……The importance of doing things in parallel!

Get APARTMENT CASH FLOW REAL ESTATE PRIVATE MONEY 101 denis fasset  at the CourseAvai

You’ll not only learn about these things in theory, but also from the real-world perspective of one of my previous deals, which I renegotiated a number of times during due diligence, before we finally decided to close. This is how the game is played, and you should be in-the-know.
Module 12: Getting it Funded and Closed

Finding your smoking apartment deal is one thing. Getting it financed is something entirely different. This is where we crack this nut open and take a realistic look together. The fact is, the days of easy commercial mortgages may be in the past, but with the right know-how, you can absolutely still secure the bank backing you need. Some critical questions we’ll be answering include…

……What is the commercial mortgage process like today?

……Owner Financing: Viable in today’s commercial arena?

……What about borrowing private financing from an individual?

……What do the owner financing and private financing process look like?

……How about underlying financing? Can you just take it over?

……What about the Self-Directed IRA?

……What about partnerships with a money partner?

……Once you’ve got your due diligence and financing done…what final steps to close?

Module 13: Case Study – My First Apt. Building
Here’s where we see how it all played out in the real world on my very first deal — a transaction that certainly wasn’t without a few mistakes (that you don’t have to make), but that I also still own today. And yes, it continues to be a cash cow for me like clockwork, month after month.

After a brief review of the 10 steps of acquisition we’ve covered in previous modules, we’ll take a closer look at my first apartment investment together, including…

……Size: How many was it?

……Location: Where I bought, and why

……Features: Type of exterior, roof, utilities setup, etc…

……Numbers: Cap Rate, ROI, etc…

Module 14: Six Months to Stability and Cash Flow
Let’s face it – we’re not buying an apartment building just for fun. We want to make money…good money!…as quickly as possible! So this chapter is all about how to not only hit the ground running, but set yourself up over the first 6 months to create as much stability and profit for yourself as possible. We’ll talk about…

……Filling vacancies quickly

……How to being your net tenant-marketing before you even close

……Special tactics, like rent specials, referral bonus programs, etc…

……The “Under New Management” tactic

……Culling the herd – setting existing tenants straight

……How strictly should you enforce new rules on old tenants?

……7 day notices

……When to market for new tenants

……Signage tactics
Module 15: Important Lessons Learned

I’m handing you a huge edge here, in the opportunity to learn from my mistakes. Make no mistake, I’ve done quite well with apartments. But there are definitely a few things I wish I’d done differently, and I simply must pass these invaluable lessons on to you. That’s what this session’s all about. You’ll learn…

……My big lesson about when to pay for your inspection (and when not to)

……Why it matters so much what time of month you close

……What I learned about accurately assessing the units beforehand

……My mistake about relying too much on the owner after closing

……My big “resident manager” goof

……Why I’m buying as part of partnerships now

……One huge thing I should have negotiated, but even didn’t think to

……My big (costly) EMD mistake

……And much more

Module 16: Your 90 Day Roadmap to Buying Your First Apt. Building
At this point, congratulations are due. It’s time for scotch and cigars, because we’ve now covered my entire blue print together, and you’re ready to go out and buy your first apartment building.

Before you go forth and prosper, this short, final session connects the dots for you on how all this can really be done in about 90 days.

Remember, my first apartment building only took me 90 days from contract to closing, and I’m no different than you. You now have my roadmap and yes, you can do this too! And this module gives you a birds-eye view of what your timeline should look like, step by step!

And by this point I’ll be saying…



“Buying an Apartment Building is my next goal. I currently own single family rentals. By attending Dennis’s How to Buy Your First Apartment Building workshop, I gained the Knowledge and confidence to make that purchase. Two of the items that help me immediately was Inspections and Tenant Screening, because I’ve used this information in my current enterprise. Dennis Thank You for sharing your expertise.”

Allan CassellElectrical SubStation Operator


Get APARTMENT CASH FLOW REAL ESTATE PRIVATE MONEY 101 denis fasset  at the CourseAvai

Now what you’ve seen so far (above) is the very heart and soul of my blueprint. Consider it your core training.

But the thing is, I’m hopelessly dedicated to making sure you have no excuse for not taking action and moving forward in this. I don’t want anything standing between you and your first apartment building investment, so I’ve created a really incredible array of “bonus” sessions — or better yet, let’s call them “amplifiers”, because really they’re designed to amplify your core training, on an as-needed basis.

Said another way, I consider the core training (above) to be essential. The amplifier session below? They’ll kick things up to the next level.

But please…PLEASE do not make the mistake of letting yourself feel stressed out about going through all of the “amplifier” sessions you see below – I know it’s a lot of stuff! Instead, you should think of it more like an mind-blowing buffet of additional training you can pick and choose from at any time that you have a specific need, or want to go deeper in any specific area.

Take a look and you’ll see what I mean…

Bonus 1: Study Guide “Cheat Sheets” for All 10 Modules (Value: $270)
I’ve mentioned before that my goal is to completely demystify buying your fist apartment, and make the whole process as simple and straightforward and possible. And it stands to reason that you should get the very most possible out of each and every training session.

With this in mind, I’ve included a downloadable “cheat sheet” study guide in PDF format — one for each and every module.

The idea is to engage you in multiple ways, to help you learn and retain as much as possible. So you’ll find each “cheat sheet” outlines the key points for that module, with blanks for you to fill in as you go along through each module with me. When you’re done, these “cheat sheets” will be your “Cliff’s Notes” to the whole course.

Bonus 2: Video Case Study A – UD Manor Apartments (Value: $97)
Even though UD Manor was the second apartment building that I bought, it would have made a perfect “first timer” building. The location, condition, occupancy, and history were all first rate. But in this case, the “story” is actually what made the deal make sense.

I created this case study to show you three things:

  1. What a nearly perfect first time apartment building looks like
  2. Why you need to dig beneath the listing ticket and completely understand the seller and their “story”, so you’ll know what is motivating them.
  3. What an eye-popping ROI looks like & why there’s no such thing as a free lunch

Bonus 3: Video Case Study B – Park East Apartments (Value: $97)
Park East Apartments is a 45 unit complex in the suburbs here in Metro Detroit.

It’s a fantastic building – great location, excellent condition, lots of updates, outstanding operating history, seller financing, and a seller “story” that made a lot of sense.

I went after this building – hard. I didn’t get it because we couldn’t come to terms on the price, but I created this Case Study to show you another near-perfect example of what you should be looking for when you’re buying your first apartment building.
Bonus 4: Case Study C – The Evil “Black Hat” Seller (Value: $97)
This was my baptism by fire.

The very fist deal that I pursued – the one that I had under contract in 90 days – died a couple of weeks prior to closing due to an evil “Black Hat” seller. You’ll hear the whole sordid tale, but to cut to the chase he killed the deal, then refused to give me back my Earnest Money Deposit. So I had to spend money to sue him to get my money back.

I created this Case Study to drive home the fact that there are no rules in commercial real estate – and that a lot of people are only out to get your money.
Bonus 5: Online, “Cakewalk” Deal Calculators (Value: $245)

It goes without saying, properly crunching the numbers for your deal is critical. This is not where you want to make a mistake!

In my blueprint I tell you exactly how to calculate it all, but it can still be easy to make mistakes when doing it the traditional way.

Which is exactly why I hired a programmer to create a handful of extremely simple, easy-to-use online calculators you can use to make sure that you’re sure your deal numbers are crunched correctly.

I’m telling you, there’s no easier way to make sure your numbers are crunched right when you’re sizing up any deal. And these calculators are very easy to use, but just to be sure I’ve included a simple “how-to” video for each of them.

You’ll get unlimited access to my:

……Net Operating Income (NOI) Calculator

……Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR) Calculator

……Cap Rate Calculator

……Cash-on-Cash Return Calculator

……Cost Per Unit Calculator

Get APARTMENT CASH FLOW REAL ESTATE PRIVATE MONEY 101 denis fasset  at the CourseAvai

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