Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma – Raja Choudhury

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Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma – Raja Choudhury
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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $61.00.


Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma – Raja Choudhury Download. Experience magical practices to activate your Kundalini Shakti… release negative karma… and…

Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma – Raja Choudhury
Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma – Raja Choudhury

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $61.00.


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Experience magical practices to activate your Kundalini Shakti… release negative karma… and ‘lift’ good karma into the higher centers of your being.

Burn your Inner Fire to heal yourself, your ancestral legacies, and ALL your past karmic lives — and allow power and grace to pour into your life.

Karma is the result of all your past thoughts, words, and actions… and can be the root cause of suffering, blocks, and health challenges…

Negative karma might be preventing you from functioning at your highest potential and living your highest purpose.

What if you could clear bad karma, heal and increase good karma — and eventually become liberated from ALL karma… becoming ONE with Source.

There’s an ancient path that leads to freedom from the burdens of negative energies and vibrations in and around you… 

With the right mantras, activations, and other practices, you can re-tune your own energy universe and become a being of balance and healing…

Master Techniques to Activate Magical Inner Energies & Burn Away the Effects of Past Mistakes

It wasn’t at all unusual for the ancient yogis and tantrics of India to experience deep healing, limitless vitality, and true liberation. It was simply how they lived.

Their transformative methods allowed them to tap into the ultimate source of all creativity, intuition, wellness, peace, and bliss…

And you can do this too…

Imagine being able to engage harmoniously with all of life — eliminating destructive patterns and habits, accessing your deepest intuition for decision-making, and actively expanding your consciousness…

Imagine only attracting the right energies in your life and healing your traumas and medical issues through the power of intention… and then healing others with the light of your Inner Fire

This is what lighting your Inner Fire and freeing yourself from karma can do…

Yet, eliminating bad karma alone isn’t enough. You must also detach from the fruits of good karma as well. It is only by living completely karma-free that you can reside in the middle pillar between all dualities, between all polarities, and between heaven and earth.

The sages of ancient India named this state sat chit ananda (truth consciousness bliss). Those who achieved this transcendent experience of the ultimate, unchanging reality were rewarded with perfect health, mental balance, and equanimity in a world filled with chaos, polarities, and dualities…

Receive Guidance From a Celebrated Spiritual Teacher

In this live video course, spiritual teacher, speaker, and filmmaker Raja Choudhury will reveal some of the secrets kept hidden in mystery schools and secret doctrines — and teach us how we can become magicians within, discovering true inner energy and healing and accessing vast cosmic intelligence in physical, tangible, and repeatable ways.

Using advanced techniques he’s been initiated into, and his deep research into Kundalini Shakti, Sri Vidya, Tantra Yoga, and Kriya Yoga, Raja will show you how to use your body, breath, concentration, prana, sacred geometries, secret mantras, and vivid visualizations to awaken your Kundalini, light your Inner Fire, deeply heal yourself, and begin freeing yourself of karma.

Raja has been initiated in many lineages and received various transmissions that empowered him as a spiritual teacher, but he has also lived a full life in the world as a creative media producer and a family man. He’s thus skilled at teaching you how to work with these secret teachings and energies while also honoring your daily commitments and being firmly grounded in the world.

You may even develop new capacities or siddhis of intuition, clairsentience, or healing abilities — and awaken to a more reverential relationship with the world around you by becoming a beacon of wellness, energy, and light for all to share.

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll discover that you are perfection itself… and you’ve simply forgotten this powerful truth

Under Raja’s mentorship, you’ll master ancient practices to help you fully come alive once again.

During this revelatory new training, you’ll:

  • Discover why Kundalini is the seat of all cosmic energy
  • Learn the secret of your 3 brains
  • Discover how simple breaths, seed sound mantras, and locks can help awaken the lower three chakras — and take control of your lower reptilian brain
  • Explore the nature of karma and the Secret Fire that sits within you that can burn away bad karma
  • Relax and heal your body with a miraculous new way of chanting AUM
  • Explore 3 magical breathing techniques to activate your prana and Kundalini Shakti — and get rid of all the negative karma stored in your apana
  • Open your third eye — and discover the lens that links heaven and the body
  • Discover how to breathe like a lion and move the energy up — while lighting an Inner Fire
  • Learn the secret of the ashwini mudra and the prana pump, sending energy up your spine
  • Be initiated into the Sri Chakra and view it is a map of your inner and outer cosmology, linking you to your soul purpose
  • Learn to transmute prana into shakti and inner tejas to burn away karma and suffering
  • Get a taste of the hidden energy inside you — Kundalini — through three planes in the body, using an ancient breath and mantra
  • Explore the 72,000 nadis (subtle energy channels) coming out of the heart center — and discover how, by lifting yourself up, you truly become human
  • Be initiated into the ancient secret Beej Mantra of Durga Chandi that will activate the power and magic of Shakti and light your Inner Fire
  • Use your newfound Inner Fire for healing, wellness, power, control, and becoming free of the consequences and burdens of karma
  • Discover the 3 Centers of Bliss in your body and discover how the beautiful Hum Sah breath can keep you balanced and light as a feather at all times
  • Witness the smoke of your good karma start to rise — and begin to distribute this happiness to all parts of your body — and to others through your heart center

Through Raja’s detailed and comprehensive wisdom transmissions, you’ll come to understand why this Kundalini Shakti Path of awakening is a crucial part of the evolutionary shift of consciousness that’s now underway on planet Earth…

…. and why it’s needed now more than ever to combat the growing threat of climate change, intolerance, polarities, and imbalance.

You’ll also hear about Raja’s own evolutionary journey — how he went from being a NYC creative director to becoming a teacher of Kundalini Shakti Awakening and Tantra — as well as the details of a brand-new online program with this wise, engaging, and personable spiritual teacher.

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What You’ll Discover in These 9 Weeks

In this 9-week transformational intensive, Raja will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to heal yourself and become karma-free.

The Power of Live Streaming Video

You’ll connect with Raja and experience his teachings through live streaming video. This connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Raja’s body of work. You can easily connect via audio only if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer.

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Raja. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to heal karmic patterns, find true freedom, and awaken bliss.

I’ll work with you over these nine modules to take you from earth to the bliss of the dance between consciousness and energy — in your body and in the cosmos.
— Raja Choudhury

Module 1: The Path to Clearing Your Karma (December 10)

What is karma? How can you clear bad karma, heal and increase good karma — and eventually become liberated from ALL karma?

In this first week, you’ll explore how to move past the consequences of a lifetime of thoughts, words, and actions. You’ll discover how to become light as a feather as Raja guides you to seek awakening and self-realization.

You’ll also explore how a hidden power and energy inside us called Kundalini lights a fire inside you — to burn both good and bad karma….

In this opening module, you’ll:

  • Discover exactly what karma is — and explore its origins in sixth-century (BCE) India
  • Learn the structure of the Sthulla (body), the Sukshma (cosmic body), and Para (causal body)
  • Explore how you store both good and bad accumulated karma in your subtle psychic energy system
  • Discover the secret of deep relaxation and healing through chanting AUM in three worlds
  • Get a taste of the hidden energy inside you — Kundalini — through three planes in the body, using an ancient breath and mantra
  • Heal your entire three worlds, clearing the path for higher consciousness and divine grace

Module 2: Prana, Koshas, Nadis & the Energy Universe (December 17)

In the Shakti Path, there exists a perfect version of YOU in the Akashic or Astral plane…

This week, you’ll explore a supra-mental vibratory body in the Sukshma — perfect in mind, health, wellbeing, and alignment. This level of perfection is karma-free, allowing you to flow through life with ease.

With Raja’s guidance , you’ll discover how to match your physical mind and body (Sthulla) to the perfect blueprint in the Sukshma — a higher, vibratory supra-mental being.

By increasing your life-force (prana) from the external universe into your internal universe (made up of subtle energy channels called nadis) you can re-tune your energy universe to become a being of balance and healing

Emerging from this powerful teaching, you’ll begin to direct and navigate that energy in your bodies.

In this module, Raja will:

  • Explain the essence of prana, nadis, and the 5 koshas (the layers of the subtle body)
  • Show you how to bring prana into your being using integrative techniques from yoga, kriya, Qigong, and pranic energy medicine
  • Demonstrate how prana moves through your subtle body of nadis in 5 forms
  • Teach you to breathe like a lion and move the energy up — while lighting an Inner Fire
  • Reveal the secret of the ashwini mudra and the prana pump, sending energy up your spine
  • Chant the 6 beej sounds of each of the chakras (or padmas) along your spinal cord
  • Initiate you into the secret Bhairav mudrawhich instantly opens up wellbeing within you using your parasympathetic nervous system

Module 3: The Coiled Power, 3 Cities, 7 Lotuses & 9 Veils (January 7)

Sitting deep within you, at the base of your spine, lies the immense dormant energy of Kundalini…

Once awakened, it can transform your life, healing you of all the karmic burdens you carry. Newly liberated, you’ll be free to experience the bliss of higher consciousness and divine grace.

In this session, Raja will help you draw a map of your inner cosmology, complete with the keys to opening their locks and knots. You’ll use breath, mantra sound, and focus — and you’ll discover how this energy can travel through your spine on the path to liberating you, step by step.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover why Kundalini is the seat of all cosmic energy and the source of your Power
  • Learn the secret of your 3 brains
  • Explore the 3 cities of Tantric Shakti philosophy
  • Understand the meaning of chakras as lotus keys and musical notes along your spinal cord — and how each opens another universe and access to powers
  • Navigate the 9 gates or veils that lead to complete bliss and self-realization, bringing health and wellbeing
  • Be initiated into the secret mantra of the 3 cities, the 7 lotuses, and the 9 veils — and discover how to unlock them all with three simple sounds

Module 4: Breaking Rocks, Flowing Water & Lighting the Inner Fire (January 14)

This week you’ll explore the first city, where you’ll come into contact with three lotus centers — and discover how each one opens a new vista for you.

As Raja will share, this first sun or city is the city of the fours f’s — fear, food, flight/fright, and the f-word

It’s where you hold all your subconscious fears, traumas, doubts, negative energy — and it’s where bad karma accumulates.

Each of the cities connects to one element — earth, water, or fire… and you must rise from one to the other before liberation can begin.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Navigate the first sun (city) and your lower 3 chakras
  • Discover how simple breaths, seed sound mantras, and locks can help awaken the lower 3 chakras — and take control of your lower reptilian brain
  • Explore the power of Ganesh as you learn to break the rocks of your earth nature to become water, fire, and then air
  • Navigate the relationship between your sexuality, Kundalini awakening, desire, and true creativity
  • Learn how to light your Inner Fire at the manipura chakra with breath, bandhs, mudras (hand gestures), and mantras
  • Begin the process of burning your bad karma in the fire of your belly

Module 5: Chamundaya & the Tantric Source of Healing Fire (January 21)

This entire class session will be dedicated to the Inner Fire — by learning about the three vital substances in the body (Prana, Tejas, and Ojas) and the 5 types of Prana (Prana, Apana, Udhana, Vyana, and Samana).

You’ll discover how lighting your Kundalini fire can get rid of all past karma, both good and bad.

You’ll explore the grace that comes in Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Kali, bringing out the fierce yet loving nature of Chamundaya (Chandi or Durga) at your navel — to burn away old karmic wounds and release life’s good karma… up to your heart and head.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the origin ideas around Chamundaya — and why her mantra is one of the most powerful in Tantra, representing the destructive fire and nurturing love of Durga and Kali in one
  • Be initiated into the Chamundaya mantra… and its deeper meaning
  • Learn to transmute prana into shakti and inner tejas to burn away karma and suffering
  • Discover how the Inner Fire burns away bad karma — and lifts up good karma into the higher centers of your being
  • Imagine the fire rising through you, clearing the path for Kundalini to link heaven and earth, balancing your masculine and feminine energies

Module 6: Becoming Air & Healing All Karma at the Heart (January 28)

At this point in your journey, the fire in your belly is lit…

And as the smoke of your good karma starts to rise, you can begin to distribute this happiness to all parts of your body — and to others through your heart center.

At the Heart Chakra or Anahata, you become air and your ego becomes less grounded as you begin to shed all your traumas and karmic luggage.

You’ll begin to become more compassionate, kind, and able to heal. A new bliss can be experienced as your life begins to renew in wonderful magical ways.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the 72,000 nadis coming out of the heart center — and discover how, by lifting yourself up, you truly become human
  • Discover the jeev atman, or immortal essence, in your heart center in the form of a white pearl, sitting on a white lotus, surrounded by a golden egg
  • Learn to use feeling and sound mantras to expand this white energy to every cell — and to the world beyond
  • Explore your own inner nadis, and, with Raja’s guidance, try sending energy to a particular pain center or area of accumulated karma
  • Discover the magic of Maha Lakshmi — and explore how this Shakti energy makes life smooth, grace-filled, and abundant for you

Module 7: Direct Healing Energy to Anywhere You Wish at the Third Eye (February 4)

Beyond the heart center on the upward journey of Kundalini lies Akasha — the subtle vibratory world of the mind and the supermind.

Once you lift the Shakti up to your third eye in the middle of Brahma’s cave, you’ll discover that it acts as a crystal lens for bringing your desires to the cosmic mind… and divine Jiva (healing bliss) down into your body.

This week, you’ll explore these higher regions of consciousness and how divine energy works within you…

… and how YOU can direct the healing transmission to remove bad karma, suffering, diseases, and traumas by sending pure thought from your inner eye through the heart, wherever you want it to go.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Open your third eye — and discover the lens that links heaven and the body
  • Learn to visualize your deepest desires after deep relaxation in the body, and then be able to send healing and manifest any new reality you can imagine
  • Learn to surrender intention from your third eye into your heart center and then let it flow to every part of you and to all beings around you
  • Discover that we are pillars of light connecting heaven and earth
  • Be initiated into ancient Sri Vidya mantras and energies of Lalita Tripura Sundari, the Shakti of the 3 cities, that will help you realize your potential self as a world healer

Module 8: Healing This Life, Past Lives & the World (February 11)

Now that Raja has guided you to awake all six centers and three cities, grace will begin to descend into you from the seventh level at the Bindu, just above your head.

This week, you’ll explore your inner cosmology as a divine being, flowing grace into the world. You’ll discover how, by burning your Inner Fire of will and allowing grace to pour in, you can heal yourself, others, your ancestral legacies, the world — and even all past karmic lives that are affecting you.

Raja will show you the magic of the Sri Chakra. You’ll discover how, by meditating on it — and Tripura Sundari, the beautiful Shakti of the 3 cities — you can balance all your karma… and take your ancestors and past lives with you…

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore how to heal the world when you heal yourself
  • Be initiated into the Sri Chakra and view it is a map of your inner and outer cosmology, linking you to your soul purpose
  • Heal your ancestors and their lingering desires
  • Discover how to finally let go of all your past karmic desires
  • Practice the 10 mudras with healing mantras to free your karma completely
  • Discover the grace of the Divine Mother as she enters you through the open lotus of your heart
  • Be initiated into SHREEM

Module 9: Ananda & the Dance of Cosmic Perfection (February 18)

As you make your way from Sthulla (body) to Sukshma (mind and supermind), you’ll become aware of a vast infinite consciousness which permeates everything

It’s a Vibration that underlies the entire Universe — a supermind we call Para, or Shiva-Shakti or the great dance of consciousness and energy.

It has a pulse, and it has a rhythm called Spanda and, if you can tune in to that vibration, you’ll become completely aligned with the divine source of everything in the vast nothingness (Shunya, or the void)…

In this closing module, you’ll discover:

  • How to become the one who dances the Tandav with Shiva and Shakti — transcending karma, diseases, and suffering… becoming immortal in essence, and filled with pure bliss
  • How to truly become free from karmic bonds
  • How to finally become light as a feather, once all bad karma has gone — and all attachment to good karma has evaporated
  • A deep guided meditation to connect with the void and find bliss in your heart as you feel the pulse of the cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti
  • You can create a new reality with every breath in and out — as you are reborn and then die into the vast consciousness behind everything
  • Initiation into the Hum Sah breath, and how you can be born over and over again… with just one breath
  • That “little you” at the Muladhara, AH, is actually the vast dance of Shiva and Shakti in the cosmos — HUM — and in this dance, you’ll become free

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