Ancestral Shamanic Star Wisdom & Interdimensional Journeying to Heal Your Soul & Our Planet – Oscar Miro-Quesada

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $59.00.


Imagine being able to instantly experience the powerful truth that you’re never alone in this world. And discovering that all the validation you’ve been seeking from outside sources is actually found within your own sovereign Self…

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With Peruvian Maestro Curandero, Psychologist, and Author
don Oscar Miro-Quesada

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Connect with the healing energies of the cosmos through guided meditation, ceremony, and multidimensional shamanic journeys — and deepen your connection to Self, Mother Nature, Great Spirit, and your soul’s innate healing wisdom.

You have the power within you to transform life’s most painful emotions — such as loneliness, isolation, uncertainty, and sadness.

When you cultivate awareness of the perfection within the present moment, you can access unconditional love and a deep understanding of your place in our majestic cosmos — and you can learn to fully embody compassion for yourself and all beings.

Imagine being able to instantly experience the powerful truth that you’re never alone in this world. And discovering that all the validation you’ve been seeking from outside sources is actually found within your own sovereign Self…

You’ve always had the power to make contact with cosmic wisdom and the capacity for healing we’re all connected to — and to commune with the starlight of your soul’s originating source.

You can then cultivate the courage, strength, and love you need to face and transform life’s challenges…

This can become your life-affirming service as a shamanic bodhisattva. 

Join us for a fascinating new course with don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Peruvian maestro curandero, psychologist, and author, and take shamanic star voyages to reach across time and space

don Oscar will guide you through a series of shamanic journeys to connect with and be part of a cosmic culture that fully includes nonhuman intelligence.

Through meditations, ceremonial practices, and interdimensional journeys, you’ll access insights and healings in the fifth dimension — the realm in which there is no separation between Spirit and self, the ancestors, and other unseen allies.

The powerful wisdom you’ll receive comes from don Oscar’s lifelong study of global wisdom traditions and his personal apprenticeship in Peruvian shamanic healing arts.

don Oscar will share how his own dark night of the soul served as a crucial shamanic dismemberment necessary for both his personal healing and expansion of consciousness — which ultimately allowed an intimate befriending of Peru’s legendary sky beings.

Similar to people who’ve had near-death experiences and encountered beings of light, don Oscar was reassured that he was loved. Thanks to this life-changing experience, he renewed his calling and said yes to his shamanic teachings…

Without this pivotal event, he couldn’t teach the way he teaches today.

don Oscar will guide you to explore star-seeded knowledge and soul-honoring ceremonial practices — to profoundly influence the evolutionary development of Earth’s Indigenous cosmic cultures.

During this soul-empowering new course with maestro curandero don Oscar, you’ll discover:

  • Your ability to contact non-ordinary realities to access healing for yourself and others
  • How legendary visitors from the skies can help you cultivate the courage, strength, and love you need to face and transform life’s challenges
  • The fifth dimension, where your soul becomes fully transparent, revealing the wisdom and healing you’ve been seeking
  • How your relationship with realms of imaginal reality provides an escape from our information-obsessed modern technological world
  • How to take your first step in aligning your soul with the Akashic Hall of Records — and witness life beyond what you perceive with your eyes or conceive with your mind
  • don Oscar’s stories of his contacts with other realms — many of which he’s never shared before
  • The power of Andean shamanic star wisdom as evolutionary medicine for humankind
  • Stunning historical evidence of otherworldly shamanic contact between Indigenous peoples and legendary visitors from the skies — and how such visitations have influenced our cultural development
  • Your natural power as a creative, divine presence beyond space and time — and your ability to influence the unfolding of shamanic multidimensional consciousness on Earth
  • The wisdom of Peruvian shamanism firsthand — rooted in the daily blessings of life, filled with love, and committed to acts of service
  • Ways to reclaim your evolutionary birthright as an integral member of our world’s new cosmic culture
  • The 7 sacred dimensions that sustain the luminous matrix of your emergent shamanic star-wisdom identity as a Shining One on Earth
  • How to ceremonially befriend the celestial architecture found in Andean cosmology — so you can bring harmonized, balanced power to all your relationships
  • The cosmic soul source of your latent metahuman abilities — like clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience
  • Interdimensional journeys, plus regular meditations and ceremonial practices

Gregg Braden: “I Particularly Identify With don Oscar’s Teachings”

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, don Oscar will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully make contact with the healing energies of the cosmos through multidimensional shamanic journeys.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with don Oscar. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to deepen your connection to Self, community, Spirit, and your soul’s healing wisdom.

Module 1: Close Encounters of the Ancient Kind (May 4)

In this opening module, don Oscar will share about how Indigenous peoples actually have the longest history of interstellar travel and cosmic communication — all without help of technology.

He’ll walk you through an overview of historical evidence and legendary tales of otherworldly encounters between traditional shamanic peoples and revered sky beings — all depicted in cave art and orally transmitted through stories of tribal origin.

As you’ll discover, in the life of a shamanic practitioner, there is no distinction between interstellar and intercellular space.

In this first session, you’ll awaken to:

  • Your role as an informed witness of the truth behind human contact experiences with other planetary beings
  • The profound spiritual implications for humankind when we open to the existence of extra-dimensional beings — and other planetary intelligences inhabiting our universe
  • Fascinating historical evidence of humankind’s relationship with celestial beings and visitors from otherworldly dimensions — that influenced planetary cultural evolution between 46,000 BCE and 600 CE
  • guided journey through the Wilka Away Pachakamaqkuy (Sacred Web of World Creation) as a time-proven inner path to outer space

Module 2: Dissolving the Veil Between Material & Spiritual Worlds (May 11)

During this class, you’ll learn to enter into a relationship with realms of imaginal reality.

You’ll explore the soul-empowered shamanic capacities that are lying dormant in the archetypal depths of your psyche.

As you’ll discover, your relationship with realms of imaginal reality can bring you great respite from our culture’s data-obsessed, reductionist tendencies.

As you deepen your capacity to lovingly embrace the ways of the Great Originating Mystery (and move past the habit of deriving meaning from external circumstances), you’ll attain greater freedom

The veil between material and spiritual worlds will become increasingly transparent as don Oscar guides you to embrace all forms of non-ordinary emergent states of being.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Be initiated into living awareness of your human predisposition for experiencing some type of encounter with the transcendent — what lies beyond the confines of our consensual 3D ego-identified existence
  • Experience self-liberation as you realize that the best way to make sense of what is known is to find peace in the unknown
  • Challenge the tired binaries of your 5-sensory perceptions of the world — and re-enchant and re-wild your relationship with a shamanic, soul-animated cosmos
  • Experience a guided journey through the hyperspace realm that’s known to Andean shamanic star-wisdom keepers as our Qolqechachiy Kunallan Kawsay Pacha (The Ever-Now Present Phenomenal Space-Time World)

Module 3: Transitioning From Dreamer to Revealer of Otherworldly Realities (May 18)

In this session, don Oscar will share Andean shamanic star wisdom to help you prepare your imagination for interdimensional spirit contact and guidance.

In the process, you’ll refine your sensitivity to the Womb of Dreaming — known respectively by the Q’ero and Kogi nations from the Andes of Peru and Colombia as the realm of Puñuypacha and Aluna.

As don Oscar will explain, this liminal space-time fifth dimension of consciousness can only be experienced from within.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Take your first step in aligning your soul with the Akashic Hall of Records (which Earth’s ancestral star-seeded peoples call Shambhala, Shangri-La, Yaxkin, Paititi, etc.) — and witness life beyond what you perceive with your eyes or conceive with your mind
  • Develop the creative power of your imagination to make interstellar contact — and communicate with nonhuman intelligence
  • Learn how to reach out to the extradimensional denizens that inhabit the cosmic hyperspace realms (the realms that make up your transpersonal shamanic consciousness)
  • Explore how most of the Earth’s anomalous phenomena share a common numinous source of daimonic reality
  • Experience a guided journey of visionary communion with Muyo Muyolla Pichachonqui (They That Shine About as They Circle)

Module 4: Awakening Metahuman Self-Awareness as Your Human Birthright (May 25)

During this class, you’ll learn about the importance of activating your dormant Psi potentials…

… including empathic mind-to-mind communication, precognitive immediacy, psychometry, automatic writing, psychokinesis (mind over matter), and more.

You’ll explore basic remote-viewing skills to sustain communication with other-planetary intelligences that are currently in contact with Peru’s mestizo and traditional Andean populations.

Activating these dormant extrasensory abilities is a vital tool for harmonizing communication among today’s ideological, racial, and socially polarized human groupings — where “the other” is considered a life-threatening existential challenge to one’s survival and cultural identity.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Realize the value of awakening your transpersonal shamanic identity and shape-shifting power as a “Walker Between Worlds”
  • Discover the cosmic soul source of your latent metahuman abilities — like clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience
  • Understand your latent metahuman abilities’ shamanic, diagnostic, and prognostic uses
  • Learn to use time-proven Quechua ceremonial invocations, evocations, and decrees to positively shapeshift the phenomenal world around you
  • Experience a guided journey of encounter with the Andean sky relative known as Pocochorac (The One Who Sets the Ripening)

Module 5: Self as Multiverse (June 1)

In this session, you’ll discover sky-world-inspired ceremonial patterns of form, function, and flow to harmonize sacred relationships between humankind and the natural world.

You’ll learn to embrace a timeless star-seeded cosmovision (inspired by Peru’s kamasqa and paqokuna shamanic traditions) — that’s essential for becoming a planetary cosmic culture.

Through this process, you’ll experience the above and the below, the within and the without, the self and the multiverse as a seamlessly unified field of consciousness.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn to elicit humankind’s next evolutionary step as an intergalactic species of Shining Ones
  • Connect with the sacred spiral geometry pattern throughout the Milky Way as an evolutionary map for your soul
  • Discover how the simple act of stargazing ritually aligns your life with the ebb and flow of the heavens
  • Experience a guided journey of visitation to Muyolla Coyllurhuarac (The One Who Causes the Stars to Shine) to crystalize your service as a celestial hierophant on Earth

Module 6: Mirror of Heaven, Embodiment of Earth (June 8)

In this pivotal module, you’ll learn to perform graceful rituals of reverence for the natural world… spanning seven generations.

You’ll refine your mastery in the ceremonial configuration of sacred space as an interdimensional portal. Along the way, you’ll help reactivate the latent spiritual power in venerated temple sites throughout the world…

By speaking softly, walking humbly, and acting lovingly while you’re in this sacred ceremonial space, you become a living repository of the evolutionary star wisdom found in the sanctuaries and landscape shrines of our Ancient Ones.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Ceremonially befriend the celestial architecture found in Andean cosmology — so you can bring harmonized, balanced power to all your relationships
  • Learn to call upon the mystic support of Alpha and Beta Centauri, known as Llamaqñawin (Heavenly Eyes of the Llama) to access visions of the cosmic origins of our shamanic consciousness
  • Be instructed in the 7 C’s of Shamanic Star Wisdom Ceremony
  • Experience a guided journey of communion with Kamaq Yarawi Hamuq Pacha (Creative Act as a Sacred Song Released as the Future) — to strengthen your path of self-actualization on Earth

Module 7: Enacting a New Galactic Story for Our Earth (June 15)

In this final session, don Oscar will explain how you are a story that the anima mundi (soul of the world) tells — in continuous conversation through the middle waters between life and death…

As you’ll discover, this ongoing dialogue beckons your individual soul’s immortality as a Shining One.

Now is the time to reclaim your evolutionary birthright as an integral member of a new cosmic culture for our Earth.

Our survival as a life-sustaining planetary species depends on our united evolutionary purpose — to live as a peaceful, compassionate, and empathically altruistic intergalactic earthly family.

This closing module is a visionary doorway to help move society into a wiser cosmic structure of human consciousness.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Explore and integrate contact with extra-dimensional realities and other planetary earthly visitors — without forgetting the divine nondual ground of being from which they arise
  • Embody the 7 sacred dimensions that sustain the luminous matrix of your emergent shamanic star-wisdom identity as a Shining One on Earth
  • Enter into star-seeded, evolutionary partnership with other adept initiates of the Great Work
  • Recognize the reality of unconditional love as the primary creative force within our multiverse
  • Experience a guided journey of encounter with Corichohuarac (Who Causes Brilliance to Appear) to catalyze your awakening as a Shining One

The Ancestral Shamanic Star Wisdom Bonus Collection

In addition to don Oscar’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Cultures of Health & Healing
3-Part Audio Interview With don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Robert Vetter

In this interview series with Robert Vetter, don Oscar recounts his path to becoming a healer. He reveals insights from his recent personal pilgrimage to Peru as he illuminates the healing process. Oscar explains how three challenging childhood events led him to the path of a healer. He also shares how he learned to look at recovering from trauma as a rite of passage — and how to transition from your own healing to access the healing capacity to work with others.

Andean Star Wisdom
2-Part Video Dialogue With don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Mitchell Clute

don Oscar returns to the Shamanic Path to talk with Mitchell Clute about star beings and the star wisdom of the Andean tradition. With many years spent studying the world’s shamanic and earth-based spiritual traditions (especially the Andean cosmovision), Mitchell brings considerable knowledge and experience to this fascinating discussion. don Oscar and Mitchell discuss the seeming dualities of Earth and stars, body and spirit, what it means to be in communion with unseen beings — and how to live the guidance we receive from spirit.

NDEs, OBEs & UFOs: Otherworldly Harbingers of a Planetary Shamanic Initiation
Video Dialogue With don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Lisa Bonnice

In this enlightening conversation with Lisa Bonnice, award-winning writer and host of The Shift Network’s Beyond the Veil summit, don Oscar shares his transformational encounter with otherworldly dimensions of human imaginal experience. don Oscar dives deep into our cosmic soul where the relationship between consciousness, matter and spirit is illumined as the ultimate ground of being “beyond the veil” — which serves as a shamanic rite of passage for self and world.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Experience a unique opportunity learn from Peruvian maestro curandero, psychologist, and author don Oscar Miro-Quesada — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to expand your consciousness by connecting with cosmic star wisdom and the fifth dimension.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson

The Ancestral Shamanic Star Wisdom Bonus Collectio
  • Cultures of Health & Healing
    3-Part Audio Interview With don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Robert Vetter
  • Andean Star Wisdom
    2-Part Video Dialogue With don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Mitchell Clute
  • NDEs, OBEs & UFOs: Otherworldly Harbingers of a Planetary Shamanic Initiation
    Video Dialogue With don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Lisa Bonnice

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Ancestral Shamanic Star Wisdom & Interdimensional Journeying to Heal Your Soul & Our Planet Online Training

We feel honored that don Oscar Miro-Quesada has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a Peruvian maestro curandero, psychologist, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about expanding your consciousness and reclaiming your evolutionary birthright as an integral member of a new cosmic culture for our Earth, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Ancestral Shamanic Star Wisdom & Interdimensional Journeying to Heal Your Soul & Our Planet – Oscar Miro-Quesada
Ancestral Shamanic Star Wisdom & Interdimensional Journeying to Heal Your Soul & Our Planet – Oscar Miro-Quesada

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $59.00.

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