Wendy De Rosa – Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.


Wendy De Rosa – Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA
Wendy De Rosa – Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.


Wendy De Rosa – Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNAWendy De Rosa – Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA

Wendy De Rosa - Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA

Receive an extended healing session EVERY week — along with tools & practices to help you finally release unconscious wounding… and ground deeply into your authentic power.
Clear negative, energy-restricting beliefs embedded in your soul’s blueprint from your childhood, past lifetimes, family lineage & more.
Shame is powerful.
It’s operating in the background of nearly everything we do and think, impacting our lives in ways we’re likely unaware of…
It can show up as a belief that there’s something fundamentally wrong with you — that who you are isn’t good enough…
It can cause persistent anxiety and stress, which can lead to serious health issues…
Shame can create a deep-seated fear of making a mistake, being humiliated, or making the wrong decision, blocking you from moving forward…
It can even challenge how you feel in your own body… causing you to be unduly influenced by validation, approval, and pleasing others.

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These negative, energy-constricting beliefs are the result of shame and fear embedded deeply into what author, trainer, and intuitive healer Wendy De Rosa calls your spiritual DNA…
It’s your soul’s blueprint, full of emotional and energetic imprints, scars, and glories from past lives and your family’s lineage.
Shame is operating in the background of nearly everything we do and think, impacting our lives in ways we’re likely unaware of…
It creates a lens that clouds how you experience life… stealing your ability to experience true fulfillment, self-love, authentic power, and more.

Module 1 — Understanding Your Spiritual DNA: How You’ve Inherited the Patterns of Shame in Your DNA (February 5)
Shame has a powerful grip on many of us…
How can you set yourself free from the shame imprints embedded into your spiritual DNA — the ones that took hold before you were even born?
In this opening session, Wendy will be your guide as you work through what the answer looks like for YOU.
You’ll move through Wendy’s overview of spiritual DNA — how you inherit it, how it becomes a seemingly unshakeable part of who you are, how the unspoken experiences of bad and wrong energy first happen in your body, and more…
In this first module, you’ll discover:
The powerful emotions and energy you’ve carried in on a soul level, long before they ever manifested in this body you’re in now
How shame can also serve as a bonding tactic to keep tribes together
The importance of understanding your past-life soul contracts and lineage energy
A powerful healing practice to ground you and your fellow participants into the course — and help you cleanse yourself of any mindset or energy issues standing in your way as you begin this journey
Module 2 — Unwinding Your Intergenerational Shame (February 12)
This week, you’ll explore the tribal shame — the shame around family wounds — that is so deeply embedded within us.
Wendy will share what it means to work out this shameful energy on a past-life level — and you’ll discover the beliefs and stories you’ve carried through into your current life.
In this module, you’ll:
Discover what it means to unwind the healing process
Learn how intergenerational shame can show up as the fear of individual power and success
Explore how both fear and shame can function as protection
Discover how you can maintain family bonds while also transforming and moving past inherited shame
Explore how to create new loving, connected bonds with those you love, while moving past the shame imprints you associate with them
An extended practice to help heal shame patterns you’re holding in the root area of your body
Module 3 — Exploring Tribal Bonding, Shaming & Belonging (February 19)
On a soul-deep level, do you feel worthy of all the good things life has to offer?
If you’re like most people, you’re quietly struggling with your answer to this illuminating question…
This week, Wendy will walk you through the concept of worthiness — and share how you can transform the scarcity mindset you might be holding onto… likely without even realizing it.
This week, you’ll:
Get to the roots of how unworthiness is connected to shame
Explore how innate shame serves your physical attachment — but not your soul’s path
Discover why the process of transforming shame is a key part of your spiritual journey
Learn the foundations of spiritual bonding and how it can impact your life experiences
Explore how you can heal old shame wounds as you awaken to your soul’s mission here on earth
Receive a guided meditation to help you become more awake and heal the tribal patterns of shame in the body
Module 4 — Healing Body Shame by Processing Internalized Shame (February 26)
This week will be a deep dive into healing the feminine ego.
The second chakra will be a key part of Wendy’s teachings this week, since it governs how you begin to relate to others outside the family tribe, the creative exploration of life and relationships, your sexuality, and discovering the power of choice as you move forward in your life.

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In this module, you’ll explore:
The concepts behind what Wendy calls the worthiness of the feminine
Why feminine energy is a key part of who you are, whether or not you personally identify as female
The parts of the body and spirit that are linked to purifying and cleansing
What happens when your feminine energy becomes suppressed
What you might be unknowingly holding onto at an archetypal level that suppresses the true power of the feminine
An extended guided practice to help you process internalized shame
Module 5 — Releasing the Pain of the Spiritual Doctrines in Your Life (March 4)
If you’re like most people, your worldview and sense of self are (at least unconsciously) linked to what Wendy calls hardwired spiritual doctrines…
Some of these doctrines originated in this life, while others stem from past lifetimes. Many of these doctrines are religion-based, while other doctrines are woven into your life in ways that aren’t always obvious.
This week, you’ll explore how to unravel trauma from the doctrines you may still be holding in your spiritual body.
In this module, you’ll discover:
The many different ways spiritual doctrines show up in your life (they don’t necessarily have to stem from religion)
How childhood concepts and doctrines of punishment stay with you into adulthood
How to decipher whether these doctrines are working for you now
How you can honor the true light of your being as you work through your doctrine-related wounds
A guided practice to assist you in releasing any unresolved pain from spiritual doctrines
Module 6 — Healing The Subtle Ways We Shame Others (March 11)
Because so much of your shame is inherited and continues through the generations, the unfortunate truth is that you are likely shaming others — without even realizing it.
As you’ll discover this week, though, you can be the one who breaks the cycle…
In this module, you’ll explore:
How overwhelming amounts of energy can develop in your energy system and be passed on to others
How to work through shame that imprints on a cellular level in your body
How to clear the energy of others from the past and present to make room for your divine self
An extended guided practice to clear the excess energy within you
Module 7 — Finding Your True Self Under the Suppression of Shame (March 18)
In this final module, you’ll return to the true light that’s always been there within you.
At this point in your journey, you’ll have discovered that while shame can certainly feel heavy in your life, you’ve now done the brave and necessary work to release the shame you’re holding in your body and your spirit…
… so your light, your truth, and your authentic self are now free to emerge and shine.
In this closing week, you’ll:
Find safety in the power underneath the shame
Discover how all the inner work you’ve been doing has unlocked a more refined sense of intuition that reveals who you’re here on this earth to become
Discover what it means to embody your authentic self
Explore the powerful truth that it’s perfectly SAFE to shine your light and feel worthy of wonderful things
Learn what it means to receive your true sense of belonging
Be given a closing practice to help you feel more connected and grounded in who you are
The Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA
Bonus Collection
In addition to Wendy’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

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