Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA With Wendy De Rosa

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.


Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA With Wendy De Rosa
Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA With Wendy De Rosa

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.


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Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA With Wendy De RosaTransform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA With Wendy De Rosa

Receive an extended healing session EVERY week — along with tools & practices to help you finally release unconscious wounding… and ground deeply into your authentic power.
Clear negative, energy-restricting beliefs embedded in your soul’s blueprint from your childhood, past lifetimes, family lineage & more.

Shame is powerful.

It’s operating in the background of nearly everything we do and think, impacting our lives in ways we’re likely unaware of…

It can show up as a belief that there’s something fundamentally wrong with you — that who you are isn’t good enough…

It can cause persistent anxiety and stress, which can lead to serious health issues…

Shame can create a deep-seated fear of making a mistake, being humiliated, or making the wrong decision, blocking you from moving forward…

It can even challenge how you feel in your own body… causing you to be unduly influenced by validation, approval, and pleasing others.

These negative, energy-constricting beliefs are the result of shame and fear embedded deeply into what author, trainer, and intuitive healer Wendy De Rosa calls your spiritual DNA…

It’s your soul’s blueprint, full of emotional and energetic imprints, scars, and glories from past lives and your family’s lineage.

Shame is operating in the background of nearly everything we do and think, impacting our lives in ways we’re likely unaware of…

It creates a lens that clouds how you experience life… stealing your ability to experience true fulfillment, self-love, authentic power, and more.

It can certainly feel overwhelming, especially if you’re an empath or intuitive. You may find yourself having thoughts like:

I feel like an outsider… like I don’t fit in or belong.
It’s NOT okay to speak my truth — and if I were to show my true self, I’d never be accepted.
I might hurt someone if I ever said how I really feel.
I feel alienated and alone.
I don’t deserve money or nice things.
Who I am or how I look is not okay.

And although these feelings of shame and fear resonate in a deeply personal way, they likely didn’t originate with anything you did at all…

Instead, these imprints are carried through your lifetimes and your lineage. They’re then recreated and reinforced through cultural constructs, your childhood experiences, and the trauma you experienced in this lifetime.

Over the course of lifetimes full of these experiences, the shame and fear become embedded within you. You may even carry the shame and fear of others.

Yet, the truth is, you are a powerful being of radiant light, with infinite potential…

And shame can act as a doorway… leading you back to this truth.

You deserve to shine your light and feel worthy of wonderful things as you release the shame you’ve been carrying for so long, learn to feel the safety in its power, and open to receiving your true sense of belonging.

As an empath, intuitive, or highly sensitive person, you’re more sensitive to the shame and fear embedded in your spiritual DNA.

It can block your deepest intuition, preventing you from accessing the life force in your energy body.

This suppression of your true and infinite self tricks you into believing you’re somehow inadequate… and that there’s something wrong with you…

When really, there’s something wrong with the system we’ve come to accept…

In this powerful online program with intuitive healer Wendy De Rosa, you’ll take the first steps toward healing embedded shame and fear in your spiritual DNA — whether it’s from a past life, your family line, or your own life experiences.

During this new live video training with Wendy, you’ll:

  • Explore how fear and shame are embedded into the original blueprint of your spiritual DNA — along with trusting the innate wisdom of the Divine
  • Understand why intuitives and empaths experience a greater sensitivity to inherited shame — and how this impacts boundaries, a sense of belonging, and access to intuition
  • Discover the many ways that shame creates anxiety, stress, and illness in the body
  • Learn how embedded shame and fear are contributing to your scarcity mindset
  • Heal shame in your lower chakras through a guided practice to release unconscious wounding and ground deeply into your authentic power
  • Discover how shame can also serve as a bonding tactic to keep tribes together
  • Understand your past-life soul contracts and lineage energy
  • Learn how intergenerational shame can show up as the fear of individual power and success
  • Explore how both fear and shame can function as protection
  • Discover how you can maintain family bonds while also transforming and moving past inherited shame
  • Learn the foundations of spiritual bonding and how it can impact your life experiences
  • Explore the concepts behind what Wendy calls the worthiness of the feminine
  • Learn the many different ways that spiritual doctrines show up in your life (they don’t necessarily have to stem from religion)
  • Discover how overwhelming amounts of energy can develop in your energy system and be passed on to others
  • Embody your authentic self
  • And much more…

If you crave a deeper understanding of who you really are, this is your invitation to heal the shame and fear embedded in your system — and clear the shame-based energetic and emotional blocks in your chakras.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Wendy will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to clear inherited patterns and other energetic imprints to liberate your authentic self.

Experience an Extended Guided Practice Every Week
With Wendy as your guide, you’ll move through a new practice or meditation in each class module to help you solidify these powerful new truths around shame and fear.

Each time you let go of a new piece of the shame or fear that’s been embedded within you for so long, Wendy will make sure you’re filling your spirit with a new practice or meditation to complete your transformation — and bring these teachings into your daily life.

The Power of Live Streaming Video

You’ll connect with Wendy and experience her teachings through live streaming video. This connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Wendy’s teachings. You can easily connect via audio only if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer.

Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at Noon Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Wendy. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to uncover fear and shame embedded in your spiritual DNA — from childhood, past lifetimes, your family lineage, and more.

Module 1 — Understanding Your Spiritual DNA: How You’ve Inherited the Patterns of Shame in Your DNA (February 5)

Shame has a powerful grip on many of us…

How can you set yourself free from the shame imprints embedded into your spiritual DNA — the ones that took hold before you were even born?

In this opening session, Wendy will be your guide as you work through what the answer looks like for YOU.

You’ll move through Wendy’s overview of spiritual DNA — how you inherit it, how it becomes a seemingly unshakeable part of who you are, how the unspoken experiences of bad and wrong energy first happen in your body, and more…

In this first module, you’ll discover:

The powerful emotions and energy you’ve carried in on a soul level, long before they ever manifested in this body you’re in now
How shame can also serve as a bonding tactic to keep tribes together
The importance of understanding your past-life soul contracts and lineage energy
A powerful healing practice to ground you and your fellow participants into the course — and help you cleanse yourself of any mindset or energy issues standing in your way as you begin this journey
Module 2 — Unwinding Your Intergenerational Shame (February 12)

This week, you’ll explore the tribal shame — the shame around family wounds — that is so deeply embedded within us.

Wendy will share what it means to work out this shameful energy on a past-life level — and you’ll discover the beliefs and stories you’ve carried through into your current life.

In this module, you’ll:

Discover what it means to unwind the healing process
Learn how intergenerational shame can show up as the fear of individual power and success
Explore how both fear and shame can function as protection
Discover how you can maintain family bonds while also transforming and moving past inherited shame
Explore how to create new loving, connected bonds with those you love, while moving past the shame imprints you associate with them
An extended practice to help heal shame patterns you’re holding in the root area of your body
Module 3 — Exploring Tribal Bonding, Shaming & Belonging (February 19)

On a soul-deep level, do you feel worthy of all the good things life has to offer?

If you’re like most people, you’re quietly struggling with your answer to this illuminating question…

This week, Wendy will walk you through the concept of worthiness — and share how you can transform the scarcity mindset you might be holding onto… likely without even realizing it.

This week, you’ll:

Get to the roots of how unworthiness is connected to shame
Explore how innate shame serves your physical attachment — but not your soul’s path
Discover why the process of transforming shame is a key part of your spiritual journey
Learn the foundations of spiritual bonding and how it can impact your life experiences
Explore how you can heal old shame wounds as you awaken to your soul’s mission here on earth
Receive a guided meditation to help you become more awake and heal the tribal patterns of shame in the body
Module 4 — Healing Body Shame by Processing Internalized Shame (February 26)

This week will be a deep dive into healing the feminine ego.

The second chakra will be a key part of Wendy’s teachings this week, since it governs how you begin to relate to others outside the family tribe, the creative exploration of life and relationships, your sexuality, and discovering the power of choice as you move forward in your life.

In this module, you’ll explore:

The concepts behind what Wendy calls the worthiness of the feminine
Why feminine energy is a key part of who you are, whether or not you personally identify as female
The parts of the body and spirit that are linked to purifying and cleansing
What happens when your feminine energy becomes suppressed
What you might be unknowingly holding onto at an archetypal level that suppresses the true power of the feminine
An extended guided practice to help you process internalized shame
Module 5 — Releasing the Pain of the Spiritual Doctrines in Your Life (March 4)

If you’re like most people, your worldview and sense of self are (at least unconsciously) linked to what Wendy calls hardwired spiritual doctrines…

Some of these doctrines originated in this life, while others stem from past lifetimes. Many of these doctrines are religion-based, while other doctrines are woven into your life in ways that aren’t always obvious.

This week, you’ll explore how to unravel trauma from the doctrines you may still be holding in your spiritual body.

In this module, you’ll discover:

The many different ways spiritual doctrines show up in your life (they don’t necessarily have to stem from religion)
How childhood concepts and doctrines of punishment stay with you into adulthood
How to decipher whether these doctrines are working for you now
How you can honor the true light of your being as you work through your doctrine-related wounds
A guided practice to assist you in releasing any unresolved pain from spiritual doctrines
Module 6 — Healing The Subtle Ways We Shame Others (March 11)

Because so much of your shame is inherited and continues through the generations, the unfortunate truth is that you are likely shaming others — without even realizing it.

As you’ll discover this week, though, you can be the one who breaks the cycle…

In this module, you’ll explore:

How overwhelming amounts of energy can develop in your energy system and be passed on to others
How to work through shame that imprints on a cellular level in your body
How to clear the energy of others from the past and present to make room for your divine self
An extended guided practice to clear the excess energy within you
Module 7 — Finding Your True Self Under the Suppression of Shame (March 18)

In this final module, you’ll return to the true light that’s always been there within you.

At this point in your journey, you’ll have discovered that while shame can certainly feel heavy in your life, you’ve now done the brave and necessary work to release the shame you’re holding in your body and your spirit…

… so your light, your truth, and your authentic self are now free to emerge and shine.

In this closing week, you’ll:

Find safety in the power underneath the shame
Discover how all the inner work you’ve been doing has unlocked a more refined sense of intuition that reveals who you’re here on this earth to become
Discover what it means to embody your authentic self
Explore the powerful truth that it’s perfectly SAFE to shine your light and feel worthy of wonderful things
Learn what it means to receive your true sense of belonging
Be given a closing practice to help you feel more connected and grounded in who you are
The Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA
Bonus Collection
In addition to Wendy’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Detox Patterns of Over-Responsibility, Shame & Guilt to Find Your Emotional Center
Video Teaching From Wendy De Rosa

Empaths MUST learn how to live in the second chakra area of the body in order to feel SELF and center. Otherwise, this area of the body (the pelvis) becomes an over-nurturing center for other people’s energy. Shame, guilt, and innate emotional over-responsibility is a pattern and karmic imprint carried through time. The loss of emotional center in the second chakra sets up the system for attracting betrayal, shock, spontaneous relationship or financial changes, feeling taken advantage of, and taking on the emotional energy of others. The health of the second chakra is vital for you as an empath to reclaim in order to create and maintain appropriate energetic boundaries.

You’ll discover:

Energetic cords that play a big role in losing yourself in relationships — and how to clear them
How to reset and hold your emotional center, and elevate your relationships to a higher vibration
Which chakras to pay attention to when you are in moments of crisis, in confrontations, dealing with relationship dynamics, or navigating difficult conversations
Karmic lessons your relationships are here to help you overcome
How transference works energetically — and when merging is “okay”
Deep healing to clear old bonds, carried through time, that keep you feeling shame and guilt
Clearing the Energy of Others From the Past & Present
to Make Room for Your Divine Self
Guided Audio Healing From Wendy De Rosa

Are you feeling energetically overloaded lately? Sensitive people do feel and often pick up the energy around them… yet there’s a deeper intelligence behind this. Taking on the energy of others around you is mirroring what needs to be cleared within you — and what aspects of your Divine Self need to be seen. This guided healing takes you on a deep inner journey to clear what blocks you from your true essence and who you are here to be. You’ll be guided into a profound energy clearing to release the energy of others and allow your divine self to express its true radiance.

Transform Through Emotional Healing:
Release Emotions From the Past
Set of 6 Powerful Guided Audio Meditations From Wendy De Rosa

Do you struggle with old anger in your system? Are you blocked from moving forward because something feels undone from the past? Is it a challenge to feel love for yourself because other feelings are more prevalent? Journey through releasing unprocessed emotional history in your body with the support of these deep, powerful, and empowering guided healings through each emotion. Wendy facilitates a guided journey into your chakra system and subconscious to help you release the energy you no longer need to carry.

Join the Global Community

Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA offers some of the most transformative online teachings available, within a thriving, global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Wendy De Rosa will share in this powerful training.

You’ll be part of an international community that is on the leading edge of a global movement of people — manifesting a world grounded in principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Wendy De Rosa
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with author, trainer, and intuitive healer Wendy De Rosa — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a live streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to uncover fear and shame embedded in your spiritual DNA — from childhood, past lifetimes, your family lineage, and more. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at Noon Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Seven 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions
With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share, and do additional practices with to help further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are available for live attendance only, not recorded for playback. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community
Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA Bonus Collection
Detox Patterns of Over-Responsibility, Shame & Guilt to Find Your Emotional Center
Video Teaching From Wendy De Rosa
Clearing the Energy of Others From the Past & Present to Make Room for Your Divine Self
Guided Audio Healing From Wendy De Rosa
Transform Through Emotional Healing: Release Emotions From the Past
Set of 6 Powerful Guided Audio Meditations From Wendy De Rosa
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Transform the Shame in Your Spiritual DNA Virtual Training
If you’re serious about letting go of the shame and fear you’ve been living with for so long, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

About Wendy De Rosa

Wendy De Rosa is an internationally respected intuitive energy healer, speaker, teacher, and author. For the past two decades, she has offered private sessions, education, and training programs for spiritual and personal growth for those wanting to develop their intuition, clear their blocks, and experience personal transformation.

She is the founder of the School of Intuitive Studies and the Intuitive Healer Training Program. Wendy has filmed two programs for’s spiritual growth channel, Soulvana. She’s a author whose book, Energy Healing Through the Chakras: A Guide to Self-Healing, is an Amazon bestseller.

Wendy is also a contributing author to the bestselling book, Bouncing Back: Thriving in Changing Times, with Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, and other leaders in personal growth. Her most recent book is Expanding Your Heart: Awakening Through Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening.

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