Shannon Matteson – Subliminal Shop – Emotional Healing & Pain Relief Aid V4

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Original price was: $114.00.Current price is: $34.00.


Shannon Matteson – Subliminal Shop – Emotional Healing & Pain Relief Aid V4
Shannon Matteson – Subliminal Shop – Emotional Healing & Pain Relief Aid V4

Original price was: $114.00.Current price is: $34.00.


Shannon Matteson – Subliminal Shop – Emotional Healing & Pain Relief Aid V4

Shannon Matteson - Subliminal Shop - Emotional Healing & Pain Relief Aid V4

Disclaimer: No claim, expressed or implied, is made that this subliminal program is intended for, useful for, suitable for or designed to do or be any of the following:
A miracle.
A cure for anything.
A treatment for anything.
Any sort of diagnostic method or tool.

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A means for achieving any sort of diagnosis.
A preventative for anything.
Replace, displace, override or negate the need for professional qualified medical advice and/or treatment.
Replace, displace, override or negate the need for professional qualified psychological advice and/or treatment.
Healing you.
This program is designed to be, and only be, an AID to help and direct you to heal yourself and relieve your own emotional pain, to whatever extent that is possible and safe to do. It will not heal you; it is just a set of instructions made subliminal. It will direct you to heal yourself if that is possible and safe to do, and to whatever degree is possible and safe to do.
Emotional Healing & Pain Relief Aid V4.0 (aka EHPRA V4 or simply E4) is a major upgrade of the much loved V3.0 of this title. Version 4.0 makes major changes to the entire script, reflecting the huge amount of advancement in technique and technology during the years between when V3.0 was created and now. This means that virtually everything about the script has been changed, improved on and optimized.
While E4 contains all of the same goals as the versions before it had, it also incorporates some new goals and a wide and diverse variety of new techniques and technologies, which are the accumulated skeleton script advancements we have made on the way to developing 6th Gen from 5th Gen. (Thus the 5.575.2 Gen designation, which means it’s using the first and second major breakthroughs after 5.75G was established.)
In V4, the approach is designed to safely but firmly prevent stagnation, avoidance and the like from the subconscious when it is necessary to deal with issues it may not want to deal with. The result is that this version of the program solidly gets you to deal with, heal and clear all of the issues that are valid candidates for healing and clearing, without having endless avoidance, excuses, stagnation and so forth.
One of the major upgrades in V4 is that it upgrades the Fear Removal Module (FRM) from v4.5 to v4.9. That doesn’t sound very impressive until you understand that that alone took 2 years of work.
The Fear Removal Module gives your subconscious a set of instructions that should result in the complete and permanent removal of any and all conscious and subconscious fears that are necessary to remove in order to fully accomplish all of the goals of the program. The fear removal process introduces a new aspect to the healing and clearing process, as some healing and clearing cannot begin until the underlying fears have been dealt with first. This process is intended to be firm but gentle, and takes time.
The goals of this program are:
Emotional pain relief
Emotional healing
Mental healing
Guilt/shame/fear release
Mental/emotional maturity improvement
Self forgiveness

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Forgiveness of others
Letting go of the past
Self Validation
Healing and regenerating yourself mentally and emotionally.
Healing from emotional damage as a result of sexual dysfunction, trauma and abuse.
Training yourself to heal and regenerate automatically.
Self compassion and self consideration in all the ways that maximize your self-healing, self regeneration and emotional pain relief.
Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Fear 5G (full script), plus 5.75.2G upgrades to the script.
Training yourself to overcome guilt, shame and fear.
Outgrowing guilt, shame and fear.
Learn whatever is necessary to outgrow guilt, shame and fear.
Projection of part of the awareness into the future in which the goals have been safely and successfully achieved, and then pulling the “now” self to that future through the connection.
Optimus Engine 6.1 (upgraded from v3.0) directed at achieving all the goals of the program safely and successfully.
Focus on overcoming guilt, shame and fear.
Disconnect from guilt, shame and fear, and allow yourself to work with them safely and as objectively as possible.
Make the process of overcoming guilt, shame and fear as enjoyable as possible.
Appreciate yourself in all the right ways to allow for maximum success in self regeneration and healing.
Let go of and stop needing/seeking the approval of and permission of others for your self-healing and regenerating.
Give yourself approval and permission to live the life that allows you to heal and regenerate, stay healed and regenerated, and allows you to be genuinely happy, and to genuinely heal and regenerate.
Overcome The Victim Mentality (full script, fully upgraded).
Deservedness for healing and regenerating and being healed and regenerated.
End and prevent self pity and any desire to engage in it.
End and prevent any desire to have pity from others.
End and prevent self sabotage in self healing and regeneration.
Physical, mental and emotional relaxation to maximize and benefit healing and regeneration.
Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude (full program script, fully upgraded).
Neutralize internal negativity and make yourself immune to internal and external negativity.
Allow for happiness, self healing and regenerating through genuine gratitude and appreciation.
Make yourself worthy of your own self love, and allow you to be loving towards yourself.
Fill yourself with unconditional, non-specific loving, healing and regenerating energy, and use it to help you heal and regenerate.
Like yourself, and if necessary, make yourself deserving of self liking and self love, and adjust yourself to be someone you can like and love.
Generate and maintain hope.
Generate and allow all necessary self confidence for healing and regenerating.
Transform anger into a positive that assists in healing and regenerating not only the self, but the causes for the anger.
Self esteem/respect/self worth and validity enhancement.
Let go of and heal and regenerate anything that might hold you back from healing and regenerating, and move on into a state of healing and regenerating.
Mental, physical and emotional stress relief.
Overcome the urge to change subs to avoid dealing with things the program is helping you with.
Take full responsibility for your beliefs, thoughts, actions, choices and outcomes, and the results you get from using this program.
Learn what is necessary to let go of the past, so that you can let go of the past.
Repair yourself mentally, emotionally and sexually.
Self enabling and allowing for self healing and regeneration.
Forgive those who it would benefit you and your healing to forgive – including yourself.
Achieving balance mentally, physically and emotionally.
Also in V4.0:
Optimus Engine has been upgraded to v6.1.
Upgrade all V3.0 script goals and scripting to the latest techniques and technologies.
Vastly improves on the script designed to make the healing and clearing process easy and comfortable.
Scripting to specifically make your own short and long term happiness a goal, instead of just allowing for it as a possibility.
The aforementioned FRM upgrade to 4.9.
Directional Reflection Shield is ON. This creates a special sort of cocoon out of your private energy in which you can safely heal, clear and rejuvenate emotionally, mentally, etc. It reflects negativity, negative influence and energy attacks back to the source in real time.
The complete Magnus Engine (upgraded from V1.0 to to v3.0), which makes the program much more effective.
Mental and emotional stress relief.

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Anxiety Relief.
Kill Self Pity. Self pity is a great excuse to wallow instead of heal. Get rid of it.
Gratitude and appreciation enhancement aimed at emotional healing.
Designed to trigger mental and emotional healing, clearing, pain relief etc. instead of just emotional, as was the case in V3.0.
Chemical state shifting override. This attempts to forcibly override the state shifting effects of non-prescription chemicals that you have ingested which would otherwise cause your state of mind, body and/or emotions to shift away from their optimal state for you to accomplish the goals of this program. This is designed to leave prescription drugs unaffected. Recreational drug use, as well as drugs that are not typically thought of as being drugs (caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, etc.) will be affected and you may find they become significantly less enjoyable. This may also affect natural substances/supplements that shift state.
Universal Detox. This works to de-toxify your body, but also your beliefs, and your resulting choices and actions. The result is that you get a detoxification effect of your body, mind and emotions.
And more.
Please be aware that this program is also designed to help with mental and emotional sexual issues and trauma. It should therefore be very helpful to people who have had sexually traumatic experiences.
It should also be very helpful to those who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, regardless of the source or type. For this reason, we at Indigo Mind Labs have decided to make this program available for free to anyone who can prove that they are:
A current member of any branch the military of the United States (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard), or have been honorably discharged therefrom;
An active duty or honorably retired United States law enforcement officer (police, state trooper, correctional officer, FBI);
A firefighter;
Or are otherwise a first responder (paramedic, medic, nurse, doctor).
To take advantage of this offer, you must send us an e-mail requesting it for free, and show verifiable proof that you are currently a member of, or have been honorably discharged from, the United States military, or hold the position you claim to have otherwise.
Do not expose this program to anyone who has or is being treated or medicated for any mental illness, condition or disorder without proper and appropriate medical and/or psychological supervision.
Do not expose any child under the age of 18 to this program without consistent, proper and appropriate parental, medical and/or psychological supervision.
If at any time use of this program conflicts with the opinion, advice, treatment or instructions of your medical and/or psychological professional, always follow the opinion, advice, treatment or instructions you are given by your medical or psychological professional.
To use this program, simply calibrate the volume and choose the track you wish to use.
Usage pattern is 5 (five) loops per day on, 6 (six) days on and 3 (three) days off per ASRB2 cycle. Each complete run-through requires 8 (eight) months of usage.
It is suggested that you use this program while you are sleeping, but it is possible that doing so may make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep for some people during some parts of the process, while others may find that it helps them fall and stay asleep.
If you find that this program makes it difficult to fall asleep, but not difficult to stay asleep, consider creating a playlist with silence (or our Sleep Aid subliminal) at the beginning that allows you to fall asleep fully before it starts playing.
If you find that it is difficult to stay asleep while it is playing, then you may do best playing this program while you are awake.
This program uses both In-The-Moment state shifting (ITM-SS) and Triggered state shifting (TSS) to direct your state of mind, body and emotions to the optimal state for accomplishing it’s intended objectives. Therefore, do not perform any activity while this program is running, which requires your concentration, such as driving, operating heavy machinery or the like. Also do not drive or operate heavy machinery or do anything else that requires concentration while the triggered state shifting is in effect. TSS will be triggered while you are not using this program, but experiencing something that requires emotional healing or pain relief, such as the death of a loved one.

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