Robert Moss – The Soul Recovery Training

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $80.00.


Robert Moss – The Soul Recovery Training
Robert Moss – The Soul Recovery Training

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $80.00.


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 width=Robert Moss – The Soul Recovery Training

Draw from powerful cross-cultural shamanic practices and Mystery Traditions to journey back through time, recover lost pieces of your soul, and experience greater wholeness, energy and passion for life.

Discover poetic enchantments and trans-temporal healing as potent ways to reconnect with your magical child and entertain your creative spirit to gently and lovingly “re-ensoul” yourself.

 />Ancient shamans knew something that is vital and relevant for our healing and awakening in modern times — the understanding that in the course of any life we are liable to suffer <em>soul loss</em>, the loss of parts of our vital energy and identity.</p>
<p>While we may not know we’ve experienced soul loss, at some point most of us must find the means of soul recovery in order to be whole and feel vital and passionate about life.</p>
<p>Soul loss has many causes…</p>
<p>The world seems too cold and cruel, and part of us goes away. In cases of profound trauma, splitting from our soul may be a survival mechanism.</p>
<p>Our soul may leave because we are compelled to make a wrenching life choice. When we take a certain road or a certain partner in one reality, another part of us rejects that choice and travels on a different road, or lingers at the place where we parted company.</p>
<p>We grieve the death of a beloved person, and part of us follows that loved one, even into lands of the dead.</p>
<p>We can lose soul because we refuse to take on the assignments that nourish and entertain our creative spirit. Soul leaves when we won’t follow dreams, for a reason stated with wonderful clarity by Mary Oliver:</p>
<p><em>The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.</em></p>
<h3>How do you know you have soul loss?</h3>
<p>Common symptoms of soul loss include chronic fatigue; emotional numbness; chronic depression; spaciness; addictive behaviors; low self-esteem; inability to let go of past situations or people no longer in your life; dissociation and multiple personality disorder; obesity or unexplained weight gain; abusive behaviors; absence of dream recall; recurring dreams of locations from earlier life, or of a self separate from your present self.</p>
<p>Some people try to fill this “hole” with relationships, addictions, success, or any number of distractions, but the truth is that the nagging sense of emptiness never goes away.</p>
<p>So how do we address this common malaise that shamans diagnosed so precisely millennia ago?</p>
<p>And how can we use this potent practice to bring greater awakening, creativity and meaning into our lives, even if we’re not suffering from a physical or emotional symptom?</p>
<p>One method to address soul loss, <em>soul retrieval</em>, refers to a shamanic operation in which the practitioner makes a journey on behalf of a client to locate lost aspects of soul, brings them back, and transfers them to the client’s body, often by blowing them into energy centers such as the heart and the crown of the head.</p>
<p><em>Soul recovery</em>, by contrast, is a broader, gentler and mutually empowering approach in which we help each other become shamans of our own souls and healers of our own lives. It does not depend on a shaman to do the work for you.</p>
<p><strong>In soul recovery, you ultimately become the shaman of your own soul.</strong></p>
<h3>Dreams are a Gateway</h3>
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Everyone who dreams is a little bit shaman. — Saying of the Kagwahiv, a dreaming people of Amazonia

We’ll start by discussing the causes and symptoms of soul loss. We’ll open a space for soul recovery through spiritual cleansing, invoking spirit helpers, and by finding the songs and stories and poetic enchantment that call soul back to the body.

We’ll learn a fun, fast way to share dreams and life stories that is mutually empowering and can make us shamans of the breakfast table. We’ll practice shamanic journeying and grow a Dream Tree — a tree of vision — we can visit again and again and use as the portal for many journeys to worlds of soul and imagination. We’ll discover how to break a dream drought and how to present our life issues to a sacred guide and healer in the night through dream incubation.

You’ll receive from this module:

  • A deeper connection with your dreams and the powers that are seeking you in dreams
  • A power place that will never fail you — your Soul Tree or Dream Tree
  • Songs and stories to call soul back home
  • Practical guidance on energetic cleansing and protection
  • Soul-affirming everyday practices for sharing dreams and life stories
  • Ways to put your life questions to your dreams and the world around you

Module 2: Reclaiming Your Animal Spirits

Don’t cry little one 

Don’t cry little one 

The bear is coming to dance for you 

The bear is coming to dance for you

— Mohawk song

When shamans embark on soul travel and soul healing, they operate under the protection and guidance of animal guardians. Forging a close relationship with one or more power animals is invaluable in maintaining healthy boundaries and defending psychic space. A conscious connection with the animal guardians shows us how to follow the natural paths of our energy. A strong working connection with the animal powers brings the ability to shapeshift the energy body and project energy forms that can operate at a distance from the physical body. Our ancestors believed that we are born with a connection with a particular totem animal. On a shamanic path, you may develop connections with many animal spirits.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How animals that have figured in your life or your dreams can become shamanic allies
  • How to journey to a place of healing with the help of the animal doctors
  • How to let your animal spirits raise your vitality, show you the natural path of your energies, and heighten your instinct, intuition and psychic protection in daily life
  • What you can apply from the natural habits and the lore surrounding your power animals, and how to feed and nurture their energy in your life

Module 3: Bringing Home Your Magical Child

I will find out where she has gone 

And kiss her lips and take her hands 

And walk among long dappled grass 

And pluck till time and times are done 

The silver apples of the moon, 

The golden apples of the sun.

— W.B. Yeats, “The Song of Wandering Aengus”

You are now ready to make a shamanic journey to meet younger aspects of yourself who checked out of your life when the world seemed too hard or indifferent, and to support others as they make their own journeys. You may be astonished to find that a child self of you has been held safe all these years in a different dimension, like the Land of Lost Boys in Peter Pan — or has been hiding out in an old place. We’ll travel together to an extraordinary location in non-ordinary reality where you will have access to many aspects of yourself, and their gifts.

You may discover that you are also a time traveler and can journey to a younger self in her own Now time. As a voice in her mind, you can provide the encouragement and counsel she may need at a time of unbearable pain or challenge. You can be the friend and protector she lacked when her need was great. From this can flow tremendous healing for both of you, for you in your present time and for her in her own time.

In this module, you’ll be encouraged to:

  • Open and follow the path to your magical child
  • Use your personal dreams and life memories as portals for soul recovery
  • Participate in a group shamanic journey to a special place where you can encounter and reclaim multiple aspects of yourself and their gifts
  • Reclaim vital energy by bringing back parts of yourself that went missing because of pain or grief or trauma in your earlier life
  • Journey across time to younger selves who need help and support in their own Now time

Module 4: Soul Journeying Through the Energy Centers

I come to you in order to see.  — Would-be apprentice to Inuit shaman, as reported by Knud Rasmussen

A self-scan of the energy centers is a wonderful tool for self-diagnosis. Journeying through the energy centers with the help of guided meditation and shamanic drumming, facilitates the deep shift in consciousness that is required for accurate self-diagnosis and takes us far beyond diagnosis into realms of healing and empowerment. The journey opens gateways for soul recovery and release from life blockages. It can raise tremendous life force and channels the movement of energy into harmonious, unrestricted flow.

In a series of 7 short journeys, you’ll:

  • Create your personal energy chart and living “totem pole”
  • Connect more deeply with animal guardians and discover where they want to live in your body and assist in healing and empowerment
  • Develop a personal set of vibrant, living symbols
  • Open your throat chakra so you can speak your truth and be heard
  • Release your inner creator in spontaneous drawing from your journeys
  • Construct a map you can use for further journeys for empowerment and soul healing

Module 5: Singing Soul Back Home

Come back, lost soul. I am whistling to guide you. You are walking on moonlight. — From the story of Medatia, first shaman of the Makiritare

In Celtic tradition, you can sing the soul back home. Gwydion, the shapeshifting shaman-poet of the Mabinogion, sings a lost soul down out of a tree by chanting a poem he composes. Guarani shamans perform soul healing by giving you the right words. When a shaman is talking to you, they say, he or she is giving you soul. Their words are soul, and the Guarani actually have a term, ayyu, that means “word soul.” This comes alive in you when your heart is touched, and the magic words enter you and change you.

We can learn to be soul singers and word doctors for each other. We can learn to grow a dream — a healing image, a soul story, a song that calls back soul — for someone who does not have a dream.

In the class you will be invited to learn the arts of dreamgrowing, story swapping and poetic enchantment for the benefit of others. You’ll learn Robert’s powerful and original Vision Transfer technique, which has brought fire and spirit to many. You’ll rejoice when you see it working in the life of someone you’ve been concerned about through the brightness of returning soul shining in their eyes.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Help others connect with the animal spirits
  • Grow a dream for someone in need of a dream
  • Guide others to places of healing and empowerment in non-ordinary reality
  • Become a “word doctor” who can help others to heal by offering them the right stories
  • Find your own power songs and share them with others

Module 6: Spiritual Enthronement

daughter of the Moon silken bud unfolding riding out on your wild blue bull  through the Gate of Wonder. — From “Inanna and Ebih,” written by the High Priestess of the Moon at Ur, circa 2300 BCE, free version by RM

Of all the guides and mentors that may become available to us in a lifetime, the most important is a friend of the soul that will never lie to us and will never judge us. It is the Higher Self, which the Sufis call, beautifully, the soul of the soul. Ultimately we can only make peace between the many aspects of ourselves by opening a direct and conscious connection with the Self on a higher level — the Self that is no stranger.

When we have opened a space in ourselves for healing and transformation, it is sometimes possible to bring through an aspect of the Higher Self that we have not previously embodied in this life experience. This goes beyond soul recovery or soul retrieval. It can be called spiritual enthronement: the enthroning of a larger spiritual presence in the body and personality of the receiver.

What is enthroned is in no way alien to you; it is an aspect of your own deeper and fuller identity. This may bring the memory of many life journeys, and of the character and structure of the multidimensional self. It may be perceived as an angelic being, or as a deity or goddess. Fusion with an aspect of the Higher Self produces a quantum leap in the evolution of individual consciousness, and brings through radiant energy and Light. This class will be an extraordinary journey.

You’ll be invited to:

  • Look in the mirror of the Sun Goddess
  • Meet the Soul of your Soul on the highest level accessible to you now
  • Practice deep soul remembering, reclaiming the knowledge of who you were before you came into your present body
  • Connect with your soul family across space and time
  • Embody knowledge and energy from your Higher Self in your present life — and keep it with you!

Module 7: Entertaining the Spirits 

Growing Soul on Your Spiral Path

The soul has the power to conform to her character the destiny allotted to her. — Plotinus

When we are passionately engaged in a creative venture — love, art or something else that is really worthwhile — we draw support from other minds and other beings, seen and unseen. We draw greater support the greater the challenges involved in our venture. Great spirits love great challenges.

When we bring something fresh and new into the world, we entertain the spirits and delight our own creative genius, and our lives are infused with natural magic, confirmed by the play of synchronicity. Soul claps its hands and sings when you find what you love and make that your calling. You discover that the world can be your playground, not your prison — and the child and the creator in you come out to play with you.

In our final class, we’ll play wonderful new games together, and you’ll be inspired to:

  • Nurture soul friends and become a true soul friend for others
  • Dialog and play with your family of selves, in this life and beyond this life
  • Celebrate and entertain your magical child and call in your creative spirit
  • Walk an everyday path of magic by paying attention to signs, symbols and synchronicity
  • Travel through life on a spiral path of conscious evolution
  • Do what you love and let the world support you

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Robert Moss

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with author and dream shaman Robert Moss — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you create the specific skills and abilities to empower your dreaming and your life.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions to accelerate your learning.

The Soul Recovery Training Bonus Collection

  • Active Dreaming Toolkit
  • Meeting Mr. Death
    Audio Dialogue With Robert and Wanda Burch
  • Journeying Into the Dreaming
    4 Guided Journeys From Robert Moss

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Soul Recovery Training

We feel honored that Robert Moss has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an internationally renowned dream shaman whose powerful insights and transformational work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from Robert’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home, at your own pace!

If you’re serious about discovering the powerful shamanic-inspired principles and practices for soul recovery to reclaim the lost parts of your soul – – vitality, creativity and joy – – then you owe it to yourself and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


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