Renegade Millionaire 2.0 – Dan Kennedy

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Renegade Millionaire 2.0 – Dan Kennedy Download. If I’m Right About You, and know you as I believe I do, you often feel like the Odd Man (or Woman) Out. Th…

Renegade Millionaire 2.0 – Dan Kennedy
Renegade Millionaire 2.0 – Dan Kennedy

Original price was: $2,997.00.Current price is: $172.00.


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If I’m Right About You, and know you as I believe I do, you often feel like the Odd Man (or Woman) Out. This Letter is about my convening a UNIQUE program only for the likes of us.

 “Normal” people NOT welcome.

We are an ‘underground.’

Radicals. Heretics.

We are typically viewed by many peers as barbarians. Or fools. They judge what they see us doing – what of it we let them see – as so out of whack with the norms they conform to, that we scare them, annoy them, even enrage them. Mystify them. They scoff, laugh, ridicule. Sometimes they demand we be brought to heel by some Authority. We are at odds with much of our own industry or profession. And it doesn’t stop there. We’re often disapproved of by family and friends. Demonized in media. CONSPIRED AGAINST.
Rather than be cowed by it, we see criticism, resistance and opposition as encouragement. I know that I am on the right track when a majority scream ‘n squeal. This is a Core Concept for me.

This isn’t just about ‘immunity to criticism’ – although that’s important. I’m talking about a level above and beyond that where even fewer dare tread: reveling in it. Using it as a barometer. A predicitive measure. Walt Disney once said that he was never frightened, unless a majority of his own people or of any group instantly liked his idea. He hoped for skepticism. If you are often acting – and having to act in opposition to the ideas of “proper-ness” of those around you, and you have to fight seepage of their small, timid and average thinking into your head… Renegade Millionaire 2.0 is for you.

Often, it’s the guy first laughed out of the room that winds up owning the whole place. I’ve lived it for 40+ years, and I’ve witnessed it over and over again. It takes BRASS BALLS to disregard and override an entrenched, well defended status-quo of any kind. Lots of people give lip service to it and like labeling themselves Renegades, but most are all bark and no bite. Not really LIVING IT. I’m now looking for entrepreneurs who are DEEPLY COMMITTED to Renegade-ism.

Of course, you have to carefully pick such battles, but once you do, you need both the determination and the methodology for succeeding against all obstacles and opposition. Just for example, do you know the most effective way to gain acceptance for a radical idea; to break through the “we’ve never done it that way before’ wall? One of the stories I’ll tell you in Renegade Millionaire 2.0, is a little-known story of the Disney movie no one there wanted to make, its opposition, how an OK to do it was obtained, and how it defied a long-standing Walt practice and altered the course of the company forever, for the good. Fast-forward to today’s venture capital market where the same method has been used to get billions poured into dozens and dozens of start-ups, all built around one bad idea, all failing.

I imagine you are recognizing the rising level of difficulty surrounding you and your business, manifesting in so many different ways. And the chorus that grows louder, with “why can’t you do thinks like everybody else does and be normal?” – this, specifically applied to your thinking and beliefs, your demands of others, your advertising and marketing, your business practices, your ambition and more. This makes you and me Kindred Spirits. Activists agains the mundane and mediocre, the ordinary in anything, but especially in results. And, my unorthodox methods DO get results.

Renegade Millionaires overcome Opposition Forces many times during their careers. You don’t get to do it once, then never face the same kind of opposition again.

There is no “lifetime pass”. This is something you have to get good at.

And like. Thrive on. It is mindset and skill-set. It is an overrall “approach” to adopt, adapt and apply. This has never been more necessary.

This Letter tells you why – and why Renegade Millionaire 2.0, now. It is an invitation to a NEXT-LEVEL of autonomy and accomplishment. A deeper dig into critical concepts with me, than ever before. Please read about it and consider it potential importance to you. My Underground Resistance Movement and your decision is required NOW. I can’t conscript you, although I would if I could. There’s no draft; you have to volunteer. But if I could, I would reach right into your pocket, open your wallet, take your credit card and get you registered immediately, because I believe what you will learn in Renegade Millionaire 2.0 is that important for you. Follows, the best I can do for you…..

My original renegade millionaire training was done in 2004.

A dozen years ago. U.S. Presidents have gone and come. Long viable products, businesses and iconic brands believed permanent have left the market, relegated to history’s dumpster, and entire new businesses as well as new products, services, money streams, and media have risen. Online, Myspace died, Yahoo is dying. 9+ years within those 12 of near zero interest have fundamentally changed the American economy. A new war with terrorism has changed the world. What next? – a giant meteor crashing into earth?

A lot has changed in the worlds of business, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing. There are new threats to prosperity, autonomy and security. There are new opportunities. New media. New ways to apply those most powerful Renegade Millionaire strategies. Renegade Millionaire 2.0 is, if anything, over-due. I have a great deal to say about Renegade Millionaire-ing now that I did not have available to me to say 12 years back. And I have new, current, important predictions to make and directions to offer, to move confidentially to the future.

Of course, a lot of the most celebrated “new” is revealing itself to be facade in front of illusion and delusion. Sorting out the viable and useful from the fools’ gold is no easy matter. You are daily assaulted, bombarded, distracted, pulled hither and on. Much of what was purported to simplify and speed accomplishment has actually complicated and slowed it. It is evermore important to have absolute governing principles – itself a Renegade idea in opposition to the rising popularity of uncertainty and flexibility, the rising pressure to let yourself be tossed about by the winds. It is evermore important to have the discipline to ignore many things and focus on a few.


… A lot has not changed – in terms of principles and strategies, about which uncompromising clarity of thought and stiffened spine are urgently needed.

It is against this backdrop that I step up now, to tackle the biggest of the big questions: WHAT REALLY WORKS. What to focus on in every aspect of success – and what to ignore and leave to others. There is good reason to re-visit my Renegade Millionaire work. Up-date. Expand on. Dig deeper.

So: now I will present….

Renegade Millionaire 2.0 is one of my most popular trainings ever. And this will be the last time I ever address it. This will be the tour de force. The magnum opus. Its ambition is to synthesize and synchronize ALL my work having to with Renegade-ism, spanning all the years, the hundreds of hours of prior presentations – some recorded, some not, the intimate work applying these strategies with clients to diverse businesses that then wildly out-perform their industry’s norms, the thousands of pages of information….. all into one epic, intense ‘adventure’ attacking convention and compromise, confinement and limitations, concession of any kind. It should be instantly obvious that Renegade Millionaire 2.0 is NOT a ‘mass entertainment.’ It takes a certain militancy about one’s ambitions, individuality and autonomy to be a Renegade Entrepreneur. We are gathering to make ourselves gods and kings of our own kingdoms! Such a thing is a radical idea, uncomfortable to many, resisted mightily by many. There is a massive accelerated move afoot against exceptionalism, in favor of egalitarianism. It pressures from every direction.

I am reviewing all the Renegade Millionaire recordings, notes, etc. myself to choose the points to expound on. Beyond that, I’m drawing from “case files” of hands-on work with clients Renegade-izing various aspects of their businesses, sometimes against considerable internal or external opposition. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Information is one thing, but seeing its real-world, against-resistance application is much more “spine tingling” and provocative. And, better from businesses on Planet Dan, and from businesses you never even knew existed than the most common references – Disney, Starbucks, Apple.

Do you remember the TV show, THE BIONIC MAN, starring Lee Majors? At its opening, it talked about “re-building” the lead character to be quicker thinking, stronger, faster, more able to withstand any danger or foe. I forget the exact words used, but that was the gist of it. That’s what I want Renegade Millionaire 2.0 to do for you. And more. I want you more able to withstand the opposition to exceptional achievement, and I want you empowered to accomplish more of what you want to do, faster and more certainly. “Bionic”, incidentally, is a word with its origins in the 1960’s, a short history for language. It means: having ordinary human powers greatly increased and enhanced.

Also in the 60′ s, “cybernetics” captured interest, and the original Psycho-Cybernetics book by Dr. Maltz (which I later up-dated as The New Psycho-Cybernetics with Dr. Maltz) was a monster bestseller, going on to top 30-million copies sold worldwide, in all editions. Maltz wrote about the methodology for “locking on” a human’ s progress toward a goal in the same way a programmed missile could be “locked on” to a target, so that, even as it might have to zig-zag around obstacles, it would not be dissuaded from its purpose and would hit its target, no matter what.

That same cybernetic missile technology now powers the little self-driving Roomba vacuum cleaners, by the way. Humans too often try doing this purely by conscious-mind will-power and determination, which, while vital, is, itself, a failure 9 out of 10 times. Renegade Millionaire 2.0 fully integrates cybernetic science, the minds, the psychology of achievement against opposition with practical, pragmatic business strategies and tactics. Let me get into this by sharing the incident that ignited my interest in re-visiting and re-booting Renegade Millionaire … 

“What Happened To me?” – He Asked, Ruefully.

A client with me for a number of years, who has grown his business from tiny to gigantic in that time, said to me recently, “It seems like I was a bold, audacious, apple-cart-upsetting, fiery renegade when I went to bed one night, then I woke up the next day as the shockingly timid CEO of a large enterprise, worried about our image and what many different groups thought of us … even bullied by my own employees. I feel like I’m being pulled in a dozen different directions. My thinking is in a fog, uncertain, and I am less decisive than I used to be. I was sure of myself, and I was ferocious in making things happen my way, and that paid off. Now I’m not. How the hell did this happen?”

He went on to say that, using my language, he felt his entire business had become “creatively constipatedl and that he had changed from lion king to cowardly lion. He wondered how the business might be given an enema. How the lion might get his roar back.

This conversation is what started me thinking about Renegade Millionaire 2.0.

Of course, this did NOT happen to him overnight. RUST does not instantly encrust. It takes over little by little by little. Successful entrepreneurs don’t surrender. They are compromised, a concession made here, another there. Control is diluted. Certainty is weakened a little bit at a time. I have seen this happen to many. Where once existed piercing clarity and sharp focus, confusion and surrender to consensus takes over. Where once speed ruled, slow takes over. Person, place or entity literally loses its way.

This ultimately creates a ‘vacuum of power’, and vacuums are always filled. In business, often, by “killer” competition. This, for example, is exactly how Sears and J.C. Penney’s lost their market to Kohl’s and Target, and how Holiday Inns and Howard Johnson’s lost their hold on their market. If that pre-dates you, Holiday Inn and Howard Johnson’s were once the pre-eminent, dominant owners of the mid-range, mid-budget business travel AND road-trip vacation markets. In politics, these ‘vacuums of power’ get filled too. Arguably, Trump’s very existence and, on its face, highly improbable, essentially hostile takeover of the Republican presidential nomination was possible only because the Republican Party so badly lost its way, and confusion replaced clarity, paralysis replaced vibrant action.

(By the way, just as historical footnote, in 1972, Senator George McGovern faced off against a Stop-McGovern cabal in his party, an Anybody-But-McGovern movement, and attempt to unbind committed delegates at the Democrat national convention. All winds return blow again.)

This ‘loss of power’ happened to my client gradually. Sneakily. By lots of subtle pressures, delegations of authority, compromises. A wearing down. Weight after weight added. ‘The fog of war.’ In subsequent backwards tracking of what went on there, in-depth conversations with him and others at his company, and factoring in observations I’ve made about this same regressive metamorphosis in other businesses, I’ve identified 17 DISEMBOWELING DEVELOPMENTS that turn Renegade Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires into cowed, cowardly, creatively constipated, compromised conformists -literally killing the primal energy that raised them up in the first place.

And, even “successful” entrepreneurs with big incomes can be softened, weakened, and confused. Just because you are banking big profits now is absolutely NO guarantee it continues. When I interviewed him, Tom Monaghan, founder of Dominos Pizza, talked about how he went from Genius Wunderkind Who Could Do No Wrong to Village Idiot Who Couldn’t Do Anything Right, virtually overnight. To paraphrase Franklin, your success is yours -IF you can keep it.

This is critical. There is, in fact, a primal energy that makes an individual stand out from the crowd, magnetically attract favorable attention and cooperation and opportunity, facilitate necessary influence and stoke confidence and creativity. There is, in fact, a primal energy that makes a business rise, shine, thrive; powerful against competitive and opposition forces, attractive to customers and patrons. This energy emanates outward from its center and, in a closed loop or “boomerang effect” brings power to the person and business. This is the secret that explains why two seemingly identical people or businesses doing seemingly identical things get vastly different results. It is the answer to a frustrated Universal Studios theme park V.P.’s querulous conversation with a client of mine, in which he said they were doing everything that Disney was doing, yet still getting woefully poorer results. They might be doing the same things the same way, but their energy is different. This primal energy can be diluted, damaged, drained away without you quite realizing what is happening, leaving you a Superman who has been sleeping near concealed Kryptonite ever so slowly weakening you until one day you can’t seem to even get out of bed. I have painstakingly identified and documented SEVENTEEN ways this destruction occurs for person or company …

These can be alertly and militantly fought off, prevented. They can provide competitive advantage, if you find them in your competitors and exploit them. They can even be ripped out, and reversed. Each is the ultimate double-edged sword; double-­sided coin; danger and opportunity. These 17 malignancies affect you, the individual, and the team or organization alike.

A key part of the Renegade Millionaire 2.0 discussion I want to have with you is about these 17. What they are. How they begin, grow, spread, and gradually wrest control and overshadow. How they slow everything down. How they cloud the mind, so that arguably the most important asset an_entrepreneur can have -clarity- is impaired.

Obviously, the opposite of these 17 malignant, cancerous, strength draining conditions are the power sources of Renegade Millionaire and Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneurs. The power sources can be invigorated. Their power multiplied. This is how the businesses I work closely with out-perform their peer and industry norms by multiples. As example, consider the owner of retail stores making 300% more net profit than his peers and competitors. The professional practices owner banking double the profit his peers get from the same revenue, and doing it with a handful of smoothly running offices to boot. Another practitioner successfully selling his ‘program’ at $8,000.00, while the norm in his profession for the services in $1,000.00. 8X. A marketer of an “ordinary commodity” successfully selling at 10-TIMES the price of competing products on store shelves everywhere, and raising that business from ‘idea’ to multi-million dollar fortune, and keeping it steaming along for nearly 20 consecutive years. These are all ACTUAL CLIENT SITUATIONS, crafted by leveraging different of the 17 power sources. And they are but a few of many.

Consider me: routinely getting 6-figure fees for work vast numbers of pro copywriters do for 50% or 75% less. Me charging a $19,400 consulting fee for the initial meeting against the industry norm of free. Me requiring virtually everybody to come to me while the industry norm is ‘road warrior’ and Hilton Inns at airports. In speaking, NEVER using a speaker’s bureau, while most others cower before them. In writing, as a book author, getting paid at least three different ways for each book vs. just-about every other author paid only one way. Do you think any of this is happy accident?

In 5 different professional fields, I have defied the ‘rule of law’, the Establishments; the norms; the normal results – with impunity, by design. I HAVE “MORAL AUTHORITY’ TO SPEAK ON THIS AS NO ONE ELSE HAS.

Getting great, great, great clarity about and re-committing to those 17 can suddenly unleash an enormous amount of energy in you and in your business that has been put to sleep.

The deep dive into these 17 is certain to also reveal opportunities you haven’t seen. I am constantly opening even very smart and successful clients’ eyes to ‘opportunities they never knew existed, waiting to be triggered, inside their existing businesses or launched from them. At a recent Titanium meeting*, I put a very smart entrepreneur INTO STUNNED SILENCE with facts about an income opportunity inherent (but latent) in his business, worth at least 3X to 5X what the net of the entire business is, as-is. At the next meeting, I am going to propose a collaborative effort by the entire group to capitalize on this. I have a client I took a single, relatively simple strategy to, moved from one field of business to their different one, “plus-ing” what they were already doing successfully, and it has paid them over $100-million, so far. (I’ll tell you the details of this one at RM2.0. It has the potential to convert many different kinds of businesses from vulnerable or fragile to invulnerable.)

These kinds of opportunities are already present, not to be invented. They are concealed, not imagined. When fog clears, they can be clearly seen. Each of my “17” in Renegade Millionaire 2.0 carries the possibility of sudden, dramatic clarity about such a prime, pregnant opportunity in your business. All 17 combined have near certainty of revealing at least one such opportunity!

The micro applications of these 17 can easily produce new, added income far, far in excess of the investment in attending, but the ‘bigger picture’ is more the reason to invest …

What Will You Let Happen To Whatever You Have Left? Better Seize This Day.

You may have seen me do a version of the life span/ years left illustration before. If you’re male, the average is 72. If you’re in good health and optimistic, make it 79. Deduct your current age. Nothing is guaranteed, but that’s a reasonable number to think about. For me, that number is a paltry, alarming 17 years left. Whatever your Number is, it is the reason to invest. To do what you just won’t do at home by yourself, for yourself: Stop. Think. Assess. Determine if things are moving along as you really want them to, and if not, what to do about it, now -so you don’t wake up one morning like my client and say, “How the hell did this happen?”

You’d better seize this day. Your supply of them is dwindling and, as far as we know, can’t be re-stocked. And even that might abruptly end. The famous running-for-health guy, Jim Fixx, was, as I recalled, struck dead while jogging. My friend Fred Catona, killed by his own truck in his own driveway. A whole lot of folks were probably spending a day dealing with people they didn’t like, re-solving the same boring problem yet again, conforming in ways they found depressing, the day the terrorists flew smack into their office towers and killed them in balls of flames. You’d better seize this day.

There’s another, pragmatic, business reason to dig into Renegade Millionaire subjects with me, whether you have before or not; whether you have gone through the original System and other Renegade Millionaire products or not. That reason is being on the right side of the Accelerating Death & Destruction of Business. And it is broad and dangerous and accelerating. Almost every field is facing assaults: government interference, the amazon factor, commoditization, shrinkage of eligible customers, and on and on. THERE ARE ONLY FOUR OPPORTUNITY-BASED METHODS TO MAKE A BUSINESS “SUPER-SUSTAINABLE”, virtually impervious to evolutionary disintegration or revolutionary ruin. Very few entrepreneurs or marketers really, deeply understand these 4, let alone live by them … as evidenced by the constant death and destruction of once thriving businesses and even iconic brands. My dissertation just on this at RM2.0 is worth many times the price of admission!

Super-Sustainability Factors …

Of course, nobody thinks their house will catch fire or be burgled or their kid will get hooked on drugs or join ISIS via Facebook; these things happen only to other families. Nobody thinks their business could go from prosperity to crisis at sudden, lightning speed. It happens only to other (“mis-managed”) companies. Well, I personally, intimately sat in the back seat along for the ride, watching my father’s ultra-successful business and our family’s prosperity be destroyed and collapse at seemingly sudden, dramatic speed. Like having a hole shockingly open beneath our feet. Unfortunately, that business had none of the four sustainability factors baked into it. One day I had Rich Dad; a few months later I had Poor Dad.

If you’ve never gone from top of the world to underwater, from high income to no income, from confidence to fear and shame, from rich to poor to broke, I do not recommend the experience. I learned a lot from it, but it’s a very expensive and brutally painful education. Most never recover from it either. My father did not, despite having enormous reservoirs of talent, skill and character.

I promise you, if you do not” own” at least one of these four super-sustainability factors, you are at moment by moment peril. And even though there will be predictive signs of your coming doom, you won’t see them. There are always advance warnings, by the way. The 2nd Pearl Harbor; the 9-11 attacks on our homeland were preceded by a series of warnings stacking through the Clinton years, not dots­ connected, not taken seriously by “smartest people in the room.” The 2008 financial crash was much forewarned, as is a brewing duplicate of it.

In prosperous businesses and individual’s careers, it’s even harder to see and hear the advance warnings. In Renegade Millionaire 2.0, I lay them out with absolute clarity, and lay out the four choices for protecting self, enterprises and fortunes against them.

In 2015, for the first time, there were more business closings than start-ups. A study of all additional Obamacare, minimum wage, etc. costs coming by the National Restaurant Association forecasts an increase in labor cost, from bottom all the way up a company’s hierarchy, of 40% over 24 months. We are in the midst of a Middle Class Consumer GENOCIDE that will, by its end, take at least half of them out. Discretionary money is being forcibly concentrated into fewer and fewer categories of spending – for example, health insurance premium and deductibles rose 20% last year and are set to raise by 30%+ this year and next. That takes money away from other categories and moves it to health insurance. There is a Silicon Valley “bubble” and a sub-rime auto lending “bubble”*, very likely to bring us a market “correction” of 3,000 to 5,000. Stand still, turn very slowly around in a circle: you are surrounded by threats to your income, its sources and the way you receive it. RADICAL changes are going to be UNAVOIDABLE, if you are to survive the trans-generational shifts in markets, spending, redistribution of money, changes in responsiveness to media, consolidation of many industries.

Think of this as a giant, gaping canyon opening up in your industry or profession, the solid ground collapsing into a fiery pit. A few will run and leap and make it to the other side, where there is new, solid ground, and a fast path to safe1y higher ground. The majority will be trapped on the side that is eroding and collapsing and disappearing into the fiery pit. They will slide and fall in, themselves disappearing. This is already happening. I’ve tracked over 60 different business, service and professional categories with shrinking numbers, at least in the U.S. – many with shrinkage of 10% to 30% over just the past 5 years. That’s ground disappearing. At 10% a year, in 5 more years, no survivors at all. And in many, the pace isn’t slowing; it’s accelerating or predictably poised to accelerate.

If you stand with most in your field … if you do things the way most in your field do them – trying only to be incrementally better … if you are slow to radically, dynamically, creatively change, move, reinvent – it’s the fiery pit for you.

Renegade-ism isn’t an option now. It’s a vital necessity.

This, I think, makes a re-examination of what true Renegade-ism is, how it works, how to create and trigger it, and how to keep re-triggering it – The most important thing I can do with you this year. This can’t just be about “mechanics” – things to do and the 1-2-3, A-B-C instructions for doing them. This has to be about your PERSONAL READINESS to act, creatively, boldly, aggressively to protect what you’ve built so far and to leap up, over the crowd, and forward. To STAND ABOVE AND APART.

For example, I have a client who owns three particular kinds of retail stores in a shrinking category of retail commerce. Peers and competitors are dying … fighting a losing battle with a few corporate bullies who are literally “beating them up and taking their lunch money.” In the past 3 years, he has literally invented four different, very Renegade-ish businesses within his business – which, in 2015, ADDED $415,000.00 IN NET to a $2-million business with NO added staff or overhead. That likely doubles this year.

Hear this, loud ‘n clear: his breakthrough business plans; these schemes are undeniably ingenious and courageous, and instantly controversial in his field. But it is HIS READINESS FOR SUCH IDEAS TO EMERGE AND HIS CAPABILITY FOR ACTING ON THEM that produced that $415,000.00. Please do NOT discount this. Not the ideas themselves. In fact, I assure you, many others had the same ideas. Many more saw them being experimented with. But nobody else was ready to embrace them, develop them and act on them.

A lot of people will invest in new tools, equipment and ‘mechanics’ but refuse to invest in themselves – and that is this 2.0, decision in a nutshell: do you think enough of yourself, and do you grasp the import of enhanced PERSONAL readiness and capability-to-act to join me and invest?


“If you are going to bother to think, you might as well think big,” so says Donald Trump. When Gene Simmons spoke at the GKIC SuperConference, he objected to the term “small business” – wondering aloud why anybody would agree to wear the “small” label. Actually, there are a lot of often convergent influences, individuals, entities and forces that work hard at keeping you thinking, creating, and earning small. It is all part of the New War Against Exceptionalism, to which you must be a conscientious objector.

Zig spoke about “stinkin’ thinkin’.” One variation is “shrinking thinking.” Everyday, somebody is trying to reign you in. Slow you down. Urging their idea of ‘be realistic’ on you. In Renegade Millionaire 2.0, it’s think big or stay home. I am now easily bored. I have zero interest in talking about ways of tightening screws and oiling hin”

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