Psychology of Astrology 2022 – Debra Silverman

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $67.00.


This includes your inner saboteur, whose job is to disrupt the limited way you perceive yourself, others, and the world by keeping your attention on the fears and insecurities that are blocking your true potential.

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With Astrologer, Psychotherapist & Creator of Applied Astrology
Debra Silverman

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training
Silence your inner saboteur by empowering the wisdom and gifts of the astrological archetypes of your personality — and receive a roadmap from the stars for cultivating your potential and purpose… and greater compassion for yourself and others.

As one of the oldest tools in the world for adding new depths to self-awareness, astrology is a study in diversity…

… where the entire spectrum of what makes you who you are is brought to the surface to be acknowledged, accepted, celebrated, and ultimately leveraged for the gifts and higher insights it brings.

This includes your inner saboteur, whose job is to disrupt the limited way you perceive yourself, others, and the world by keeping your attention on the fears and insecurities that are blocking your true potential.

Astrology expert and psychotherapist Debra Silverman often refers to this voice as your “inner gremlin.” And like all facets of your personality, the extent of its potential to positively transform your life depends on you.

For more than 40 years, Debra has helped thousands of couples and individuals — including countless celebrities — attain greater emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements: water, air, earth, and fire.

In this empowering course, you’ll explore her model for deepening your self-awareness, which combines soul-centered astrology with archetypal psychology to activate deeper levels of acceptance, compassion, and emotional wellbeing.

The trapdoors of your mind may be plentiful, but as Debra teaches, they can be short-circuited with astrology… and used to unveil the parts of your personality that are undermining your path forward.

As you begin to access and activate the helpful qualities of the astrological archetypes that exist within you, you’ll be introduced to new soul alignments and layers of authenticity that pave new paths toward your true purpose and ultimate destiny.

You’ll discover the strengths, latent gifts, and guardian elements of all 12 archetypes… and how your inner gremlin is the perfect guide for detecting the water, air, earth, and fire imbalances within you.

For example, through Aries, you’ll learn how to become comfortable in your power. Cancer will reveal the importance of your family imprint and the possibility of living a life of love without sacrificing yourself. Libra will teach you how to bring peace and harmony to difficult situations…

Gaining a deeper understanding of how these archetypal and elemental energies shape your personality opens the door to profound awareness and acceptance of yourself and everyone around you

… which, in turn, creates ripples of clarity, focus, and revived determination as you begin finding ways to manifest this newfound inner alignment in the world.

Debra is known for her honest and direct style, and the fun and non-traditional way she breathes new life into the ancient discipline of astrology.

Join her on this immersive 7-module journey to cultivate greater compassion for yourself and others by silencing your inner saboteur and harnessing the insights and gifts of your inner astrological archetypes.

During this transformative course with Debra, you’ll:

  • Explore all 12 astrological archetypes as potent tools of transformation you naturally possess
  • Silence your inner saboteur by empowering the wisdom and gifts of the archetypal and elemental energies of your personality
  • Befriend your inner gremlin to harness the raw potential of change
  • Learn how to be comfortable with your power by acknowledging that you are a natural leader
  • Discover how to manage your moods instead of being at the mercy of them
  • Explore the wisdom of the mystic — the medicine of individual and collective transformation
  • Learn how disruption in the right context is a good thing
  • Own how you may have needed to be blunt at times to activate the honesty in the room
  • Create ways to harness the power of repetition — chanting, meditation, and more
  • Embrace your busy, changeable mind as a threshold for curiosity
  • Discover why “normal” is just a setting on the dryer — and give yourself permission to stand away from the crowd
  • Acknowledge that the gifts of the dreamworld converge within the seen and unseen parts of you
  • Tame your internal dialogue by activating the hungry mind that wants to learn
  • Celebrate your sensitivity and grow in emotional wisdom — acknowledging empathy as a superpower
  • Discover the importance of your family imprint — and how you can adore your family without being sacrificed
  • Explore why it’s okay to take up space in the room
  • Embrace insecurity as the threshold of positive vulnerability
  • Deepen your enjoyment of life — including sexuality, food, and sensuality — through all of your senses
  • Confidently allow yourself to change your mind — in fact, it’s healthy

— Sting, Grammy Award-Winning Recording Artist:
“Debra’s System of the Four Elements Appeals to My Sense of Logic”

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational program, Debra will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully silence your inner saboteur and receive an astrological roadmap for cultivating greater compassion for yourself and others.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Debra. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to silence your inner saboteur and receive an astrological roadmap for cultivating greater compassion for yourself and others.

Module 1: Where Is My Get Up & Go?

This first module will introduce you to the four elements that exist within you and how the archetypes of astrology can empower your strengths, shed new clarity on what you perceive as your weaknesses…

… and become a vital tool on your path to empowered wholeness.

Aries is the part of you that embodies the precocious child — a fearless leader who is full of Qi, a wonderful friend, someone who loves a good chase…

… and often struggles with feeling as if you are too much — too loud, too demanding, too pushy, too insensitive.

Aries bursts with vitality but gets bored easily and has a hard time following through.

All of this can lead you to feel psychologically insecure… yet would likely go unnoticed by those around you as you mask your insecurities in confidence and pride.

To embrace the gifts of Aries in this module, you’ll explore:

  • How to be comfortable with your power by acknowledging that you are a natural leader
  • Yourself as an enthusiastic, inspirational person — and an example of healthy male energy (even if you aren’t male!)
  • The difference between being bossy and assertive
  • Your willingness to fight for love — maybe you’re upset because you care
  • How you’ve needed to be blunt at times to activate the honesty in the room

Module 2: The Turtle and the Hare

In this module, you’ll explore the archetypes Taurus and Gemini to catalyze discipline, devotion, sensuality, intellectual prowess, and spiritual practice… among other things.

Taurus is the part of you that is deliberate and slow — the super-shy child who learns through repetition…. and grows up to be a creature of habit, super-sensual and devoted, and often perceived as controlling and stubborn.

At the root of this stubbornness is an aversion to change for fear of not being enough – not good enough, not pretty enough… not ever enough.

Gemini, on the other hand, is the highly charismatic speed freak and changeable wind part of you that inspires new ideas, but also tends to be too scattered to follow through. Gemini is the part of you that is curious and loves to learn (including gossip) but is also fickle — frequently changing their clothes, their minds, their plans… and oftentimes their spouses.

Gemini has an aversion to boredom, seeking at all costs intellectual stimulation — often a big turn-on for them — and new projects and ideas.

To embrace the gifts of Taurus and Gemini, you’ll discover:

  • The art of being stable — how being a reliable person helps others feel safe to pivot into new areas
  • Creative ways to harness the power of repetition — chanting, meditation, and more
  • How to embrace your busy, changeable mind as a threshold for curiosity
  • How to celebrate your love for people in an inspiring way
  • How to tame your internal dialogue by activating the hungry mind that wants to learn

Module 3: The Emotional Drama King or Queen

This module: Cancer and Leo are on the agenda.

Cancer introduces you to your highly sensitive inner being… the part of you that embodies the vulnerable child — the dreamer, the nurturer, the one who seeks to create sacred space…

… whether in your heart, your home, or relationships… and can be quite protective of what’s “theirs.”

Emotional reactivity, indulgence, codependency, and the need to be needed often drive Cancer to either wear your heart on your sleeve… or retract it entirely. This can lead to health issues, a sense of victimization, or an inability to move beyond childhood wounds.

Leo is the part of you that loves life and is blunt, stylish, inspiring, and uninhibited… yet wears many masks. Leo loves attention and recognition, but also harbors an innate shyness and insecurity.

Underpinning this shyness is a need for approval and to be the best. While Leo’s desire to be entertaining, to be the boss, and to navigate the ship are coping mechanisms, they are also innate gifts.

To embrace the gifts of Cancer and Leo, you’ll explore:

  • How to celebrate your sensitivity and grow in emotional wisdom — acknowledging empathy as a superpower
  • The importance of your family imprint — and how you can adore your family without sacrificing yourself
  • How to manage your moods instead of being at the mercy of them
  • Why it’s okay to take up space in the room — you are the entertainer
  • How you are meant to inspire and give others the juice they need to act on inspiration
  • Why insecurity is the threshold of positive vulnerability

Module 4: How to Perfect Your Relationships

How can you become more self-aware? Allow the energies of Virgo and Libra to guide you.

Virgo is the critic who requires high standards in all they do — the organized, clean, “goody-goody” part of you that is easily rattled… and the inner critic and perfectionist who is rarely ever satisfied.

Virgo is also the one who is drawn to purity, follows the rules, and is service-oriented, responsible, helpful, and therapeutic to those they care about, including their communities… yet tends to complain about it.

Transforming self-consciousness into empowered self-awareness — defining your values from the inside out — is key to helping this facet of you “rise” and shine.

Libra is the part of you that believes in justice and fairness, seeking partnerships and harmony at all costs while swaying back and forth between extremes.

Your Libra energy seeks balance by going out of balance, whether through work, home life, or relationships….

… and has a keen aesthetic awareness that underpins their entire lives. They love individuality and innovation and are often drawn to the arts, but seek to harmonize polarities — even as they struggle with this themselves.

Learning how to bring peace to difficult situations will ultimately stabilize and energize Libra.

To embrace the gifts of Virgo and Libra, you’ll explore:

  • How to tame your inner perfectionist and critic
  • Selfless service with a smile — you love to help people… so stop complaining
  • Self-kindness and respect as powerfully transformative medicine
  • How to approach disharmony without avoidance or pretending
  • The science of a relationship — how to be committed and inclusive rather than controlling or bossy
  • Aesthetic learning and self-awareness — how to let yourself bask in beauty

Module 5: The Passionate Well-Lived Life

Explore your inner healer and seeker in this module with Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Intimacy and being seen is the gift of Scorpio, the healer. Scorpio is the part of you that is deep, penetrating, emotional, fearful, and unabiding… loving intimacy of all kinds, including an intimate understanding of the darker depths of reality.

The passionate nature of Scorpio borders on possessiveness and can leave them feeling self-consumed by their opinions, desires, and emotions… and unable to trust the thoughts, feelings, and overall intentions of anyone else. Learning to trust others and life brings out the compassionate and humble healer within.

Your inner Sagittarian, meanwhile, is the adventurer at heart, a loud and klutzy seeker of laughter, knowledge, spiritual insights, and philosophical truths. Sagittarius is the part of you that is always saying the wrong, or the darndest things…

… because of the “truths” they see and have no filter for, which often lands them in hot water with those they care about most. This archetype is your inner visionary, the enlightened teacher who can also be arrogant and overindulgent. From this perspective, learning to embrace the role of disruptor adds purpose and passion to life.

To embrace the gifts of Scorpio and Sagittarius, you’ll discover:

  • How Scorpio’s profound relationship with self-study catalyzes those around them
  • Why being the controller or the one who makes things happen is needed in the world
  • That life is meant to be fully embodied with all the senses — including sexuality, food, and sensuality
  • Why the perpetual student is needed in the world — and how to catalyze this energy into something tangible
  • That you’re allowed to change your mind — in fact, it’s healthy
  • Why disruption in the right context is a good thing

Module 6: The Business of Astrology

Our society values achievements, accomplishment, and prestige. You’ll tap into the energies of Capricorn and Aquarius to explore how to be excellent at whatever you do without losing the fun factor.

Capricorn is the part of you that was old when you were young — serious, hardworking, efficient, and sometimes grumpy. Capricorn is also extremely dependable, the rock, and a selfless and strong shoulder when you need one.

Being the rock sometimes triggers the need for control, however, which runs the risk of transforming pure intention into something that is essentially self-serving. Learning how to receive support and strength can transform this inclination.

Aquarius teaches us when to break the rules and push beyond self-imposed boundaries. This is the part of you that craves to stand in personal expression and truth, unabashedly

… but is often held back by the fear of being judged or ridiculed by others.

Aquarius is the innovator, the curious intellectual who also appreciates the simple life…

… the part of you with such forward-thinking ideas that you create powerful ripples of change throughout the world by just being yourself. If only you can summon the confidence to just be who you were meant to be.

To embrace the gifts of Capricorn and Aquarius, you’ll:

  • Explore your passionate pursuit for excellence
  • Become your own parent — find your footing by taking responsibility for your life
  • Locate the true doorway for success
  • Give yourself permission to color outside the lines
  • Celebrate your forward-thinking mind — which is incredible and ahead of your time
  • Approach “normal” as just a setting on the dryer — and give yourself permission to stand away from the crowd

Module 7: The Cosmic Promise Revealed

In the concluding module, you’ll delve into the depths of your inner dreamer, the hopeless romantic, hopeful part of yourself who has learned throughout life that it’s much safer to be an optimistic realist.

You’ll push beyond limited perceptions of reality to acknowledge and own your inner truth as it has been taught to you… by you.

With Pisces, you forge an unshakable trust in your intuition, dreams, and experiences… calling upon your inner mystic to guide you through the ebb and flow of the seen and unseen worlds that you live in. Learning how to move toward your dreams instead of away from the unpleasantries of life will engage the power of Pisces in a healthy and life-affirming way.

To embrace the gifts of Pisces, you’ll:

  • Celebrate how dreamers take us beyond what we believe to be possible for ourselves and our lives
  • Acknowledge that the gifts of the dreamworld converge within the seen and unseen parts of you
  • Explore the wisdom of the mystic — the medicine of individual and collective transformation

The Psychology of Astrology Bonus Collection

In addition to Debra’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Interviews From the Conversations With Destiny Summit
Video Dialogues With Debra Silverman & Five Renowned Experts

In these conversations between Debra and five of the top experts in their fields — Colette Baron-Reid, JP Sears, Sonia Choquette, Sheleana Aiyana, and Eugenia Krok — you’ll discover how destiny shows up in your chart and your life. Debra will share the most important destiny markers in the charts of these professionals… and you’ll hear through their stories — and by seeing their birth charts — how astrology has revealed their destiny.

Interviews From the Signs Pointing to Your Destiny Summit
Video Dialogues With Debra Silverman & Five Renowned Experts

In these conversations between Debra and five of the top experts in their fields — Brigit Esselmont (Biddy Tarot), Adam Sommer, Kyle Gray, Jennifer Racioppi, and Sianna Sherman — you’ll discover how destiny has shown up in their charts and their lives. You’ll look at the most important destiny markers and hear through their stories — and by seeing their birth charts — how Astrology has determined their destiny.

The Progressed Moon Class (Valued at $97)
5-Part Video Teaching From Debra Silverman

In this 5-part video teaching by Debra, you’ll discover how to access the most predictive tool of astrology — the progressed moon. Every 2.5 years, your progressed moon moves into a different sign, influencing the nuances of that time period in your life. Understanding the cycle of your progressed moon will help you determine if you’re in an introverted or extroverted phase, the best time to start something new… and where your focus can be amplified by the energies of the Universe.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Debra Silverma

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from astrologer and psychotherapist Debra Silverman, creator of Applied Astrology — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover how to silence your inner saboteur by empowering the wisdom and gifts of the astrological archetypes of your personality. You’ll also receive a roadmap from the stars for cultivating your potential and purpose… and greater compassion for yourself and others.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Psychology of Astrology Bonus Collection
  • Interviews From the Conversations With Destiny Summit
    Video Dialogues With Debra Silverman & Five Renowned Experts
  • Interviews From the Signs Pointing to Your Destiny Summit
    Video Dialogues With Debra Silverman & Five Renowned Experts
  • The Progressed Moon Class (Valued at $97)
    5-Part Video Teaching From Debra Silverman

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Psychology of Astrology Online Training

We feel honored that Debra Silverman has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the creator of Applied Astrology whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about silencing your inner saboteur by empowering the wisdom and gifts of the astrological archetypes of your personality, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

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Psychology of Astrology 2022 – Debra Silverman
Psychology of Astrology 2022 – Debra Silverman

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $67.00.

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