Mindful Homeopathy – Joette Calabrese

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Original price was: $525.00.Current price is: $154.00.



If you are struggling with the burden of mental ailments such as lack of focus or poor memory, this is the course for you.

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Mindful Homeopathy - Joette Calabrese

Anxiety…depression…bipolar…OCD…learning disorders…brain fog…PTSD…addictions…dementia… Homeopathy has a history of uprooting these conditions.

If you feel that your family is being torn apart by mood disorders, this is the course for you.

If you are struggling with the burden of mental ailments such as lack of focus or poor memory, this is the course for you.

This is the course to help you be a better mother… grandmother… a better wife, student, husband…
in short, to be the best version of YOU.

And this is probably the course for you if you are the mother of an unhappy child.

A mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child.

Let me tell you two stories…

Our first story is about a big, happy family. Or at least they used to be happy. Lately, they were stressed out.

Very stressed out.

And the main reason for that stress was their youngest family member, Tara.

Terrible Tara, as her brothers called her.

Tara was a little nine-year-old girl trapped in the terrible grip of anxiety. She suffered from extreme sensitivity to environmental stimulation and it was driving her family nuts. Tara’s mother Lena told me that Tara was so sensitive to clothing, she usually ran around the house in her underwear (or a loose dress if she had to go out). Even in winter. Anything tight or layered brought on fits of shrieking.

Too much noise, unfamiliar or strong smells, disorder around the house – even doors left open would be the catalyst for Tara to have tantrums and
panic attacks. A slight touch and Tara would fly off the handle. Tara’s sensitivity was physical, mental, and emotional. She was so sensitive to words and looks that she was constantly misinterpreting her interactions with others. “He gave me a mean look!” was a common refrain in the house. As a result, Tara’s brothers and sisters tried not to look at her.

Lena and her husband had adopted the habit of letting Tara sleep in their bed, she was impossible if they didn’t, but her nightmares and nighttime anxiety meant that her parents were chronically sleep deprived.

Clearly, this demanding and troublesome little girl was suffering – and so was her whole family. No one could escape the terror of Tara.

Lena was at her wit’s end when she called me. Tired, worn out, irritated and, most of all, her heart was aching for her unhappy child. With a combination of Ignatia, Chamomilla and Stramonium, we were able to make great headway with this case in a matter of a few months Tara can now wear layers, tights, even a scratchy dress if she’s really having fun, such as a holiday gathering or playing dress-up with her sisters. She can handle the house being in disarray and the smell of bone-stock cooking, and wonder-of-wonders, is now sleeping in her OWN bed. Needless to say, her parents and siblings are very happy!

Homeopathy took Tara’s family from a miserable, exhausted group of people who constantly felt as though they were walking on eggshells, to a happy, healthy, well-rested family that could relax and enjoy each other’s company…without the constant shrieking, without the tantrums, without the embarrassment the family would feel over their underwear-clad, seemingly feral child. And no one is happier about it than Tara herself (and maybe her mom!)

Tara’s mom would have been an excellent candidate for this course. Tara’s story is a perfect example of the kinds of cases I see so beautifully and
gently resolved with safe, powerful, homeopathic medicines. Believe me, these tiny pills pack a powerful punch!

Now let me tell you about another family and another mom…

This is a story I wrote about on my blog. It’s quite a long article titled An Astounding Autism Story. I urge you to read it later if you’re curious about all the details.

Cindy’s son Paul had been diagnosed as “severely autistic”.

Paul was withdrawn, non-verbal, and couldn’t maintain eye contact. He wouldn’t eat normal food, only dry, packaged, crispy things.

He was obsessed with spinning things, such as the lids of Cindy’s kitchen pots, and that’s all he’d do, all day, every day. When he wasn’t spinning things, he was likely having a violent tantrum.

When Cindy began consulting with me over Paul’s case, Paul was in special education classes for non-verbal, severely disabled children…

but in a very short amount of time (about eight months) using homeopathy, Cindy had begun to see increased improvement.

Paul’s teachers were blown away. In fact — in a moment that certainly left an impression on me — one teacher actually took the time to text Cindy her amazement.

Paul’s teachers now say that he is no longer autistic.

Now in second grade, he’s been mainstreamed from special education into a regular class; something Cindy never thought possible!

It’s difficult not to use one superlative after the other because Paul’s recovery from the diagnosis of severe autism seems miraculous.

Cindy is quick to point out that you can drive yourself mad trying to eradicate all traces of autism completely. But, what Paul has achieved is no less than amazing — in her words, it is a “tremendous difference.”

There are still a couple of veils between Paul and the world, but the veils are more transparent. “We can see him there now,” she says. He’s popping out of his shell. He’s moved up the spectrum toward Asperger’s and is hitting his developmental marks — a bit late, but he is hitting them.

Paul speaks now. He can do math. He taught himself to ride a bike. He swims now. Paul even developed a sense of humor and can joke with his parents. As Cindy says, “We have Paul with us!” She is confident he will grow up to live on his own, go to college, and have a job.

Before homeopathy? She would have told you there wasn’t a chance for any of that.

Now let me admit, in the case of autism specifically, I have never seen such incredible progress in so short a time as in this particular case.

However, these kinds of results are far from uncommon in other illnesses. Like any illness, chronic or acute, results depend on the circumstances of the case.

I’ll be talking about Autism in this course, but when it comes to Autism, “I can’t promise an easy cure”.

Paul’s case is highly unusual. But while all cases are different, and results will be dependent on a host of factors, I DO believe that homeopathy should be an important tool in the Autism toolbox. The best I can do for you in this course is discuss what I’ve learned in the many cases I’ve observed, the protocols that yield the best results in my experience, and how best to use them.

I have to commend Cindy. She is a very specific type of mother, designed perfectly for working through such a severe issue with the use of homeopathy.

She is attentive, yet not hyper-focused. She never seems to freak out. If it were me, I must admit, I might just freak out. She is different. She is careful and cautious, yet not neurotic or insecure. She is pragmatic; her emotions don’t dictate her responses to life’s many challenges. She is a good model for all of us who are mothers.

This is my secret sauce that keeps me buoyant, energetic, productive and optimistic.

For decades, I’ve been observing homeopathy’s astounding success in uprooting mental and emotional problems.

It’s time to go in-depth and share my favorite protocols with you. I’ll teach you not only the protocols that I use, but we’ll observe sample cases where I show you how I like to lay out and combine those protocols.

All of this will be discussed in a step-by-step fashion that makes homeopathy easy to learn and apply at home.

“Joette has drastically changed the health of my family! Her courses are fantastic, and have made homeopathy accessible and useable to families without requiring them to have years of study before being able to successfully use the protocols. And on top of that, the amount of free information she provides to the public is amazing. I have learned so much from her and have successfully treated many illnesses and injuries without having to resort to powerful drugs with long lists of side effects.”

It’s time to go in-depth and share my favorite protocols with you. I’ll teach you not only the protocols that I use, but we’ll observe sample cases where I show you how to lay out and combine those protocols.

Your Take-away
In over 12 hours of pre-recorded teaching time, I’ll first explain the foundational stuff:

  • How to understand and interpret mental and emotional symptoms according to Practical Homeopathic principles.
  • How to take a case in that involves mental and emotional conditions.
  • How to prioritize the problems that one is addressing when mental or emotional concerns are at the forefront.
  • How to choose from among different remedies for these conditions.
  • How remedies are most effectively administered in both chronic and acute scenarios.
  • How to observe and assess a case and look for improvement over time.
  • I’ll also talk about what to do if you are not having success – how to change course and choose a different remedy or protocol if needed.

Some of this foundational instruction constitutes a refresher for my former students, but rest assured, whether you’re a newbie or an experienced student of mine, this info is assured to benefit everyone. With each new “take” on a subject… the new perspective gained from each different course, you will flesh out your understanding of, and hone your grasp on, these subjects.

Building on this foundational work I’ll further discuss:

  • How diagnosis relates to homeopathy’s approach to mental and emotional ailments, and why diagnosis is a tricky topic when dealing with a mental or emotional condition.
  • Understanding “umbrella” terms for mental and emotional conditions and how to navigate a web of overlapping and inter-related terminology.
  • How too much theorizing can hamper your quest for health: i.e., chasing the wrong “diagnosis”. If your starting assumptions are wrong, your whole paradigm will be wrong.

Foundation built – we’ll take a controlled deep dive.

  • As always, you’ll learn protocols! I’ll teach you protocols I developed over the years, protocols I learned directly from the Drs. Banerji in Kolkata, India, and we’ll go over protocols from the Banerji’s book, as it can be difficult for non-professional homeopaths to understand and use.
  • You’ll learn how to use a Repertory and Materia Medica to choose remedies for conditions when you don’t have a protocol.
  • We’ll take a deep dive into my top remedies for mental and emotional conditions. These are the remedies I use over and over again for multiple conditions, the remedies that I believe are the most effective.
  • Case studies. We’ll study compilations of real cases so you will learn how I deep dive to select the correct protocol. But I don’t stop here not just the protocol but carrying the case through to completion. That means for how long to use a protocol, how to integrate it into other protocols, how to fine-tune and adjust according to observable changes.

People sometimes accuse me of being an angry woman.

Well, you know what? I can’t deny that I sometimes am. I get angry when I see the devastation wrought on families by the pharmaceutical industry; by a medical establishment too quick to push drugs or other suppressive treatments; by a society that brainwashes us into believing that only “experts” are capable of healing.

I believe that knowledge is power. And I want to see that power returned to the capable, caring, conscientious hands of mothers who have gained the confidence to use it. That’s what I’m all about.

This is an indispensable course if you are looking to learn how to become the healer in YOUR home when it comes to conditions such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Autism – I can’t promise easy or drastic results with this condition, but we will discuss what I’ve learned over the years, and successes I have seen in my work.
  • Addictions
  • Developmental delays and learning disorders
  • Alzheimer’s and Dementia
  • Brain fog and memory problems
  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression
  • OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
  • Eating disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Anger, irritability and temper tantrums
  • PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Mood swings and Bipolar Disorder
  • And more! For a full syllabus

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Mindful Homeopathy – Joette Calabrese
Mindful Homeopathy – Joette Calabrese

Original price was: $525.00.Current price is: $154.00.

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