Mending Your Family’s Tapestry 2022 – Natalia O’Sullivan

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Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $67.00.


You’ll dive deep into the obstructive patterns you’ve inherited and clarify the pathway to liberate yourself from them… and uncover the latent gifts that your mother and father lines hold.

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Can’t make it live? After each class, video and audio recordings are available to download and watch anytime.

Call in and connect with your mother and father lines — and learn how to receive any messages and healing they may have for you.

Transform negative familial patterns into a new legacy of love, happiness, and healing now and for future generations.

How are the unhealed issues of your lineage influencing your life?

Modern science contends that our ancestors’ pain and problematic physical, mental, and emotional patterns can live on for generations in our DNA.

Holistic healer and spiritual counselor Natalia O’Sullivan teaches that ancestral wisdom and healing can as well.

In fact, you may be the ancestor who can heal and bless the wounds of past, present, and future generations…

… because you have the inherent ability to reweave the tapestry of your family legacy into something magnificent.

During this empowering course with Natalia, you’ll learn how to receive messages and healing from your mother and father lines to illuminate and transform the ancestral shadows that are impeding your personal evolution and wellbeing.

You’ll dive deep into the obstructive patterns you’ve inherited and clarify the pathway to liberate yourself from them… and uncover the latent gifts that your mother and father lines hold.

You’ll discover powerful rituals, ceremonies, meditations, and intuitive practices for communicating with and honoring your ancestors… and learn how to lay out your family tree and build a family altar to remember your loved ones.

In the process, you’ll turn a trail of sorrows into a legacy of happiness and healing as you become the wise and powerful ancestral healer to future generations.

Natalia teaches that all of our conscious and subconscious patterns form the basis of our ancestral inheritance and legacy — that which we genetically received and were programmed to be, and that which we pass on.

Hidden among your inheritance, you’ll also find the gifts of your bloodline and those that you’ve hidden away… oftentimes, to create a personal sense of belonging or to help others feel that they are enough.

Natalia will show you how to unleash these gifts and relax into a greater sense of ease within yourself and the world by working with the wholeness of your spiritual heritage, while also releasing the unhelpful energies that remain activated within you.

You’ll explore the journey your ancestors took in the spirit world to become guardian spirits and trusted allies…

… and cultivate a positive relationship with the archetypes within your family — creating sacred space for the higher insights and guidance of your deeper, wiser, and more compassionate ancestral guides.

As you begin to identify and dismantle the mental, emotional, and physical ancestral patterns that are impeding how you connect with others, your true life purpose, and your individual gifts and abilities, you’ll be healing generations of the past for generations to come.

Are you ready to feel lighter, brighter, and more capable to not only face life as it comes, but also dominate the day with deepened compassion and confidence?

Join Natalia to embark on this transformative healing journey that blesses the wounds of your ancestors by working with the wholeness of your spiritual lineage — ultimately creating a legacy of happiness and healing as you become a wise ancestor and powerful ancestral healer for your lineage.

As you begin to heal your ancestral lineage, you’ll:

  • Discover the signs of being an ancestral healer for your family
  • Work with your spiritual heritage to discover who your ancestors are and how they can support you on your journey
  • Explore the narrative of your life thus far — and how to claim and reframe your ancestral inheritance
  • Learn how integrating all that you are helps you become a wise ancestor — and a powerful ancestral healer
  • Discover the journey your ancestors took in the spirit world to become guardian spirits and trusted allies to those who are still here on Earth
  • Learn powerful rituals, ceremonies, meditations, and intuitive practices to connect with and honor your ancestors
  • Cultivate a positive relationship with the archetypes within your family — and with the deeper, wiser, and compassionate ancestral guides
  • Explore how epigenetics, biological inheritance, and DNA influence and reveal your inheritance
  • Become empowered to create the legacy that you truly want to leave behind
  • Learn how to lay out your family tree and build a family altar that remembers and honors your loved ones
  • Explore the shadows and gifts of mother and father lines
  • Bring light and healing to the situations in your life and living family dramas
  • Create space and rituals that help the whole family heal

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational intensive, Natalia will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to become a wise ancestral healer — transforming past pain and uncertainty into a legacy of love, happiness, and healing for generations to come.

The Power of Livestreaming Video

You’ll connect with Natalia and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Natalia’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.

(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)

Weekly Sessions Tuesdays

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Natalia. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to become a wise ancestral healer — honoring your family’s past and creating a legacy of love, happiness, and healing for generations to come.

Module 1: Understanding Your Family Legacy & Spiritual Heritage (May 24)

Learning about the lives and legacies of your ancestors can help you make sense of how your family’s behaviors, conditioning, and cultural context affects your wellbeing — which can help you resolve to not repeat the past.

The identity of your family is one of the pivotal aspects of exploring the roots of your family tree. And whether you have direct descendants or not, we are all part of a family community.

During the opening module, you’ll discover how ancestral stories will lead you to your inheritance… including your purpose.

You’ll work with the archetypes within your family and your spiritual heritage to discover who your ancestors are and how they can support you on your journey.

Using ritual, honoring, meditations, and intuitive practices, you’ll learn how to connect and communicate with your ancestors to receive guidance.

You’ll also discover the signs of being an ancestral healer — and consider the legacy that you’d like to carry forward.

As you delve into your family legacy, you’ll:

  • Discover the signs of being an ancestral healer for your family
  • Work with your spiritual heritage to discover who your ancestors are and how they can support you on your journey
  • Explore the nature of your ancestral inheritance — and what you’d like to carry forward for future generations
  • Learn how to connect and communicate with your ancestors through rituals, meditations, and intuitive practices
  • Cultivate a positive relationship with the archetypes within your family — and with your deeper, wiser, and compassionate ancestral guides

Module 2: Discovering Ancestral Stories & Inheritance (May 31)

Your relationship with your ancestors has a powerful impact on your psychological and emotional patterns and behaviors.

A story can begin to emerge as you learn to unravel and compare your own life — your seemingly irrational fears, and psychological, emotional, and physical challenges — and find themes that are rooted in your family history.

Acknowledging this continuum can provide a link with the past that inspires and supports… providing valuable insights into your biological and behavioral inheritance.

In this module, you’ll learn how to discover your ancestral stories… and how they are living on in your life.

As you explore your ancestral stories and inheritance, you’ll:

  • Learn how to discover your ancestral stories
  • Explore how epigenetics, biological inheritance, and DNA influence and reveal your inheritance
  • Acknowledge your ancestral lineage — examine the challenges and receive the gifts therein
  • Analyze the intrinsic and extrinsic conditions and behaviors of your ancestors — and where they intersect with yours
  • Learn how to lay out your family tree

Module 3: Healing Shadows & Unveiling the Gifts of Your Mother Line (June 7)

Your mother line is one of the most powerful influences for ancestral healing, regardless of whether you’re a mother yourself and whether you were blessed with children through birth, marriage, adoption, or fostering.

You’ll explore how your relationship with your maternal lineage can help you repair, embrace, and celebrate your family heritage.

Your relationship with your mother is rarely simple, as the emotional implications of being a good or bad mother are so strong.

Your mother (adopted or biological) was the vessel through which you entered the world, making the story of your conception and birth important aspects of your ancestral inheritance.

She may have been your first role model, or your first relationship with the opposite sex. Her expressions of love, affection, and support inevitably influenced the manner in which you give and receive love.

As you look closely at your mother line and the stories of your mother and grandmother, you’ll gain a greater understanding of how these maternal influences have affected your choices — and learn how to heal that legacy where needed.

As you heal the shadows of your mother line, you’ll:

  • Explore why your mother line is one of the most powerful influences for ancestral healing
  • Learn how your relationship with your maternal lineage can help you repair, embrace, and celebrate your family heritage
  • Address health issues and emotional disorders inherited from your mother line — and learn how to cut and release these ties to heal
  • Analyze your inheritance at conception and birth — the story of your conception and birth, and the context of your parents’ lives
  • Discover how infertility and the decision to not have children can be the result of inherited patterns or trauma, such as the loss of a mother during childhood

Module 4: Healing Shadows & Unveiling the Gifts of Your Father Line (June 14)

Your father line holds powerful archetypal energy. Whether present or absent, fathers loom larger than life, and it can take a long time to see your father as someone other than a hero or villain.

Your father may have tried to shape you into who he felt you were supposed to be or weighed in on determining who you should choose as a partner.

In this module, you’ll explore how healing the relationship with your father line is a powerful and important aspect of ancestral healing…

… and how to heal attachment issues and experiences that you may have gone through as a child, whether you knew your father or not.

As you heal the shadows of your father line, you’ll:

  • Explore how healing the relationship with your father line is a powerful and important aspect of ancestral healing
  • Discover the archetypal energy of your father line — and how it’s influencing your life
  • Discover how the relationship that you had with your father and other male figures during childhood and beyond are still influencing you
  • Consider your father’s relationships — how he related to your mother, as well as his parents
  • Trace your father’s inheritance through his father and grandfathers and other historical influences

Module 5: Illuminating Death & Grief by Remembering & Honoring Deceased Loved Ones (June 21)

The spirit realm can communicate with us when we allow ourselves to cross the bridge between our day-to-day awareness and a higher consciousness.

Once the souls of your ancestors have been released, they’re able to take their place as elders in the spirit world — and if they choose, to become a guardian spirit to guide and protect their living descendants.

In this module, Natalia will help you gain a greater understanding of what happens to loved ones when they transition into the spirit world… and how your ancestors become powerful allies for you as you continue to walk your current path of life.

Additionally, you’ll learn rituals and ceremonies for honoring deceased loved ones, forge relationships in the spirit world… and create happy and safe connections.

As you remember and honor deceased loved ones, you’ll:

  • Learn how to build a family altar to remember and honor your loved ones
  • Discover the journey your ancestors take to become guardian spirits or powerful allies to those who are still here on Earth
  • Explore how to communicate with loved ones in the spirit world — and how they can return in various ways to comfort and reassure us of their continued existence
  • Discover powerful rituals and ceremonies to honor and remember your ancestors

Module 6: Transforming Ancestral Wounds (June 28)

Natalia shares how your intention, coupled with your intuition, can help dismantle and transform ancestral shadows.

Dealing with the wounds from your own experiences is hard enough, but that isn’t always where the wounding ends… or where it begins.

As an empathic and loving human being, you have the power to transform not only the wounds from your lifetime, but also the legacy or pain from your ancestral family.

You’ll explore intention setting as a path to clearing unhelpful patterns and behaviors that can live on and create unexplained physical symptoms…

… and learn how to address these inheritances by unraveling your own story and befriending your pain so that you can hear its story as well.

As you learn how to transform ancestral shadows, you’ll:

  • Discover how to differentiate your pain and individual legacy from that of your family
  • Bring light and healing the situations in your life and living family dramas
  • Create space and rituals that help the whole family heal
  • Learn powerful forgiveness rituals and visualizations
  • Explore the transformative healing power of rituals, meditations, ceremonies, and pilgrimages

Module 7: Becoming a Wise Ancestor by Claiming & Reframing Your Inheritance (July 5)

Your ancestors were able to assimilate transitions into their lives because new events, challenges, and rites of passage from birth to death — from leaving relationships and outmoded values behind, to exploring talents and professional direction, to discovering who you really are — were embraced and honored.

During the concluding week of class, you’ll learn how integrating all that you are helps you to become a wise ancestor… and a powerful ancestral healer.

This feels like peeling away layers of an onion, as the different stages of your life bring completely different influences and experiences.

You’ll explore the narrative of your life thus far. Do you see it as a drama, or perhaps as an adventure? Do you experience one crisis after another? Or has your life been rather insular or isolated?

As you claim and reframe your inheritance, you will in turn recognize a pattern emerging — one that ultimately leads to the understanding of how much your life story has been influenced by family history…

… and in doing so, you’ll become empowered to create the legacy that you truly want to leave behind.

As you claim and reframe your inheritance, you’ll:

  • Explore the narrative of your life thus far — and how to claim and reframe your ancestral inheritance
  • Discover your inherited creativity and talent
  • Learn how integrating all that you are helps you to become a wise ancestor — and a powerful ancestral healer
  • Develop a deeper understanding and acceptance of the value of transition
  • Become empowered to create the legacy that you truly want to leave behind

The Mending Your Family’s Tapestry Bonus Collection

In addition to Natalia’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Ancestral Healing Made Easy: How We Can All Heal Our Ancestral Heritage by Embracing the Positive & Healing the Negative
Video Dialogue With Natalia O’Sullivan and Lisa Bonnice

This dialogue between Natalia and Lisa Bonnice, host of the Ancestral Healing Summit, offers tips on how to glean the gifts of your ancestors for deeper healing and meaning in your life. You’ll also learn rituals and meditation practices for embracing the positive and healing the negative that resides in your lineage. The shadows of the powerful relationship you share with your ancestors can create subtle impacts on your psychological and emotional behaviors. Ancestral healing is a spiritual act that can catalyze a deeper awakening of who you really are.

Healing the Family Home
PDF Excerpt From the Book Ancestral Healing Made Easy by Terry O’Sullivan and Natalia O’Sullivan

This chapter, “Healing the Family Home,” from Natalia’s newly released book Ancestral Healing Made Easy discusses the importance of understanding how your home affects your wellbeing. You’ll also explore how to locate any earthbound or lost ancestral spirits, and how to help sensitive children sleep better. Ultimately, you’ll learn how to harmonize your life with the higher aspects of your spiritual lineage.

Ancestral Forgiveness & Healing
Guided Video Meditation From Natalia O’Sullivan

This guided meditation by Natalia will allow you to connect with your ancestral guide to support you with your daily life and healing journey. The guide could be your deceased parents, grandparents, or someone further back in your lineage. This meditation will allow you to take a journey into discovering who your ancestral guide is, walk through the shadow work of finding forgiveness within the family, and ultimately open the door to healing your own life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Natalia O’Sullivan

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from author and co-founder of Soul Rescuers Natalia O’Sullivan — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and guides you on how to become a wise ancestral healer — transforming past pain and uncertainty into a legacy of love, happiness, and healing for generations to come. Course sessions are on Tuesday

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the digital video will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Mending Your Family’s Tapestry Bonus Collection
  • Ancestral Healing Made Easy: How We Can All Heal Our Ancestral Heritage by Embracing the Positive & Healing the Negative
    Video Dialogue With Natalia O’Sullivan and Lisa Bonnice
  • Healing the Family Home
    PDF Excerpt From the Book Ancestral Healing Made Easy by Terry O’Sullivan and Natalia O’Sullivan
  • Ancestral Forgiveness & Healing
    Guided Video Meditation From Natalia O’Sullivan

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Mending Your Family’s Tapestry Online Training

We feel honored that Natalia O’Sullivan has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the co-founder of Soul Rescuers and co-author of Ancestral Healing Made Easy, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about becoming a wise ancestral healer and transforming the shadows of the past into a legacy of love, happiness, and healing for generations to come, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Mending Your Family’s Tapestry 2022 – Natalia O’Sullivan
Mending Your Family’s Tapestry 2022 – Natalia O’Sullivan

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $67.00.

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