Living as Love With the Guidance of the Enneagram With Robert Holden, Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb

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Living as Love With the Guidance of the Enneagram With Robert Holden, Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb
Living as Love With the Guidance of the Enneagram With Robert Holden, Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $184.00.


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Living as Love With the Guidance of the Enneagram With Robert Holden, Russ Hudson & Jessica DibbLiving as Love With the Guidance of the Enneagram With Robert Holden, Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb

New 5-Month Live Video Training Starts
Thursday, March 12, 2020

What You’ll Discover in These 5 Months
In this 5-month transformational intensive, Robert, Russ, and Jessica will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to BECOME love, moving into an abundant, authentic connection with yourself and our world.

Module 1: Being Love in the 21st Century — Wisdom, Power & Creativity (March 12)

The shift from seeking love to becoming love is an immense transformational process. In this opening session, you’ll get grounded in the foundational principles you’ll need to embody the power of love for positively impacting your life and our world.

Get ready to start making a quantum shift in consciousness, exploring the 3 Stages of Love and finding out how to develop a way of being where you live from love in every moment.

In this module, you’ll:

Envision what embodied, authentic love can do for your life and your contributions to the world
Discern between emotional reactivity, attachment, and love
Hear Robert, Russ, and Jessica’s journeys into becoming love
Explore moving from concretized relationships to dynamic relatedness
Discover the connection between love and creative action
Experience a meditation through the 3 Intelligences and Expressions of Love: Somatic/Body Center, Emotional/Heart Center, and Awareness/Head Center

Module 2: Meeting Your “Basic Fear” With Love (March 19)

Our “Basic Fear” is one of the primary blocks to our full awareness of love’s constant presence. In fact, the Basic Fear is what gives rise to every other fear, including the fear of love.

This week, you’ll identify your own Basic Fear and meet it with loving awareness and acceptance of how it can help you undo every other block to love.

In this module, you’ll:

Understand the origin of the Basic Fear
Identify the Basic Fear of each Ennea-type
Recognize the effects of the Basic Fear
Learn an experiential practice to meet the Basic Fear with love
Practice moving from Conditional Love to Unconditional Love

Module 3: Object Relations, the Enneagram & Love (March 26)

As you develop your awareness of your psyche, you see that it’s constantly running particular patterns. Both modern psychotherapy and the spiritual traditions behind the Enneagram recognize this, and work with these patterns. In some cases, there are beautiful correlations between the findings of both disciplines.

One such correlation comes from psychotherapy: the study of object relations. Our object-relations patterns form very early in our development, and our ego self is largely composed of these patterns.

As you’ll see, they form a significant root to how you address your needs, and offer enormous insight into your central relationship issues and possibilities. Like much else we encounter on the inner journey, we cannot get rid of these patterns. But with grounded, compassionate awareness of them, you can transform yours into direct paths to experience love.

In this module, you’ll:

Recognize three basic groups of object-relation patterns
Understand how and why these patterns form and what they seek to accomplish in our psyches
Find out how to recognize our fundamental object relations as they arise in our relationships
Discover how object relations play out in particular Enneagram types
Engage in an illuminating exercise to transform these patterns into ingredients of authentic love

Module 4: A Soul-Centered Approach to Self-Love (April 2)

All love must include self-love or else it is not love.
— Robert Holden

Your capacity to love others, and to love the world, is mirrored by your ability to love yourself. Why? Because it’s all the same love!

Here we’ll examine nine ways of self-love. We’ll look through the lens of the Enneagram at what self-love really means. We’ll explore why self-love can be so difficult and how we resist loving ourselves more. We’ll discuss how to stop objectifying ourselves in different ways. And we’ll each open more fully to being loved and being love in every moment.

In this module, you’ll:

Experience the miracle of self-acceptance
Look into the mirror of non-judgment
Sit upon each of the nine meditation seats (the nine points) on the Enneagram
Explore nine powerful spiritual practices to cultivate a more loving relationship with yourself and others
Feel a fresh willingness to let life love you more
Build courage to show up more authentically
Experience a potent practice for seeing your secret beauty

Module 5: Trauma & the Loss of Presence & Connection, Part 1 (April 9)

This week, you’ll explore the ubiquity of trauma and learn to reduce its stigma. We’ll look at some of the symptoms of various forms of trauma — seeing how they alienate us from groundedness in our bodies and hearts — and explore how each of the Enneagram types adopt strategies for coping with trauma.

As we examine types Eight through Two, you’ll understand how the Basic Fear of each type is exacerbated by trauma… you’ll find out how trauma leads each type to move toward its stress point… and you’ll explore ways to bring love and relief to triggers.

In this module, you’ll:

Identify the many common symptoms of trauma
Explore the relationship between trauma patterns and our capacity for relatedness
Learn how the type patterns are an attempt to manage our trauma
Look at how each type oscillates with its stress point as a trauma response
Practice methods for recognizing trauma triggers and bringing loving attention to them

Module 6: Trauma & the Enneagram, Part 2 (April 16) (Pre-Recorded with Live Q&A)

In this module, we’ll continue our exploration of trauma in the Enneagram types, looking at the remaining types, Three through Seven.

You’ll also explore experiential work for identifying and working with trauma patterns, and:

Practice ways of holding trauma and building counterbalancing resources
Explore triggers for traumatic responses in your relationships
Perform breath and somatic exercises that support your healing and growth
Discover resources for ongoing work with trauma

Module 7: Recognition, Repair & Resilience — An Experiential Journey From Wounds to Wholeness (April 23)

At this point in the course, you’ll be supported by your explorations and experiences of real love, and you’ll have a more profound and precise understanding of how trauma obstructs our capacity to give, receive, and be love.

Now you’ll have the opportunity to be guided with compassion and love itself to unwind your adaptive defense strategies around trauma, and to hold trauma in the field of love, healing, and transformation.

This will be a deeply moving and impactful, experiential session in which you’ll:

Contact power and love
Direct your attention and tenderness to places of psychological and somatic trauma
Create breathing space and attunement for your trauma so it can reveal both its pain AND its resiliency
Bring the strengths of your Enneagram type to meet the pain and fear of trauma
Invite the “felt sense” of resiliency that your body/heart/mind has developed and that the gifts of your Enneagram type can support
Be guided through a healing journey to work with internalized and patterned trauma using breath, movement, inner inquiry, poetry, meditation, and journaling

Module 8: Forgiveness as a Spiritual Path (May 7)

Love is natural and easy… until the first wound. And unfortunately, the first wound happens early. The need to forgive the unforgivable arises before we even know how to forgive.

Yet without forgiveness, we cannot love. Forgiveness is a quality of love that enables you to choose love when you’re afraid, wounded, in pain, or facing a dark night of the soul. It’s how you can raise yourself up when you stumble and fall. It’s how you can set yourself free from any hate or revenge.

In this class, we’ll explore how forgiveness relates specifically to each of the nine Ennea-points and Ennea-types.

You’ll discover:

The great need for self-forgiveness
How forgiveness can undo the Basic Fear
How forgiveness can heal the passions
How forgiveness can release us from our fixations
The relationship between forgiveness and the virtues
An impactful meditation for releasing all nine fixations and opening to the healing power of forgiveness in each Enneagram type

Module 9: Anatomy of Relationship Roles (May 14)

This week, we’ll explore the anatomy of childhood and social roles, and how they play out in adulthood — in our friendships, romances, and work and leadership roles.

Initially, our childhood roles are designed to help us adapt, fit in, be accepted, and love and be loved. But if you hold on too tight to your roles, they can become blocks to love and work against you in your actions and relationships.

This module will guide you to:

Identify when a role is helpful and when it’s not
See how roles are a compensation for the Basic Fear
Recognize how roles block the inherent qualities of your Ennea-type
Discern how roles are self-appointed and can be undone
Take an experiential journey through the roles you’ve played (and may be unconsciously attached to)… and see what life is like beyond the role
Discover ways how to help others relax out of their roles and show up as their authentic selves

Module 10: Unveiling the Dynamism of Real Love, Part 1 (May 21)

With a group of 50 people who committed to a decade of inner-work together, Russ and Jessica identified seven misinterpretations of love, 7 Veils of Love. These are pseudo-versions of love that obscure the true experience and embodiment of love.

In this module, you’ll:

Understand the first 3 Veils of Love
Do experiential work to dissolve the illusory nature of the veils
Experience love when it’s freed from the veils
Explore love as a unified field. .. dissolving possessiveness and separateness
Examine love as power. .. dissolving control, rejection, hatred, and annihilation
Dive into love as intimacy, depth, and contact. .. dissolving confusion and withholding
Discover practices to see how the veils operate in your life
See what the veils open you to when you release them

Module 11: Unveiling the Dynamism of Real Love, Part 2 (May 28)

This week we’ll continue our journey through the veils that keep us from directly seeing love in ourselves and exchanging it with others.

You’ll experience love as holding and responsive… dissolving false merging and isolation.

As you’ll discover, when you examine love as relatedness, your (unconscious) resistance can melt away.

Deepen into experiential work to dissolve the illusory nature of the veils
Explore love as emptiness and generativity. … dissolving attachment and identity
Discover love as the Holy Now. .. dissolving the veils of the past, the future, and shame
Take an experiential journey to see how the veils operate in your life
Discover what it feels like when you open a direct experience of essential love

Module 12: From the Core Wound to the Gifts of Each Type (June 4)

There is only One, it is true. And while this One is infinite and capable of infinite manifestations — they’re all reflections of One, of Love.

Similarly, the nine clusters of the Enneagram form a beautiful map of varied-but-connected expressions. These Essence qualities manifest as particular gifts in each of us… and they support love in every aspect of our individual lives and our collective life.

In this sensitive, deep, and provocative module, you will:

Review a compassionate and objective model for understanding the formation of type
Meet the pain and terror of your type’s core wound
Learn to relax the core fixation of your type
Honor the gifts of each type
See how the gifts flow from the embodiment of Essence
Find out how to work with all nine gifts to create more richness in your primary gift
Take an experiential journey from the core wound to the core Essence and gift of each Enneagram point

Module 13: Cultivating Authentic Love in Your Relationships — The 9 Facets of True Love (June 11)

Everyone has an inherent and effortless gift of authentic love that’s present even in pathological states. Using the Enneagram, you’ll become aware of these nine gifts and how each of us can cultivate the gifts we need to create authentic love.

As you’ll see, understanding the nine gifts deepens your maturity to recognize and choose real love, which profoundly impacts every aspect of your relationships. That is, in the presence of real love, you can transform your neural wiring around sexuality, self-preservation, and connection.

In this module, you’ll explore:

Each Ennea-type’s gift of love — with examples from movies, personal accounts, and poetry
An experiential journey through each of the nine gifts — using breath, guided imagery, movement, music, and meditation
A guided practice for you to apply the nine gifts of authentic love to a relationship with a beloved (such as a partner, friend, child, or God)
NOTE: this session will be 90 minutes long, followed by Q&A.

Module 14: Love, Sensuality, Sexuality & Soul — A Doorway to Wholeness (June 18)

Whether you’re celibate, single, or partnered…

… the vulnerability, intensity, sensation, intimacy, and transcendence you can experience by being fully present to yourself and/or another in the sensuality of your body — from love, with love, and as love — is priceless.

The life force of sexuality is one of the most — if not the most — powerful aspects of human life, where you can experience profound and almost unimaginable coherence and oneness.

Yet the somatic, emotional, and cognitive defenses of your Enneagram type can severely limit your contact with this miraculous feature of being human… just as the gift of your Enneagram type can open you to the possibilities of embodied integration.

In this module, you’ll explore:

How something so primal, so pivotal, and so precious to our human experience relates to being love
The beauty of each type’s orientation to sensuality and sexuality
The obstacles each type faces to a truly whole sexuality
What each type looks for, and what they tend to overlook in sexuality
How to communicate sexual desires and fears to a partner of another type and instinct
A personal guided journey towards a whole and fully-lived sensuality (that is, the integration of all nine gifts and all three instincts)

Module 15: Love, Purpose & Vocation (July 2)

This week, you’ll let love give rise to your purpose. We all feel most authentic and joyful when our vocation aligns with our purpose in life.

To help you live a life of love in which your vocation reflects your highest reasons for being, you’ll explore:

Purpose and meaning in each of the nine Enneagram points
The characteristic blockages that bar each type from connecting with their purpose
What can help each type open to the call of their true purpose
Pathways for cultivating all nine aspects of purpose in each one of us
Love as a creative impulse for your purpose
A guided meditation in nine powerful spiritual practices for helping you live your purpose

Module 16: Total Contact With the Divine — The 9 Expressions of God (July 9)

Every living creature has a unique and organic connection with the source of life. Whether we call that source Biochemistry, Life Force, Evolution, God, Goddess, Truth, Essence, the Universe, or the Divine, the exploration of it is sacred and necessary to the experience of being fully alive.

“God is love,” taught Rumi. “God is love,” said Jesus. “God is love,” affirmed Ramana Maharshi. “God is love,” sang Marvin Gaye.

In this class, you’ll encounter the mystical dimensions. Immersed in Robert and Jessica’s loving respect for your personal belief system, you’ll explore Love as the Mind of God, Love as the Heart of God, and Love as the Divine Energy that makes galaxies spin, bees pollinate, and us humans serve our planet.

Each type is motivated to contact one aspect of Essence. Thus, your type is a preference for one aspect of Source, and an avoidance of others. And by learning to relax out of your type’s view, you can experience all nine domains of Source… infusing your being with the depth, truth, mystery, and oneness we all long for.

In this module, you’ll take a journey to the sacred within you and explore:

How and why each type prefers one aspect of God, and usually misses the others
The nine dimensions of the Divine Essence and the Holy Idea of each type
Spiritual practices that will open you to each of the nine expressions of God
Your true identity

Module 17: Love, the New Leadership Model (July 16)

Imagine a new generation of politicians, industry leaders, and directors of NGOs and service organizations who demonstrate love-based values — like service and compassion — and who are elected or chosen for their vision, courage, and strength of character.

Imagine economists who offer us love-based policies that eradicate poverty and hunger… medical doctors who teach their patients how to love and be loved… biologists who show us that the survival of our species depends on cooperation, not competition… architects and lawyers who help us build a society on love…

In this module, you’ll explore:

Leadership as a way of being — not just a title
The leadership challenge for each Ennea-type
Love as the highest form of activism
How each Ennea-type can serve the world
Love, relatedness, and leadership
A practice to develop each of the nine types of leadership

Module 18: Evolutionary Love in the 21st Century — Actualizing Your Personal Contribution to the Collective (July 23)

Actualizing love in action, service, activism, the arts — in all human endeavors, with all of life, in every situation, in every moment — is the quantum shift we need.

Having realizations of Real Love is wonderful, but how can we open to the magnitude of love as guidance for humanity to evolve from protecting our small selves to being a loving presence in the world?

As you’ll see, it’s an enormous shift when you live as love, and it profoundly changes the quality of what you contribute, expanding your impact.

In this module, you’ll:

Understand how relatedness is the basis for emergent creativity and loving ALL
Explore the implications of loving everything
See what creative evolutionary love does in the midst of pain, division, and chaos
Explore the relationship between love and home
Experience the gift of each type to our collective functioning and social evolution
Discover how when sensation and love meet, it cultivates the soul as a tuning fork for living
Tune into what it means for the environment when we love all
Explore the Law of Three and Social Activism
Practice evolutionary love

Module 19: Giving, Receiving & Being Love as a Way of Life (July 30)

Throughout this course, you’ll have tapped into your willingness, strength, perseverance, receptivity, and curiosity to take a radical and challenging journey… moving from the fear-based ego’s version of love, to being love in every moment of your life.

Living with the implications of being love is a journey of never-ending and profound change. In this culminating module, Robert, Jessica, and Russ will open a circle of sharing and inquiry with our whole class community.

Together, we’ll open to love’s wisdom that’s moving through each of our lives. We’ll listen to one another and ask the questions that have arisen as our perceptions of what love is and what is possible in our lives and for the world have evolved.

You’re invited to bring to the circle:

Themes and challenges of integrating love that you’ve discovered
Personal stories of change and challenges
Tales of relational transformation
Questions about continuing to work through your type’s resistance to love
Celebration of vocations and services that have come into being
We’ll conclude with a culminating meditation to receive love even more deeply in this moment and throughout our lives…

Read more: Salepage

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