Judy Satori – Weight Loss for Body and Mind

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Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $17.00.


Judy Satori – Weight Loss for Body and Mind
Judy Satori – Weight Loss for Body and Mind

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $17.00.


Judy Satori – Weight Loss for Body and Mind

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Judy Satori – Weight Loss for Body and Mind Course at NLPlib. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

Weight Loss for the Mind is a complete program of energy and consciousness change recorded on 24 audio tracks. This program supports weight loss when the cause of over eating is emotional. It clears soul sadness.

It is important during your initial seven weeks of listening that you listen to each track in sequence and as instructed. These are powerful energy codings and should not be used indiscriminately.

This program…

  • Realigns the body’s energy fields; more energy, less fatigue
  • Clears patterns of self sabotage related to weight loss and eating habits
  • Releases sadness and helps you flow with life
  • Re-connects to soul purpose and direction
  • Balances endocrine system and resets the body’s appestat
  • Releases physical and emotional heaviness that weighs you down

Judy’s Comments

“I am thrilled to finally release Weight Loss for the Mind.

The Weight Loss for the Mind program is one of the most complex and time consuming projects I have worked on. Many of the audio tracks were recorded live at the New Life Expo in New York City.

After the first audio’s were recorded from this event participants were able to use and experiment with the energy tracks.

I received great feedback, but I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted an audio program that would be both life changing and quick and easy to use. I wanted a program that would not just help people lose physical weight and improve their appearance, but would go much deeper and deal with the underlying thoughts and beliefs that motivate a person to overeat or feel sad and disconnected from life.

The energy patterns dealt with in this program are residual karmic miasmic energy distortions and blocks caused by past life trauma. The beliefs that we create about ourselves and about life itself over the course of many lifetimes are held like a kind of energy static on all levels of our body’s energy anatomy. It is like a series of wrong notes that distorts the harmonious flow of energy. This energy disruption causes us to think and act in ways that sabotage us in the living of our lives and limit us from creating life the way we wish it to be.

After recording the first energy tracks I was guided by Spirit to create a seven week program of change: three weeks to set new energy foundations for the body’s energy fields; three weeks to clear karmic distortion, blocks around the heart, lungs and hara line and a final week to consolidate the work, balance the body’s endocrine glands and reset the body’s appestat the appetite control mechanism.”

How Weight Loss for Body and Mind Works

The effects of the energy clearing and recalibration on the cells and energy anatomy of the body gradually increases over the seven weeks of listening and can be increased by continuing to listen to the audio tracks at the conclusion of the program.

To make the program quick and easy to use each day’s activations take only a few minutes.

Each week includes an Introduction track, an Energy Activation track and Further Suggestions for enhancing results.

Each consecutive week builds on the work that has gone before. For real healing and long term change a firm energetic foundation must be created. This is achieved in the first 21 days. You may have heard that habits take 21 days to change and it is the same with the energy residue of old thought patterns and outmoded beliefs.

The second 21 days of the program works intensively to clear sabotaging or limiting thoughts … karmic patterns. Week five, ‘Taking in the Breath of Life and Clearing the Heart Chakra’, will help you shed sadness and feelings of apathy and depression that may be making life much more challenging than it needs to be. After this clearing the work realigns you with your soul purpose so that you can set a new direction and move forward positively and with renewed purpose in your life.

The final seventh week is a physical tweaking relating to your urge to eat, overeating problems, and hormonal balance. By the end of the seven weeks you should see excellent results, but if you feel the energy needs to go deeper, you can repeat all or part of the program. After completing the program you can also use any of the tracks out of sequence to receive the added effects of their unique benefits.

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Judy Satori - Weight Loss for Body and Mind

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