Jamle Smart – Salad – If The Secret’s So Great – Where’s My Ferrari

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Original price was: $325.40.Current price is: $62.00.


Jamle Smart – Salad – If The Secret’s So Great – Where’s My Ferrari
Jamle Smart – Salad – If The Secret’s So Great – Where’s My Ferrari

Original price was: $325.40.Current price is: $62.00.


Jamle Smart - Salad - If The Secret's So Great - Where's My FerrariJamle Smart – Salad – If The Secret’s So Great – Where’s My Ferrari

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Jamle Smart – Salad – If The Secret’s So Great – Where’s My Ferrari Course at NLPlib. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

Sets contain:

5 – DVDs ripped to .AVI

25 – MP3s of “Live the Life You Desire”

1 – PDF of the “Live the Life You Desire” manual with bookmarks added

11 – MP3s of “Stop Worrying & Start Growing Your Business”

1 – PDF of the “Stop Worrying & Start Growing Your Business” manual with bookmarks added

1 – MP3 of “Your life recession-proof, election-proof & VOLCANO-proof”

1 – Powerpoint of “Your life recession-proof, election-proof & VOLCANO-proof”

1 – MP3 of “Eliminate Toxic Goals & Awaken Your Authentic Desires”

1 – MP3 of “Instant Happiness”

The thing that most shocks me about today’s society is the sheer volume of people who are spending 40+ hours a week either:

a) doing a job they HATE!

b) doing a job that’s OK, but that doesn’t fulfill them, or…

c) doing work they love, but spending every hour of the day trying to make it pay (while secretly worrying that any day now, they’re going to have to go & get a job)

And it’s crazy when you stop and think about it…

I mean, why would ANYONE spend the majority of their day doing something they detest so much, or at the very least – doesn’t make them truly happy?

For most people there’s a straightforward answer – they need to make enough money to pay the bills.

In fact…

My research shows that 93% of people would leave their jobs IMMEDIATELY if they had the choice, and money wasn’t an issue. It also demonstrates that 78% of employees have a bigger dream than what they’re currently doing.

So – WHY don’t they just quit their jobs and do it?

It’s simple.

Most people just don’t have enough CERTAINTY that they’ll be able to make enough money doing what they love.

That’s the only logical reason.

Because think about it…

If you had absolute rock-solid certainty that you could make what you currently make – and maybe even more – doing something that EXCITES you and INSPIRES you to jump out of bed every morning… it would be a complete no-brainer to quit what you’re doing right now and start immediately, wouldn’t it?


Here’s How You Can Start A New And Exciting Career, Doing What You Love, AND Get Paid Handsomely For Doing It!

Firstly, let me introduce myself.

If you don’t already know me, my name is Jamie Smart (and if you do already know me you may want to skip straight down to the next paragraph. J)

Over the last 7 years I’ve created a thriving business doing what I love – teaching NLP and helping people live the life they really want.

I’ve worked with thousands of different clients, and the success of my business has given me the freedom to travel the world – something which years ago I could only dream of.

And best of all…

I get well-paid for doing something I absolutely LOVE!

My private clients pay me £20,000 a year each for coaching, and in the last three years I’ve made seven-figures just from selling my products online.

By the way…

I’m not telling you this to show off. I’m telling you because I want you to see that making a great living doing what you love isn’t just some “pipedream”.

I also want you to know that I am not remarkable (or at least no more remarkable than you).

I had all the same fears, blocks & limiting beliefs stopping me from doing what I loved – I just found ways to break through them.

Now I’m going to share them with you so you can do the same

It’s absolutely achievable.

Providing you have absolute clarity on what your priorities are in your life (which many people don’t) and a proven system for turning that “thing” (whatever it is) into a healthy income.

So WHY can’t more people make a great living doing what they love?

Well, there are 9 BIG REASONS:

TOXIC GOALS: The reason most people don’t have the life they want is because they have what I call TOXIC goals – and they believe they’ll be happy when… (they get the car, the house, the job, they want).

LACK OF SELF-BELIEF: I used to see other people running their own successful businesses, but never believed I could do it myself, and this is very common.

DEBT/MONEY ISSUES: When dealing with financial uncertainty, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to operate at your fullest potential.

TIME: Many people are “stuck” working long hours in a full-time job, and just don’t have the time to start a new business.

FEAR OF FAILURE: This usually translates into “what will people think of me if I fail?”

LACK OF INSPIRING GOALS: Many people aim for what they think is realistic rather than what they really want. Meaning they end up playing small and therefore getting small-time results!

PEER GROUP: The people you spend time with are who you become, right? Often this is a major factor in holding you back.

LACK OF BUSINESS KNOW-HOW: The small amount of people who step out and actually do start a business doing what they love often lack the skills and business acumen to make the thing work financially.

And finally…

NOT KNOWING WHAT THEY WANT: A very common problem people tell me about is “I’d do it… if I only knew what “IT” was!” But I can tell you that everyone has a unique talent, gift, or ability, and it’s just a case of asking yourself the right questions to uncover it.

The good news is…

Every Single One Of These Is COMPLETELY SOLVABLE!

I took a select group of people through the process of identifying what their unique ability is, turning it into a business, and creating an action plan to make it pay! And I got it all on DVD!

Over the five of DVD’s we’ll be looking at both your “inner” strategy, and your “outer” strategy.

Let me explain what I mean…


In order to be successful at anything, you need to master the way you think… in other words, your psychology. So at this workshop we’ll be looking at some of the CORE PRINCIPLES of psychology, meaning you can take true ownership of your thoughts and feelings, and therefore your results.

Here’s why this is so important…

Because these CORE PRINCIPLES of human psychology have no exceptions.

They’re true no matter who you are, where you live, or what you do. How this is different to what is taught at other “personal development” events is that they often give you GOOD IDEAS. But the problem with good ideas is that they’re full of exceptions, and don’t apply to all people, all the time.

So by understanding these core psychological principles, and getting crystal clear on what you want your life to be about… you can then begin to work on your…


It’s one thing to have mastered your “inner game” but then quite another to be able to take the correct actions to making your business – and your life in general – work the way you want.

If you stop and think about it, it makes perfect sense that in order to get a certain level of result (in this case a great living doing what you love) that you’ll need to take some actions to achieve that result.

I’ll be giving you the specific strategies I’ve used to attract THOUSANDS of clients in to my business over the last 7 years, so you can get out there and start getting paid for doing what you love in a matter of DAYS.

On the topic of “outer strategy” I’ll also be telling you about the most common traps people fall into and some of the biggest mistakes I’ve personally made in the last 7 years (hopefully this will save you a lot of time, and a hell of a lot of money!)

And I’ll also be giving you the KEY ELEMENTS of how to make a great living doing what you love, including:

* How to get off the “hidden hamster wheel”, dissolve your toxic goals and create authentic desires – making it easier to get whatever you want!

* Authentic Direction: How to uncover your unique ability and breathe life into it so you’ll never suffer with procrastination again!

* The Creative Process: finding the best way to deliver your unique ability to potential clients and applying “positive pressure” to your actions.

* How to become more visible, create massive value, and attract FLOODS of clients towards you. I’ll be giving you the EXACT system I used to build a six-figure business in less than 12 months!

* Unblocking any challenges you may have around money and wealth – you need to do this BEFORE you start making a great living, because normally more money just amplifies a money problem!

* How to truly MASTER your craft so you can reach the top of your game and enjoy the biggest rewards.

* How to find people who love to do things you dislike, and create a mastermind group of peers and mentors to support you on your journey

* Inspired living: How to stop being controlled by external events and live from your own “inner guidance” instead of relying on “experts” and “gurus”. The master key is to access your own source of wisdom that’s already within you.


* CMV – The secret of making your clients become RAVING FANS and want to do business with you over and over again

* How to become SIX TIMES more productive!

* “Building the aircraft while it’s in flight”

* Breaking free of the idea that you need to sort out the past – this event will be almost 100% focused on the future!

* Creating your unique identity to help you attract people to you effortlessly

* Why most “purpose-workers” are more than happy to be well-paid for doing something they hate, but seem reluctant to be rewarded for doing something they love

* …And tons more ways to help you make a great living doing what you love!

WOW! That’s a lot to cover, right?

Rest assured that by the time you’ve watched these DVD’s you’ll have absolute clarity on what it is you want to do with your life and more importantly a clearly defined plan of action for starting it in the next 30 days.

And by the way…

I’m NOT going to be doing what most “gurus” do at these seminars, and just teaching you what I did to start making a great living doing what I love.

Because everyone’s different.

What worked for me may not work for you.

So the key thing you need to understand here is that whilst I will be giving you the tried and tested strategies I’ve used, I’ll also be showing you HOW TO IDENTIFY THEY UNIQUE APPROACHES THAT WILL SUIT YOU!

FREE Bonus 1 – “How to eliminate toxic goals & awaken your authentic desires” MP3 Audio Class (Worth £97)
I’m going to go “in-depth” as you discover…

* Why most coaches & NLPers accidentally set TOXIC goals that actually make it harder to create the life you desire (I’m embarassed to say I used to do this!)

* The 4 most common toxic goals, how to detect if your goals are toxic, & what you can do immediately to make them fun, inspiring & compelling

* How to get on the fast-track to success in any area of your life by following your authentic desires (it’s like having a sat-nav system for your most inspired life that really works)

* The simple changes you can make immediately to start getting results more easily than you ever thought possible

FREE Bonus 2 – “How to make your life recession-proof, election-proof & even VOLCANO-proof” MP3 Audio Class (worth £97)
I’m going to go take you down the rabbit hole as you discover…

* The covert conditioning that makes most people get anxious & frightened if their financial security is at risk, resulting in poor decisions & panic responses

* The hidden trap that stops people experiencing REAL security & peace of mind (I’ve met multi-millionaires who STILL aren’t experiencing a feeling of security, because they’re caught in this trap)

* How you can have a deep sense of inner security, regardless of your external circumstances

* Feelings of insecurity create neediness, which is like kryptonite when it comes to attracting clients. You’re going to learn how to eliminate insecurity forever.

* The unrecognized aspect of the immune system that we all have, but that most of us aren’t even aware of (just knowing about this can transform your experience of life)

* The simple 3-step process for awakening the source of security & peace of mind that’s already within you, so you can literally become election-proof, recession-proof & even volcano-proof!

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Jamle Smart – Salad – If The Secret’s So Great – Where’s My Ferrari Course at NLPlib. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

FREE Bonus 3 – The Manifestation Bundle with MP3 (worth £188.77)

* “Live The Life You Desire” MP3 instant download

And, for a limited time only, you’ll get 4 amazing additional bonuses worth over £120

* Extra Bonus 1 – The full unabridged 4 hour audio of “How To Stop Worrying & Start Growing Your Business” Workshop – MP3 instant download – worth £67

* Extra Bonus 2 – The ‘Live The Life You Desire’ companion ebook – worth £9.95

* Extra Bonus 3 – The ‘How to Stop Worrying & Start Growing Your Business’ companion ebook – worth £9.95

* Extra Bonus 4 – Salad’s Instant Happiness Audio MP3 instant download – worth £14.97

And who is this DVD set for?

I’ll start (as usual) by saying who it isn’t for. It isn’t for people who just want the theory but don’t want to get their hands dirty. Only purchase this product if you are willing to change.

A lot of the people who have made a decision to do this are people at a transition point in their lives. Others include people who have a sense that they need to do something different, but don’t know what it is.

If you are a “seminar junkie” (or have a friend who is), this may be the last product you ever need. I’m serious! One of the things I do on Ferrari is explain the illusion that drives seminar junkies, and free them from that trap. I promise that you’ll never need to go on another seminar again (though if you want to, that’s fine).

I know you might think I’m cutting my own throat by doing this, but all is well! People who work in the area of change or are studying it will obviously benefit, including NLP Practitioners, therapists, coaches, trainers, doctors, consultants and the like.

And Your Trainer Is?

…Jamie Smart, one of the UK ‘s most acclaimed and respected trainers as well as the CEO and Founder of Salad. Jamie has a passion for language, learning and teaching. This is evident in Salad’s NLP Practitioner and training courses as well as in Salad’s array of world renowned NLP and Hypnosis products, including Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards, NLP Coaching Cards and Irresistible Influence Cards.

Jamie has been taught by some of the best NLP trainers in the world including the founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, as well as highly skilled and innovative trainers such as Robert Dilts, Chris Hall, and Joseph Riggio.

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