Hypnotica – Mythos Of Masculinity – The Magician Archetype – Days 15-22

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Original price was: $490.00.Current price is: $88.00.


Hypnotica – Mythos Of Masculinity – The Magician Archetype – Days 15-22
Hypnotica – Mythos Of Masculinity – The Magician Archetype – Days 15-22

Original price was: $490.00.Current price is: $88.00.


Hypnotica – Mythos Of Masculinity – The Magician Archetype – Days 15-22

Hypnotica - Mythos Of Masculinity - The Magician Archetype - Days 15-22

Have Your Unconscious Mind Hacked & Redesigned In Just 15 Minutes Every Day By “The Inner Game Guru” Himself… 

I Want To Hack & Redesign Your
Unconscious Mind FOR YOU!

That’s right.

’ve taught men how to unlock the hidden masculine energy within themselves for the last 25 years.

I’ve read all the books…

Did all the research…

Tested and experimented with every method, theory, and practice drawn from psychology, neurology, confidence, self-esteem, neuro-linguistic programming and beyond…

And to this day, I’m STILL doing more research and testing new methods…

And every day I’m finding and creating new and proven techniques that are almost guaranteed to work.

In other words…

I’m doing all the hard work for you.

So I know what works and what doesn’t.

And now, I’m taking the most effective, most powerful processes, power-ups, trances, brain exercises and more…

Each of them almost guaranteed to directly enhance your masculine presence…

…and spoon-feeding them to you on a DAILY basis.

All I need from you is just 15 minutes a day to let me work my magic.

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While you sit back and witness your transformation with your own eyes!

To put it simply…

I’m Going To Personally Transform Your Unconscious Mind
FOR YOU In Just 15 Minutes A Day.

With very little effort, your confidence will gain quantum leaps and bounds…

Enhancing every ounce of your masculine being.

Because right now there’s an existential crisis in both boys and men.

The missing element that’s both essential for a boy’s growth while defining a man’s purpose…

There’s No Rites Of Passage For The Modern Day Man.

Think about it…

In ancient times:

  • The Spartans threw 7-year-old boys into the wilderness to start training as warriors…
  • The African tribes sent young boys to hunt lions…
  • And Brazilian amazon tribes had young men put their hands in mittens filled with killer bullet ants to endure numbing pain for up to 10 minutes.

These rituals transitioned young boys into manhood.

Turning them into real-life heroes of their villages, communities, and societies.

And allowing men to walk tall with pride as they imprint their mark on the world around them.

Because with a rites of passage comes a sense of purpose.

What comes of the modern day man?

Today, our culture is missing our rights of passage.


That Missing Transition Into Manhood Negatively Impacts Men On A Deep, UNCONSCIOUS Level.

Every day, thousands of young boys grow into weaker men.

They struggle with uncertainty, self-doubt, and passivity…

And they suffer alone, day-in and day-out, living lives of quiet desperation.

Because he never knows when the right time is to become a man.

Because of this confusion, millions of young boys struggle in life as adults with uncertainty, self-doubt, and passivity…

They suffer alone, day-in and day-out, living lives of quiet desperation.

Because inside, they never made the transition in their minds that they’re a man.

And the biggest indicator of this…

… is his severe lack of confidence.

And this is EXACTLY what this feminized agenda in our society wants for men.


Soft, Docile Men Are Easier To Control By The Government, Media, Corporations, & Even Women.

They want men today to be powerless.

And they’ve brainwashed the masses to punish you for being as masculine as you want to be.

And you can see this through how they treat powerful men like Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump,

So that you don’t make the money you want..

Or attract the women you want…

Or live the lifestyle you want.

And the biggest indicator of a lost man…

… is his severe lack of confidence.

If you’re a man in today’s modern society, your masculinity is being attacked from all angles.

From the shows you watch on TV…

…to the music you listen to on the radio…

From the movies playing in theaters…

…to the content you consume on social media every single day…

Even CARTOONS mock and jeer at the essential idea of what it means to be a man.

These days it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE for men to find reliable confidence boosters living an anti-male society.

To avoid the constant messaging of “toxic masculinity,” most guys either:

  • Binge-watch hours of motivational videos on Youtube…
  • Waste time reading countless motivational memes on social media
  • ​Read hundreds of self-help books…
  • ​Or spend THOUSANDS of dollars on men’s coaching or therapy…

These things will help your conscious mind…

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But what about your UNCONSCIOUS mind?

Imagine amplifying your attractiveness towards the opposite sex…

And supercharging your self-esteem…

While your confidence compounds every single day…

…without thinking twice about it?

Because here’s the truth…

If you’re having NO success with women…

If you’re financially not where you want to be…

If you’re not achieving your most desired goals in life…

And If you’re dealing with loneliness, anxiety or depression on a daily basis…
Being “lazy” has nothing to do with it.

No matter how many self-development books you read…

How many journals you write in…

Or how many affirmations you memorize…

It’s Your UNCONSCIOUS Mind That Controls Your BEHAVIOR.

And unless you’re strengthening your brain on an unconscious level every single day…

You’ll fall back into old thought-patterns of low confidence and self-esteem…

You’ll go back to negative habits like procrastination, negative self-talk, and self doubt…

And you’ll NEVER give yourself the chance to develop the confidence you need to take control of your life.

We both know that’s NOT what you want.

Think Of Your Confidence Like A Compounding Penny…

You can’t buy much with just 1 cent.

But if you doubled that same penny every day for 30 days…

…that same penny turns into $5,368,709.12!!  And your confidence works the same way!

The KEY to Bullet-Proof Confidence Is Daily Consistency.

And the best way to stay consistent?

I call em, Confident-Boosting Power-ups.

And the best way to stay consistent?

These power-ups will consist of:

  • Hypnotic Metaphors: Which make it easy for powerful yet subliminal positive messaging to alter your thoughts and self-talk.
  • Mental Hypno-Processes: Which enhances your thinking to manifest more abundance in every area of your life.
  • Daily Meditation: Which programs your mind to cement the new, powerful neurological rewiring taking place in your mind.
  • ​Daily Reminders: Which keep you accountable for doing the MINIMAL work it will take to strengthen your unconscious mind.
  • ​Progress Pods: Which will keep track of your progress from the beginning to the end of the week.

…and much more.

I found that performing just ONE power-up a day CONSISTENTLY doesn’t just boost your confidence…

It strengthens your unconscious mind at a rapid rate.

Lightning Integration Trance

Each power-up already absorbs into your unconscious mind quickly as it is…

But with the Lightning Integration Trance, your brain absorbs your weekly power-ups at lightning speeds.

And the faster your brain processes these power-ups, the faster you’ll start applying them.

Which means the faster you’ll start to become more confident, more dominant, and more masculine.

Listen to this super-learning integration trance at the end of each week.

So your brain absorbs every power-up even faster than you would without it..

Sleep Subliminal Program

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Listen to this bonus at night before going to sleep.

This will program your mind while you sleep as extra reinforcement.

So the effects of your power-ups become more potent throughout the night.

The next bonus is essential to your masculine growth…

The Masculine Milestone Map

During your journey to reclaiming masculine confidence, you’ll need a surefire way to track your progress.

The Masculine Milestone Map does just that.

This map will allow you to witness the rooted foundation of masculine confidence taking over your very essence.

Here’s how it works…

Every day you finish listening or performing a power-up, you’ll mark it in your milestone map.

And as every day passes, you’ll be able to accurately measure the levels of confidence building up in your unconscious mind.

While many of my students claimed they could FEEL the confidence rising within them after the first day…

Consistency is everything.

Which leads me to my next bonus for you…

Medal Of Masculinity + Initiation Bonus Masculine Archetype Trances

Once you’ve completed 25 days of The Mythos Of Masculinity you’ll receive an honorary medal for your dedication and consistency.

You’ll also get a new and INCREDIBLY powerful trance that centers on one of the masculine archetypes.

From then on, every month you’ll be receiving a new bonus archetype trance.

So your confidence can soar even higher than before.

And so you can transform faster into the man inside you that dominates his life on his terms.

But again…

The ONLY way you can get access to these bonus trances  is to complete 30 days of the program.

Now the next bonus you’ll receive is called:

The Masculine Mythology 5-Pillar Mandala 

As mentioned before… every 30 days you complete, you’ll receive a bonus masculine archetype trance…

Every time you unlock a new trance, you’ll mark it in your mandala until all 5 pillars are filled.

Once you’ve filled out all 5 pillars, you’ll have reached the pinnacle of masculinity.

Things like insecurities and low self-esteem become non-existent.

And your confidence permanently locks into your unconscious mind at its highest level.

You will be recognized by your peers as a master of your masculinity.

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And you’ll be forever amazed at how you’ll unconsciously attract the women, money, health, and lifestyle effortlessly.

In other words, you’ll be transformed into an elite, masculine, confident YOU.

With the power to tap into unlimited, raw power and energy from within, whenever you want.

Now I could’ve easily stopped at these 5 bonuses.

Hell,  each and every one of them is more than powerful enough to help you achieve unmatched confidence and masculinity alone…

But I decided to take things another step further…

Here’s How To Get Started:

A monthly subscription to The Mythos Of Masculinity Membership Program normally costs $69 per month.

That’s what hundreds of people have paid.

But if you take advantage of this opportunity today, you can get instant access to the program for just $49 per month.

Your subscription will include:

  • Instant & Unlimited Access To The Mythos Of Masculinity Membership Program
  • 15-Minute Daily Power-Ups To Download In Your Unconscious Mind 5 Days A Week.
  • 2 LIVE Zoom CallsA Month  With Me To Answer Any Questions Or Concerns
  • Requests For Me To Personally Design Power-Ups For YOUR Specific Inner Challenges
  • Archive Vault To Access Any Passed Zoom Calls, Power-Ups & Other Content You Missed
  • Access To The Exclusive, Members-Only Confidence Curriculum Group, Where You Can Review Your Progress With Other Badass Members
  • BONUS #1: Lightning Integration Trance
  • BONUS #2: Sleep Subliminal Program
  • BONUS #3:  The Masculine Milestone Map
  • BONUS #4: Medal Of Masculinity + Initiation Bonus Masculine Archetype Trances
  • BONUS #5: The Masculine Mythology 5-Pillar Mandala
  • 25% Of ALL HYPNOTICA products
  • 60 day Money-Back Guarantee

Of course, once you activate your trial subscription, you’ll begin receiving your daily power-ups immediately.

PLUS you’ll get access to a  zoom call twice a month with me, so I can answer your questions, concerns and feedback.

Each Power-Up comes with a step-by-step plan so you don’t have to think about it.

Just check in and listen to your update every day.

That’s it.

Since this is my lifestyle, I’ll even show you screenshots and live examples so it’s crystal clear how I’m doing it with the SAME content I’ll be sharing with you daily.

And again, you are agreeing only to TRY this program to see if it’s right for you.

If not, you can cancel your subscription, no questions asked.


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