Eileen McKusick – Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.


Eileen McKusick – Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions
Eileen McKusick – Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.


Eileen McKusick – Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions

Eileen McKusick - Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions

Receive biofield tuning practices to become an emotional alchemist — as you boost your immune system and rediscover the courage and playfulness beneath your difficult feelings.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Eileen will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to boost your immune system and rediscover the courage, playfulness, and joy hiding beneath your difficult feelings.
This course will feature teaching sessions and experiential practices with Eileen. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to become an emotional alchemist as you move through these uncertain times.
In each module, Eileen will guide you to work with a specific emotion and the zone in the anatomy where it resides. You’ll work to resonate with the dissonance of each emotion…
Through the use of tuning forks, your breath, and occasionally your voice, you’ll also work to relax that emotion down into its healthiest potential expression….
Module 1 — The Power of Electric Health & the Biofield Anatomy Map: Discovering Fear’s Connection to Your Bones
What is electric health? And how can you begin making simple changes to improve your own electric health every day, starting now?
In this opening module, Eileen will share how your own mind can work against you — or for you — when managing stress and taking care of what she calls your inner “battery meter.”
You’ll also explore the Biofield Anatomy Map, the result of Eileen’s many years of sonically exploring the acoustic terrain around the body — and an actual anatomy and physiology of the biofield, the magnetic field of energy and information that surrounds and penetrates the human body.
Fear is the first emotion Eileen will work with on this journey, going deep into working with your bones, where fear resides…
As you’ll discover, your bones comprise the largest mass of your being and exert a powerful impact on your overall wellness.
In this first session, you’ll:

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Deeply understand the concepts of the biofield (the electromagnetic system of your body) and the concept of neutrality
Explore recent research that reveals how energy is released from your bones when you’re under threat — and why it’s not only your adrenal glands that spring into action in stressful situations
Learn exactly how your bones are informed by fear and stress — and can get in the way of your knowing
Discover how to pay attention to the feelings in your bones next time you startle, become scared, or feel threatened
Participate in Eileen’s remote Biofield Tuning adjustment on the frequency expression of living, crystalline structures — allowing the surface noise of fear and uncertainty to settle down into grounded neutrality and a state of rest
Module 2 — How the Emotions of Worry & Uncertainty Show Up in Your Head
In this module, you’ll move through the feelings and emotions of worry, regret, uncertainty, and doubt…
… allowing each one to settle down as you discern what that energy really wants to do… when it’s NOT tied up in an unhealthy pattern.
You’ll work within the zone of your biofield that includes your head, and explore:
How spinning in the future and past takes you out of the here and now
The circuitry of your inner pathways — and why their patterns are so hard to break
How to program certain commands to run deep in your nervous system — and easily overwrite old programming
Module 3 — The Sticky, Tricky Emotions of the Throat, Heart & Lungs
In this module, you’ll work with the many difficult emotions in the domain of the throat, as well as the domain of the heart and lungs… including grief, despair, resentment, hate, depression, and more.
With Eileen as your guide, you’ll explore each of these expressions and discover the antidote as it arises within you.
You’ll deeply honor and embrace all the challenging feelings you experience in this zone, making friends with these emotions and bringing them close to your heart.
The emotions you resist will persist — and in this session, you’ll drop your resistance to these discomforts, and allow them to alchemize into their coherent potential.
You’ll master exercises to open your heart and chest as you lift the burdens off your back and shoulders, deeply lightening, brightening, and lifting this area of your body.
In this class, you’ll:
Energize your thyroid and root yourself in the truth of your authentic expression
Implement Eileen’s fascinating mind hack — featuring an inner “manifestation circuit” that runs between both ears and the base of the neck
Liberate your breath by releasing your diaphragm — and monitoring your breathing to keep it slow, deep, and consistent
Allow yourself to feel your dark, heavy, and dangerous emotions
Become comfortable with discomfort as it arises — knowing that if you stay with itand allow the uneasy emotions to flow, you can receive its message and allow alchemy to occur
Experience greater liberation in the movement of your diaphragm
Access a greater freedom of breath, leading to improved immunity and resiliency
Module 4 — How Anger Impacts Your Solar Plexus & Digestion
In this pivotal module, you’ll work with your feelings of anger, self-righteousness, powerlessness, and hopelessness…
Eileen will guide you to discover how your relationship with these difficult emotions affects your digestive fire.
You’ll gather the coals and embers that are scattered in your field — tied up in your suppressed expressions — and unify them at your core.
As you’ll discover, when your energy is centered in your solar plexus (digestive system), it’s much easier to feel compassion, patience, persistence, and resilience.
Ultimately, being free in this zone liberates you into playfulness, spontaneity, and an easy, go-with-the-flow outlook.
In this class, you’ll:
Explore your mind’s role in moving energy around your body
Discern where the hot feelings of anger, blame, and self-righteousness live in your field and body
Discover where the wet feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness reside in your physical being
Experience difficult emotions — and allow the antidote to arise
Change your beliefs about your digestion — and what you can and cannot eat
Experience increasing amounts of time in the bright, centered zones of your feelings
Module 5 — How Your Lower G.I. System Is Connected to Emotions Like Guilt, Shame & Low Self-Worth
Your lower belly can be, as Eileen puts it, a wasp nest of discomfort — or a source of comfort and personal power.
In this module, you’ll explore the many different ways we can all go off the rails energetically in this zone.
On the right side, you’ll find the heavy emotions of guilt, shame, low self-worth — as well as the construct of your “inner critic.”
On the left side, you’ll find frustration, disappointment, and “the inner victim.” Issues with sexuality, sensuality, intimacy, creativity, and finances can all arise when this center is out of balance.
Eileen will guide you to explore each of these difficult feelings as well as the inner construct that gives voice to them…
… so you can find the antidote in embodiment, self-love, and appreciation for these often-maligned parts of your body.
In this session, you’ll:

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Strengthen the lower G.I., adding tone to your small and large intestines
Recognize and shift the energetic postures of your “inner critic” and “inner victim”
Confront and alchemize the difficult emotions of guilt, shame, frustration, and disappointment
Improve your perspective on the juicy things in life — including abundance, creativity, intimacy, and sexuality
Get a lot better at “letting it go” when it comes to tough emotions
Module 6 — Why Your Knees Are Linked to Feelings of Being Trapped
Feeling stuck — not getting where you want to go in life — is incredibly difficult…
You may have the desire to make a change in your life, yet each time you try to do something differently, you find yourself looping right back into your established patterns.
During this class, you’ll explore how feelings of being stuck, not knowing what to let go of, not knowing where to go or how to relate to others… these feelings are actually all connected to your knees.
Your knees keep track of every time you’ve been able to move freely AND every time you’ve been blocked from following your instincts — because you’ve been blocked by others… or yourself.
If there have been many obstructing inputs, you’ll become literally electrically bound in this zone, usually through no fault of your own.
Eileen will guide you to discover how, when your knees are free, you suddenly know what you want — and what to do to make it happen as you flow effortlessly in that direction…
In this module, you’ll discover:
How to engage in “spontaneous appropriate action” and become more comfortable with uncertainty and improvisation
What it means to be deprived of the experience of “contented satiation” in infancy… an experience that leaves you with a tendency to constantly seek comfort and satiation
The reasons you stay stuck in everything from jobs, to relationships, to bad habits much longer than you know is healthy
Ways to rewire old circuitry that’s kept you stuck, so it works for you instead of against you
The experience of connecting your gut and your knees and your brain for a unified inner experience of self
Module 7 — Tying Everything Together: Why Your Feet Hold the Empowering Information You’ll Need
In your final class with Eileen, you’ll synthesize everything you’ve learned so you can step into a new way of life.
As you’ll discover, the increased brightness of your own inner illumination will light the path you’ll take from here.
With increased voltage, and a new awareness of yourself as a coherent, resilient emotional alchemist, you’ll naturally bring solutions and a good vibe with you wherever you go…
You’ll explore how, in the Biofield Anatomy Map, just as in Chinese and other medicines, your feet contain the information you need to know about your life as a whole…
… including how you can become more empowered — ready to bring more humor, kindness, patience, and relational management into your life.
In this closing module, you’ll discover how to:
Have more fun in the dance of life
Understand the power of syntropy and levity — and why “good spirits” are what we all need right now
Take more risks, be bold, and, as Eileen puts it, “dare to suck”
Practice being funny and cracking yourself and others up
Develop a daily habit of cultivating your connection to Source — the link that ultimately sustains us all
Please Note: This 7-week program is not a Biofield Tuning training program and does not count towards certification in the Biofield Tuning method
The Sound Healing Alchemy Bonus Collection
In addition to Eileen’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses to complement the course and take your experience to an even deeper level.

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