Conversation God – Jason Capital

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $37.00.


Conversation God – Jason Capital Download. If you’re going make a dent in this world… if you’re going to make your mark… if you’re going to do somethin…

Conversation God – Jason Capital
Conversation God – Jason Capital

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $37.00.


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive:

Honestly, I don’t remember her…

Not one bit.

But she remembered me. That’s for sure.

She approached me at a 1OAK nightclub in West Hollywood.

“So how are YOU?” she asked, as if we’d known each other all our lives.

I swear I do NOT remember this girl!

Now I could have played it like I remembered. But for some reason, I didn’t.

“I’m sorry. Do we know each other?”

“That’s ok. I remember you. You’re the one who changed my life.”

“I did?” (Candidly, I was expecting the proverbial shoe to drop. Like I had gotten her pregnant or something equally dire.)

What she said next surprised the fvck out of me.

“Yeah, you told me I was pretty. Pretty enough that I should be in movies.”

“I did?”

“Yeah. Actually, you said I was beautiful. So I started auditioning. And guess what?”

“What?” (Now she had my attention.)

“I got the part. I got the part in… wait for it… Fast and Furious 7!”

And that’s when my mouth dropped…

And THAT my badass friend, is how you become IMMORTAL

Right now, I want you to think back to all the pivotal moments you’ve had in your life.

  • Maybe it was that 8th Grade teacher who inspired you…
  • Maybe it was a pretty girl in school who gave you your first bit of validation and confidence as a man…
  • Maybe it was your Mom or Dad who gave you the encouragement you needed at precisely the right time…

These people will live on – long after they’ve physically passed on.

So what’s the common link between all these experiences?

I’ll tell you. It’s…

The ability to have a REAL CONVERSATION with someone!

If you’re going make a dent in this world… if you’re going to make your mark… if you’re going to do something as impactful, exciting and adventurous as getting laid by the hottest girl you know…

You’re going to NEED to know how to have an INFLUENTIAL conversation

Now, you may think all I did with Fast and Furious girl was to compliment her.

Compliments are a dime a dozen.

But let me tell you, I did way more than that.

So much more, she’s going to remember me for THE REST OF HER PRETTY LITTLE LIFE.



I touched that part of her (Hey… get your mind out of the gutter for a moment!) that CRAVED what she really wanted.

What was that?

She needed to be VALIDATED. To be told “it’s ok to go after your dreams.”

Creating these special conversations, the kind that create possibility in someone’s life, IS A SKILL.

Now let me ask you, is that engaging?



Not in the least.

How about a bond? Is there any kind of a bond created?

Not a chance in hell.

And God forbid if you’re an introvert.

If you’re an introvert? Every day you let THE MOST AMAZING OPPORTUNITIES FOR CONVERSATIONSpass as if they were never even there.

It gets worse…

You want to know the real obstacle to meaningful conversations?

Your cellphone

Yeah, no matter where you are, your head is buried in whatever is going on with your cell.

Maybe it’s Facebook. Maybe it’s your email. Who knows?

What I do know is again, you’re missing out on the most amazing opportunities to have incredible conversations with the person sitting right next to you.

And you want to know the real travesty of it all?

You give up the right to have YOUR LIFE impacted as well.

  • Whether it’s finding the girl of your dreams…
  • You could be spontaneously offered a dream job. (This has happened to me)…
  • You could be offered an amazing opportunity for a world adventure.
  • You could bond with someone who could be a lifelong friend.
  • Of course, conversation opens the door to SEX… SEX… And more SEX (This is actually one of the EASIEST things you can do with conversation)…

Maybe most of all, you could have the opportunity to change someone’s life… whether it’s a girl at a party… in line at Starbucks… or at work.

You never know when a pivotal conversation could make such a difference to someone – including and especially YOU.

And this is EXACTLY why I created…

Trust me, Emma Watson is NOT alone.

Not by a long shot.

One of the truly lost arts is the ability to have a GREAT CONVERSATION with someone… anyone.

Today, people are dying to be talked to… people are dying to be acknowledged… people are dying to share an intimate moment with someone they just met.

Ask me how I know.

I’ll tell you a secret:

You want to know who I think the loneliest people are?

Amazingly, pretty girls.

Why? Because everybody THINKS they’re so pretty, they MUST be popular.


The fact is MOST GUYS are too intimidated to have a real conversation with them.

So when someone like me enters their orbit, I’m like so “bold”.

Why? Because I could give a fvck what they think about me in the moment.

I’m myself. I’m genuine. I’m authentic.

But most of all? Here’s the secret few know and even fewer know how to maximize to their advantage…

I’m vulnerable.

That’s right. I open myself up and expose something about myself. (No, not my dick. Man, you REALLY need to get your mind out of the gutter.)

And THE ONLY REASON I am able to do that is because of I have mastered a simple skill that anyone with desire can learn in about a day.

And that’s exactly what Conversation God does.

It is THE ONLY PROGRAM that shows you how to have a meaningful conversation with ANYONE, especially incredibly attractive women.

No matter whether…

  • It’s the hottest girl in the room…
  • It’s the CEO of your company…
  • It’s a car salesman you’re negotiating with…
  • It’s a high-ticket client opportunity…
  • A family member you’re estranged from…
  • It’s your girlfriend who’s adorable but distant…

It just doesn’t matter who you’re talking to, or the outcome you’re trying to achieve–you have all the skills, tools and resources to create conversational magic.

In Conversation God, you’ll discover…

  • How to talk with anyone without fear of rejection…
  • How to ignite a conversation that rapidly leads to sex…
  • How to get your head into the right place to have a great conversation (and get OUT of your own head)…
  • How to keep a girl from losing interest…
  • How to get her to invest herself in the conversation (and actually beg you not to leave!)…
  • How to LISTEN in a way she actually starts revealing her innermost self…
  • Three ingredients of a beautiful conversation
  • How to not bore women about 2 minutes into the conversation…
  • How to create charisma on command…
  • The #1 behavior that’s a magic bullet for rapid connection with anyone…
  • How to approach the crucial “first ten seconds” (if you don’t know how to do this, you might as well hang it up)…
  • How to speak with more emotion, passion and impact…
  • How to effortlessly start making new friends at a new event, place or party…
  • An easy as cake way to pull fascinating topics out of thin air…
  • The great trick for grabbing a listener’s attention…
  • How great conversationalists are also viewed as having incredible charisma…
  • Afraid of awkward silences? How to never run out of things to say…
  • The power of being agreeable–yet still be a challenge (This works wonders on beautiful girls–they’re putty in your hands)…
  • Why there are no bad answers–just bad reactions…
  • How to use questions and statements to open up someone (gently)…
  • The mechanics of great conversation, step by step (The nuts and bolts that keep it together)…
  • How to change subjects effortlessly…
  • Talk about the (white) elephant in the room without pissing everybody off…
  • How to use conversation tactics to become more attractive to women…
  • Why reviving dead topics is the kiss of death…
  • The best-kept secrets of great communicators…
  • How to transition from playful conversations to more meaningful ones
  • The lost art of good conversation: a mindful way to connect with others and enrich everyday life…
  • How to end a conversation (without being an asshole)…
  • Keys to talking to anyone, anywhere…
  • How to get the other person to agree to your perspective…
  • The perfect all-situation conversation opener. What to say to get strangers, officials, even your boss, to open up to you.
  • Why silence is golden (and why you should embrace the pregnant pause)…
  • How to transition from topic to topic…
  • How to give off that instant badass vibe that AUTOMATICALLY makes people like you
  • How to keep conversation going all night long with a girl…
  • The best ways to use eye contact…
  • How I sold my Aston Martin for top dollar using just conversation…
  • How to make a girl start a conversation with you rather than you starting it with her (a biggie for most guys)…
  • Should you be the life of the party or the strong dominant one?…
  • Deal with difficult or angry people (all you have to do is listen, and then ask one important question)…
  • A sneaky technique to keep the conversation going and going…
  • Get yourself noticed, stand out from the crowd, and gain the success and respect that will make you the envy of others…

Easily master this essential skill and gain:

  • New relationships with hot girls who have avoided you in the past…
  • Instant respect and admiration–even if they have perceived higher status than you…
  • Preferential treatment by everyone…
  • New career opportunities…
  • New friends and acquaintances who want to help you succeed…

Plus We’re Going to Specifically Deal with Conversations With Hot Girls the hotter and sexier the better…

  • What I do and say to make 9s and 10s attracted to me…
  • How to spark sexual tension…
  • How to physically escalate on a hot girl without fear of rejection…
  • How to move from banter and attraction to the bedroom…
  • The most fun and high status way to introduce the questions game…
  • How to know if she’s DTF that night…
  • How to create conversation out of thin air…
  • The wild answer to knowing if she has a boyfriend or not. Same goes if she’s a lesbian…
  • How to approach without being needy…
  • What to say when you’ve got say…
  • How to have great conversations over the Internet without resorting to dick pics…
  • How to lead conversations with really shy girls that are mostly silent and don’t ask many questions…
  • How to have a conversation with a client/girl and make then say to themselves “Wow, he’s different”.
  • How to create your own “reality distortion field”…
  • How to not to take yourself so seriously…
  • How to be less intimidating to women when you approach for the first time…
  • How to open up a conversation in a gym environment?…
  • Should you be doing a lot of eye contact with a girl before talking to her or just act like you don’t give a fvck?…
  • How to get a woman to buy you drinks even though you’ve never met before…
  • My favorite line for opening a girl you don’t know…
  • Conversation topics so she’ll remember you…

Now, as you can appreciate I beta test everything I come up with –just to make damn sure it delivers

Conversation God is no different.

I conducted Conversation God training in LA and LV no less than THREE TIMES for groups willing to pay as much as $5500 each to be in the room.

Admittedly, many of these were coaching clients who could afford to pay for private training, but the facts are I didn’t disappoint:

Now sure, I could charge that kind of money, but I won’t. Absolutely not.

My tribe appreciates that when I offer a training, it’s worth at least 10X more than they’re paying–usually more.

In that respect, Conversation God is no different.

That’s why, if you’re one of the first 500 buyers, you won’t pay $5500… or $750… or even $500…

Click the button below and all you’ll pay today is…

But here’s the catch:

We’re taking this offer down soon. Even after such a short time, Conversation God has become so popular, we’re about to hit our limit.

In other words…

Hurry! Jump on this opportunity now to change life–as well as your relationships with women everywhere.

Here’s what else you’ll discover…

  • How to handle with people who rudely interrupt you or cut you off mid-sentence…
  • How to make the conversation go from platonic to sexual, spiking the sexual tension along the way…
  • How to become a conversation Casanova and effortlessly flirt like a pro…
  • Get preferential treatment, whether you’re traveling, working, socializing, or buying something…
  • Establish instant rapport with other people, even total strangers, and learn how to control their attitude, emotions, and actions…
  • Deepen your rapport with your family and friends, and experience profound emotional fulfillment…
  • Bed or wed? How to know the difference…
  • How to integrate the 55 percent of communication that never gets spoken…
  • How to spark and ratchet up playfulness and sexual tension…
  • How to approach difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most…
  • How to make a conversation go deeper, faster…

Who Conversation God is NOT for…

  • Guys who would rather talk to AI sex robots…
  • Guys who think they need to manipulate women to seduce them…
  • Guys who think they can seduce women just based upon their good looks (Good luck with that)…
  • Guys who don’t want to share with the world what they know…
  • Guys who think they can go it alone in the world and still wildly succeed in life…
  • Guys who are introverted and have no desire to change (even though Conversation God works best with these Bros)…
  • Guys who are self-centered, thinking that conversation is about the girl fawning all over them…

A Snapshot of Your Life IF You Are Fortunate Enough to Watch This Program

  • Imagine you’re finally alone with a girl you like. Now you have the words and phrases to open her up like a book. Even better, as each minute goes by, she gets more and more attracted to you. All because YOU’RE a Conversation God.
  • Imagine you walk into a room full of strangers and you can instantly tell which people are waiting to talk to you and what you should say to them to put them at their ease and make a great first impression. 
    (In fact, you’ll know 16 things to say to start an effective conversation!)…
  • Imagine a woman rejects you without you even saying a word. Then you open your mouth. In moments, she rethinks her previous decision–all because you know the EXACT things to say to turn her on…
  • Imagine you’re a salesperson facing a group of difficult, closed-up customers. But you’re not worried because you know exactly how to find out what they’re really thinking – and then how to get them on your side…
  • Imagine you’ve gone to ask your boss for a pay raise or promotion. By reading his comments and body language, you know whether or not he’s ready to say yes – and more important, you know how to feel out exactly how much you should ask for…
  • Imagine you’re in an important meeting at work or with clients and you come away with a report for your boss to read. You know exactly how to persuade him to do that immediately, and even better, make it look as if it was their decision…
  • Imagine you want to ask a girl out on a date. But you want to be creative and original, not like all the other schmoes. Conversation God gets the job done for you…
  • Imagine you’re negotiating the deal of your life but your customers just won’t come to a decision. No problem, you’re still in control because you have SIX PROVEN WAYS to get them to agree to the deal before you even think of using your final nuclear option…
  • Imagine you’re about to get a parking ticket, but since you know what to say to win the officer over, you don’t get one. Instead, the officer escorts you to a preferred parking place! This actually happened to Peter recently, in fact.

Imagine, in short, that you could…

ACHIEVE EVERYTHING YOU WANTED in life, with NO LIMITS TO YOUR SUCCESS except your willingness to strike up a conversation.

That my badass friend, is what Conversation God offers you.

The thing you may be most worried about…

I’m a lot like you.

There was a point in my life when I was an extremely awkward introvert.

I couldn’t string two sentences together without fearing TOTAL REJECTION.

It was the source of my decision to become America’s #1 Dating Coach.

I figured if I could get this part of my life handled, I’D BE UNSTOPPABLE.

What you’re about to discover took me the better part of ten painfully long years to master.

And now I want to share everything I know with you about generating engaging conversation.

Only for you? It’ll take 10 days. Probably less.

I encourage you to take me up on this amazing offer.

For just a small amount of money…

You’ll learn THE ONE ESSENTIAL SKILL that will last you the rest of your life

What’s that worth? What’s that REALLY worth?

For me, it’s been worth at least $10 million dollars and counting. Not to mention scores and scores of hot girls galore.

If THAT don’t change your life, I don’t know what will.

Of course, if money doesn’t matter to you… if you’d prefer spanking the monkey and watching porn to get off… if you’d prefer antisocial behavior, then having meaningful conversations with men and women alike is probably not for you.

But I kinda doubt that.

I suspect you’d benefit tremendously from being a Conversation God in your right.

So go ahead and test drive on my dime, not yours.

I think… rather I KNOW your life is about to take one huge leap forward…

Is a sex robot in your immediate future?

Listen, no judgement, ok?

But if you’ve been fantasizing about life with a sex robot, Conversation God is not for you.

Same goes for VR sex.

Conversation God works with real, flesh and blood, beautiful women. Women who respond to you naturally.

Nothing digitized, artificial or synthetic.

Real women are 1000X MORE FASCINATING creatures anyway, once you get to know them intimately.

And how you start is to have a conversation. A real, meaningful yet fun conversation.

I’ll show you how.

(Plus another thing real women do is bend all by themselves. No assembly or programming required.)

Just click the button below and let’s get started, shall we?

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