Becoming The Natural (Platinum Edition) – RSD Max

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Becoming The Natural (Platinum Edition) – RSD Max
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Original price was: $897.00.Current price is: $63.00.


Becoming The Natural (Platinum Edition) – RSD Max Download. They always showed guys buying the girl flowers, going on endless dates hoping that she would m…

Becoming The Natural (Platinum Edition) – RSD Max
Becoming The Natural (Platinum Edition) – RSD Max

Original price was: $897.00.Current price is: $63.00.


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive:

Hey guys Max here, today I wanted to share a story with you…

If you’ve seen my last videos you probably saw me taking a girl home without saying a word…

That’s pretty crazy right?

However I didn’t always used to be that guy…

You see five years ago I lived in a small cow town in the Austrian Alps…

I was an extremely shy and insecure gamer …

And I loved nothing more than playing guitar.

This skill proved to be super valuable but more about that later …

If you would have seen at that time of my life I looked like a zombie …

I looked like that because when I used to go to bed at night I tried to fall asleep…

But I couldn’t …

I stared at the ceiling for hours on end.

I had these thoughts going through my mind over and over again…

“Why am I so lonely?”

I constantly asked myself this question…

“Why do I not have these gorgeous girls in my life?”

I hated myself for that…

I was so damn frustrated and felt this burning anger in my stomach.

I desperately wanted to change but I didn’t know how.

I felt was caught in this vicious circle of hell…

Like I was trapped in limbo with no way out.

I felt paralyzed…

Instead of taking action I loaded up on weed to numb these burning thoughts and tried to drink my pain away.

I was so confused…

Girls say, “Be nice”…

Mens magazines tell you to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes…

Other guys say you need memorized lines and stories to impress the girl…

I always thought only douchebags get the girls…

And those romantic comedies I had to suffer through, oh man…

They always showed guys buying the girl flowers, going on endless dates hoping that she would make a move and lead you to the bedroom.

Little did I know how wrong I was…

One night I was driving by the club and saw all these hot girls in their fitting summer dresses standing outside laughing…

I was so frustrated…

I started googling “how to pickup girls” while I was so depressed…

All of a sudden I saw all this information about techniques and tactics…

But I was overwhelmed…

Who should I believe? Who has the correct and field tested information that would actually help me?

I read every e-book I could get my hands on…

I watched hundreds of hours of videos.

Just doing that did not lead to anything…

ZERO lays …

By now you’re probably asking yourself, “How did I achieve instructor level natural game?”

It all started when I remembered how I learned to play the guitar…but more about that later…

I knew this was POSSIBLE!

That’s why I needed to teach myself how to learn…

I sought out friends and mentors to support me to become that vision I had for myself…

I made becoming amazing with women my priority…

And I felt that burning fire inside me…

I went out testing everything I learned from books and videos.

After going out by myself I connected with people from an underground forum who would end up becoming my wings but also my best friends…

  • Marcus was the social circle game guy. He pulled really hot girls and he would continue to fuck her friends. That totally blew my mind!
  • From him I learned how to pay attention to the girl’s friends, how to built long lasting relationships and how to make sex a mutual win-win for you and the girl.
  • Other women would then recommend me to their friends haha…
  • Dominik was the social butterfly who made a ton of new friends wherever he went out to PIMP it. He was the complete opposite of me.
  • From him I learned that the people out there are not your enemies, they are your allies and can become your friends. It’s a matter of you making the conscious choice to see the positive in other people.
  • Dominik taught me the power of social proof and which I turned into a keystone of my game…
  • Through him I discovered the concept of passive attraction and how the venue can do the work for me.
  • Almin was the king of rock solid inner game. He knew how to reframe every rejection into something positive.
  • Vadet was like the prototypical alpha male who was very confident and had the body language of a rockstar.

I soaked up all of their capabilities and made them mine…

I was presented with a choice…

In the summer of 2014 I got the call from RSD…

I was offered to come to the United States and become Tyler’s assistant.

I could live a comfortable cushy life…

Or I could take the chance…

I dared TO INVEST in my future …

I toured the World for 18 months as an RSD coach, showed my Hot Seat, created over a hundred instructional videos and taught students on bootcamps …

All of these experiences lead me to UNCOVER the laws of natural game…

I realized that in order for me to become instructor level good, I needed to strip off all the “gamey” manipulative techniques.

When students meet me nowadays, the most important thing they notice about me is that I am relatable …

This is one very important aspect that you’ll learn on the journey to becoming a Natural…

By knowing those laws you can make game simple but not always easy…

If you learn to understand them you’ll turn into that guy that women flirt with, want to hang out with and OBSESS OVER…

All change happen has to start on the inside first…

That’s why for the past SIX MONTHS I locked myself into a room in a tiny cow town in the Austrian Alps…

If you follow RSDMax on Snapchat you probably know what I am talking about…

Every morning I woke up with the sound of cowbells and I felt energized…

For twelve hours every day I deconstructed how I became that naturally cool guy that women love…

I couldn’t believe myself how far I’ve come after being a depressed loner for so long…

I analyzed all my lay reports and reviewed hundreds of hours of my own infield footage.

Read all of my past students emails and went over their success stories.

I distilled all of my teachings until I could see the patterns with so much CLARITY.

I developed a deep understanding of the underlying natural core laws of game…

That’s how I was able to reverse engineer my own process of becoming a guy that women can’t help but get drawn to and are dying to meet again and again and again…

I boiled all of it down into a simple system EVERYONE can learn…

I developed this course specifically for you to “take you by the hand” through the ringer of crucial reference experiences that will reshape your reality drastically…

It’s the only way I could make sure you’ll develop yourself into that naturally attractive guy.

This course is built for you to get the insight and the knowledge of what it means to become a Natural with women.

But knowledge is worthless if you do not put it into action.

You see, many teachers of Natural Game tell you to just be cool, lean back and let the girl work for you…. that is GREAT for who already have tons of experience.

Someone who’s newer to the game will immediately FAIL, be confused and frustrated. I was there myself …

And even intermediate and advanced guys struggle to get that edge that puts them on path to mastery…

You’ll need some TRAINING WHEELS to shuttle you through the necessary reference experiences…

That’s why I have specifically designed EXCLUSIVE drills to help you step-by-step improve your game…

I peppered the ACTIONABLE CONCEPTS with infield footage to give you the best learning experience possible…

It’s like football players learning from their mistakes by watching their performances on video together with their coach…

Now let’s get into the nitty gritty, the course is divided into five parts…

1. Your New World:

First we are going to define your new world outside of social conditioning…

It’s a matter of perspective…

And you can change your inner view of the world by installing POWERFUL FRAMES into your mind that will allow you to see the world with different set of eyes…

That’s why this section is going to give you the framework to UNDERSTAND how to become that guy women dream about… because they love to tune into a guy who is at ease with himself.

  • I am also going to reveal why women flock to nerds like me for one specific reason…
  • How you can turn your own life story into chick crack even if you were a shy guy like me…
  • How framing your reality the right away can cut your learning curve in half…
  • Why expressing how you feel on the inside will tickle her inner vixen because women hardwired to respond to powerful emotions
  • I am also going to reveal why not feeling good enough can be the #1 reason for not getting laid and how to CRUSH that belief …

2. Social Dynamics

The second part of this course is all about you learning about the hidden social dynamics…

Hold on tight you’ll learn how to see the matrix…

  • I am going to reveal to you how this new filter of your perception can give you an unfair advantage over every other guy at the club…
  • You will get to know why understanding women’s role in society will help you land more dates…
  • I am going to teach you how to develop a foolproof radar that will allow you to spot which women to approach and which to avoid… This will skyrocket your success massively
  • How understanding a hot girl’s reality will make her feel at ease with you and lead to more sex…
  • I will also show you why the three pillars of game (Attraction, Arousal and Connection) can MASSIVELY improve your results with women even if you are a newbie…

3. Building a Solid Foundation

The third part of this course will show you how building on a solid foundation will trump every technique you’ll ever learn…

  • I will show you how you can uncover your reason for approach anxiety and then help you eliminate it…
  • Why becoming social can be as easy as brushing your teeth if you make it a habit…
  • How to make knowing what to say effortless – like you would be talking to your best friend…
  • How you can unblock the four barriers that lead to learning the Million-Dollar Mouthpiece..
  • Why learning how to think and move like a natural can help you to develop those sub communications that women tune into subconsciously…
  • You’ll get to absorb my own MINDSET on how to learn faster and smarter to become good with women in months – not years…
  • Why touching women can be as easy as admiring a painting…
  • How to sharpen your focus to see the signs that women are attracted to you almost instantly…
  • Why knowing how to deal with rejection can make you standout against any other guy she’ll ever meet…
  • Make her obsess about you by learning how to leave an everlasting first impression…
  • How to make getting her number as simple as writing a grocery list…
  • How to set up dates like a boss…

4. Sharpen Your Skills

The fourth part is all about sharpening your skills, if you already have the fundamentals down and you lack consistency in your game then this section is specifically for you.

  • Learn my simple and easy formula of how to vibe with any women which can make her want you even more…
  • I’ll also reveal how her not talking to you can be a good sign that she is interested in going home with you…
  • Why her friends can be the key to taking her home…
  • I’ll teach you how to operate from a natural carefree state and make going out super fun and enjoyable…
  • I’ll reveal why dry spells can make you come back even stronger…
  • How knowing how to react to her shit tests can play to your advantage…
  • How to deal with other guys who come into your set and have her dismiss them…
  • Why dates can be your fastest way to getting laid…
  • Why spending time with her throughout the night can be the #1 reason why she is leaving with you at the end of the night …
  • Why your ego can be your own worst enemy and how to tame it…

5. Your Path to Mastery

The fifth part of the Natural is all about your path to mastery…

This final act contains all my lessons from the past years that brought me to instructor level and will massively benefit you if you are at an advanced stage of game…

If you’ve seen my latest videos, these are my latest breakthrough insights for your eyes only…

  • You will learn exactly what to do when pulling to your place is not possible…
  • How pulling during the day can be even faster than during the night…
  • Why understanding the law of passive attraction will get girls to game you…
  • You’ll learn how to become the leader of the group and develop perfect calibration…
  • How your relationship with her friends can make her want you even more…
  • Why figuring out her blueprint will get her to chase you super hard, because nobody understands her like you do
  • How the mindset of a newbie can finally get you consistent results…
  • How not saying anything can make her even more attracted to you…
  • Learn how to develop the mindset that allows you to pull without saying a word…

The whole course is supported by the Natural Family Facebook group…

You’ll get to hang out with me and other like-minded folks who are on the same journey as you are.

You can connect with like-minded Natural Family members, share stories and ultimately get feedback about your sticking points…

More importantly, this group will keep you accountable throughout your own journey…

On top of that you’ll get to ASK ME ANYTHING you want!

But that’s not all folks, I have also recorded SPECIAL bonus videos specifically for you:

This is all what you will find inside of The Natural:

I’ll bring you the most successful live program ever created by RSD.

Yep, thats right – you’ll get over ELEVEN hours of PREMIUM infield footage broken down by me personally

And the best part … you don’t need to travel to watch it!

You can watch it over and over and over again…

You can enjoy the entire Hotseat from the comfort of your own home

You’ll see me pick-up girls in:

  • Clubs
  • Lounges
  • Bars
  • On the dance floor
  • Quiet locations
  • Loud venues
  • Parks
  • Bookstores
  • Shopping malls
  • Coffee shops
  • Restaurants

You’ll see me talk to:

  • Single sets/ girls by themselves
  • 2 Sets, 3 sets
  • Mixed sets/girls with guys
  • Moving sets/girls on the move
  • Big groups
  • Small groups
  • Shy girls
  • Bitchy girls
  • Perfect 10’s
  • Girls from all different nationalities
  • Girls with boyfriends
  • Girls on the phone
  • And much MUCH more

You’ll see girls telling me I’m not good enough, I’m too short, my dick’s too small, but I still win them over.

You’ll see guys get jealous and try to fight me, but I still get the girl.

You’ll see A LOT of DAYGAME, and you’ll discover exactly how to meet girls successfully during the daytime anywhere, anytime, whether that’s in the coffee shop, on the street, at the shopping mall or anywhere else.

You’ll see me pull 9’s and 10s from bar to bedroom — the FULL interaction.

You’ll see ENTIRE nights out from not just the beginning of an interaction but the BEGINNING of the NIGHT itself. You’ll get to see how my ENTIRE night unfolds from “before I even go out” to “when I pull the girl home to the bedroom”.

You’ll see how I consistently get into a social mood before going out even after a long day’s work.

You’ll see it ALL.

I specifically added the Hotseat to this package so you can see PROOF that all of this is possible and to illustrate the core NATURAL LAWS of game.

Instructor in a Pocket

This is probably the CLOSEST you can get to a bootcamp with me without having to pay $2000…

Instructor in a Pocket contains short mobile optimized videos to help you while you’re out doing day game or night game…

May be you end up getting stuck in your head, stop taking action and become paralyzed by your own thoughts…

You run out of things to say…

May be you get stifled and do not know how to touch her … or your mind draws a blank while your out on a date and you don’t know what to do…

Hell I even included a video you can play to every girl with me doing the opener for you…

I have included 18 videos on almost every problem you may have when you go out…

Instead of watching the whole natural you can watch these to-the-point videos…

That way you implement all the practical actions steps while you’re out!

12 Exclusive Q&A Accountability Webinars

Hang out with me personally and ask me anything you want about game, lifestyle development or motivation…

Whether you struggle with a specific sticking point or you want my opinion on an upcoming date, now can do this LIVE…

This will also be your last chance to work with me personally since after August I won’t be teaching any bootcamps until 2017!

The Debrief Chronicles

Have you ever wanted to have an instructor analyse your sticking points after a night out on bootcamp?

If the answer is “Yes,” you may be thinking about doing an RSD bootcamp.

The problem is, a bootcamp costs $2000.

You may also have to pay for flights to a different city and book an AirBnb for accommodation…

Maybe you are a busy professional who cherishes his limited time for holidays.

That’s why I created a solution to this problem.

The Debrief Chronicles is a SEVEN hour long product based on exclusive behind-the-scenes debrief sessions from New York, Las Vegas, Miami, Vienna and Los Angeles.

You’ll get a sneak peak behind the curtain and watch what happens when I debrief my students in bars and hotel lounges after a long night out.

You’ll get to witness Max breaking down almost every sticking point you can imagine.

I almost didn’t want share these SECRETS and in the future I may even release this product as a standalone version but you will have EXCLUSIVE access to it NOW!

Tinder Game Extension

If you’ve followed me for a while you probably know my INFAMOUS Tinder video that got me featured in major newspapers and TV shows all around the world.

Besides all the smoke and mirrors, my Tinder Game has gotten me laid so much while I am on tour and knowing the ins-and-outs of Text Game can get you laid really fast without ever meeting her before…

In this special extension I’ll reveal to you

  • Why your profile does not need to be super flashy to have her meet up with you
  • How a few special HACKS can jack up your response rate super high
  • You’ll also learn why passing her tests via text can be the most important factor to make a date happen
  • On top of that, you will get TWELVE text game breakdowns that reveal my MINDSET when I text and how
  • As a special bonus I recorded an INFIELD VIDEO of me picking up a girl at the train station I just texted an hour before … You’ll get to see the ENTIRE PULL!

Here’s what you will find inside the Natural

The Natural Online Course $897
3 Exclusive Videos from the Vault $197
50 shades of Max Lay Reports $49
The Natural Family Facebook Group $597
Instructor In a Pocket $597
The Debrief Chronicles $497
The Tinder Game Extension $397
12 Exclusive Q&A Accountability Webinars with RSDMax $8000
TOTAL VALUE = $11,231

To get the Natural, I am going to give you three options:

Option #1

The Natural Standard package includes:

  • The Full Natural Course
  • The Natural Family Facebook Group
  • My 50 Shades of Max Lay Reports
  • 3 Exclusive Videos from the Vault

The whole package sells for $697 but during this limited launch phase you can enroll into the course for only $497.

Option #2

The Natural Premium package consists of:

  • The Full Natural course
  • The Natural Family Facebook Group
  • 50 Shades of Max Lay Reports
  • The RSDMax Hotseat
  • The Instructor In a Pocket
  • 3 Accountability Webinars
  • 3 Exclusive Videos from the Vault

The Platinum package sells for $897 but during the launch period you can enroll for only $697.

Option #3

If you are really committed to changing your life, I highly recommend The Natural Platinum package:

  • The Full Natural course
  • The Natural Family Facebook Group
  • 50 Shades of Max lay reports
  • The RSDMax Hotseat
  • Instructor in a Pocket Extension
  • The Debrief Chronicles
  • 12 Accountability Webinars
  • 3 Exclusive Videos from the Vault

This Platinum option usually sells for $1097 but during the launch phase you can enroll for only $897.

However … once the launch period is over the price of each package will go back to the normal price.

Today is the day you decide.

The version of you that wakes up tomorrow, is dependant on the actions you take today.

I can’t do this for you… I’ve done my part… I’ve put together the most amazing, ground-breaking, and revolutionary program I could…

But it’s up to you to take action.

It’s up to you to define your own destiny…

It’s up to you to take advantage of the tools that are right here in front of you, right now…

Here is the Natural broken down:


Learn how to remodel your worldview into that guy women get drawn to like a magnet. We will go through exercises and drills on how you assess your current dating life and build on your strengths. You’ll also get actionable worksheets to reframe your reality

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