Andrew Harvey – Celebrating the Sacred Marriage

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Original price was: $1,275.00.Current price is: $142.00.


Andrew Harvey – Celebrating the Sacred Marriage
Andrew Harvey – Celebrating the Sacred Marriage

Original price was: $1,275.00.Current price is: $142.00.


Andrew Harvey – Celebrating the Sacred Marriage

Andrew Harvey - Celebrating the Sacred Marriage

Experience the ecstatic reunion of your body, mind, heart and soul in a sacred
community of grace.
Be prepared for a week of celebratory joy, heart-opening wisdom and alchemical practices that help you fully embody the Divine Human – fusing the sacred masculine and feminine within you to birth the holy union of opposites that is the sacred marriage.
What you will experience during The Celebratingthe Sacred Marriage Retreat:
The retreat is an initiation into a divine humanity, and into the great love that is both transcendent and embodied that springs to us from the sacred marriage, the marriage of imminence and transcendent in the one
This retreat is an initiation into the joy power energy and passion for life that comes from being awoken to the great life of the divine cosmos
The journey really begins when you wake up to the mysterious sacredness of all life just as it is.
Outline different stages of the initiation and give the map so people can feel secure and held as they undergo a process that will introduce them to the divine in the body heart mind and soul
Intro (Evening): Welcome to the Birthing Chamber
On this first evening, you’ll begin to awaken to the vast love and power of the divine cosmos.
Andrew will outline the different stages of a profound initiation into your divine humanity. Transcendent and embodied, the Divine Human will take form in you, the birthing chamber for the “offspring” of the Sacred Marriage.
This powerful evening will present the mystical map for your incredible journey to come!
Day 1: Dancing in the Marriage of Opposites
The journey will begin with your initiation into a powerful tantric practice that works directly with the golden light of the Mother. This practice will open the centers of the subtle body and infuse it and your physical body with this divine maternal power.
You’ll experience the divine consciousness and energy that is alive within you and deepened through meditation and devotion.
In the afternoon, you’ll engage in this practice in solitude and experience its fruits, fruits, preparing you an evening of Rumi whose work heralds a new kind of human love that transcends dogma and separation and fully embodies the divine.
Andrew will unveil the Rumi Symphony he co-wrote with Hans Christian, a great contemporary composer. The four-part symphony follows the path of divine embodiment as expressed by the world’s greatest mystical poet, set to music to establish a mystical ground of awakening.
During this first day, you will…

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Discover how the divine human cannot be born without the marriage of opposites taking place on every level.
Experience the mother energy initiating and illuminating your chakras with Sacred Feminine light, bringing the Divine Feminine into your body.
Receive mystical tools and practices to empower sacred action.
Immerse yourself in the words of Rumi and the symphony he inspired in Andrew and collaborator Hans Anderson. Rumi was a divine human and is an example of the kind of genius born of the sacred marriage – extraordinary expressiveness, creativity and dynamism.
Day 2: A Radical Redefinition of the
Divine Masculine
Day 2 will be an exploration of the Sacred Masculine that honors, protects, and nourishes the Feminine. But first, we must make a radical shift from the patriarchal, psychotic masculine.
Jesus is an inspiring example representing an amazing depth of union between a very powerful masculine in dedication to life, and feminine in the embodiment of compassion and justice grounded in transcendent intelligence and power. This marriage, at the heart of Jesus’s life and message, invites us to claim the true Sacred Masculine for our own and the world’s redemption.
By candlelight, you’ll discover the magic of one of the greatest religious compositions in the world: The noble, ferocious mass that Beethoven wrote out of the depths of his agony and ecstasy at the end of his life – a tremendous explosion of Christ in Beethoven’s heart and mind.
During this second day, you’ll:
Reclaim the Sacred Masculine, protector of the Sacred Feminine, also within you.
Marry the Sacred Masculine with his Beloved, the authentic Sacred Feminine so that you can birth the Divine Human – clear and strong, humble and grounded, and passionate enough to do the great work of helping the world through a major evolutionary crisis.
Penetrate the veils of ego and watch your identity dissolve as you deepen your relationship with the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine.
Integrate these opposites more fully so you can become an effective, empowered sacred activist.
Learn a transcendent practice to get in touch directly with the absolute Godhead, and that allows you to embody the Sacred Masculine.
Discover the transcendent power of Beethoven, a mystic as well as a great composer whose deafness caused him terrible suffering – and redemption.
Have an opportunity to share your experience of the Sacred Masculine through this music.
Day 3: The Revolution of the Mother
The work of Day 3 will be challenging, thrilling and holy. Opening to the Divine Feminine in all of her aspects – light and dark – is not simply an amazing initiation, it is a revolution that grounds you in the current reality and makes you a servant of her passionate and fiery love of justice and compassion.
We are living in the Age of Kali, a time of tremendous destruction that precedes the beginning of a new creation. Dark, yet holy, Goddess Kali gives us the strength to face the destruction and pain of the contemporary world and “dance in the crisis” of our evolution.
As long as the Mother is sentimentalized and softened, narcissism will persist. When we embody both the dark and light aspects of the Mother, we become initiates of sacred activism and channels for her vast healing power.
During this third day, you’ll…
Restore the fullness of the Sacred Mother, tender and loving but also unbelievably ferocious
Learn proven practices that connect you with both the light and the dark Mother – the Goddess Kali – so that you can open your heart and mind and become one with Her
Experience the great power of the dark feminine, surrendering her wrath and desire to destroy so that a new natural order may emerge
Recognize the beauty hidden in the destructiveness of Kali, who burns with a holy incandescent love that purifies and births creation
Discover the strength and capacity for your own and others’ liberation through love and action – the ultimate key in the divinization process.
Be shown the vision of the 5 great passions of the Divine Feminine and the 10 sacred suggestions: The mother’s 10 commandments.
Open to and experience both the loving and fierce aspects of the feminine through a heart-based practice.
Awaken your senses and your heart through sacred music by special guests.
Day 4: Sacred Activism – The Ultimate Union of Opposites
On Day 4, the deepest mystical wisdom of the sacred marriage will find full expression. The current consciousness movement, Andrew says, is still hopelessly narcissistic and lost in the transcendent.
Together, we’ll plunge into the 5 shadows of our great crisis and the 5 personal shadows that keep them going. This shadow work is crucial to the birth of the divine human in you.
Only then can we tap the great grace of the Divine Feminine, and through the marriage of opposites within, birth a human being strong enough to face the biggest challenges of our day, luminous enough bear and transcend the pain and powerful enough to engage.
During the fourth day of our journey, you’ll…

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Learn a transformative, alchemical practice of internal sacred activism so that you can take in and transform the suffering of our world.
Nurture a commitment to sacred practice that is intense enough for working on the invisible levels on the pain of the world.
Rise to the challenge of the sacred marriage and take your practice beyond the narcissistic concern for your own private liberation – and into the alchemical cauldron of the birth.
Share ecstatic offerings from the community and join in a dance to the great divas such as Tina Turner and Aretha Franklin in celebration of the wild, Sacred Feminine.
Bathe in the agony, ecstasy and wildness of these modern shamans of the Divine Feminine, crying out and howling for the victory of love.
Work with the evolutionary will of the Godhead, practicing to liberate yourself with intensity, commitment and passion.
Day 5 – Let’s Get Real Around Here
The emerging Divine Humanity consists of extraordinary ordinary people acting from the passionate, courageous heart of the Sacred Marriage to solve the planetary crisis and co-create new systems rooted in truth, justice and equality.
Our last day together will be dedicated to sacred practices to embody the divine “out in the world.” You’ll answer the question of how to honor the Sacred Marriage and make personal vows that will lay your own unique path of putting divine love in action.
Andrew will share his deep tips on how to stay inspired in the maelstrom of ordinary life – through sacred practice, music, deep prayer, nature, laughter, and mystical poetry.
On Day 5 you will:
Vow to channel your deep mystical initiation into real, sacred actions that spring for your soul’s purpose
Receive tools to identify your mission and guide you in a chaotic world to keep your aligned with the power and passion of the Sacred Marriage
Learn how to prevent burnout, and maintain your joy and connection with the Divine Human you’ve started to birth
Discover a deep sacred practice that sustains your alignment with the will of God
Learn how to create “networks of grace” and sacred circles of people dedicated to one another’s evolution and to pooling resources for stepping forward in sacred action in your own community.

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