Advanced Energy Training for Empaths With Wendy De Rosa

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Advanced Energy Training for Empaths With Wendy De Rosa
Advanced Energy Training for Empaths With Wendy De Rosa

Original price was: $697.00.Current price is: $146.00.


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Advanced Energy Training for Empaths With Wendy De RosaAdvanced Energy Training for Empaths With Wendy De Rosa

With Author, Trainer & Intuitive Healer
Wendy De Rosa
A 16-module On-demand Video Training

Clear emotional (and karmic) patterns and other energy blocks — which are unique to overly empathic people.
Receive powerful, guided healings to align your energy system with your empathic gifts.
Discover how to begin ‘reading’ energy intuitively without taking it on.

As an empath, you have a precious gift…

And yet, your ability to feel people’s emotions and the energy around you can be a burden.

There’s a reason for this… and it’s not because you’re “too sensitive.”

Rather, your energy (chakra) system has been patterned to absorb energy, causing you to “carry” other people’s wounds or unresolved emotions. Along with these burdensome patterns, you may be carrying patterns of subconscious fears from early childhood and your lineage.

A ubiquitous sense of guilt or shame, and hyper-responsibility and hypervigilance are common patterns for overly empathic people. Symptoms of financial lack, fatigue, digestive issues, panic attacks, isolation, overeating, and sleeplessness are also symptoms of energetic absorption or overwhelm.

According to leading intuitive healer and teacher Wendy De Rosa, empaths are being being triggered (and called!) to heal… and to transform early childhood trauma, abandonment patterns, and long-held karmic wounds and “contracts,” so they can model healthy sensitivity as a vital form of human connection.

Imagine, going through the world, emotionally centered, grounded in your power, and open to receiving good…even intuitively reading energy without taking it on!

It’s time… (Otherwise, why would you be here?)

Be Guided by a Highly Skilled, Intuitive Teacher & Healer for Empathic People

Raised in a large Italian family, Wendy De Rosa was a sensitive child who absorbed the chaotic energy and took on emotions of those around her. At age 19, she had a nervous breakdown — a “healing crisis” that led her to reclaim her empathic power and become an intuitive healer and spiritual teacher.

Wendy has spent the last 24 years guiding healings and teaching, helping thousands of empaths clear emotional wounds, shift karmic patterns of guilt and shame and unworthiness, and experience the gifts of their empathic nature.

Wendy will mentor you as you reclaim your intuitive gifts, through weekly guided healings, rituals, practices, and precise teachings uniquely suited to overly empathic people. You’ll experience (finally) that it’s possible to connect with others without losing your Self, hold energetic boundaries — and embody your empathic power.

You don’t have to carry the family lineage of shame, abuse, or fear forward anymore. You can release these blocks to heal yourself, your bloodline, and the collective.

During this intensive 16-part training, you’ll discover:
What “Sense of Self” looks like in your energetic anatomy How to connect to your SELF and reclaim aspects of your energetic center That your sensitivity is not only a gift, but you’re being triggered so your gift can be seen How hypervigilance creates a pattern in the body that makes you overly-empathic and lacking effective energetic boundaries What happens in your energetic body which contributes to you absorbing energy A deep guided healing to open up the process, ground your body, address energy held in the lower chakras and prepare your system for the reparenting process Karmic wounds that carry from past lives into this one that affect empaths What empowerment, presence, and light feel like in your body How the energetic system mirrors abandonment in the body causing excess psychic activity and ungrounding How the way you were mothered and fathered affects your auric field and connection to the Earth How mothering and fathering or lack develops intoment of you having a strong auric field and connection to the earth How deep healing can help you reconnect to your Divine Mother and Father and restore a sense of comfort and nurturing How guilt and shame are linked to energetic cords to other people How to live with the news, social media, and world traumas as an empathic being
An Invitation From Leading Intuitive Healer & Teacher Wendy De Rosa
Empathic people are here to touch lives and to teach people about the role emotions play in spiritual growth and human evolution.

Yet, we empaths have had to learn the hard way — through over-sensitivity, energetic absorption, loss of power, hyper-vigilance, putting others’ needs first, and holding deep personal wounds as well as others’ wounds.

The role of the empath is currently changing, which is why so many people are waking up to the realization that they’re empathic.

Discovering that you are empathic opens up the door to your innate gifts. The healer (whether you ever become a “healer” for others or not) facilitates the Divine into the world.

Empaths bring wounds forward from childhood and past lifetimes so they can be healed. You don’t have to carry these patterns anymore. You can transform the family lineage of shame, sexual assault or repression, persecutions, survival-based fears and addiction,s and the cultural belief that you can’t have your SELF.

As an empath, your work in this world right now is to recognize that you’re not a victim to energy from others, but here to find your true SELF, live from it, and be in your power. To do this requires unblocking the patterns, perhaps trapped, perhaps stuck, deep in your energy system.

We are an evolving consciousness. Cultures are commingling and as a result as a species, we’re moving toward living from the soul and its Divine mission — to help heal the planet, as opposed to re-creating shadow and pain from the past.

Empaths are vibrational beings who can contribute to life through their healing gifts, their music, art, words, expression, compassion, love, generosity, and grace.

They’re here to teach others empathy and emotional responsibility… and to be a channel for Divine Light.

If you’re called to a deeper level of healing that allows you to embody your full, empathic nature, I hope you’ll join me for this immersive journey.

With love,

What You’ll Discover in These 16 Modules
In this 16-part transformational intensive, Wendy will guide you through the practices, rituals, and energy healings to clear karmic and emotional wounds, cut negative cords, detox long-held patterns — grounding you in Self and empowering your empathic gifts.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential guided healings with Wendy. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of tools and principles you’ll need to repattern your energy body.

Module 1: Cultivating Your Gifts as an Empath

An empath has gifts of healing, feeling, teaching, vulnerability, emotional intelligence, and holding ground for people to transform. However, the gifts are often buried beneath wounds.

The presence of wounds in the body from childhood dynamics inhibits gifts from being seen, and instead, the empath has learned how to manage energy and be affected by it, as opposed to thriving with the gifts. The path of freeing the empathic gifts in the body comes from deep healing and deep consciousness shifting. In this module, the groundwork is laid for you to go on a deep healing journey to clear the old, outdated and negative energy so that the empath’s true light can emerge.

Module 1: What Are Your Empathic Gifts?
Empaths are known to easily absorb energy and become affected by energy around them. However, is that really the finale of life for the empath?

In this module, you will discover what an empath really is, how empathic intuition is different than the other three aspects of intuition and what’s happening for the empath in their energetic system.

You’ll also learn what an empathic gift is and how your gifts may have been disguised or hidden from you until you’ve been triggered enough by energy to be able to see them. The empath has a big role in consciousness evolution and you’ll learn why. This module includes a guided healing to open up the process of healing for the program and take you into your energetic system.

You’ll discover:

What it means to be an empath in this day and age
What gifts the empath has that play a vital role in consciousness evolution
An understanding of your energetic system and the tools you need for this training
That your sensitivity is not only a gift, but you’re being triggered so your gift can be seen
How going deep and energy healing play a vital role in shifting the paradigm for the empath
Module 2: Introduction & Reparenting Your Younger Consciousness

Your soul came into this world with a sensitivity. As a child that sensitivity may have turned to hypervigilance in order to survive in a family of origin or in an intense world. You may evolve as an adult, but your inner child still plays out patterns of hypervigilance, fear, and putting others needs first in the lower chakras.

Your upper body is high-functioning and your lower body is absorbing energy from around you. This fragmentation is due to early childhood development. This module you’ll understand why you’re absorbing energy and receive a healing for the young consciousness in your body to reparent the energy held in the lower body.

You’ll experience:

An introduction to the program and being a healthy empath in the world
How hypervigilance creates a pattern in the body that makes you overly-empathic and underdeveloped in energetic boundaries
An overview of what occurs in the energetic body that contributes to absorbing energy
A deep guided healing to open up the process, ground your body, address energy held in the lower chakras and prepare your system for the reparenting process
Module 3: Trust, Validation & Nurturing and Developing the Empaths Sense of SELF
Strong energetic boundaries form when there is a true sense of SELF. In some cases, the sense of self has never been there for the empath because there wasn’t enough nurturing to know how to support an empathic child.

This module is about reparenting where the energy in the lower body did not get seen, heard, connected with, or validated; therefore, there wasn’t enough sense of belonging to know that it was ok to be yourself. In the energetic system, “sense of self” includes the presence of your light in your central channel and grounding cord.

You’ll be taken through a guided healing to reconnect to a lost part of you who needs to be reclaimed in order for your empathic nature to feel like power not a curse. This will strengthen your grounding and pillar of light.

You’ll discover:

How internalizing a lack of validation and nurturing affects the empath’s ability to feel SELF and instead feels others
What “Sense of Self” looks like in the energetic anatomy
How to connect to your SELF and reclaim aspects of your energetic center
How deep energy work can help you regain access to your center pillar of light in your body and your sense of Self.
Module 4: Integration Clearing Space to Make Way for a Shift
In this integration, you’ll experience a deep guided healing to help your system let go of energy and make space for a shift. Integrating this work into your daily life will include clearing out some space in your life in order to allow your inner energy to shift.

Module 2: Empowering Your Empathic Nature by Clearing Emotional & Karmic Wounds

An empath must learn how to self-heal in order to find center and maintain healthy boundaries. In this module, we’ll deep dive into some archetypal wounds and emotions that you may be carrying from your family history or soul history. The first two modules will focus on deep clearing work and healing so space is created for your power to emerge.

Some of the energy you’ll work with clearing in these two modules is from this lifetime and some comes from past lives and is carried through your soul into this lifetime. You, as the empath, no longer need to carry the outdated energy forward. This time and space is held for you to do this deeper work so you can feel empowered and at peace with your sensitivity.

You’ll discover:

Deep healing and transformation from clearing out old held energy in the body
Karmic wounds that carry from past lives into this one that affect empaths
How to move through deep healing and self healing
What empowerment, presence, and light feel like in your body
Module 1: Finding Freedom From the Bondage of Over-sensitivity by Clearing Patterns of Fear
Fears for empathic and sensitive beings may have originated with the family of origin. You need to bond to family and lineage to survive, but as a spiritually progressing soul, at some point those bonds needed to change. Fear that is carried through lifetimes can result in compulsions, OCD, perfectionism, lack of trust and belonging. In this module, you’ll understand how fear lives subconsciously in the energetic system and affects the empath’s ability to feel safe and grounded. You’ll be taken through a deep guided healing to release patterns of hypervigilance, fear, contraction, and childhood or past life wounds that have bonded you to fear.

You’ll discover:

How oversensitivity is rooted in subconscious fears from childhood and past lives
How to clear deep held fear in the body
Where the fear is held in the energetic system
A new relationship with your body without subconscious fear, attracting negative energy
Module 2: Healing Abandonment Wounds & Receiving Nurturing From the Divine
You may have had very loving parents. Yet for some, being raised sensitive meant you needed to be seen, loved, and guided with your sensitivity and an infusion of connection and nurturing that may not have been available to you at the time. As a result of feeling that loss, the soul abandons connecting to your root chakra in a way that would empower you to be in your body and grounded. This is a deep clearing on healing abandonment and infusing nurturing and protection from the Divine Mother and Father.

You’ll discover:

How the energetic system mirrors abandonment in the body causing excess psychic activity and ungrounding
How mothering and fathering or lack of a roll in the development of you having a strong auric field and connection to the earth
How deep healing can help you reconnect to your Divine Mother and Father and restore the sense of comfort and nurturing where your system was deprived of it
Module 3: Detox Patterns of Over-responsibility, Shame & Guilt to Find Your Emotional Center
Empaths MUST learn how to live in the second chakra area of the body in order to feel SELF and center. Otherwise, this area of the body (the pelvis) becomes an over-nurturing center for other people’s energy. Shame and guilt and the innate emotional over-responsibility is a pattern and karmic imprint carried through time. The loss of emotional center in the second chakra sets up the system for attracting betrayal, shock, spontaneous relationship or financial changes, feeling taken advantage of, and taking on the emotional energy of others. The health of the second chakra is vital for the empath to reclaim in order to have appropriate energetic boundaries.

You’ll discover:

Energetic cords that play a big role in losing yourself in relationships — and how to clear them
How to reset and hold your emotional center, and elevate your relationships to a higher vibration
Which chakras to pay attention to when you are in moments of crisis, confrontations, relationship dynamics, or conversations
Karmic lessons your relationships are here to help you overcome
How transference works energetically and when is merging “ok”
Deep healing to clear old bonds to feeling shame and guilt, carried through time
Module 4: Healing Wounds of Violation to Reclaim Your Center & Repair Boundaries
This is a big one. Injury to the second chakra area of the body, if not addressed, results in leaking energy, powerlessness, acting out, crying for help, implosion, stuffing emotionally, weight issues, and more. For the empath, it’s crucial to release imprints around assault and boundary crossing. Please be advised that outside support may be needed for additional processing.

You’ll discover:

Insights into the effects of assault and other types of violations on the energy system
The dynamics of certain energy patterns in stuffing or numbing emotions related to the trauma response
How to reclaim your emotional center, specifically as this loss relates to wounds of violation.
A deep guided practice for clearing imprints in your second chakra that create feelings of powerlessness
Module 5: Integration Fire Rituals for Purification
In this integration, you’ll receive a guided healing on how fire can purify the impurities and support healthy transformation. You’re invited to create your own fire ritual This module to honor the light within and purify what does not serve you.

Module 3: Shifting Consciousness The Key to Embodying Your Empathic Power

This next module is about having a different relationship with the world, as an empath. It’s one thing to know that you don’t have to take on the energy of others, and it’s another for your lower body to be retrained in shifting a pattern. You’ll gain tools and awareness of what your role has been as an empath to what it could become. These modules and healings are for you to build a new road map and way of being in yourself. You may need to refer back to these often to remind yourself and to retrain your energy system to follow a new way.

Module 1: Transforming Lack & Poverty Consciousness Attract More Abundance & Positive Energy
Lack and poverty consciousness is the fifth karmic wound we’ll be working with in this program. Whether you have money issues or not, having confidence, love, money, security, and a positive frequency with the world is related to how much energetic lack lives in your body.

Abundance is a frequency that can be cultivated. What manifests from this frequency in your body comes from the relationship between your first and third chakras. Now that you’ve done significant clearing in these areas, we’ll work with attuning these areas in your body to Divine love and abundance. As in each class, there will be a deep guided healing to shift out old patterns of lack and reclaim buried frequencies of love.

You’ll discover:

How lack and poverty consciousness live in the body and how they’re hidden in your subconscious output to the universe
How poverty and lack relate to overly-empathic experiences that keep you feeling toxic and drained
How to clear the poverty and lack energy from your system so your mentality can change
How deep transfusions of love can awaken dormant abundance in the body
Module 2: Embodying Your Power & Managing Energy in Your Life
Up until now, you’ve been doing deep and life-changing energy work. It may have brought up significant emotions and blocks that needed to be released. Now we’re going to move into some embodiment practices and tools to manage energy in the word, but from a place of feeling filled up. There will be no guided healing in this training (unless Wendy feels called to it as the weeks unfold). You’ll be learning practices to be mindful of energy in your body.

You’ll discover:

How your posture plays a big role in where you leak energy, cord, or feel corded
How to have a healthy aura so you feel safe and protected in the world
The importance of containers to strengthen healthy empathic intuition
Practices for your physical body to stay clear, centered, and grounded
How to manage the feeling of “psychic” attack or interference. What is it and how to work with it?
Module 3: Integration and Q&A
This module, you’ll receive an energetic integration healing to help you live more in your embodied power. You’ll also have a longer Q&A call to answer questions which have been arising from the previous weeks.

Module 4: Sharing Your Empathic Gifts
Now that you’ve been building more spiritual stamina in your system to embody your soul and unblock power in the body, you may have a sense of radiance, grounding, and awareness of how your empathic intuition works in your body.

This module is to help you integrate your gifts into your life. It doesn’t mean you go around reading everyone’s energy. In fact you don’t. A healthy and grounded intuitive does read everyone’s energy. Instead you have more discernment, self-respect, and awareness of your boundaries. The added piece is opening up to your Divine calling and saying “yes” to your gifts.

Module 1: Your Divine Calling as an Empath & Saying Yes to Your Gift
When you hold against truth, chaos ensues. When you don’t listen to your intuition and deep callings, there are aches, pains, stuckness, and consequences to repair. Saying “yes” to your inner gifts and Divine calling is the foundation of building a clear, clean relationship between you and the Divine. It’s the alchemy of the universe and your soul unified in your body.

Manifesting your gifts into the world as empath comes with accepting why you have been called here. What are you hiding? Are you a writer, a teacher, an artist, a impactor, a creator, a healer?

Deep at the root of empathic intuition is a healer that needs to be seen. This module you’ll experience a deep guided journey of acceptance of the light in your body to support the unfolding of your empathic gift in the word.

You’ll discover:

What saying “yes” to your gift looks and feels like in the energetic system
How to live in truth with a clear center
What is asking to emerge from deep within you
If you’re a healer, what does that mean and how to allow more of your healing gifts to emerge
Module 2: Discover How to Begin Reading Energy Intuitively Without Taking it On
A common question for empaths is how do I read energy without taking it on. When there’ ability to see energy, but not necessarily the training in the lower chakras to clear out the wounded energy and hold center. Seeing, sensing, hearing, feeling, or reading energy is a natural intuitive ability for some people.

Yet empaths typically don’t have an issue with feeling the energy instead they have the issue with not taking it on. By now, you know how to not take the energy on. Now the work is to learn to “read” energy in a healthy way…or to consider whether you want to read energy at all?

This module, you’ll be given some basic practices on how to start tuning into energy while staying centered and embodied.

You’ll discover:

How to have boundaries while reading energy
How sometimes you attract the perfect people in your life to help you work through a particular issue
Practices on how to read energy
What the difference is between a psychic and a healer and why this is important for empaths to know
Module 3: Being an Empath in Today’s World
You’ve been called into this life to be a part of consciousness evolving. Your role plays a very important part in increasing light on this planet. Yet we live in a planet of duality and shadow. As much as there is light, there is darkness.

Every collective trauma stirs personal traumas. It becomes important for the empath to not be debilitated by the shadow. In This module, you’ll given some awarenesses and tools on how to live as a empath in a dualistic world, how to stay engaged, but not broken down, and how your footprint matters. There will be a guided healing that will include distance healing.

You’ll learn:

Tools for living with news, social media, and world traumas as an empathic being
The importance of connection and belonging as grounding forces
Collective prayer, power in numbers, and distance healing
How to connect to your angels as Divine protectors
Module 4: Final Integration and Q&A
This is the last (but not least) session of the program. Final integration is a very important part of closing a process. As mentioned earlier in the program, openings and closings are very important to contain energy.

We’ll conclude the program with a final integration healing. It will be followed by a final Q&A session to address any remaining questions and to support you in integrating into life with this newfound awareness.

The Advanced Energy Training for Empaths Bonus Collection
In addition to Wendy’s transformative 16-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions and materials. These bonuses complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Discover Your Empathic Nature
Foundational Video Teaching & Guided Healing With Wendy De Rosa

This special teaching with Wendy De Rosa, which you’ll receive upon registration, will give you a powerful overview of the distinct wounds, challenges, and energy patterns which are common to overly empathic people.

You’ll discover how energy blocks form in childhood (and your younger consciousness) and are held in the body, including wounds of family, religious, and cultural lineages. Wendy then guides you in a deep healing and clearing of blocks held in your lower body. You’ll emerge from this guided healing with a stronger sense of Self and more grounded in your own wisdom and power.

Transform Through Emotional Healing: Release Emotions From the Past
Set of 6 Powerful Guided Audio Meditations From Wendy De Rosa

Do you struggle with unresolved anger in your system? Are you stopped from moving forward because you have unfinished business in your past? Is it a challenge to feel love for yourself because other feelings are more prevalent? Journey through releasing unprocessed emotional history in your body with the support of these powerful, empowering, and deep guided healings through each emotion. Wendy facilitates a guided journey into your chakra system and subconscious to help you release the energy that you no longer need to carry.

Clearing Negative Beliefs & Energy Blocks in the Body
Guided Audio Healing and Teaching From Wendy De Rosa

This guided healing guides you beneath the surface to clear negative beliefs held in the energetic system. The deep healing in this recording supports empaths in tending to their subconscious energies, as well as clears the blocks and embodies more true self.

Chakra Healing Guide
PDF Guide From Wendy De Rosa

This guide from Wendy gives you an overview of the chakras as it relates to healing, and what to focus on in each area of the body. As you move through the program, this guide can be helpful to identify the energy that pertains to each power center.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Sixteen Recorded Class Sessions With Wendy De Rosa

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with intuitive healer and trainer Wendy De Rosa — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your healing potential.

Eight Bonus Q&A Sessions

Wendy joined students biweekly via Facebook Live to interact in an intimate and immediate way, answering questions that came up while working with the course material throughout the module.

Sixteen PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Advanced Energy Training for Empaths Bonus Collection

Discover Your Empathic Nature
2-part Foundational Video Teaching From Wendy De Rosa
Transform Through Emotional Healing: Release Emotions From the Past
Set of 6 Powerful Guided Audio Meditations From Wendy De Rosa
Clearing Negative Beliefs & Energy Blocks in the Body
Guided Audio Healing and Teaching From Wendy De Rosa
Chakra Healing Guide
PDF Guide From Wendy De Rosa
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Advanced Energy Training for Empaths Virtual Training
We feel honored Wendy De Rosa has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a renowned intuitive healer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Wendy’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace.

If you’re serious about clearing the deepest blocks in your energy system so that you can embody your empathic nature, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

About Wendy De Rosa

Wendy De Rosa is an internationally respected intuitive energy healer, speaker, teacher, and author. For the past two decades, she’s offered private sessions, education, and training programs for spiritual and personal growth for those wanting to develop their intuition, clear their blocks, and experience personal transformation.

She’s the founder of the School of Intuitive Studies and the Intuitive Healer Training Program. Wendy has filmed two programs for’s spiritual growth channel, Soulvana. She’s a author whose book, Energy Healing Through the Chakras: A Guide to Self-Healing, is an Amazon bestseller.

Wendy is also a contributing author to the bestselling book, Bouncing Back: Thriving in Changing Times, with Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, and other leaders in personal growth. Her most recent book is Expanding Your Heart: Awakening Through Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening.

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