Hank Wesselman – Navigators of Light

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Original price was: $1,197.00.Current price is: $184.00.


Hank Wesselman – Navigators of Light
Hank Wesselman – Navigators of Light

Original price was: $1,197.00.Current price is: $184.00.


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Hank Wesselman - Navigators of LightHank Wesselman – Navigators of Light

What You’ll Discover in These 25 Modules

In this transformational virtual workshop, Hank will guide you through advanced shamanic practices you’ll need to successfully connect with higher realms, including explorations of elemental clans, bardos, and spiritual domains.

Each teaching and training session will build harmoniously upon previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles to deepen your connection with your shamanic practice — a practice through which your life can become an incredibly advanced adventure.

Module 1: The Modern Shaman The Re-emergence of an Ancestral Archetype


Session 1: Nature Mysticism & Deity Mysticism

It’s always been understood among traditional tribal people that each new generation had the responsibility to perpetuate and refresh a continually recreated tradition, adding to and enhancing the accumulating horde of wisdom and techniques, and changing it to align with present needs.

It was in this way that this ancient spiritual path remained vital and meaningful to those who walked it. The modern shaman is the adventurer and investigator of the non-ordinary hidden worlds. This exploration includes the dreaming of nature and the archetypal mind on the planet at the beginning; the Lower Worlds of the dreaming of nature and the realms of light; and the Upper Worlds of Spirit, from which we came into physical life as embodied souls and to which we return at the end of this life.

In this session, you’ll:

  • View the shaman as a cosmic traveler
  • Gain an overview of the hidden worlds of spirit and the shaman’s role as mediator between the worlds
  • Explore the functions of the shaman in traditional societies
  • Illuminate the reappearance of the shaman in Western society

Experiential: Discover shamanic journeywork as an ancient form of meditation into the dreaming of nature.

Session 2: Nature Mysticism

Nature Mysticism is where the shamanic path begins, and you’ll visit this path as you begin your investigations of the “Other Worlds.” You’ll visit the Sacred Garden as an icon within the Middle World and explore the dreaming of nature at large. And, you’ll discover the Sacred Garden as your personal bardo as well as the existence of bardos as post-mortem dreams into which we travel at the death of the physical body. You’ll also discover the true definition of magic and the shaman as the true magician.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the 4 rules by which the Sacred Garden operates and why it’s so important
  • Discover why everything in the Sacred Garden is symbolic
  • Understand how everything in the Sacred Garden can be communicated with for guidance and healing
  • Experience how everything in the Sacred Garden can be changed
  • Recognize that when you change your Sacred Garden, some aspect of yourself or your life will change in response

Experiential: Journey to your Sacred Garden as the personal place of power and healing and reconnection with your Spirit Helper — a nature spirit that provides you with power, protection, and support.

Session 3: Levels of Awareness

Discover the three levels of awareness through which you operate all the time: your physical everyday consciousness; your mental-emotional consciousness, which also incorporates your psychic awareness; and your spiritual consciousness, which gives you access to the Spirit World, which is also the Dream World. You’ll also discover that psychic awareness and spiritual consciousness are not the same.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Examine the assumptions that allow us to perceive the world through the three levels of awareness
  • Explore the mystic Internet on the second level, through which everything everywhere and everyone is connected
  • Expand the perception of the timeless as you turn your awareness beyond the physical plane
  • Discover the cause and effect in this system

Experiential: Make connection with the matrix, the energetic web (the net of Indra), through which everything is connected, even different beings on different star systems. You’ll also make connection with a star that is attracting you and explore hybrid souls.

Module 2: The Evolution of Religion


Session 1: The Evolution of Religion, Part 1 Anthropological Approaches to Religion

The concept of the Father-God icon was not part of archaic tribal belief. It didn’t appear in human cultures until we developed stratified state-level societies. By going into the most ancient roots of shamanism, you’ll better understand this as well as shamanism’s modern expression. You’ll explore the Mbuti Pygmies of the Ituri forests of the Congo and discover the Molimo Ceremony, as well as the interpretative lens of religion.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore your belief in the supernatural, the sacred, and the profane
  • Examine the case of Emile Durkheim
  • Explore ideology as a belief system with a powerful emotional appeal
  • Discover mythology (creation myths) and the power of symbols as the basic elements of human existence
  • Explore Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey and the monomyth

Experiential: Connect with your spirit teacher to discover your own creation myth.

Session 2: Animism

Animism is the understanding that each manifested thing has its own personal, supernatural essence or soul. This means that everything everywhere is in-spirited. We’ll turn towards the Universal Planetary Intelligence — Sophia — and the understanding that everything, both animate and inanimate, has its own supernatural essence or soul. You’ll explore your connections with the Sophia.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Work with earthbound spirits in the Lower Worlds and the dreaming of nature
  • Discover the elemental spirits as the archetypal mind of the planet
  • Discover Edward Tylor and “The Origin of Primitive Beliefs,” the beginnings of religion and the perception of the soul, and the inception of animism
  • Gain an Indigenous understanding of the nature of the souls of our world
  • Discover spirits from the Hawaiian kahuna perspective

Experiential: Connect with the spirits of nature of the Lower Worlds for guidance and spiritual evolution.

Session 3: The Evolution of Religion & Animatism 2

We’ll explore animatism more deeply, as a belief in an underlying field, energy, power, or life force, through which everyone and everything is connected, We’ll also explore belief in ancestral spirits among agriculturalists and discover key insights from many animist cultures.

In this session, you’ll discover insights from:

  • The Mana of the Polynesians
  • The Manitous of the Algonkians
  • Historic Christians and Pagan places of power
  • The Kalahari bushmen and their relationship with power
  • The Tonga Of Zambia and the Zelo — the Misimu
  • The ancestors, as well as their position in extended family systems — including yours

Experiential: Connect with an ancestral or past life ancestral spirit.

Session 4: Evolution of Religion 3 Theism — Polytheism & Monotheism

You’ll discover the evolution of religious beliefs in response to your perspectives of yourself and society’s. We’ll explore Polytheism, the belief in many gods and goddesses above and beyond nature; Monotheism, seen as a form of Polytheism, with a Father God on top and various rank and file angels and deified prophets and saints below them. You’ll also discover who the angelic forces really are and glimpse the worlds of the faerie folk and the Djinn.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Guy Swanson and the Birth of the Gods
  • Robert Bellah and the stages of religious evolution
  • The evolution of the Father God of Judeo-Christian ideology
  • The issue of created thoughtforms (egregores) as gods
  • The issue of negative witchcraft and sorcery with relation to egregores

Experiential: Connect with an egregore — a negative being who may be connected with you as a thoughtform, and with the Oversoul to seek protection.

Module 3: Nature Mysticism
An In-depth View


Session 1: The Shamanist Working With the Elemental Spirits The Foundation of Nature (May 10)

In dealing with the force that breathes life and wonder into our world, we connect with the life force from our star streaming downward and the life force from our planet channeled upwards. The place and function of the elementals puts us into relationship with the planetary soul. Connection with the elemental spirits is about connection with archetypal mind… the composite mind of the planet.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • An overview of the elemental clans from the West African perspective
  • The Fire Clan people and their special qualities and abilities
  • How fire will appear to you in your garden
  • What it means to be a gatekeeper
  • What it means to be a gatekeeper connected with fire
  • The gifts conveyed through the gateway

Experiential: Connect in the garden with the spirit of fire/light and discover how fire appears to you in your garden. Connect with the Fire Clan people — in the positive and in the negative polarity. And discover which spirits work with the element of fire and the element of water as well as their function in healing work.

Session 2: The Elementals Continued Water Clan People — Their Qualities & Abilities

Many people embody water as their primary elemental. We’ll explore what this means — as well as who the Water Clan people are.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Gain a brief overview of how we embody one of the elementals in our soul essence
  • Discover the elemental spirits we embody with relation to our genius
  • Find out how water appears to you in your garden
  • Discover what it means to be a gatekeeper connected with water
  • Explore the gifts conveyed through the gateway
  • Discover spirits who work with fire and spirits who work with water — and how they work together for healing
  • Find out how healers help others work with the symptoms of fibromyalgia

Experiential: Connect in the garden with the Spirit of Water and as a gatekeeper. Connect with the Water Clan People in the positive and negative polarity.

“Facebook Live” Video Q&A Session With Hank

Hank joins students via “Facebook Live” for 30 minutes to answer questions that have been submitted about the course material from the preceding class sessions.

Session 3: The Earth Clan People Qualities & Abilities Conveyed by This Elemental Force

Discover how earth will appear to you in your garden. Do you have a healing place in your garden in which or on which to create healing rituals for those who are in need of healing… and what will those healing energies involve?

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • What it means to be an Earth Clan person
  • How to connect to the gateway of earth
  • The gifts conveyed through this gateway
  • What relationship Earth Clan people have with healing work
  • The primary focus in Earth Clan healing work

Experiential: Connect in the garden with the Spirit of Earth and the Earth Clan people in the positive and in the negative polarity and discover the spirits that work with the element of earth.

Session 4: The Stone Clan People How Will Stone Appear to You in Your Garden?

You’ll explore how stone may appear to you in your garden through meditation. We’ll also explore the essence of crystals and the qualities and abilities of the Stone Clan, which will deepen your perception of crystals you may have in your own garden as well as how you relate to them and what they can teach you.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • What it means to be a member of the Stone Clan
  • How stone appears for you in your garden
  • What it means to be connected with the gateway to stone
  • The gifts conveyed through this gateway
  • The healing work of the Stone Clan

Experiential: Connect in the garden with the Spirit of Stone and the Stone Clan people in the positive and in the negative polarity and discover which spirits work with the element of stone.

Session 5: The Nature Clan

We’ll explore what it means to be a Nature Clan member. Many of us involved in shamanic work embody nature as an elemental force. Nature is a mosaic, which is vegetative, made up of both plants and animals expressing connection, as well with all the elementals it comprises.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the qualities and abilities connected with nature
  • Find out what it means to be a member of the Nature Clan
  • Connect with the gateway to nature
  • Discover the gifts conveyed through this gateway
  • Discover the healing work of the Nature Clan

Experiential: Connect in the garden with the spirits of nature and discover what it means to be a Nature Clan person in the positive and in the negative polarity… and as a gatekeeper. Connect with a nature spirit and the green man/green woman.

“Facebook Live” Video Q&A Session With Hank

Hank joins students via “Facebook Live” for 30 minutes to answer questions that have been submitted about the course material from the preceding class sessions.

Module 4: Navigation of the Realms of Light


Session 1: The Oversoul The Immortal Source of the Self in Each Life

The Oversoul is the immortal source of the self in each life. In this session, you’ll explore your relationship with your Oversoul, your Personal Higher

Self. And we’ll explore the Oversoul as our wise spirit teacher, as well as our three souls — the “subconscious” physical body soul, the “conscious” mental egoic soul, and the “superconscious” spiritual Oversoul.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the relationship between the immortal heavenly Oversoul and the embodied physical soul on earth
  • Explore the functions of the Oversoul with relation to the physical soul
  • Discover the co-creative relationship between the immortal soul and the mortal soul
  • Know your spirit teacher as the source of all the knowledge you’ll need in each life
  • Discover why the spirit teacher never tells us what to do, but provides us with knowledge in response to our need to know
  • Discover the spirit teacher as the repository to which we withdraw at life’s end

Experiential: Connect with your spirit teacher on an issue of personal divination.

Session 2: Deity Mysticism The Shamanist as the Navigator of the Realm of Light

When we engage with our Higher Self, we discover a new perspective on God in the new mysteries coming into being. In this session, we’ll explore the Oversoul and its relationship with the Spirit Guide as its teacher. And, we’ll meet our Spirit Guide — the one to whom we are assigned at the beginning of our existence as a soul.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover higher organizing intelligences
  • Find out who the guides really are
  • Discover the guide as master teacher
  • Discover the angelic forces — who they are and who they are not
  • Explore the concept of alien intelligences

Experiential: Connect with the Oversoul and the three levels of reality: Nature Mysticism, and the Lower, Middle, and Upper Worlds. Connect with your two spirit teachers in the garden.

Session 3: The Reincarnational Cycle The Death Experience & the Transition Into the Middle World of Dream

In traditional societies, it was always the function of the shaman to investigate the realms of experience in which we travel after the death of the physical body. The shaman would scout out the post-mortem territories and report back, preparing those who are dying for what happens next. The soul does not die… so where does it go?

In this session, we’ll explore the reincarnational cycle to discover what we experience between lifetimes. We’ll also explore the passage into the light and what and where that light is. And we’ll look at post-mortem dreams, which are the bardo worlds from the Tibetan Buddhist perspective — the bardo heavens and the bardo hells.

In this session, you’ll:

  • View the bardos from the Tibetan perspective
  • Discover the bardo in the Brazilian Catholic perspective — Nosso Lar
  • Explore the issues of suicides and the abysmal waters
  • Discover your garden as your bardo when the big moment comes
  • Explore your life in the afterlife in the bardo

Experiential: Explore the garden as bardo and connect with deceased ancestral spirits.

Session 4: The Healing & Regeneration Center in the Bardo Worlds The In-between State Between Life & the True Afterlife

As we explore the nature of the after-death experience, we’ll visit various localities, including the place where souls who need restoration are taken. We’ll also observe the place in the Middle World where the monsters are taken to dilute and restore their energy.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How the healing and regeneration center appears in the realm
  • What is going on there for discarnate souls
  • What the surrounding environments are like
  • Who is in charge of this place and what the caretaker souls do

Experiential: Connect with and investigate the healing and regeneration center and the Middle World of Dream — the bardos.

Session 5: The Spirit Guide & the Transition of the Discarnate Soul Complex to the Upper Worlds

What happens when the time comes to leave the Middle World of Dream — the bardo — and ascend back into the Upper Worlds? In this session, we’ll discover the function of the guide in this transition as well as the rapture.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The identity of the Spirit Guide
  • The transition into the Upper Worlds — the realms of light
  • The passage of souls leaving earth
  • The Gathering Place
  • The different color hues of the gathered souls (with their guides)

Experiential: Discover the boundary between the Middle and Upper Worlds of Dream, the gathering place of incoming souls returning from the life just lived. Take an experiential journey with the Spirit Guide to the gathering place of souls.

Session 6: The Soul Pod The Level of the Higher Spheres

The pod is a family of souls who have frequent and ongoing connection with each other across countless lives. The ongoing process seems to be helping each other in each soul’s evolution across time as we progress through learning our life lessons.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How the soul pod appears
  • That there are familiars who you recognize and who recognize you
  • The different soul ages reflected in your pod
  • The existence of earthly landmarks
  • The appearance of your soul pod’s locality
  • How neighboring soul pods appear

Experiential: Journey to a soul pod with the Spirit Guide and reconnect with a soul pod.

Module 5: The Interlife State in the Realms of Light


Session 1: The Interlife State Activities & Teachings (August 16)

In this session, we’ll investigate the activities in which souls participate between lives as well as the Akashic records, where our life book is kept in the library in the Upper Worlds as a record of all our past lives and our lives to come.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Have your guide take you to the library
  • Discover the nature of the interlife state
  • Explore your relationship with your Spirit Guide
  • Explore the library and the archivists
  • Find your life book and its name
  • Discover fascinating details about your life before this one… and the one before that
  • Discover the deeper pattern that will help you understand your path through this life

Experiential: Journey to the Akashic records — the library — to access your life book in the company of your guide.

Session 2: Recap of the Akashic Records Journey Engage in an Interdimensional Experience

In this session, we’ll engage in an Interdimensional Journey with the assistance of an explorer soul. These are highly advanced souls whose primary work is to reconnaissance to seek out training sites for younger souls — searching out localities in the other worlds for their training in various work-related activities.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • The nature of explorer souls
  • The training of souls between lives
  • The higher dimensional levels
  • How the explorer soul appears to you
  • A brief educational experience to contribute to our practice as shamans

Experiential: Connect with an explorer soul to go on a brief exploration of a higher dimensional level. Is it a physical, mental, or energetic level? Is it a light dark or pastel world? How do you know?

Session 3: How Souls Come Into Being

In the company of the Spirit Guide, you’ll journey to discover more about the place where souls are created. We’ll go as observers. Do not touch anything. Simply observe, although you can ask your guide for information. This session will reveal something about how souls come into being… and the nature of the causal realms.

In this session, you’ll explore questions such as:

  • Where do we go?
  • What is the interface between the subtle and the causal in the Upper Worlds?
  • What is the boundary between level 8 and level 9?
  • How does this place appear?
  • Who else is there? What sounds, sights, and emotions do you perceive?
  • What is the purpose for souls coming to earth?

Experiential: Journey to the place where souls are created.

Session 4: Connection With Your Cosmic Council of Wise Elder Spirits

The council of wise elders are the ones who debrief us when we return from a life just lived, and the ones who brief us before we come back into life for another action-packed adventure on the physical plane. They are the ones who hold our sacred contract, which details the life lessons we’ll be working on in this life.

In this session, you’ll explore questions such as:

  • When your guide comes to summon you to visit the council, how does the place appear?
  • Is your guide a member of your council?
  • How many are there on your council and how do they appear to you?
  • Do they seem familiar? Do they all speak, or does one speak for all?
  • How are they dressed? Are they wearing any medallions or pendants — and if so, can you describe their features?
  • Do they ask you about your current life?

Experiential: Visit with your council of wise elder spirits to discover more about how you’re progressing with your life lessons, and what’s written on your cosmic contract. You can ask them about how you might do better.

“Facebook Live” Video Q&A Session With Hank

Hank joins students via “Facebook Live” for 30 minutes to answer questions that have been submitted about the course material from the preceding class sessions.

Session 5: The Presence

Did you perceive a presence when you were before your council of wise elder spirits? If so, were they aware of it? This will be an investigative journey, in the company of an explorer soul, to gain insights and experiences in the higher dimensional level where the most creative work of the universe is accomplished.

In this session, you’ll explore questions such as:

  • How does the explorer soul appear to you?
  • Where do you go and how does this place appear to you?
  • Is it a light realm or dark realm? What else is there?
  • Do you feel the presence?
  • How does the explorer soul answer your questions about what you are perceiving?

Experiential: Journey with an explorer soul to the place of creation (a very high dimensional level).

Session 6: The Planning & Reentry Center for Your Next Life

Your guide to your next life awaits you. In this session, you’ll journey with your guide and identify the nature of potential future lives — the landmarks, who‘s in control and how these places and lives are organized.

In this session, you’ll explore questions such as:

  • What role does your council serve in the next life?
  • How is this place structured — is it earth-like or does it have unfamiliar landscapes?
  • Who else is there — and who is in charge?

Experiential: Journey to the planning and reentry center where we choose the next life and re-enter life on the physical plane.

Final Class

This will be an integration session to conclude the course, an open Q&A session in which you can discuss the implications of what you’ve learned with relation to your life, your spiritual practice, and your passage as a soul across eternity, growing into who and what you are becoming.

Salepage : Hank Wesselman – Navigators of Light

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