Dr. Joe Vitale – Ho’oponopono Certification Program

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Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $18.00.


Dr. Joe Vitale – Ho’oponopono Certification Program
Dr. Joe Vitale – Ho’oponopono Certification Program

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $18.00.


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 Dr. Joe Vitale - Ho'oponopono Certification Program

Dr. Joe Vitale – Ho’oponopono Certification Program

This course is totally awesome!

That’s what comes into my mind after I saw an ad, clicked it, and read the sales page of Dr. Joe Vitale’s Ho’oponopono Certification.

Does that happen to you too? If so, then I’m sure you’ve read all the course description from start to end, but couldn’t encourage yourself to take action – although it cost about $3/day to get started.

Get Dr. Joe Vitale – Ho’oponopono Certification Program download

Well, you’re not alone.

Frankly, I also didn’t take action right away.

I spent a few hours trying to learn more about this course first, as well as posting questions in some self-help forums regarding this certification program. You see, I always feel enthusiastic when it comes to learning self-help. This is something I really passionate about. So I don’t want to miss any good courses – including this one.

I usually take action after reading the description for the first time.

But for this Ho’oponopono course. I simply couldn’t do that.

No, it’s not because I don’t trust Dr. Joe Vitale. Just like many people, I started to admire him since I saw him for the first time in The Secret movie. It’s simply self-doubt that’s holding me back from taking action.

Yeah, right.

I know Ho’oponopono requires a lot of time to learn. And this course only takes about 6 hours to finish. I didn’t know if I can handle that without feeling overwhelmed.

Anyway, after I’ve had enough information to make a decision.
I Clicked The Order Button, Filled My Information, And This Is What Happened Next…

I regretted my decision – so much.

If only I get started right away – not wasting my time trying to learn more about this program… I might have finished half of this course.

This Ho’oponopono certification course really worth the investment.


Here’s why:

It doesn’t fill with so many strange terms like what I’ve been predicted. Instead, the instructors – Dr. Joe Vitale, Matthew Dixon, and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len – guide you through every step in a simple way that’s so easy to understand… you won’t need your smartphone by your side to do a quick Google search.
There are 8 video lessons in total. And each of the lessons is designed in a bite-sized format, so you won’t feel overwhelmed by the materials that cover a lot of things.
Yes, the materials cover a lot of things you need to know to start practicing Ho’oponopono. It’s no wonder if the sales page claims that this is the most in-depth, complete, and definitive Ho’oponopono online training ever created. That’s true – not just a marketing gimmick.
After I finished the first video lesson, I couldn’t believe I’ve mastered the basics of Ho’oponopono in a very short time. Yes, I’m a long-time student of Law of Attraction, but I never learned Yoga and Reiki – a healing technique like this is, completely new to me. So don’t worry if you’re someone like me. You can finish the program without facing any difficulties. This is 100% created for everyone.

And here’s what’s really great about this program…
Once You’ve Completed The Course And Passed The Test Exam… You’ll Receive Your Certification.

The certification you’ll get is a certification by the Global Sciences Foundation to practice Modern Ho’oponopono.

Quick Note: Modern Ho’oponopono is an adaptation of the ancient Ho’oponopono. It’s basically the same. But has been adapted for people in today’s world. So don’t worry. It’s still an authentic Ho’oponopono taught by instructors who’ve mastered both the old and the new one. (To make it simple, I’ll just call it Ho’oponopono so you won’t feel confused)

Once you’ve received your certificate you’re 100% qualified to become a private practitioner, therapist, and provider. And you can start to open your private practice and work with patients if you want.

I personally haven’t done that. I want, but for now, I really don’t have the time to do that. So far, I’ve helped my friends, my family, and only a handful of people who reached out to me. But I wish I could start to help more people in the near future.

In case you’re wondering, most people I’ve helped are those who deal with limiting beliefs – just like what’s been mentioned on the sales page.

Just to name a few, here are some people I’ve helped:

My cousin Matthew who abandoned his dream of becoming a successful tech entrepreneur like Steve Jobs. Despite his skill in programming is beyond the average… he gave up after he found none of his ideas could be accepted by the market. I after I helped him, he could forgive himself and finally could get back on the right track to pursue his dream.
Ken, a guy from Japan who contacted me on Instagram, soon after I posted a picture of me holding my certification. He told me that there was a mistake he made in the past, which made him angry with himself all the time. This has made his life stuck for years without any progress. He knew a Ho’oponopono practitioner can help him. But it’s hard to find one in Japan. And yet, he simply couldn’t focus on learning it by himself. After I helped him – Thanks to Skype that made it possible – now he can finally move on to recreate his life.
My nephew Sarah who actually has a great talent in music, but couldn’t encourage herself to make it as her career when she graduated from high school. I thought, even if she followed her plan to become an accountant, chances are she’ll become the average. And yet, I knew she’s really passionate about music. So I spoke with her and offered my help. Now Sarah’s plan has been changed. She decided to continue her studies at Berklee College of music. And thankfully, her parents are cool with her decision.

There are actually more than ten people I’ve been helped. But I couldn’t mention all of them. (my arms will get carpal tunnel if I do that :D)

Anyway, if you’re also struggling with limiting beliefs, learning this course could be a good solution for you. Yes, even if you don’t have a plan to help other people.
With Ho’oponopono, You Can Quickly
Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs.

In the comfort of your home, you can practice Ho’oponopono to heal yourself.

You don’t need to go visit a therapist who might charge you hundreds bucks… And yet, you’ll heal yourself faster.

Or if you have done a terrible mistake in the past, which keeps haunting you and make your life feel less enjoyable. Ho’oponopono can help you clean those bad memories from your mind… so you can start to recreate your life – a better life you deserve.

There’s a 4-phrase mantra you’ll learn to clean the memories, and help you or your patient to retake 100% responsibility for everything in life – good, bad, and indifferent.

And as you go deeper into the course, you’ll discover that the Modern Ho’oponopono you learn from this course, is taking the ancient Ho’oponopono one-step further. Not only it could be learned faster but it also allows you to heal people who’re not sitting in front of you – just like what I did to Ken via Skype.


So that’s the overview of Dr. Vitale’s Ho’oponopono Certification Course.

What do you say? Feel more interested to get started with this course?

If so, then read more details about the certification course so you can 100% sure that it’s right for you.
Here’s How It Works

Here’s the step-by-step for completing this course and get your certificate:

1. Registration
2. Learn all the lessons
3. Complete the test exam
4. Receive your certification

When you sign up for this program, you’ll receive all the materials that cover everything you need to know about traditional and modern Ho’oponopono. They come in two different formats: Text and Video.

Next, you can start to learn all the lessons either by spending a few minutes every day or go through all the courses in just one day – just like me.

From what I know, this is a self-paced course, which means you can learn it at your own pace. No need to rush. Just ensure you can fully understand all the lessons taught by the instructors.

On the sales page, it stated that the shortest completion time is one week. But, if you’re like me who really feel excited to learn about Ho’oponopono, I’m sure you can finish it within just a few days. But again, just take it easy. You’ll be facing a test exam to get your certificate. So make sure you’re well prepared to face the test.a

Speaking about the test, I recommend going through all the courses again for at least once before you take the test. No need to rush. You only have three attempts to pass. If you fail for the third one, you’ll never get your Ho’oponopono certificate.

If you can pass the test, congratulations… You will receive your beautiful certificate in your inbox. You can print it out and proudly display it for anyone – including your clients – to see. Your name, your title (Certified Ho’oponopono Practitioner), and your certification number will be displayed in your certificate.

So that’s how the certification course works.

And as mentioned earlier, this is a self-paced program. That means you can learn it anywhere and anytime.

The best part is, you can also follow through the program using any devices. For me, I found that it’s really comfortable to watch the video course on my TV while having the Guidebook opened on my iPad. (Or on my phone when I forgot to charge it after watching Netflix)

Although I prefer to learn in-person, directly inside a class… but I think an online program is not that bad since it’s very flexible. Even if you’re a super busy person, I’m sure you can finish this program and get your certificate. You only need to spend at least 30 minutes every day.

So what do you say? Do you think you can handle that?

Of course, you do.

Now, let’s talk more about what you’ll get from this certification course.
Here’s What You’ll Get From This
Certification Course
Ho’oponopono Practitioner Guidebook

This is the guidebook that will play an important role not only during your time in this course but also after you’ve become a certified Ho’oponopono practitioner. Whenever I have something I couldn’t remember, this book always comes in-handy. Here’s what you’ll find inside this book.

Unlocking the Power of Ho’oponopono. It’s like a guide that takes you through the path of becoming a proficient Ho’oponopono practitioner. Here you’ll find all the time-tested mantra, prayers, cleaning tools, and meditations in modern practice.
Traditional Ho’oponopono Practice. Here you’ll find the historical foundations of mental cleansing that bring the power of Ho’oponopono into the relationship among people, families, between subject and goals, and through divine interconnection.
Who Was Mornah Simenoa. You’ll discover how the traditional Hawaiian group process unlocks a working partnership among the three parts of the mind or self-from subconscious to superconscious. You’ll learn about this subject from the modern master of updated Ho’oponopono practice.
Modern Ho’oponopono One-Step Further. Learn how Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, one of Mornah’s students took his teaching one-step further to create even more powerful healing experiences.
The world’s Most Unusual Therapist. Discover how the “World’s Most Unusual Therapist” healed and cleansed the mind of patients remotely without ever seeing them. This subject taught by Dr. Vitale.
Video Instruction. This part plays a role as a guide to follow along with the video lessons.
Zero Limits Answer Guide. Learn the answers to the key questions of Ho’oponopono practice who learned Ho’oponopono from the best selling book Zero Limits. The questions answered by Dr. Vitale and Dr. Hew Len. (You’ll find so many “Aha” moments here)
What’s the Right Way to Clean? Learn the 5-step cleaning process that’s so powerful to help patients (or yourself) eliminating the past memories to quickly feel lighter, happier, and healthier.

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