Sri Vishwanath – Moksha Movement Hijacking

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Sri Vishwanath – Moksha Movement Hijacking
Sri Vishwanath – Moksha Movement Hijacking

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $84.00.


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Sri Vishwanath – Moksha Movement Hijacking

 Sri Vishwanath - Moksha Movement Hijacking

Join The Moksha Movement Today: Advanced Self-Realisation Secrets,  Concentration Frameworks, Emotion Control Techniques, For Winning God’s Grace, Experiencing God Consciousness,  and Destroying Bad Karma

Ideal for hungry spiritual seekers struggling with overthinking, lack of concentration, right discipline, finding time  and virtually any passionate truth explorer who has the ‘stomach’ for it. Be the first to take advantage of this brand new opportunity, AND save $1997.

Get Sri Vishwanath – Moksha Movement Hijacking download

Dear Friend,

If you’re receiving this invitation, it’s a safe bet we already know each other-probably well.

That means you are already well aware of my prowess at persuading people to part with their emotional trauma and mental blocks almost instantly, at the blink of an eye, willingly renounce the unripe ego, pledge allegiance and behave like super-consciousness rockstars…

You may have already heard  a lot about this from me already and you’re probably pretty damn good at it yourself too!

I have already revealed a lot of my methods in different places, venues, products and at various tieme but hard as it may be to believe I’ve held back as well ! That sort of stuff that’s too hot to handle for most people. Very specific hijacks, techniques I rely on to virtually erase people’s emotional trauma, mental blocks(without them knowing!) and substitute my control in it’s place.

If that immediately disturbs you then this offer is not going to be for you and it would be best if you just stopped reading right now
However If This Doesn’t Disturb Or Frighten You, Then Please Carry On Reading

I have quietly accumulated and used these Moksha Movement techniques personally privately and in virtually every situation I’ve been in many years and solved a lot of dangers for my clients and manifested a ton of opportunities for them. Often when people are surprised at themselves in quickly overcoming it .

Lets dig in.

Lots of ‘masters’ use some or all of these Moksha Movement methods. Let me give you just three examples

Great Spiritual Teachers Like Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi rely on that. Swami Vivekananda said this of the great Ramakrishna ““ I do not find a more marvellous miracle than the manner this mad Brahmin used to handle human minds like lumps of clay,breaking, moulding and remodelling them and filling them with new ideas by a mere touch”

Normal spiritual seekers spend 30-40 years meditating, indulging in austerities and acquire a little power over the human mind and the world gets impressed with their knowledge…

Ramakrishna from the age of five was flawless. What did he know about human minds that others did not? How could he transform human minds into lumps of clay, break and mould them with a mere touch. Ramakrishna was barely adequate in education and persuasion but was master in Awareness Hijacking..Doesn’t that tell you something?

Around the world in Zero Dollars : Swami Vivekananda travelled the whole of the world with zero dollars in his pocket and spread the word of God. How could he do that? What did he know about life that you are now aware of? There is one Awareness Hijacking technique used by all the great men and women that has nothing to do with your present circumstance, emotional pain and trauma that creates an emotional desire in the universe and forces the right people to come forward and  help you. You need to know this in order to be successful.
The Hidden Secret of Hanuman: In The Ramayana when Hanuman was called to help Ram rescue Sita he was confused. How could he get to the other side of the ocean? Jambhavan the wise monkey in the camp deployed a favourite, super-reliable Awareness Hijacking technique on Hanuman specifically for achieving victory over enemies and accomplishing his mission. It was a big task and time was limited. How did Hanuman manage to fly across the ocean…. It remains a hidden secret. They all use the same Moksha Movement techniques.

So Let’s Get Into A Little Depth Here, About Moksha Movement  In General And About Moksha Movement For The Express Purpose Of Seperating ‘Self Realisation’ from The Methods Used.

These technqiues aren’t ’Soft-serve basis and mind hacks.

Most spiritual seekers, institutes and meditation teachers would burst into flames if any of us dared teach this to their herd driven closed eyed yogic students

I’ve always had to be careful about this. More so as I got more and more aware, conscious , deliberate skilled and ruthless in using it. But there’s a lot of risk in talking about it

Here’s why…

Moksha Movement is very different to traditional methods of meditation, concentration, and rituals.

It is different as a very sharp pointed stick is to a cotton Q-tip. As different as a rattlesnake is to a teddy bear.

It threatens the orthodoxy of many spiritual and religious belief systems as well as the orthodoxy of meditation and faith based training, which is a multi-billion dollar industry

Faith is important to understand and tuning yourself to embrace it bestows lot of peace. Also deeply understanding the principles and architecture and tactical methods of faith is very beneficial.
However Moksha Movement  Takes Things One Step Forward

Hijacking is influence and persuasion on steroids and red bull, but also more. It is ‘ more; in its rich depth, its psychological basis. It is ‘more’ in its sheer power. Faith can create interest and curiousity and devotion can bring commitment
Moksha Movement  Can Create

As an individual you can ignore this, you can fear it, you can decry it, you can settle for softer, gentler, more vanilla methods – or you can delve into them deeply as I have, and use them to enormous benefit. I’m prepared now to offer you the advanced, sophisticated, dangerous choice…

My purpose – one that I routinely accomplish – and one you can own too, (if you dare) is simple and, to most people, scary:

To literally hijack your Awareness, so that you can do with them whatever you wish.

You can also use this on others with good intention.

A great many healings and knowledge transfer between spiritual gurus and  students- occur because seekers have been unknowingly rendered defenceless.

This is important: it is NOT just that they have been influenced, persuaded, or convinced. Their natural defenses, their education – based defenses and their normal behavior, was completely shut down, just as data-hijackers bypass security systems.

However, for many people, the very thought of setting out to make someone utterly defenseless is WAY out of bounds.

I grant you, it’s an extreme approach to emotion manipulation, the thing is if you are going to do something – like, say attempt to vanish your emotions, you may as well do it with extreme effectiveness, for extreme gains. This is the very liberating conclusion I came to.
BUT, If You Are At All Squeamish About Hijacking  Your Emotions And Other’s Minds, Decisions, And Wills, This Training Will NOT Be For You. This Training Will Be Emotionally Disturbing, Even Alarming.

Most ‘training’ on meditation and faith, is watered down and filtered – made gentle and safe from harsh critique. As such, it has insufficient power for ‘big-game-hunting’ and realisation of Atman.

It stops short of taking control.

I have no intention of making it ‘safe’ or ‘comfortable’.

Vivekananda in one of his lectures in United States was rebuked and criticised for preaching the doctrine of Brahman in a church. Many listeners started leaving the hall. He noticed . He pointed at them and said ‘I’m not changing my speech because a bunch of morons are uncomfortable with it’.

Hopefully, you get my point. There’s no soft lighting here. Enter at your own risk, and if you run screaming from the room – no refunds!

You May Even Think Differently About ME
After This Is Over – I’m Prepared For That

Moksha Movement  is all about seizing, taking over, forcing your Karma into a different direction.

I’ll be sharing some incredible information, including…

How Krishna Helped Arjun take the most important decision of his life and you can too.This factors into almost every piece of important decision I’ve ever taken
The Four Part formula that takes any spiritual seeker and make them eligible for Moksha in less than seven days. This is the essence of the training Sukhadeva gave to Parikshit in the banks of Ganges. You get four reports  which are quick to read and easy to absorb. By the end of the 4th day boom you are maya free and moksha eligible.
How to  hijack any state of mind and transform your failure into success. With this you can exit out of any mental trauma, addiction, fear, anxiety which you have been carrying for decades. This is plug and play… You get the exact framework to do it
Transform your lack of concentration and inability to discipline yourself into a beautiful spiritual experience that will unseat even the most exalted spiritual guru.

How to stop fighting with circumstances and in a second vanish into the superconscious. I demonstrate that live for a real problem. You will freak out with this tip and keep your problems to a minimum…
The exact words you should write to get rid of all sins in the past and those which may happen in the future.
How to use the 3 minute yogic formula to get that one glance of God and win His grace..
And much more…!

In Both the Versions of Moksha Movement you get instant online access to all everything plus you will get the physical version shipped through Fedex within 3-4 days.

REMEMBER – This Is The First Time We’ve EVER Put This Training On Sale!

Most small thinkers approach the start and growth of spirituality as a from the ground up activity. To every profit from the flowing river of consciousness, they think they have to start from scratch by dredging a ditch in a place no one has yet dug. This is slow laborious process.

You don’t have to suffer and struggle . Someone has already done that for you.

There are already plenty of rivers of consciousness  flowing

You don’t need a new one or a different one.

There’s no need. You can draw all you want from a ditch someone else has already dug.

And that’s one HUGE Secret that I am going to show you.
This is How I Think ABout My Work

1)  I struggled very early on in my life with fear, insecurity and anxiety. It used to tear me apart. I got completely distracted from my goals. I quickly realised I am not the first person born on earth to go through suffering.  There must be an easy way out.

3) This led me to meditation. I did exactly as they told. I did not listen to my mind. I listened to their message. For 15 years day in day out I did as they told.. Boom! One day all worship. Love and sacrifice was fully completed. I could not believe it…

2) I started reading Vivekananda, Ramakrishna and came to realise that they were genuine people who could foresee the suffering of humanity and had a simple system working for them. I became curious to master this system.

4) Krishna laid the entire system out for me step by step.. I was thinking and wondering.. What the hell was I doing for 15 years. I could have known and realised this in less than a month. That is when I craated the 28 Day Moksha-the Best Enlightenment Plan Ever For Spiritual Seekers Over 40. This is my mission and I want you to join me

You too Can Be Spiritually Invincible

There are certain things you could do that could guarantee your spiritual invincibility, that hardly anyone ever talks about.

Now let me insist, these things do not include meditating for 4 hours, sitting before fire sacrifice, chanting a mantra 1008 times or writing affirmations till you die. These things may be useful, but they are also just mechanical skills, that are rapidly losing value.

I’m talking about the level of skill that transcends mechanics.

Spiritual invincibility involves supernatural powers, not mechanical know-how. The skills to experience your Atman, to attain Moksha and deify bad Karma and have your way with them transcends whatever mechanical skills you use.
Key Point: The Better You Are At It, The Faster you can Reduce your Learning Curve and Script your Spiritual Freedom

For instance, the spiritual seeker using the traditional formula and meditation methods may take 12 to 30 years to be self-realised. 12 to 30 years is a heck lot of time

Understanding how to quite literally take control of your Karma is so immensely valuable. It empowers you to reduce your learning curve and stop your negative emotions on track

Simply get off the hamster wheel, stop running so hard chasing another spiritual product, another spiritual guru, another meditation method like a crazy person.

Forget the masses, Become Self-Realised Like A Pro. Spend 8 hours absorbing the best of spiritual wisdom, then meditate with style and power for 20 minutes a day. That’s it..

Now I’m not saying you need to abandon your current methods- that’s not what it is all about…

I make sure my students become self-realised within seven to 10 days through a secret follow up process making myself spiritually invincible

SO what would happen if you become self-realised in less than a week or a month? Would that hurt you? Why should you wait for 12 years just because others waited.

Ramakrishna did not wait
Vivekananda did not wait

Figuring out how to realise Atman,attain Moksha, quieten your mind using the right framework and spiritual attitudes, following the best yogic practises is something hardly anyone thinks about and is where it is going to help you.

You need to take action, take control and debunk your bad karma, which brings me back to…

…The Danger Zone (Extreme Emotion Manipulations)

Of course, loads of spiritual teachers trot out the ‘this isn’t for everyone’ talk, but their events always turn out to be really lame. Well, let me warn you – this is real, there’s going to be a whole load of ‘OMG I can’t believe he just revealed that’

So I’ll be honest – this isn’t for everyone, but no one’s precluded either. These techniques can be used under any circumstance.
Special Limited Time Bonus #1:
(Worth $497):

Released For The First Time EVER As A Free Bonus:

“Self Realisation Secrets Club ”

Look, most spiritual teachers put a bunch of meditation videos of poses and breathing techniques and concentration methods  and call it a day. The problem is that’s the basic, rudimentary, formulaic path that most seekers  take when seeking God and solving daily life problems

But the more sophisticated and DANGEROUS path is to implement specific “emotional-hijacks” into your meditation routines that renders your Bad Karma powers useless! Your bad karma no longer bears fruit.

These are the powerful techniques I covered during the closed door Self Realisation Secrets Club membership I taught to 58 people who were  brave enough to navigate and stick with me.

I went deep, deep, deeeeep into the 34 superconscious secrets that I try to infuse into every meditation and Awareness hijacking And believe me, these tactics go way beyond trying to solve daily life problems and making sure no one messes around with you

This is stuff I have never revealed outside of private clients and my $997 Mastermind group. In fact, some of what I revealed was seen as a betrayal of “in-sider’s code by some of my spiritual  peers!

But you can have all 50 vidoes digital copy  for free when you take action today and grab your copy of “it.” If you wish I will also include this in the flash drive. Let me know

It’s the perfect complement to this course because you’ll get to pair these superconsciousness secrets with the 10 special reports it that you’ll get with this course to make yourself even more spiritually invincible when you sit down to meditate

Best Part: you’ll also eliminate self doubt because you’ll be exposed to 34  instant spiritual strategies you can easily modify, and borrow for solving your complex life problems. No more banging your head against the wall trying to come up with a “big spiritual idea” for your next meditation.

Special Limited Time Bonus #2:
(Worth $249):

Released For The First Time EVER As A Free Bonus:

Imperfect Is The New Perfect

“How To Turn Your Failure Into Success:

5 Case studies of The World’s Best Spiritual Turnarounds You Can Swipe And Borrow For Use For Your Next Meditation Or Decision ”

I know how much of a PAIN it is to progress in spirituality and in material life. Families. Relationships, failing health and finance. Everyone harps on your weakness and you succumb. Dealig with weakness and struggles can be like salmon trying to swim upstream sometimes…

But you won’t have to worry about struggling with your weakness when you take action today and invest in “It.” That’s because we’re also going to include “How to turn your failure into success”—which you can use for your next meditation and decision

You’ll be inspired to take action thanks to this invaluable resource. Just open any one video watch it for 10 minutes and before you know you would be on your way to massive spiritual success.

“Imperfect is Perfect” will be a true life-saver for you, and boost the chances that your next meditation will be a winner. And you’ll only get this resource ONLY when you take action and add “It” to your cart.

Your Chance To Get “Self Realisation Secrets Club” and “Imperfect is Perfect” will disappear shortly.
So Take Action Right Now To Get Everything For The Discounted Price Of $997 or $1997 And Secure These “Must-Have” Bonuses For FREE!


By investing in It now, you’ll be getting the best deal and the biggest discount.

After July end at Midnight, the price will be going up.

You know I’m not messing around here. If you commit now – I’ll be happy to reward you.

You can even pay in 2instalments, making this practically unmissable for any spiritual seeker. Email me ifyou want to pay in instalments at [email protected]

This is a firm commitment. But if you can commit do it, you’ll be  a heck of a lot more happy, peaceful, abundant and more important self-realised.

Sri Vishwanath

P.S. Remember, here’s a list of some  principles that I’ll be introducing. Obviously, all the content hasn’t been decided, although I have already put together over 10 special reports, and hours of transformational videos for you

How Krishna Helped Arjun take the most important decision of his life and you can too.This factors into almost every piece of important decision I’ve ever taken
The Four Part formula that takes any spiritual seeker and make them eligible for Moksha in less than seven days. This is the essence of the training Sukhadeva gave to Parikshit in the banks of Ganges. You get four reports  which are quick to read and easy to absorb. By the end of the 4th day boom you are maya free and moksha eligible.
How to  hijack any state of mind and transform your failure into success. With this you can exit out of any mental trauma, addiction, fear, anxiety which you have been carrying for decades. This is plug and play… You get the exact framework to do it
Transform your lack of concentration and inability to discipline yourself into a beautiful spiritual experience that will unseat even the most exalted spiritual guru.
Grab your copy before July 30th at Midnight for just $997 or $1997. After that, we’re hiking the price back up to $2897.

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