Igor Ledochowski – Hypnotic Inductions Revealed (Fixed)

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Igor Ledochowski – Hypnotic Inductions Revealed (Fixed)
Igor Ledochowski – Hypnotic Inductions Revealed (Fixed)

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Igor Ledochowski – Hypnotic Inductions Revealed (Fixed)

Igor Ledochowski - Hypnotic Inductions Revealed (Fixed)

Igor Ledochowski – Hypnotic Inductions Revealed (Fixed)

Dear Reader,

On this page, you’re going to discover how even a complete beginner of hypnosis can “out class” hypnotists that have as much as 20-to-30 years private practice experience over them.

How is that even possible?

I’ll tell you in a moment.

But first let’s look at some facts:

There are no escaping some facts – for example:

If you want to be a great golfer — you HAVE to know how to consistently hit the ball where you want it to go.

If you want to be a great ballroom dancer – you HAVE to know how to move your feet to a rhythm.


If you want to be a great hypnotist…

You HAVE To Be Able To

Do Hypnotic Inductions

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It’s a FACT.

After all:

You cannot be a great (or even moderate) hypnotist if you cannot quickly and consistently put people into a hypnotic trance state.

And you cannot quickly and consistently put people into a hypnotic trance state UNLESS you know how to do hypnotic inductions.

Hypnotic inductions are required for you to lead somebody into an altered hypnotic reality where they focus on and comply more naturally to your other hypnotic suggestions.

In addition to that (and this is important for you to understand):

Hypnotic inductions (when carried out correctly) use the same principles and suggestions you’ll need to use later in a hypnotherapy session to suggest whatever outcome or healing you wish to offer people.

In other words:

If you do NOT understand how to correctly carry out a hypnotic induction then chances are high you’ll not be very effective in the suggestion phase and won’t be able to help people as much as you indeed through your hypnosis.

Worse than that — you won’t even know WHY you’re not being very effective with your hypnosis suggestions. Nor will you know WHY your subjects not responding well enough to your suggestions to get the desired outcome you’re both aiming for. And if you don’t know WHY you’re not getting the hypnosis results you’re aiming for…

You WON’T Know How

To Fix Them

You’ll be at a complete loss over what to do (or what not to do) to remedy the ineffective results you’re getting.

And that is NOT good for your confidence as a hypnotist.

Nor will it be any good for the subject (or client) you’re working with.

So the bottom line is this:

If you want to be an effective (results-consistent) hypnotist…

It is Essential That You’re Not Just

Good But Extremely Proficient At Doing

Hypnotic Inductions

Being just okay or “good-enough” at hypnotic inductions is NOT ENOUGH!

Thing is:

Even if you’re extremely proficient at doing a hypnotic induction…

Not everyone responds equally well to the same type of hypnotic induction.

One person may respond really well to, say, a hand clasp induction.

And the next person you see may NOT respond well to a hand clasp induction.

So if all you know is, say, the hand clasp induction (or any other type of hypnotic induction for that matter)… as soon as you are faced with a person who DOESN’T respond well (or at all!) to your hypnotic induction…

You Are Left With “Egg On Your Face”!

And that causes a real blow to your confidence as a hypnotist.

I get that.

Because for years I had very “hit-and-miss” results with hypnotic inductions.

One day I could do a hypnotic induction and everything worked perfectly – making me feel invincible as a hypnotist.

Then, on another day, I would go through a series of hypnotic inductions on a different person and NOTHING seemed to work — and it would make me doubt everything I thought I knew about hypnosis.

But it wasn’t that I was a bad hypnotist

Nor was it because I was an inconsistent hypnotist.

In fact, I later found out — the problem wasn’t really to do with me at all.

And let me reassure you:

If you’re having “hit and miss” results with your hypnotic inductions I can almost guarantee the problem is not with you, either.

Or at least not in the way you might expect.

See, I now know where I was going wrong with my hypnotic inductions early on in my hypnosis career. And oddly enough, you wouldn’t expect it to be a major problem (but it is).

Because a common (and major) problem that many hypnotists experience actually comes from following technique instructions “to the letter” on how to do a hypnotic induction… and then actually being successful at performing the hypnotic induction!

I know that sounds like an odd problem to have.

But I should know because it’s the exact unexpected problem I encountered when I first got into hypnosis.

What happened is this:

The first person I ever did a successful hypnotic induction on was when I was still at University.

As part of that hypnotic induction I suggested (as per the instructions I was following) that my friend’s arm could not move.

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Well guess what?

Eventually she did move her arm, lifting it up in the air.

And I (as the naive hypnotist) was brought back down to earth with a bump. I thought, there you go, I’ve messed it up.

But now – with far more hypnosis experience — I can look back on that first hypnotic induction and see clearly that I succeeded. It was my continual insistence that my friend keep “testing” her arm that actually installed in her a hypnotic suggestion that she could raiser her arm.

So the reality is that I was successful at the hypnotic induction AND I was successful at installing additional follow-on hypnotic suggestions in my friend.

At the time however, I was convinced I’d messed it up badly.

But here’s the really sad thing…

It was years before I could look back on that first hypnotic induction I did at University and “see” the PRINCIPLES that “underpinned” the technique I’d used.

And ONLY by having a deep understanding of the PRINCIPLES could I see WHY and HOW what I’d done as part of the hypnotic induction and follow-on suggestions had worked.

The point is this:

I’d learnt to do hypnotic inductions the same way almost every hypnotist learns to do hypnotic inductions — by following technique-based instructions.

I’d learnt to do hypnotic inductions the same way almost every hypnotist learns to do hypnotic inductions — by following technique-based instructions.

And because I’d learnt to do hypnotic inductions the “traditional way” (by learning only the techniques of the hypnotic inductions) it made me a very “hit and miss” hypnotist.

It wasn’t until I delved deeper into the PRINCIPLES “underlying” all the different techniques that go into all the different types of hypnotic inductions that everything began to “click” for me.

Once I understood the underlying PRINCIPLES in combination with the different techniques…

  • I was able to do hypnotic inductions FASTER and more elegantly than I could before.
  • I was able to ADAPT any hypnotic induction “on the fly” and tailor it to the individual person in front of me.
  • I became much more successful at getting my hypnotic suggestions accepted by everyone I encountered in my hypnosis work.

…and my confidence in my abilities as a hypnotist SOARED!


When you understand the underlying PRINCIPLES in combination with different hypnotic induction techniques…

Everything In Your Hypnosis Work

Will Begin To “Click” For You Too

  • You’ll be able to do hypnotic inductions FASTER and more elegantly than you ever could before.
  • You’ll be able to ADAPT any hypnotic induction “on the fly” and tailor it to the individual person in front of you.
  • You’ll become much more successful at getting your hypnotic suggestions accepted by everyone you encountered in your hypnosis work.
  • And your confidence in your abilities as a hypnotist will SOAR!

Thing is:

It’s still almost impossible to get the required training that teaches you the techniques of LOTS of different hypnotic inductions AS WELL AS the all-important PRINCIPLES that “underlay” all the different techniques of all the different types of hypnotic inductions.

That’s why I recently held an exclusive private live event called “Hypnotic Inductions Revealed”.

At that event, I taught all the techniques (as in SHOWED and DEMONSTRATED) of 17 different types of hypnotic inductions. And, it was at that event that I also…

Explained ALL The Underlying (“Hidden”) PRINCIPLES That Go Into Making Every Type Of Hypnotic Induction Work

It was, quite simply, the best training any hypnotist can get on being able to understand and APPLY (as well as ADAPT) lots of different hypnotic inductions to lots of different types of mindsets.

The additional good news for you is: You can now get (from this page) the full video training program I created from the “Hypnotic Inductions Revealed” event. That means that you too can also “sit in” on the very best training there is on becoming highly proficient at getting consistently successful results (and understanding WHY) from your hypnotic inductions and follow-on hypnotic suggestions.

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