Into the Mystery of Love and Relationships – Arathi Ma

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Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $25.00.


Into the Mystery of Love and Relationships – Arathi Ma Download. My sessions with Arathi Ma have been profoundly life-changing. I have been connected to th…

Into the Mystery of Love and Relationships – Arathi Ma
Into the Mystery of Love and Relationships – Arathi Ma

Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $25.00.


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The Transformation Show presents Arathi Ma’s Special Offer


  • Opening the heart for self love and others
  • Peace and contentment
  • Improved communication
  • Physical heart healing
  • Overall organ healing


“…that can only be described ?as bliss…”

My sessions with Arathi Ma have been profoundly life-changing. I have been connected to the being of my existence with the “having to do” dropping away from my journey of consciousness.

Since co-creating with Arathi Ma,

?I have felt more grounded, centered and a true sense of peace-of-mind and body that can only be described as bliss. Many thanks and

?blessing to you, Arathi Ma!

Matt Goltl

“…I didn’t even know existed within me…”

I just really love my teacher, my healer! I feel so blessed and lucky to be working with Arathi Ma. Her teachings, love, energy and healings are bringing such surrender, space and miracles to my life. I am deepening in ways I didn’t even know existed within me…I am forever devoted and eternally grateful. I have done lots of personal work and tried many many new and different healing techniques, but nothing, nothing is more loving and powerful than the work I am doing with now. Counselling and Body work has helped prepare me for this, but the work I am doing with her now is such a privilege and a joy ~ wow, just a blessing of spaciousness and healing. Thank you Arathi Ma, thank you ♥♥♥, I feel deeply honoured to be part of the work you are doing.

Kim Pretzer

“…there is so much love and beauty…”

Arathi Ma has not only healed me physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. My relationships have improved with the people in my life. My outlook on life is so positive now, which has changed completely from a year ago. I no longer have any feeling of depression. I wake up every morning knowing that there is so much love and beauty in the world and have a reason to smile everyday.

Happiness surrounds me, and I am continuously filled with love. I am able to see so much more beauty in the world and in people.I feel so much more love and happiness in my life.

I have so much love and gratitude for Arathi Ma for all the blessings she has given me.

She has truly enriched my life. For this I will be forever thankful.



Are you still looking for Love, for the special someone to share you life with?

Do you want to be and feel fulfilled? ~ Do you want to know Divine Love?

Enter the Dimensions of your Inner Heart and ?free yourself to love and be loved.

Is this still Happening to You?

  • Feeling lonely?
  • Hoping for a partner in your life?
  • Are you in conflict in your current relationship?
  • Do you feel invisible?
  • Do you feel unlovable?
  • Do you feel old and unattractive?
  • Are you just not happy?
  • Have you given up of ever finding someone amazing?
  • Are you looking for true communion?
  • Do you need to improve your communication avenues?
  • Do you self-sabotage?
  • Do you feel ugly and unworthy?
  • Do you feel disconnected from your body and/or your soul?
  • Are your communications disrupted?
  • Do you still feel hurt from a past relationship?
  • Do you still attract the wrong partners??
  • Is your physical heart ill?
  • Do you lack joy and enthusiasm for life in general?
  • Do you feel disconnected from God/Source?

Are you ready to open your heart?

Let’s together venture into the Realm of Love & Relationships!

  • Remember that you are Loveable.
  • Attract Love from within and without.
  • Receive the Healing Power of Love.
  • Eventually, Be Love, Become Love.

Arathi Ma’s Invitation is to:

  • Discover Sacred Divine Love
  • Begin Merging into Sacred Divine Love
  • Explore your Innermost Heart
  • Heal your Relation with your Parents
  • Heal your Relation with your Children
  • Attract a Beloved ~ Attract THE Beloved
  • Improve your Relation with your Partner & others
  • Improve your Relationship with your Body
  • Find Love within and without
  • Feel Loved. Know Love. Become Love
  • Open to and improve Passions
  • Become Magnetic to Love & Prosperity
  • Open true pathways to Relating
  • Create Good overall Health
  • Create Good Intuition
  • Experience Safety in your Life

Arathi Ma’s new package addresses the complexity of Love & Relationships in the Light of Source/God. Package Includes, 9 MP3s & 1 Bonus MP3 & 2 Package Upgrades
9 MP3s

1 ~ Opening to the Infinite Heart – MP3
2 ~ Seeking Refuge in the Heart of All there IS – MP3
3~ Childhood Love & Safety – MP3
4~ CommunicationPlus – MP3
5 ~ Protecting & Healing Your Heart – MP3
6 ~ Sacred Soul Body Union – MP3
7 ~ Personal Communication – MP3
8 ~ Your Attraction Factor – MP3
9 ~ Passion & Pleasure – MP3


SILENT MP3 ~ Aligning your Birth Charts – breaking free from limitations of current planetary birth 3:02 min?

?2 Energetic Package Upgrades: One Energetic upgrade of all MP3s in May 2018? and one in November 2018

?This package offers

  • Light frequencies of the True Central Heart of this Galaxy
  • The deep resonances of unconditional love
  • Vibrantly attractive natural magnetism
  • Healing of the psychic & physical Heart
  • And much more…

Open up to new aspects of your consciousness, sacre  heart, and being. Transcend the limitations of your current restrictions and tap into the wellspring of real Love, that awaits to be discovered within your own self.

Unleash yourself into being attractive and lovable in ways you haven’t allowed yourself before to envision, feel, or become.

Item 1: Opening to the Infinite Heart – ??MP3 – –  7:58 min

Foundation opening to the sacred space of the Infinite Heart. The whole body consciousness attunes to several spiritual qualities such as Peace, Light, Freedom, Stillness, and Neutrality. Clearing deeper pains and illusions of suffering pertaining to distortions of one’s own self-image, inviting contentment and gentle calmness of being in preparation to actively loving and living life, and in this context, to the rest of this package.

  • ?Opening Activation
  • Correction of empathic pathways
  • Illusions of “imperfections” removed
  • Peace
  • Stillness
  • Light
  • Infinity
  • Surrender
  • Humility
  • Gratitude

Item 2: Seeking Refuge in the Heart of All there IS – ?MP3 – 13:02 min

Bringing alive and maturing your inner centre that is the foundation for all matters of the heart and life in general. Dropping into trusting yourself unconditionally. We are setting the stage for healing deeper childhood wounding and conditionings, as well as time lines still active in you, that do not serve you anymore, so that you can open to the deeper aspects of your own heart. This includes clearing, healing, and upgrading current capacities on multitude levels in order to seek refuge with the source of your own existence.

  • Activating Remembrance of Source/God
  • Clearing of false matrix chaotic and anti-life programs
  • Clearings of entities, inter-dimensional beings
  • Clearings of astral cords
  • Clearings of implants
  • Repair of overall field
  • Improve overall energy meridian functioning
  • Yin-Yang balance
  • Astral and spiritual heart function improvements
  • Activations of kindness, gentleness, strength, courage, patience, wisdom
  • Turning off hatred, self-destruction, greed, jealousy, fear, criticism, impatience, dividing
  • Receiving resonance for a new or improved partnership

Item 3: Childhood Love & Safety – ?MP3 –  11:20 min

Transforming deeply buried emotions that may stem from different forms of abuse in order to experience a sense of safety and meaningfulness of one’s own existence.

  • Abandonment to belonging
  • Emotional deprivation to nourishment
  • Shaming to innocent ease
  • Controlling to trust
  • Entitlement to cooperation
  • Unworthy to worthiness and value
  • Inhibited to relaxed being
  • Seeking approval to certainty
  • Defective to feeling whole
  • Dependence to healthy independence
  • Pleasing to knowing
  • Mistrust to trust
  • Self-sacrificing to self care
  • Social isolation to social integration
  • Believing in failure to seeing successes
  • Overly vulnerable to feeling secure
  • Punitive towards self and others (can’t forgive easily) to compassion and allowing forgiveness
  • Enmeshment to knowing one’s own self and boundaries
  • Giving up early to endurance

Item 4: CommunicationPlus – MP3 – 12:37 min

Clearing of false and disruptive communication imprints and resetting overall neural activity to healthy functioning. Attuning to wholesome inter-communication dynamics within the body and society at large. Activating the courage to be truthful to your real feelings and the strength to express yourself towards your own heart and others while remaining conscious and aware, so that projecting and other patterns such as assuming and blaming fall away as tools to navigate through relationships of any kind.

  • Activation to higher Neutrality in subtler levels of body & mind
  • Diamond Mind Frequencies
  • Upgrading the overall nervous system
  • Dissipate false matrix confusion imprints
  • Remove back of neck attachments
  • Remove victim-tyrant pattern
  • Awareness to feelings & sensations
  • Strengthening balance and integrity
  • Forgiveness of self and others
  • Intuiting what others are truly saying and mean
  • Knowing one’s inner voice more clearly
  • Increasing attention to detail
  • Transforming the self-critic to pure attention
  • Elevating to greater levels of forgiveness
  • Sacred Heart Frequencies

Item 5: Protecting & Healing Your Heart – MP3 – 13:16 min

Opening into the inner divine well of one’s own infinite Worthiness and Love and clearing the walls of separation ?from the interconnected web of life and stepping back into one’s original remembrance of Self.

  • Divine Protection Download
  • Removal of false matrix chaotic and anti-life programs
  • ?Clearing separatist tendencies
  • Clearing multi-layered heart walls
  • Remove unhealthy soul ties
  • Releasing tendencies to leech from others
  • Stop getting drained in relationships
  • Close siphoning holes and vampirism
  • Releasing giving-your-power-away
  • Clear fears, trauma, fragmentations
  • Activate & unfold and aliven your multi-dimensional heart field
  • Protection via electro-magnetic field balance
  • Activate cell rejuvenation of physical heart
  • Ignoring false message transmitters
  • Removing parasites & implants
  • Improving soul inter-communication between you, your organ systems, plants, and animals

Item 6: Sacred Soul Body Union – MP3 – 11:22 min

Activating the pure Light on all levels and letting it purify your body on a cellular level including your heart and all organs. This MP3 is a good companion to the Passion & Pleasure MP3.

  • Clearing of out-dated energetic grid overlays
  • Golden-white Light cellular flow
  • Divine Blessings
  • ?DNA repair healing
  • Organs & all body tissues healing & rejuvenation
  • Pre-natal and early infancy years blockage clearing
  • General blockage clearing in abdomen
  • Trauma healing
  • Cellular reset to greater spiritual Self
  • Throat centre clearing??
  • Clearing restrictive beliefs and self-condemnation

Item 7: Personal Communication – MP3 – 5:04 min

Clearing and opening communication pathways that are especially necessary between masculine and feminine partners, children and parents, animals and owners. Activate, attune and upgrade communication pathways on all levels energetically, mental-emotionally and physically.
?RECEIVE clearing between :

  • You and your current partner
  • You and your mother
  • You and your father
  • You and your child/ren
  • You and other family members
  • You and your pet/s
  • You and your neighbours
  • You and your work place collegues bosses, etc
  • You and your body?
  • You and your spirit
  • Upgrading pathways
  • Clarity, focus, understanding, listening skills, forgiveness, etc.
  • True listening
  • To the point- concentration
  • Non-verbal alignment/integration
  • Thyroid balance

Item 8: Protecting & Healing Your Heart – MP3 – 14:15 min

Opening to your zero/centre point and allowing for dynamic and infinite balance, while releasing that which doesn’t serve you anymore, in order to become naturally attractive to all the good in life as well as a lovely partner.

  • Activation to your natural Magnetism
  • Release to be needed and to need others
  • ?Self Worth and Value
  • Deepening Magnetic Resonance to Source
  • Prosperity alignment? and upgrade
  • Health alignment and upgrade
  • Relationship capacity cleanse, alignment and upgrade
  • Joy, Bliss, Freedom alignment

Item 9: Passion & Pleasure – MP3 – 17:24 min

Opening to passion and pleasure rooted in the natural ease of innocence coupled with power, vitality, creativity, and youthfulness.

  • Original sin imprint clearing?
  • Clearing of slavery, hostile abuse, sin programs
  • Clearing of accident and invasive surgery pleasure disruptors
  • Clearing of Shame
  • Meridian clearings
  • Clear intimacy issues
  • Opening to play
  • Innocence
  • Openness to intimacy
  • Receiving & giving fully
  • Activating and harmonizing male-female circuits
  • Increase vitality
  • Increase creativity
  • Increase sense of youthfulness
  • Increase sense of sexy
  • Hormonal reset?


SILENT MP3 ~ Aligning your Birth Charts – breaking free from limitations of current planetary birth 3:02 min?

?2 Energetic Package Upgrades: One Energetic upgrade of all MP3s in May 2018? and one in November 2018


“I asked Arathi Ma to assist with my relationship with my partner, myself and my cats.  Arathi Ma was able to identify areas of energy disconnectswithin my household and provide material for me to listen to so things could be back in balance.  Many changes happened.  My cats are much happier in the environment and are no longer misbehaving.  I’m now married to the love of my life and our connection is stronger than ever.  We are planning a wonderful future together and we have great communication.

I’m really grateful for being introduced to Arathi Ma and her ability to connect with me to assist with the areas in my life that I was struggling with.

Much Love,”



“I believe that your MP3s have reset my thyroid. I did NOT have “on paper” lab work that showed hypothyroidism, but I did have classic dry skin, fatigue and the tell-tale eyebrow thinning on the outside third (so much that I haven’t plucked my brows since I was in my early 40s!) So I’d say, I had a very subtle subclinical case since a lot of people find that their blood work is in “normal” range and they have symptoms.

I have to say that my skin is less dry and my eyebrows are thicker!!! I can see the outer part of my brows without using eyebrow pencil. I also am less cold.”

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