Devaa and Elayne – The Inspiring Women Course

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Original price was: $187.00.Current price is: $42.00.


Devaa and Elayne – The Inspiring Women Course
Devaa and Elayne – The Inspiring Women Course

Original price was: $187.00.Current price is: $42.00.


Devaa and Elayne – The Inspiring Women Course

Devaa and Elayne – The Inspiring Women Course

To download the call from Sunday, June 12th with Devaa and Elayne, click here
You know who you are. You’re already an inspiring woman who senses even greater possibilities for your life. You’re self-aware, motivated, passionate and inspired to make a difference in the world, touch more people and be the brightest light you can be. And now you’re ready to shine even brighter – and help our collective in profound ways.
It’s clear our feminine qualities are vitally needed in this emerging new era – as we move from a masculine-dominant culture into one that’s based on principles of love, cooperation and peace. The world clearly needs YOU, your brilliant gifts and your unique contribution in these shifting times.
Yet you may wonder HOW to get your voice, your talents and your gifts out there in the biggest way possible and expand your reach. How do you magnify your ability to bless the world? And HOW do you stay balanced, healthy and mindful of your finances, your health, your relationships and your valuable “you” time?
And what about those curve balls life can throw that pull us off track?
From our experience and from deep dialogues we’ve had with hundreds of women leaders and thousands of women just like you, we offer one solution with The Inspiring Woman Course.
It’s a deep dive into accessing, activating and embodying the 5 essential qualities of an inspiring woman – soulful presence, openheartedness, creative vision, authentic power and passionate service. Qualities that are at the core of what so many leaders have shared with us.
And what we’ve found is when you live from these essential qualities, you’re able to harness your gifts, amplify your purpose for being here and magnetize all good possibilities for your life to make your greatest contribution – even in the midst of life’s toughest challenges.
Then, when you join with a community of authentic, conscious and caring women who are supporting you to truly be of more passionate and loving service in the world, amazing things happen!
You become a force of love and aliveness to be reckoned with. You’re available to show up and give your greatest gifts in each moment. You activate your visionary genius, and share it with clarity, integrity and power. You change the world with your very presence. You move mountains.
BONUS #1 – Free Workshop with Marcia Wieder, America’s Dream Coach
12 Ways to be a 21st Century Leader
Dream University Founder and CEO Marcia Wieder, who has inspired millions to realize their greatest dreams, will offer the most practical ways you can take your gifts out into the world and be an inspiring woman leader in these pivotal times. In this 90-minute presentation, you will learn to:

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Connect deeply with who you are, why you’re here and how you can live in integrity with your soul
Understand a new way to dream and learn a profound and proven method for finding and accomplishing any dream
Trust at a deeper level, take greater risks and understand how to remove fear, doubt and other obstacles to see your big dreams come to life
Marcia Wieder, CEO/ Founder of Dream University® is leading a Dream Movement. She’s been coaching, training and speaking for 20 years. Her inspiring message has touched audiences from 50-5000 at companies like AT&T and American Express.
The author of 14 books and a thought leader on vision, she has appeared on Oprah often and Today. Whether teaching at the Stanford Business School, speaking to executives in China, or at Girl Scout Camp, her riveting style impacts audiences world-wide. She is the personal Dream Coach to Jack Canfield, stars in Beyond the Secret with Bob Proctor and is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council with Lynne Twist and Marianne Williamson.
As past president of the National Association of Women Business Owners she assisted former U.S. presidents, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and George Bush Sr. As a columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle, she urged readers to take “The Great Dream Challenge.”
BONUS #2 – Free Copy of Sustainability Pioneer Susan Davis’ e-book, Trojan Horse of Love
Susan Davis has created 20 sustainability innovation networks over the last 35 years to help create organics, renewables, women’s economic empowerment, the social venture capital industry, the corporate socially responsible industry, developing world micro-enterprise and a way residents can green their towns. She now offers a heartfelt story of 20 leaders who have created innovative methods to manifest sustainability based on love, trust and generosity — in the most cost-efficient and time-efficient way. You’ll be inspired on your own destiny path to discover your kindred spirits with this remarkable e-book.
Here’s what futurist and evolutionary economist Hazel Henderson says about Susan:
“Susan is a founder of the socially-responsible investing movement and a co-creator of many for-profit social ventures and non-profit innovation networks. Her networking is visionary and legendary for its many successful outcomes. She has attracted thousands of finance leaders as her kindred spirits to create the ‘KINS Innovation Networks’ that she describes in her book, The Trojan Horse of Love.”
BONUS #3 – Leveraging Your Networks with Generosity, Trust & Love
In this LIVE teleworkshop Susan Davis, one of the top network-builders in the world, will offer you the keys to activating a new paradigm of leadership in your community based on the principles of generosity, trust and love. She will help you put in action the concept of “caring economics” within your abundantly resourceful community and empower you with a new belief “that we have everything we need as a collective.” In this highly practical workshop, you will take steps to:
Shift from the career path to the destiny path, the path of joy
Create social connections that can increase the abundance of all
Connect to the web of resources available to all of us in every moment
Maximize your ability to give and receive abundance
Explore methods for sharing power in a healthy way
Ask for support by inviting others to share their gifts
Susan Davis left a Division Administrator position for Harris Bank’s Personal Trust Group after nine years to start Capital Missions Company (CMC), a social venture consulting firm, in June of 1990. From 1965 to 1979, Susan helped start five social ventures: Boston’s black newspaper under publisher Melvin Miller (1965); an urban affairs publishing firm under John Naisbitt (1968); the country’s first minority enterprise publication (1969); the first national publication for working women (1969); and ShoreBank Corp. under Ron Grzywinski (1973). Susan launched the Development Deposit Program at ShoreBank as one of country’s first “cause-related marketing programs.”
Ms. Davis used these experiences in business and finance to create a unique networking innovation method now proven successful through 21 networks created over a 31-year period. This method, called KINS® (Key Initiator Network Strategy), uses nature as a model for innovation following a simple 9-step method anchored by 30 people from 30 diverse constituencies.
Susan has used KINS to create a social venture capital industry (Investors’ Circle) and a socially-responsible business industry (Social Venture Network). KINS has proved effective to target business parity for women (Committee of 200), to “make solar happen for the world” (Solar Circle), to create a better mousetrap for venture capital (Solaria Investors’ Circle) and teach women investors to invest in women-led businesses (Capital Circle) and teach business leaders “EarthCare” (Kindred Spirits Network)—among many others! She launched the Tipping Point Network with the mission of catalyzing a globally sustainable economy. She is now launching a KINS network pro bono in Vilcabamba, Ecuador in collaboration with and
BONUS #4 – Free Workshop with Lynne Twist, money expert and author of “The Soul of Money” (July 17th 10am Pacific)
Transform Your Relationship with Money and Your Life!
Soul of Money Institute founder, Lynne Twist, supports and empowers people to find peace and fulfillment in their relationship with money and the money culture.
In this highly practical presentation with Lynne, you will:
Uncover how your money attitudes—how you earn, spend, invest, and give it away—offer important insights into who you are and who you want to be
Learn practical principles to replace feelings of scarcity and lack with sufficiency and freedom
Explore how what you appreciate “appreciates.”
“When we enter the domain of money, there often seems to be a disconnect from the soulful person we have known ourselves to be. It is as if we are suddenly transported to a different playing field where all the rules have changed. In the grip of money, those wonderful qualities of soul seem to be less available.”—Lynne Twist
Lynne Twist — a global activist, fundraiser, speaker, consultant, and author — has dedicated her life to global initiatives that serve the best instincts in all of us. She has raised hundreds of millions of dollars and trained thousands of fundraisers to be more effective in their work.
Lynne has spent more than three decades working in positions of leadership with many global initiatives including: ending world hunger, protecting the world’s rainforests, empowering indigenous peoples, improving health, economic, and political conditions for women and children, advancing the scientific understanding of human consciousness, creating a sustainable future for all life.
The compelling stories and insights gained from her experiences inspire Lynne’s keynotes and workshops, and are the foundation for her best selling, award winning book The Soul of Money.

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