Holly Tse – Chinese Reflexology for Women 40, 50 & Beyond

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.


Holly Tse – Chinese Reflexology for Women 40, 50 & Beyond
Holly Tse – Chinese Reflexology for Women 40, 50 & Beyond

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.


Holly Tse – Chinese Reflexology for Women 40, 50 & Beyond

Holly Tse - Chinese Reflexology for Women 40, 50 & Beyond

Archive: https://archive.is/iErs6

Unlock the power to heal your body with easy practices that support and replenish your natural energy, as well as address underlying imbalances.
Discover how an ancient healing art can help you take control of your health with a customized routine using key Chinese reflexology points — to help you sleep better, feel calmer (mentally and emotionally) and enjoy your full vitality!
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

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Course sessions are on Thursdays at Noon Pacific.
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Holly will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully unlock your innate power to heal your body through Chinese reflexology.
Each weekly LIVE contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your balanced and harmonize flow of qi through practicing this ancient healing art.
Module 1: Boost Your Life Force for a Fountain of Youth (November 9)
We begin with building a solid foundation to replenish your qi — the universal life force energy — so that you feel decades younger than your chronological age. In this first module, you’ll gain an understanding of how abundant flowing qi is the cornerstone to health and vitality. You’ll learn how energy affects the physical body, and how you can use the ancient healing art of Chinese reflexology to feel stronger, healthier and revitalized.
In this session, you’ll discover:
Why the kidneys hold the key to longevity and slowing the aging process
How to locate and massage your kidney reflexology points with step-by-step video instruction
How you can test the energy levels of your life force “battery” to recharge for health, resilience and longevity
The best methods for practicing Chinese reflexology so that you’re in harmony with your body’s natural healing rhythms
The wisdom revealed by listening to your feet — know exactly what your body needs to navigate change and thrive
Module 2: Strengthen Digestion for Energy & Metabolism (November 16)
Discover how the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective on digestion and metabolism differs dramatically from the Western view. In this module, you’ll gain essential knowledge for maintaining your weight, muscle strength and bone density in your 40s, 50s, and beyond.
A strong digestive system is also a critical component for overall health and vitality. When you nourish your body, mind, and spirit, your energy levels soar. You have the get-up-and-go to tackle projects, stick to an exercise routine, and enjoy life to the fullest.
In this session, you’ll discover:
Why the spleen is the most important organ and energy meridian for strong and robust digestion to ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs to thrive
3 activities that could be sabotaging your efforts to lose weight, and why women are more likely to be affected than men — hint: almost everyone does this when they’re on a diet
How to use Chinese reflexology to overcome feelings of fatigue and sluggishness so that you wake up energized, alert and ready to face the day
How to connect with your Dragon Spirit (your emotional and spiritual energies) to boost your energy levels by releasing fear and worry, and reigniting your sense of adventure and passion for life
Module 3: Use Chinese Reflexology as “Medicine” to Harmonize Your Body (November 30)The endocrine system is the body’s system for maintaining balance and equilibrium. Endocrine glands produce hormones that influence and regulate multiple functions in the body. In this session, you’ll find out how hormonal changes during menopause impact everything from sleep and metabolism, to mood and blood pressure. Learn how to restore balance with two powerful Chinese reflexology points that support your endocrine system.
In this session, you’ll discover:
An alternative to synthetic hormones: how to balance your hormones naturally by working with the “master gland” of the endocrine system
A simple way to test whether stress levels are overwhelming your body’s equilibrium even if you think you’ve got everything under control
How an out of balance endocrine system can contribute to low energy levels, chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, sleep problems and anxiety
Ways to improve the quality of your sleep using all of the Chinese reflexology points that you’ve learned to date
Module 4: Get Your Qi Flowing for Beauty, Blood & Bliss (December 7)
Chronic stress accelerates the aging process and also disrupts the smooth flow of qi in your body. In this module, you’ll learn ancient Chinese wisdom on how to counteract the effects of stress so that you feel more relaxed and at ease.
As the qi circulates more freely in your body, your outer world changes. You feel like you’re in the flow again so that life feels lighter and more joyful. And the side effect? You look and feel years younger because your inner beauty is shining through.
In this session, you’ll learn:

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2 powerful points on your feet that have many benefits, including calming the spirit, addressing the root cause of hot flashes, helping the body detox, and supporting the reproductive system
How to get your qi flowing to clear energy blocks and release the effects of years of stress
Why restoring balance in the liver meridian “hydrates” skin from the inside out for a healthy glow — hint: it’s in the blood
How the 3 essential reflexology points for women’s health work together to balance your body and reignite your vitality
Module 5: Creating the Foundation for Healthy Breasts by “Getting It Off Your Chest” (December 14)
Women over the age of 40 are encouraged to get regular mammograms to screen for abnormalities in the breasts, and then treat disease in the early stages. In this module, you’ll learn about the energetic roots — both mental and physical — that can lead to the development of breast lumps. This knowledge is incredibly empowering, because you’ll know how to address energy imbalances in your breasts before they manifest in your body.
In this session, you’ll discover:
The importance of harmony of yin and yang — the feminine and masculine elements in all living things — for breast health
How to massage the Chinese reflexology breast point to clear energy blocks that disrupt the smooth flow of qi through the chest
Understand how nodules, cysts, and lumps form from Chinese medicine perspective so that you can take action to have healthy breasts for life
Guidance from your Dragon Spirit to get things off your chest, clear old wounds, and resolve buried emotions so that they no longer create toxic energy in your body
How to fall in love with your body and realize the perfection in who you are right now
Module 6: Replenish Yin & Yang Energies for Divine Feminine Power (December 21)
In this module, we’ll explore yin and yang from a creative perspective to help you realize your Divine Feminine power. You’ll learn why the reproductive system is at the heart of many of the changes during menopause and beyond, and how replenishing yin and yang can help restore balance. This lesson is about smoothing out the ride so that it no longer feels like a rollercoaster, but instead becomes an exciting opportunity for growth and expansion.
In this session, you’ll discover:
The ovaries’ role in balancing hormonal changes in the reproductive system
Ways to replenish yin and yang in your body to counteract the effects of changing hormone levels
How to massage the Chinese reflexology point for the ovaries to clear creative blocks so that you’re overflowing with ideas and inspiration
How to tap into YOUR feminine power to heal the collective consciousness from years of misogyny, self-loathing, and patriarchy
Module 7: Experience an Amazing Integration to Create the Next Chapter of Your Life (January 4)
Now it’s time to turn the page to the next chapter of your life — one of balance, flow, and vibrancy. In this final module, we’ll take everything you’ve learned to create a big picture view so that you feel empowered with the tools and knowledge for amazing health and vitality. You’ll also gain an awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the uniqueness of the woman’s soul for guidance and clarity.
In this session, you’ll learn:
A simple reflexology routine you can practice to help balance your hormones, clear energy blocks, and boost your vitality
The secret to recharging your life force “battery” through leveraging your creativity
How harmony and balance in the reproductive system is related to longevity and good health
An easy way to test the Chinese reflexology uterus point to help you follow your heart and express your brilliance

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